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Fei Shi (Three Kingdoms)

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Fei Shi
Phí thi
Counsellor Remonstrant ( gián nghị đại phu )
In office
after 234(after 234)–?(?)
MonarchLiu Shan
Administrator of Zangke ( tang ca thái thủ )
In office
Prefect of Mianzhu ( miên trúc lệnh )
In office
Succeeded byMa Su
Personal details
Diedafter 234
ChildrenFei Li
Courtesy nameGongju ( công cử )

Fei Shi(fl.214–234, died after 234),courtesy nameGongju,was an official of the state ofShu Handuring theThree Kingdomsperiod of China.


Fei Shi was from Nan'an County ( nam an huyện ), Qianwei Commandery ( kiền vi quận ), which is around present-dayLeshan,Sichuan.He originally served underLiu Zhang,the Governor ofYi Province(covering present-daySichuanandChongqing), as the Prefect of Mianzhu County ( miên trúc huyện ).[1]

In 214, after the warlordLiu Beiseized control of Yi Provincefrom Liu Zhang, Fei Shi came into the service of Liu Bei. Between 214 and 219, Fei Shi held a number of appointments in Liu Bei's administration, including Administrator ( thái thủ ) of Zangke Commandery ( tang ca quận ). Around 219, after Liu Bei declared himself King ofHanzhong,he tasked Fei Shi with travelling toJing Provinceto informGuan Yuabout his appointment as General of the Vanguard ( tiền tương quân ). However, when Guan Yu learned thatHuang Zhongwould server as the General of the Rear ( hậu tương quân ), he angrily said, "I would never allow myself to share the same rank as this old soldier!". He was adamant in his resolution not to accept the appointment.[2]

Fei Shi, in order to convince Guan Yu, said to him:

“When one is looking to realize a hegemon's ambitions, he cannot have a one-track mind and must embrace multiple possibilities. During theChu–Han Contention,Xiao HeandCao Canwere long friends of Gaozu (Liu Bang) whileChen Ping (Han dynasty)andHan Xinserved his archenemy and joined him far later. However, among them, the one to reach the highest rank was Han Xin, yet Xiao He and Cao Can never complained about this. Now that our King is at Hanzhong thanks to the great achievements of Huang Zhong, he must greatly honor Huang. Yet in his thoughts when weighing the importance of his officials, how can Huang Zhong be Your Lordship's equal? What's more, the King and Your Lordship are like one body, sharing happiness and sorrow, disaster and fortune. Now, for Your Lordship's sake, I humbly believe that it would not be appropriate to calculate the prestige of your office or the salary and rank that comes with it. However, I am just the emissary sent to present the office. If Your Lordship is resolute in your refusal, then I would return. It is only because I fear that you would later regret your actions that I am inflexible in my will![3]

After Guan Yu heard Fei Shi's argument, he was greatly moved and hurriedly accepted the appointment.[4]

In 221, when Liu Bei declared himself emperor and established theShu Hanstate, Fei Shi wrote a memorial to express his strong objection to Liu Bei's coronation. He argued that Liu Bei should not declare himself emperor until he had vanquished Shu's rival state,Cao Wei,which replaced theEastern Han dynastyin 220; he cited the example ofLiu Bang,the founder of the Han dynasty, who only declared himself emperor after defeating his rivalXiang Yuin theChu–Han Contention.His memorial was as such:

“Your Highness, because of Cao Cao and Cao Pi forcing the abdication of the rightful ruler and stole the throne, therefore raised troops in all the Empire, and travelled and battled with the resolution to defeat the rebels. Yet the great enemy is not yet vanquished and one may fear that if you enthrone yourself so soon, the hearts of the people would not be ready. In the past, Gaozu agreed with Xiang Yu that the first to capture the capital of Qin would be titled King. Yet after long and arduous tasks and when he reached the capital, he was still hesitant to take the title. All the more for Your Highness in such a position, how can you wish to enthrone yourself? This is just honest advice from your foolish servant who believes that you should not act as such.[5]

Liu Bei was so displeased that he had Fei Shi demoted to serve as a low-ranking official in Yongchang Commandery ( vĩnh xương quận ) in the remote southern parts of Shu.[6]

