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February 1901

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February 7, 1901: Netherlands royal wedding of Queen Wilhelmina and Prince Henry
February 22, 1901:The City of Rio de Janeirosinks as it arrives at San Francisco Bay, drowning 131 on board
February 21, 1901: GK Persei nova seen on Earth after 1,533 years

The following events occurred inFebruary 1901:

February 1, 1901 (Friday)


February 2, 1901 (Saturday)


February 3, 1901 (Sunday)


February 4, 1901 (Monday)


February 5, 1901 (Tuesday)

  • Thomas Edisondiscovered and patented the rechargeablenickel–iron batterysystem and made plans to market it commercially, but would soon come into conflict with Swedish inventorWaldemar Jungner,who had filed a patent inEuropeonly two weeks earlier (January 22) for a process using nickel-iron storage cells. The technologies would later be superseded by improvements on Jungner'snickel–cadmium battery.[31]
  • TheUnited States Senatevoted to declassify allUnited States Department of Statepapers relating to the peace negotiations that ended theSpanish–American War,including U.S. PresidentWilliam McKinley's instructions to the American negotiators. These would reveal, among other things, that the only territory that theUnited Statesoriginally had wantedSpainto completely give up wasPuerto Ricoand its surrounding islands. Other correspondence showed that the principal reason for acquiring "Porto Rico" was to expand the prestige of theUnited Statesin competition with other colonial powers.[32]
  • InEvansville, Indiana,a fire burned through the business district, causing $175,000 of damage.[33]
  • Henry E. Youtsey was sentenced to life imprisonment for being the principal conspirator in the 1900 assassination ofKentuckyGovernor-electWilliam Goebel.[34]After serving nearly 18 years of his sentence, however, Youtsey would be paroled on December 11, 1918,[35]and given a pardon by outgoingGovernorJames D. Blackon December 1, 1919.[36]
  • By act of theAlabama Legislature,the city ofDaphne, Alabama,ceased to be the county seat forBaldwin Countyand all county government offices and records were moved to the smaller town ofBay Minette.The legislation would precipitate a fight between the two cities, all the way to the state supreme court, as well as a violent confrontation during the October removal of the records.[37]
  • The West Florida Annexation Association, a group of businessmen led by Colonel J. J. Sullivan ofPensacola,appeared before theAlabama Legislatureand presented their proposal for annexation of that part of the state toAlabama.[38]
  • Abraham Esau, 35, acolouredcitizen of the BoerCape Colony,worked as a British spy during theSecond Boer Warafter local Boer commander refused to let the coloured citizens take up weapons to lead the fight. After theBoersretook the town ofCalvinia,Esau was eliminated by being dragged to the outskirts of town and shot, and his body was then displayed in the village as a warning. When the British routed theBoersthe next day, Esau was buried with fullBritish Armyhonors.[39]
  • Born:Gaston Schoukens,Belgian film director who made numerous comedies, melodramas and documentaries, including the first Belgian sound film,La famille Kelpkens,and the popular 1950 comedyUn Soir de Joie,as Felix Bell inBrussels(d.1961)

February 6, 1901 (Wednesday)


February 7, 1901 (Thursday)

  • GermanimmunologistPaul Uhlenhuthpublished his paperA Method for Investigation of Different Types of Blood, Especially for the Differential Diagnosis of Human Blood.In an understatement about the significance of his findings, Uhlenhuth commented as an aside, "It is noteworthy... that, after drying blood samples from men, horses and cattle on a board for four weeks and dissolving them in physiological NaCl solution, I was able to identify the human blood at once using my serum— a fact that should be of particular importance for forensic medicine." As an author would note more than a century later, "With these few words, Uhlenhuth announced the world that he had found the Holy Grail ofserology:a definitive test for the presence of human blood. "[49]
  • QueenWilhelmina of the Netherlandswas married toPrince Henry,with a civil ceremony at 11:00 a.m. atThe Hague,and a religious ceremony at noon.[50][51]
  • American sailors from theUSSLancasterwere attacked and beaten by a mob after they went ashore at the city ofLa GuairainVenezuela.[7]
  • Representatives of theChoctawandChickasawnations inOklahomasigned a draft of a proposed agreement with theUnited States Department of the Interiorfor division of their tribal lands inIndian Territory,but the initial plan would be rejected by theUnited States Congress.A binding agreement, as supplemented, would pass into law on July 1, 1902.[52]
  • Born:Alison Marjorie Ashby,Australian botanist and artist, inNorth Adelaide,Australia(d.1987)
  • Died:Benjamin Edward Woolf,64, British-American violinist, composer, and playwright, best known for the operasThe Mighty DollarandWestward Ho(b.1836)

