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Family of David IV of Georgia

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David the Builder. A 16th-century fresco from theGelati monastery.

Thefamily ofDavid IV the Builder(Georgian:დავით IV აღმაშენებელი),King of Georgia(r.1089–1125), was part of theBagrationi dynasty.The dynasty had made their appearance in the Georgian lands in the 8th century and succeeded in unifying several native polities into a unified kingdom by 1008. David IV concluded this process of unification, setting stage for a Georgian domination in theCaucasus.

Like his Bagratid ancestors, David entertained claims ofdescentfrom thebiblicalkingDavid.He was a direct descendant of the first Georgian Bagratid monarchAshot I(died 826/830) and bore known lineage, among others, from theAbkhazian,Alanian,Artsruni,Bagratuni,andGuaramiddynasties. David's immediate family consisted of his two successive wives and several children, of whom four are relatively better documented.

Parents and parental relations[edit]

According to theLife of King of Kings David(ცხორებაჲ მეფეთ-მეფისა დავითისი), writtenc.1123–1126, David was the only son of KingGeorge II(r. 1072–1089).[1]The contemporaneous Armenian chroniclerMatthew of Edessamentions David's brother Totorme.[2]The latter, according to the modern historianRobert W. Thomson,was his sister.[1]The name of David's mother, Elene, is recorded in a margin note in theGospel of Matthewfrom the Tskarostavi monastery; she is otherwise unattested.[3]David bore the name of the biblical king-prophet, whose78th descendanthe was claimed to be.[1]

Through his father, David had ancestors among the most prominent dynasties of the Caucasus. David's grandfather was KingBagrat IV of Georgiaand his grandmother was an Alan princessBorena.Besides he had in-law relations inConstantinople.David's paternal auntMarta-Mariawas a consort of the successiveByzantine emperorsMichael VII DoukasandNikephoros III Botaneiates.[4]

Immediate family[edit]


Different sources mention David's two wives of whom one, unnamed, was an Armenian lady; the other, Gurandukht, aCuman-Kipchak,is the only one who can be precisely identified.[5]

The Armenian chronicler Matthew of Edessa says that David's eldest sonDemetriuswas born from an Armenian woman.[2]She is not mentioned in the surviving Georgian documents.[6]A reference to the former wife of David, a king of Georgia, is found in the letter of Ansellus,cantorof theHoly Sepulchre,dating fromc.1120, with which he was sending a relic of theTrue Crossto thebishop of Paris.Ansellus reports that he acquired the relic from a convent of Georgian nuns only recently established inJerusalemunder the patronage of theLatin patriarchGhibbelin.Ansellus names the founder of the nunnery as King David's "widow". Since David died only in 1125, the lady of Ansellus's letter may have been his first wife, whom he divorced for political reasons in order to marry a Kipchak princess.[6]According to the modern historianCyril Toumanoff,David's repudiation of his first marriage occurredc.1107. The same author hypothesizes that David's Armenian wife was called Rusudan and she mothered all of David's children.[7]The modern Georgian genealogists Ioseb Bichikashvili and Yuri Chikovani assume that David's elder children were born of his first marriage and at least one son, called Vakhtang, was produced from the second marriage to Gurandukht.[8]

Gurandukht, a daughter of "the supreme leader of the Kipchaks"Otrok(Atraka), was the only wife of David mentioned by his medieval Georgian biographer. He married her years before therecruitmentof around 40,000 of the Kipchaks in the Georgian service, which David effected c. 1118.Gurandukhtis aPersianatename popular in medieval Georgia; her original Turkic name is unknown as are the details of her life. The chronicler of David praises Gurandukht's virtues and points out that the marriage helped David to secure the transfer of the Kipchak families as allies of the Georgian crown.[5][9]


Demetrius I, son of David IV. A fresco from theMatskhvarishi church of the Savior,dated to 1140.

TheLife of King of Kings Davidmentions David's four children, two sons—DemetriusandVakhtang—and two daughters—TamarandKata.

