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Route of the Eriksgata

Eriksgata(i.e. "Erik's Road" ) was the tour traditionally taken in theMiddle Agesby a newly-electedSwedish kingthrough the important provinces of the realm to have his election confirmed by the localassemblies.The actual election took place at theStone of MorainUpplandand participation was originally restricted to the people in Uppland orSvealand,hence the need for having the election confirmed by the other regions. The Eriksgata gradually lost its influence when representatives from almost all parts of Sweden participated in the election at the stone of Mora from the 14th century. After 1544, the Swedish King was no longer elected, and instead inherited his throne. This meant that the Eriksgata thereafter had only symbolic importance. The last King to travel the Eriksgata according to the old law wasCharles IX(1604-1611). LaterKings of Swedenhave made visits to Swedish provinces and called them an "Eriksgata", but those visits have no resemblance to the old medieval tradition.

The earliest reference of an Eriksgata is probably fromSaxo Grammaticuswho c. 1200 wrote about the struggle for theSwedish crownin the 1120s in hisGesta Danorum.But the tradition is probably much older than that.

The Eriksgata journey was not without risks since there is at least one example of a King being killed during his Eriksgata. This is the incident from the 1120s recorded by Saxo Grammaticus and also in an appendix to theVästgöta law.According to these sources, the newly elected KingRagnvald Knaphövdecarelessly decided not to take along the customary hostages from prominent local families while travelling throughVästergötland,even though a rival candidate for the throne had gained support in the province. According toVästgötalagenRagnvald's decision was taken as an insult to the people of Västergötland, since it showed that he did not fear them, and they killed him in Karlepitt (an unknown location in Västergötland).