February 8, 1901 (Friday)


February 9, 1901 (Saturday)

  • United States Secretary of WarElihu RootnotifiedLeonard Wood,the American Governor-General ofCuba,of five points that needed to go into the Constitution thatCubawas to adopt before independence could be granted. All of the points — American approval of Cuban treaties, limitations onCuba's ability to borrow money, the American right of intervention to maintain a stable government, continuation of laws implemented by the American occupational government, and permission to establish naval bases inCuba— meant thatCubawould function as an Americanprotectoraterather than a fully independent nation.[56]
  • Taking inspiration from the crusade ofCarrie Nation,an estimated 1,000 men and women inHolton, Kansas(out of a population of 3,082 that included children), assembled at local Methodist Church and then marched to the Hicks Saloon and destroyed its contents. According to reporters, "the gutters were deluged with a mixture of beer, whisky, and the usual poisonous decoctions dealt out by the Kansas jointists"[57]and then removed the bar fixtures, furniture, glassware, and a large mirror and destroyed them with sledgehammers. Thomas Balding and John Bimrod, two other proprietors, had removed their liquors earlier in anticipation of a raid, pledged that they would ship everything out of town by Monday, "and each gave his oath never to sell another drop of liquor in Holton".
  • Born:
  • Died:

February 10, 1901 (Sunday)


February 11, 1901 (Monday)

  • TheChicago Daily Tribunepublished a report thatFlorence Maybrick,an American woman who had been imprisoned since 1889 in theUnited Kingdomafter being convicted of poisoning her husband, was pardoned byKing Edwardafter more than 11 years and released from the women's prison atAylesbury,England.[67]To everyone's great disappointment, the story turned out to be false and was retracted the next day in the newspaper, but not before being reprinted by news outlets across the country.[68]
  • By a 15–14 vote, the Cuban constitutional convention changed an existing rule, making it possible for GeneralMáximo Gómezto become eligible to be thenation's president.[7]
  • Died:Milan,47,King of Serbiafrom 1882 until his sudden and unexplained abdication in 1889, in exile (b.1854)[69]

February 12, 1901 (Tuesday)


February 13, 1901 (Wednesday)


February 14, 1901 (Thursday)

  • Giuseppe Zanardellibecame the 16thPrime Minister of Italy.[79]
  • Martial lawwas declared inMadridin order for the royal wedding betweenPrincess Mercedes(the eldest daughter ofKing Alfonso) andPrince Carlosto commence.[7]
  • King Edwardopened his firstParliament of the United Kingdom,appearing in person before both houses.[80]The King insulted twelve million of hisRoman Catholicsubjects[81]when he uttered the exact words of theAccession Declaration(a requirement for a new monarch's first opening of Parliament) for the first time since 1837, as required by theAct of Settlement.The words from 200 years earlier required the monarch to declare that "I do believe that... the invocation or adoration of the Virgin Mary or any other Saint, and the Sacrifice of the Mass, as they are now used in the Church of Rome, are superstitious and idolatrous".[82][83]Irish M.P.John Redmond,himself a Roman Catholic, said afterward that the oath was "wantonly insulting" and warned that "as long as... His Majesty swears that Roman Catholics are idolatrous, I, for one, will oppose His Majesty's salary."[84]Redmond's fellow Irish members of the House of Commons voted against the King on civil matters afterward.[85]The King subsequently made known his "disgust" with the wording and requested the government to revise the Declaration before any future monarch had to open Parliament, a change that would come about in theAccession Declaration Acton August 3, 1910, prior to the opening of Parliament byKingGeorge V.[86]
  • Born:Sylvia Field,American actress (d.1998)[87]

February 15, 1901 (Friday)