Xi Zuochi,with regards to Fei Shi's outspoken and perhaps too honest opposition, commented: "Before establishing himself, a monarch must await the perfect conditions to lay the foundations for his state. However when a ruler desires to continue a previous dynasty, he must be swift to connect with the people's hearts. Therefore whenDuke Hui of Jinwas captured by his enemy, his son was already enthroned the next day. WhileGengshi Emperorwas still alive,Emperor Guangwu of Hanalready succeeded him. How could this be considered forgetting past customs for his own benefit? It is a matter of keeping the State's altars. Now, Xianzhu (Liu Bei) gathered many soldiers to defeat his enemy. The enemy is indeed strong and the task arduous, the previous ruler removed from his position and the State with no head, while the temples of the previous Han emperors no longer receive sacrifices. If not someone worthy and related took up the mantle, who would do it? Accepting succession and honoring the Heavens: how could this compare with Xiang Yu and how could Liu Bei refuse to take the now vacant throne? With this, Liu Bei could honor the previous emperors and with his example encourage others, unite his people toward a common goal which was the restoration of the Han and the destruction of the rebels. Not seeing that is indeed foolish. Therefore, Fei Shi's dismissal and demotion was appropriate! "[7]Pei Songzhiagreed with Xi Zuochi's assessment.[8]

In 225, Fei Shi accompaniedZhuge Liangon thesouthern campaignagainst rebel forces in southern Shu'sNanzhongregion and when they returned and reached Hanyang County ( hán dương huyện ) met a surrendered man named Li Hong ( lý hồng ). When Li Hong met Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wan and Fei Shi were in attendance. Li Hong reported that he had recently metMeng Da;Wang Chong ( vương trùng ) who just recently deserted Shu told Meng that when Meng defected to Wei,[a]your enlightened excellency (Zhuge Liang) was very angry and wished to punish Meng Da's wives and children by association. However, Xianzhu (Liu Bei) refused to listen to your advice. When he heard this, Meng Da said that Your Excellency understood human nature and acting otherwise would then be against said human nature. He truly did not believe what Wang Chong said and greatly trusts and admire you. It is only that he has no way to return to you.[10]

When he heard of this, Zhuge Liang told Jiang Wan and Fei Shi to return to the capital and start exchanging letters with Meng Da. Fei Shi replied that Meng Da was a petty man. While in the past, he betrayed a man lacking authority (Liu Zhang), he also betrayed Xianzhu. Meng has no firm allegiance; how is he worthy of exchanging letters with him (Fei Shi)? Zhang Liang was silent and could not answer.[11]

Zhuge Liang wanted to convince Meng Da to help him from inside Wei and so with him exchange letters:

“During the previous years as I returned from the southern campaign at the end of the year, I encountered Li Hong at Hanyang and so heard of news about you. How you must endure this situation while hoping that it might change one day! Unfortunately Master Meng, this was truly Liu Feng's fault for offending you and so harming Xianzhu's reputation of treating scholars with respect. I also heard from Li Hong that Wang Chong spread lies, but you answered that you knew my feelings and so refused to believe him. When I see your trust, I wish to repair our old friendship and so regretfully look east, awaiting news of you.[12]

Meng Da received letters from Zhuge Liang and began communicating with him. He told Zhuge that he wished to rebel against Wei. However, Wei sent Sima Yi to campaign against him and defeated then beheaded Meng Da. Due to the swift actions of Sima Yi and because he doubted the sincerity of Meng Da, Zhuge Liang did not rescue him.[13]

When Zhuge Liang launcheda series of military campaignsagainst Shu's rival stateWei,Fei Shi remained in the Shu capitalChengduto handle domestic affairs. He was appointed as a Counsellor Remonstrant ( gián nghị đại phu ) sometime after Zhuge Liang's death in 234, whenJiang Wanwas the head of government in Shu. He died not long later.[14]

Fei Shi had at least one son,Fei Li.Fei Li served as Cavalier Attendant-in-Ordinary ( tán kỵ thường thị ) under the Jin dynasty. Following his son, many of the reputed officials from Yi Province with the surname Fei ( phí ) were his descendants.[15]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Wang Chong was born in Guanghan Commandery ( quảng hán quận ). He served as a General of Standard ( nha môn tương ) and was a subordinate ofLi Yanwhen he was Commander ( đốc ) of Jiangzhou ( giang châu; in present-day Chongqing). However, he was hated by Li Yan and in fear of punishment, Wang Chong surrendered to Wei. The Wei government appointed him as the Administrator of Leling ( nhạc lăng thái thủ ).[9]