Demetrius (Demetre), born c. 1093, was the eldest son of David IV and succeeded him to the throne of Georgia (r. 1125–1155). Vakhtang, whose birth c. 1118 is mentioned in passing by David's chronicler,[10]is further known only from theWill of King David,a 12th-century document of questionable authenticity, which also gives his possible sobriquet Tsuata.[11]There is a reference to David's other possible son "Gorgi" (George, Giorgi) in the 13th-century Armenian chronicle ofVardan Areveltsi,[12]but the passage, relating a conspiracy against Demetrius I in 1030, was corrupted by the later copyists and it remains open to more than one interpretation.[13]

David's daughter Tamar was given in marriage to theshah of ShirvanManuchehr III.She founded themonastery of Tighvain Georgia and became a nun in widowhood. Kata married into the Byzantine imperial family c. 1116. The identity of her husband is not revealed by the medieval sources. He may have beenIsaac Komnenos(a son of the emperorAlexios I Komnenos), Alexios Bryennios (a son ofNikephoros Bryennios the YoungerandAnna Komnena), orAlexios Komnenos(a son of the emperorJohn II Komnenos). If the first theory is true and Helene, a daughter of Isaac and Kata, was indeed the wife of theRurikidRus'princeYuri Dolgorukiy,then this marriage may have provided, throughdescent from antiquity,a Bagratid ancestry to numerous Russian and Polish descendants.[14]

The 13th-century Georgian chronicle,the Histories and Eulogies of the Sovereigns,mentions yet another daughter of David who was married off in Alania, "Ovset'i" of the Georgian sources. According to the modern genealogists such as Ioseb Bichikashvili and Cyril Toumanoff, she was named Rusudan and married into the family of Alan kings, which is claimed by the 18th-century Georgian authorPrince Vakhushtito have been a collateral branch of the Georgian Bagratids through their descent fromDemetrius,son of KingGeorge I of Georgia(r. 1014–1027), and of whichDavid Soslan,consort of QueenTamar of Georgia(r. 1184–1213), was the most famous representative.[5]According to Cyril Toumanoff, Rusudan wed the Alan king Jadaron, David Soslan's father, of Vakhushti's account,[7]while Ioseb Bichikashvili makes her the wife of David, Jadaron's hypothetical grandfather.[8]

In total, Cyril Toumanoff tentatively identifies seven of David's children: Demetrius, George, Rusudan, Zurab, Vakhtang, Tamar and Kata.[7]Zurab, otherwise unknown, is mentioned, along with David's successor Demetrius, in a brief chronology of the Georgian history attached to an 18th-century manuscript found and published, in 1912, byEkvtime Taqaishvili.Taqaishvili, however, himself rejected his earlier identification of Zurab and Demetrius as two different sons of David IV and concluded that Zurab, derived fromSohrab,the name of a character from the Persian epicShahnameh,might have been applied to Demetrius as an epithet just like the medieval poetIoane Shavtelicompared David IV's valor toRostam,another hero from theShahnameh.[15]


  1. ^abcThomson 1996,p. 315.
  2. ^abDostourian 1993,p. 231.
  3. ^Antelava 2002,pp. 388–391.
  4. ^Garland & Rapp 2006,pp. 120–121.
  5. ^abcRapp 1997,p. 620.
  6. ^abAvalishvili 1936,p. 10–11.
  7. ^abcToumanoff 1976,p. 123.
  8. ^abDumin 1996,p. 36.
  9. ^Thomson 1996,pp. 325, 327.
  10. ^Thomson 1996,p. 328.
  11. ^Lordkipanidze 1979,pp. 211–212.
  12. ^Hacikyan et al. 2002,p. 491.
  13. ^Javakhishvili 1983,p. 204.
  14. ^Prinke 2011,pp. 489–490.
  15. ^Taqaishvili 1912,pp. 38, 57.


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