  • At about 11:00 in the morning, 69 coal miners at the Wellington Colliery Company, nearCumberland, British Columbia,were killed in an explosion.[88]More than half of the fatalities (37 Chinese and nine Japanese) were Asian, and the other 27 were white. In the aftermath, the white miners who lived at nearbyNanaimoblamed the Chinese workers, and signed petitions protesting that the foreign-born workers were "dangerously incompetent" and demanded that all employees take a test to show their proficiency in either English or French. Soon afterward, calls were made for excluding all Asian immigrants fromBritish Columbia,and James H. Hawthornthwaite would win a by-election to the provincial legislature to champion the anti-Asian cause.[89]
  • TheRight-of-Way Actwas signed into law by U.S. PresidentWilliam McKinleyand permitted theUnited States Secretary of the Interiorto grant rights of way through any federally owned-land, including the Indian reservations and the four national parks then in existence (Yellowstone, Sequoia, Yosemite, and Mount Rainier), the sole standard being whether it was "incompatible with the public interest". A conservationist would write later, "The act was in most respects perfectly tailored for looters of the parks, for it authorized the Secretary to grant rights of way... for practically any sort of business that might want a right of way."[90]
  • TheAlianza Limafootball team was founded inPeru.
  • Born:João Branco Núncio,Portuguese bullfighter, inAlcácer do Sal,Portugal(d.1976)
  • Died:Karl G. Maeser,73, German-American academic, immigrant who was the first principal of the Brigham Young Academy and considered to be the founder ofBrigham Young University(b.1828)

February 16, 1901 (Saturday)

  • AtSaint Petersburg,Russian Foreign MinisterVladimir Lamsdorfpresented a revised treaty proposal toChina's Ambassador to theRussian Empire,Prince Yang-ju. Under the 12-article treaty,Chinawould retain ownership ofManchuria,but Russian troops would be allowed to occupy the territory to guard the railways there, andChinawould be forbidden from granting rail or mining privileges to anyone without Russian consent. The Chinese then "decided to try their hand at balance-of-power politics", leaking various versions of the treaties to theRussian Empire's rivals, the Japanese and British Empires.[91]
  • After theUnited Statesraised the tariff on imported Russian sugar,Russiaretaliated with a 30 percent increase on the tariff on American goods made of iron or steel.[92][93]
  • The town ofSouth Hill, Virginia,was chartered, after having been laid out in 1889.[94]
  • Most of the members of both houses of theAlabama Legislaturearrived inPensacola, Florida,at the invitation of the West Florida Annexation Association, to discuss the possibility of the western portion of that state being annexed. There were enough interested legislators to fill six passenger cars on a specially chartered train.[95]The plan envisioned by a committee was forAlabamato pay two million dollars toFloridato purchase Calhoun, Escambia, Holmes, Jackson, Santa Rosa, Walton and Washington Counties "if the rest of Florida and the Congress of the United States are willing, and if Governor Sanford of Alabama endorses the project, as do a majority of the Alabama legislators".[96]
  • Macedonian demonstrators in Sofia demanded independence for Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire.[97]

February 17, 1901 (Sunday)

  • William Knapp Thornbecame the first person to drive aMercedesautomobile in a race, when he entered his recently purchased Daimler-Mercedes in theCircuit du Sud-Ouestthat started at the French city ofPau.Only two kilometers in to the 330 kilometer race, Thorn's car flipped after a horse-drawn cart crossed into his path.[98]
  • Das klagende Lied,composed byGustav Mahlerin 1883 and then revised several times afterward, was performed for the very first time. Mahler himself conducted theWeiner choirand the Vienna Court Opera Orchestra at theMusikvereininVienna,nearly 18 years after writing it.[99]
  • Carles Casagemas,19, an art student and the best friend of artistPablo Picasso,died by shooting himself in the head after being rejected in love.[100]Picasso's "Blue Period"started, and for the next three years, Picasso, depressed at the loss of his friend, would paint his works in various shades of blue and blue-green.
  • Born:Philotheus Boehner,German Franciscan priest and scholar, as Heinrich Boehner inLichtenau, Westphalia,Germany(d.1955)

February 18, 1901 (Monday)


February 19, 1901 (Tuesday)

