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Faulty generalization

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Afaulty generalizationis aninformal fallacywherein a conclusion is drawn about all or many instances of a phenomenon on the basis of one or a few instances of that phenomenon. It is similar to aproof by exampleinmathematics.[1]It is an example ofjumping to conclusions.[2]For example, one maygeneralizeabout all people or all members of a group from what one knows about just one or a few people:

  • If one meets a rude person from a given country X, one may suspect that most people in country X are rude.
  • If one sees only white swans, one may suspect that all swans are white.

Expressed in more precise philosophical language, afallacy of defective inductionis aconclusionthat has been made on the basis of weak premises, or one which is not justified by sufficient or unbiased evidence.[3]Unlikefallacies of relevance,in fallacies of defective induction, the premises are related to the conclusions, yet only weakly buttress the conclusions, hence a faulty generalization is produced. The essence of thisinductive fallacylies on the overestimation of an argument based on insufficiently-large samples under an implied margin or error.[2]


A faulty generalization often follows the following format:

The proportion Q of the sample has attribute A.
Therefore, the proportion Q of the population has attribute A.

Such a generalization proceeds from a premise about asample(often unrepresentative or biased), to a conclusion about the population itself.[3]

Faulty generalization is also a mode of thinking that takes the experiences of one person or one group, and incorrectly extends it to another.

Inductive fallacies[edit]

  • Hasty generalization is the fallacy of examining just one or very few examples or studying a single case and generalizing that to be representative of the whole class of objects or phenomena.
  • The opposite,slothful induction,is the fallacy of denying the logical conclusion of an inductive argument, dismissing an effect as "just a coincidence" when it is very likely not.
  • Theoverwhelming exceptionis related to the hasty generalization but works from the other end. It is a generalization that is accurate, but tags on a qualification that eliminates enough cases (as exceptions); that what remains is much less impressive than what the original statement might have led one to assume.
  • Fallacy of unrepresentative samplesis a fallacy where a conclusion is drawn using samples that are unrepresentative or biased.[4]
  • Misleading vividnessis a kind of hasty generalization that appeals to the senses.
  • Statistical special pleading occurs when the interpretation of the relevant statistic is "massaged" by looking for ways to reclassify or requantify data from one portion of results, but not applying the same scrutiny to other categories.[5]
  • This can be considered a special case of thefallacy of composition,where the item under discussion is a group, and the fallacy is what can be derived from knowledge of part of the item.

Hasty generalization[edit]

Hasty generalizationis aninformal fallacyof faulty generalization, which involves reaching aninductivegeneralization based on insufficient evidence[3]—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables or enough evidence. In statistics, it may involve basing broad conclusions regarding astatistical surveyfrom a smallsample groupthat fails to sufficiently represent an entire population.[1][6][7]Its opposite fallacy is calledslothful induction,which consists of denying a reasonable conclusion of an inductive argument (e.g. "it was just a coincidence" ).


Hasty generalization usually follows the pattern:

  1. X is true for A.
  2. X is true for B.
  3. Therefore, X is true for C, D, E, etc.

For example, if a person travels through a town for the first time and sees 10 people, all of them children, they may erroneously conclude that there are no adult residents in the town.

Alternatively, a person might look at a number line, and notice that the number 1 is asquare number;3 is aprime number,5 is a prime number, and 7 is a prime number; 9 is a square number; 11 is a prime number, and 13 is a prime number. From these observations, the person might claim that all odd numbers are either prime or square, while in reality, 15 is an example that disproves the claim.

Alternative names[edit]

The fallacy is also known as:

  • Black swan fallacy
  • Illicit generalization
  • Fallacy of insufficient sample
  • Generalization from the particular
  • Leaping to a conclusion
  • Blanket statement
  • Hasty induction
  • Law of small numbers
  • Unrepresentative sample
  • Secundum quid

When referring to a generalization made from a single example, the termsfallacy of the lonely fact,[8]or thefallacy of proof by example,might be used.[9]

When evidence is intentionally excluded to bias the result, the fallacy of exclusion—a form ofselection bias—is said to be involved.[10]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abBennett, Bo."Hasty Generalization".logicallyfallacious.com.Retrieved2019-12-05.
  2. ^abDowden, Bradley."Hasty Generalization".Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Retrieved2019-12-05.
  3. ^abcNordquist, Richard."Logical Fallacies: Examples of Hasty Generalizations".ThoughtCo.Retrieved2019-12-05.
  4. ^Dowden, Bradley."Fallacies — Unrepresentative Sample".Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Retrieved2019-12-05.
  5. ^Fischer, D. H.(1970),Historians' Fallacies: Toward A Logic of Historical Thought,Harper torchbooks (first ed.), New York: HarperCollins, pp. 110–113,ISBN978-0-06-131545-9,OCLC185446787
  6. ^"Fallacy: Hasty Generalization (Nizkor Project)".Archived fromthe originalon 2008-12-17.Retrieved2008-10-01.
  7. ^"Fallacy".www.ditext.com.Retrieved2019-12-05.
  8. ^Fischer, David Hackett (1970).Historians' Fallacies: Toward a Logic of Historical Thought.HarperCollins. pp.109–110.ISBN978-0-06-131545-9.
  9. ^Marchant, Jamie."Logical Fallacies".Archived fromthe originalon 2012-06-30.Retrieved2011-04-26.
  10. ^"Unrepresentative Sample".Archivedfrom the original on 2008-04-15.Retrieved2008-09-01.