  • Thomas O'Donnell,anIrish Nationalistmember of theHouse of Commons of the United Kingdom,stunned his fellowmembers of parliamentwhen he rose to speak, and then started to address the group in theIrish language.[105]A representative for the constituency ofWest Kerry,began by saying, in Irish, "As an Irishman from an Irish-speaking constituency, a member of a nation which still preserves a language of its own and is still striving bravely for freedom..."[106]before he was interrupted by the House Speaker,William Gully,who recognized what O'Donnell was doing. As O'Donnell's fellow Irish MPs applauded, Gully called for order and informed him that he was "not entitled to address the Commons in a language which they did not understand". O'Donnell then asked the Speaker, in Irish, "Is it not true that Irish is my native language, the language of my ancestors, the language of my country?"John Redmondthen pointed out that there was "no written or unwritten rule against a member using the language which is most familiar to him", and Gully replied that there was no precedent for a member of Commons to give a speech in anything but English, and that "Not in the one hundred years of union has any Irishman tried to speak in Irish in this House until now."[107]The next day,The TimesofLondoncommented that "Public gratitude is due to one ingenious Irish gentleman— Mr. Thomas O'Donnell, M.P., for West Kerry, for relaxing the severity of the Parliamentary situation last night" during a bitter debate over theSecond Boer War.[108]
  • After criticizingGeneral Carringtonin print, theRhodesian Timeswas seized by British authorities undermartial lawand the staff was evicted.[92]
  • Born:Florence Green,last survivingWorld War Iveteran, as a member of theWomen's Royal Air Force;inEdmonton, London,England(d. 2012)[109]
  • Died:Paul Armand Silvestre,63, French poet[110]

February 20, 1901 (Wednesday)

Butch Cassidy
The Sundance Kid and Etta Place

February 21, 1901 (Thursday)

  • At the insistence of theUnited States,theEight-Nation AllianceoccupyingChinaagreed that none of their nations would acquire any additional Chinese territory without the approval of the others. CountAlfred von Walderseecalled off his intended expedition the following day.[112]
  • China'sImperial governmentbegan turning over the North China Railway to British control.[92]
  • InZürich,German-born physicistAlbert Einsteinbecame a citizen ofSwitzerland.[113]In 1922, the Swiss legation toBerlinwould respond to an inquiry and notifyGermany'sFederal Foreign Officethat Einstein had renounced his German citizenship.[114]
  • Scottish clergyman and amateur astronomerThomas David Andersonbecame the first person to notice thenovaGK Persei.[115]By February 23, it was the brightest star in the sky, reaching zero magnitude, but faded to 4th magnitude by March 15, and to a 7 by year's end. Photographs taken fromHarvard Universityof thePerseusconstellationon February 19 did not showGK Perseiamong stars as dim as the 11th magnitude, indicating that its explosion had been very rapid, increasing by at least eight magnitudes within 48 hours. Later identified as being 1,533 light years fromEarth,GK Perseihad apparently exploded in the year367 AD.[116]
  • Delegates inHavanasigned the final version of the new Constitution forCuba,in preparation from its transition from aUnited Statespossession to a quasi-independent republic under American protection.[117][118]
  • By a margin of 26 to 37, theUnited States Senatedefeated a measure that would have provided funds for post offices to createpneumatic tubedelivery systems in American cities. The vote was on a proposed amendment to the post office appropriation bill that would have budgeted $500,000 toward the technology. Besides stopping the expansion of the service, the vote also meant that the pneumatic tube systems operating inNew York City,Brooklyn,BostonandPhiladelphiawould halt at the end of the fiscal year on June 30.[119]

February 22, 1901 (Friday)


February 23, 1901 (Saturday)


February 24, 1901 (Sunday)

  • After 53 ballots without any single candidate attaining a majority, the legislature ofOregonelected former SenatorJohn H. Mitchellto be one of its twoUnited StatesSenators.[92]
  • Given a choice between committing suicide or being put to death, former Imperial Chinese officialsYing Lien and Chao Shu Chao[clarification needed]chose the former, cutting their throats in the presence of the Governor ofShaanxi province.[135]

February 25, 1901 (Monday)

U.S. Steel
Johnson and Choynski

February 26, 1901 (Tuesday)

  • Chi-hsui and Hsu-cheng-yu,Boxer Rebellionleaders, were publicly beheaded inBeijingin front of a crowd of about 10,000. The two had been in the custody of the Japanese Army and were remanded toChina's "Board of Punishments" for the executions. According toLieutenant ColonelGoro Shiba, the Japanese legation'smilitary attaché,he treated the two condemned men to champagne, and Chi-hsui told him "I do not know what I have done to make me deserving of death, but if beheading me will make the foreign troops evacuate Peking and my Emperor return, I am satisfied to die. I will die a patriot."[147]
  • Reports fromBombay(nowMumbai) inBritish Indiashowed that 400 people had died in aplague epidemicin just two days.[92]
  • Figures from the latest census of theGerman Empirewere released fromBerlin.As of December 1, 1900, the German population was 56,345,014 "of which number 27,731,067 were males". The growth rate of 7.70% in five years was the highest increase in 30 years.[148]
  • Died:Lucyna Ćwierczakiewiczowa,82, Polish writer (b.1829)

February 27, 1901 (Wednesday)


February 28, 1901 (Thursday)



  1. ^Gentry, Kynan (2015).History, Heritage, and Colonialism: Historical Consciousness, Britishness, and Cultural Identity in New Zealand, 1870–1940.Oxford University Press.p. 33.
  2. ^Perez, Louis G., ed. (2013). "Boxer Rebellion (1898–1900)".Japan at War: An Encyclopedia.ABC-CLIO.p. 38.
  3. ^Carradice, Phil(2014).A Town Built to Build Ships: The History of Pembroke Dock.Start Publishing.
  4. ^"Buy Last Link in Vast System of Railroads".Chicago Daily Tribune.February 2, 1901. p. 1.
  5. ^Views & Reviews.Views & Reviews Productions. 1971. p. 4.
  6. ^Owen, W. B. (1912)."Hall, Fitzedward".InLee, Sidney(ed.).Dictionary of National Biography(2nd supplement).London: Smith, Elder & Co.
  7. ^abcdefghThe American Monthly Review of Reviews(March 1901) pp. 285-287
  8. ^Mike Goldsmith,Discord: The Story of Noise(Oxford University Press, 2012) pp. 135-136
  9. ^Clayton D. Laurie,The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders, 1877–1945(Government Printing Office, 1997) p. 188
  10. ^"The Army Bill Is Signed",New York Times,February 3, 1901, p. 7
  11. ^Mary T. Sarnecky,A History of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps(University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999) p. 51
  12. ^"Davis, Benjamin O., Sr.", inAfrican Americans in the Military,Catherine Reef, ed. (Infobase Publishing, 2014) p. 70
  13. ^Michael Holroyd,Bernard Shaw: The One-Volume Definitive Edition(W. W. Norton & Company, 2012)
  14. ^Artur Weschler-Vered (1986).Jascha Heifetz.Robert Hale. p. 17.ISBN978-0-7090-2542-9.
  15. ^Cryer, Robert; Boister, Neil (2008).Documents on the Tokyo International Military Tribunal: Charter, Indictment, and Judgments.Oxford University Press.p. 306.
  16. ^Commire, Anne;Klezmer, Deborah (1999).Women in World History: Laa-Lyud.Yorkin Publications.p. 325.ISBN978-0-7876-4068-2– viaGoogle Books.
  17. ^"Arvid Wallman".International Olympic Committee.RetrievedMarch 11,2021.
  18. ^Thackeray, Frank W.; Findling, John E. (2012).Events That Formed the Modern World: From the European Renaissance through the War on Terror.ABC-CLIO.p. 221.
  19. ^Witzel, Morgen(2003).Fifty Key Figures in Management.Routledge.p. 105.
  20. ^Blainey, Geoffrey(2013).A Short History of Christianity.Rowman & Littlefield.p. 403.
  21. ^"Pirate Tom O'Brien Dead— Attempt to Cause Seasickness Led to Fatal Results".Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette.February 5, 1901. p. 6 – viaNewspapers.com.
  22. ^William Weaver,The Puccini Companion(W. W. Norton, 2000) p. 161
  23. ^Mosco Carner,Tosca(Cambridge University Press, 1985) p. 143
  24. ^"Barrymore Family", inBroadway: An Encyclopedia,by Ken Bloom (Routledge, 2013) p. 50
  25. ^The A to Z of American Theater: Modernism,James Fisher and Felicia Hardison Londré (Scarecrow Press, 2009) p. 86
  26. ^"Orders All Canteens Closed",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 5, 1901, p. 2
  27. ^Janet Clarkson,Food History Almanac: Over 1,300 Years of World Culinary History, Culture, and Social Influence(Rowman & Littlefield, 2013) p. 119
  28. ^"Carnegie Out; Steel Plants All to Unite— Vast Interests of the Famous Millionaire Are Transferred to J. Pierpont Morgan",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 6, 1901, p. 1
  29. ^"Schools Honor the Jurist",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 5, 1901, p4
  30. ^United States. Congress (2005).Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005: The Continental Congress, September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788, and the Congress of the United States, from the First Through the One Hundred Eighth Congresses, March 4, 1789, to January 3, 2005, Inclusive.U.S. Government Printing Office. p. 1465.ISBN978-0-16-073176-1.
  31. ^Patrick T. Moseley and Jürgen Garche,Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewable Sources and Grid Balancing(Newnes, 2014) p. 224
  32. ^Pedro A. Malavet,America's Colony: The Political and Cultural Conflict Between the United States and Puerto Rico(New York University Press, 2007) p. 148, p. 217
  33. ^"Big Fire Loss at Evansville",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 6, 1901, p. 3
  34. ^"Youtsey Is Sentenced to Life Imprisonment",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 6, 1901, p. 9
  35. ^"Goebel Murder Accomplice Free",The Gazette Times(Pittsburgh), December 12, 1918, p. 1
  36. ^"Youtsey Pardoned in Last Goebel Murder Chapter",Chicago Daily Tribune,December 2, 1919, p. 3
  37. ^The Sleeping Juror & Other Baldwin County Courtroom Tales and History (Alabama Law Foundation, 2002) pp. 59–60
  38. ^"Ask Annexation to Alabama",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 6, 1901, p. 6
  39. ^"Esau, Abraham", inNew Dictionary of South African Biography,E. J. Verwey, ed. (HSRC Press, 1995) p. 66
  40. ^"Demand Death of Boxer Leaders — Envoys at Pekin Insist on Punishment of the Anti-Foreign Officials".Chicago Daily Tribune.February 7, 1901. p. 5.
  41. ^"Italy's Cabinet is Out— Premier Saracco and His Ministers Resign After Their Defeat in Chamber of Deputies".Chicago Daily Tribune.February 8, 1901. p. 2.
  42. ^Henry James Novels 1901–1902.Library of America.2006. p. 708.
  43. ^Machoian, Ronald G. (2006).William Harding Carter and the American Army: A Soldier's Story.University of Oklahoma Press.p. 128.
  44. ^Raines, Rebecca Robbins (1996).Getting the Message Through: A Branch History of the U.S. Army Signal Corps.Government Printing Office. p. 120.
  45. ^Blaszczyk, Regina Lee(2012).The Color Revolution.MIT Press.p. 53.
  46. ^Borden, Robert(1969).Robert Laird Borden: His Memoirs.McGill-Queen's Press.p. vii.
  47. ^Cleere, Jan (2012).Outlaw Tales of Arizona: True Stories of the Grand Canyon State's Most Infamous Crooks, Culprits, and Cutthroats.Rowman & Littlefield.p. 117.
  48. ^Lamparski, Richard (1982).Whatever Became Of--?: Eighth Series.Crown Publishers.p. 188.ISBN978-0-517-54855-4– via Google Books.
  49. ^Evans, Colin (2006).The Father of Forensics: The Groundbreaking Cases of Sir Bernard Spilsbury, and the Beginnings of Modern CSI.Penguin.
  50. ^"Holland's Queen Is Now a Wife".Chicago Daily Tribune.February 8, 1901. p. 1.
  51. ^Edmundson, George(2013).History of Holland.Cambridge University Press.p. 426.
  52. ^abCarter, Kent (1999).The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893–1914.Ancestry Publishing.p. 78.
  53. ^White, John Albert (2015).Diplomacy of the Russo-Japanese War.Princeton University Press.p. 7.
  54. ^Sutton, Stan (2012).100 Things Hoosiers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die.Triumph Books.p. 18.
  55. ^Lane, A. Thomas (1995)."DAHRENDORF, Gustave Dietrich".Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders.Greenwood Publishing Group.p. 238.ISBN978-0-313-26456-6.Retrieved11 December2021– via Google Books.
  56. ^Mariola Espinosa,Epidemic Invasions: Yellow Fever and the Limits of Cuban Independence, 1878–1930(University of Chicago Press, 2009) pp. 77-78
  57. ^"Town Rises to Drive Out Dives",Chicago Sunday Tribune,February 10, 1901, p. 1
  58. ^George Frederick Kunz,The Magic of Jewels and Charms(Courier Corporation, 1915) p. 323
  59. ^Prudence O. Harper, et al.,The Royal City of Susa: Ancient Near Eastern Treasures in the Louvre(Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1992) p. 242
  60. ^"Somalis Attack Expedition,Chicago Daily Tribune,February 27, 1901, p1
  61. ^Birgit Seibold,Emily Hobhouse and the Reports on the Concentration Camps during the Boer War, 1899–1902: Two Different Perspectives(Columbia University Press, 2011) p. 37
  62. ^"Recent Foreign Censuses", inLabor Bulletin of the Commonwealth of MassachusettsNo. 28 (November, 1903) p. 35
  63. ^"Prosperity of Italy",Washington (DC) Evening Star,December 18, 1903, p. 12
  64. ^David G. McComb,Galveston: A History(University of Texas Press, 2010)
  65. ^Alfredo Morabia,Enigmas of Health and Disease: How Epidemiology Helps Unravel Scientific Mysteries(Columbia University Press, 2014) pp. 59-61
  66. ^National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) (1976).Annual Report - National Academy of Sciences.National Academy of Sciences. p. 218.
  67. ^"Mrs. Maybrick Set Free",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 11, 1901, p. 1
  68. ^"Mrs. Maybrick Not Pardoned.",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 12, 1901, p. 3
  69. ^Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1974).Collected Writings.Philosophical Research Society. p. 88.
  70. ^Christal Morehouse,Combating Human Trafficking: Policy Gaps and Hidden Political Agendas in the USA and Germany(Springer, 2009) p. 105
  71. ^"Rush of Business",Wilmington (DE) State Journal,January 31, 1901, p. 1
  72. ^"Delaware's long road to ratification of the 13th Amendment",by Samuel B. Hoff,The News Journal,DelawareOnline, December 7, 2015
  73. ^Arthur E. Palumbo,The Authentic Constitution: An Originalist View of America's Legacy(Algora Publishing, 2009) p. 172
  74. ^Military Review.US Army Command and General Staff College. 1927. p. 204.
  75. ^"Legal Count of Electoral Vote— Lack of Formality Marks Canvass for Highest Office in the Land",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 14, 1901, p. 5
  76. ^Paul A. Cohen,History in Three Keys: The Boxers as Event, Experience, and Myth(Columbia University Press, 1997) p184
  77. ^Deborah Neill,Networks in Tropical Medicine: Internationalism, Colonialism, and the Rise of a Medical Specialty, 1890–1930(Stanford University Press, 2012) p. 103
  78. ^Linda Stratmann,Greater London Murders: 33 True Stories of Revenge, Jealousy, Greed & Lust(The History Press, 2012)
  79. ^"Names Italy's New Cabinet".Chicago Daily Tribune.February 5, 1901. p. 1.
  80. ^"Edward Opens Parliament in Regal State".Chicago Daily Tribune.February 15, 1901. p. 1.
  81. ^"Condemn Anti-Catholic Oath".Chicago Sunday Tribune.February 24, 1901. p. 12.
  82. ^"Declaration Against Roman Catholicism".The Times.London.February 15, 1901. p. 6.
  83. ^"King Takes 'No Popery' Oath".The New York Times.February 15, 1901. p. 7.
  84. ^"The 'No Popery' Oath— J. E. Redmond Says He Will Oppose the King's Salary Because of It".The New York Times.February 15, 1901. p. 7.
  85. ^Murphy, James H. (2001).Abject Loyalty: Nationalism and Monarchy in Ireland During the Reign of Queen Victoria.Catholic University of America Press.p. 294.
  86. ^Wolffe, John (2013). "Protestantism, Monarchy and the Defence of Christian Britain 1837–2005".Secularisation in the Christian World.Ashgate Publishing. p. 62.
  87. ^"Sylvia Field Truex, Tv's 'MRS. Wilson,' 97".12 August 1998.
  88. ^"Sixty Perish in Coal Mine",Chicago Daily Tribune,February 6, 1901, p. 3
  89. ^"AfterUnion Colliery:Law, Race, and Class in the Coalmines of British Columbia ", by Ross Lambertson, inEssays in the History of Canadian Law(Volume 6) (University of Toronto Press, 1995 p. 394
  90. ^John Isne,Our National Park Policy: A Critical History(Routledge, 2013) pp. 85-86
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