  1. ^( phí thi tự công cử, kiền vi nam an nhân dã. Lưu chương thời vi miên trúc lệnh, )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  2. ^( tiên chủ công miên trúc thời, thi tiên cử thành hàng. Thành đô kí định, tiên chủ lĩnh ích châu mục, dĩ thi vi đốc quân tòng sự, xuất vi tang ca thái thủ, hoàn vi châu tiền bộ tư mã. Tiên chủ vi hán trung vương, khiển thi bái quan vũ vi tiền tương quân, vũ văn hoàng trung vi hậu tương quân, vũ nộ viết: “Đại trượng phu chung bất dữ lão binh đồng liệt!” Bất khẳng thụ bái. )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  3. ^( thi vị vũ viết: “Phu lập vương nghiệp giả, sở dụng phi nhất. Tích tiêu, tào dữ cao tổ thiếu tiểu thân cựu, nhi trần, hàn vong mệnh hậu chí, luận kỳ ban liệt, hàn tối cư thượng, vị văn tiêu, tào dĩ thử vi oán. Kim hán vương dĩ nhất thời chi công, long sùng ô hán thăng, nhiên ý chi khinh trọng, ninh đương dữ quân hầu tề hồ! Thả vương dữ quân hầu, thí do nhất thể, đồng hưu đẳng thích, họa phúc cộng chi, ngu vi quân hầu, bất nghi kế quan hào chi cao hạ, tước lộc chi đa thiếu vi ý dã. Phó nhất giới chi sử, hàm mệnh chi nhân, quân hầu bất thụ bái, như thị tiện hoàn, đãn tương vi tích thử cử động, khủng hữu hậu hối nhĩ!” )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  4. ^( vũ đại cảm ngộ, cự tức thụ bái. )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  5. ^( hậu quần thần nghị dục thôi hán trung vương xưng tôn hào, thi thượng sơ viết: “Điện hạ dĩ tào thao phụ tử bức chủ soán vị, cố nãi ki lữ vạn lí, củ hợp sĩ chúng, tương dĩ thảo tặc. Kim đại địch vị khắc, nhi tiên tự lập, khủng nhân tâm nghi hoặc. Tích cao tổ dữ sở ước, tiên phá tần giả vương. Cập đồ hàm dương, hoạch tử anh, do hoài thôi nhượng, huống kim điện hạ vị xuất môn đình, tiện dục tự lập tà! Ngu thần thành bất vi điện hạ thủ dã.” )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  6. ^( do thị ngỗ chỉ, tả thiên bộ vĩnh xương tòng sự )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  7. ^( tập tạc xỉ viết: Phu sang bổn chi quân, tu đại định nhi hậu chính kỷ, toản thống chi chủ, sĩ tốc kiến dĩ hệ chúng tâm, thị cố huệ công triều lỗ nhi tử ngữ tịch lập, canh thủy thượng tồn nhi quang võ cử hào, phu khởi vong chủ kiếu lợi, xã tắc chi cố dã. Kim tiên chủ củ hợp nghĩa binh, tương dĩ thảo tặc. Tặc cường họa đại, chủ một quốc tang, nhị tổ chi miếu, tuyệt nhi bất tự, cẩu phi thân hiền, thục năng thiệu thử? Tự tổ phối thiên, phi hàm dương chi thí, trượng chính thảo nghịch, hà thôi nhượng chi hữu? Ô thử thời dã, bất tri tốc tôn hữu đức dĩ phụng đại thống, sử dân hân phản chính, thế đổ cựu vật, trượng thuận giả tề tâm, phụ nghịch giả đồng cụ, khả vị ám hoặc hĩ. Kỳ truất hàng dã nghi tai! )Xi Zuochiannotation inSanguozhivol. 41.
  8. ^( thần tùng chi dĩ vi tạc xỉ luận nghị, duy thử luận tối thiện. )Pei Songzhiannotation inSanguozhivol. 41.
  9. ^( vương trùng giả, quảng hán nhân dã. Vi nha môn tương, thống chúc giang châu đốc lý nghiêm. Vi nghiêm sở tật, cụ tội hàng ngụy. Ngụy dĩ trùng vi nhạc lăng thái thủ. )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  10. ^( kiến hưng tam niên, tùy chư cát lượng nam hành, quy chí hán dương huyện, hàng nhân lý hồng lai nghệ lượng, lượng kiến hồng, thời tưởng uyển dữ thi tại tọa. Hồng viết: “Nhàn quá mạnh đạt hứa, thích kiến vương trùng tòng nam lai, ngôn vãng giả đạt chi khứ tựu, minh công thiết xỉ, dục tru đạt thê tử, lại tiên chủ bất thính nhĩ. Đạt viết: 『 chư cát lượng kiến cố hữu bổn mạt, chung bất nhĩ dã. 』 tẫn bất tín trùng ngôn, ủy ngưỡng minh công, vô phục dĩ dĩ.” )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  11. ^( lượng vị uyển, thi viết: “Hoàn đô đương hữu thư dữ tử độ tương văn.” Thi tiến viết: “Mạnh đạt tiểu tử, tích sự chấn uy bất trung, hậu hựu bối bạn tiên chủ, phản phúc chi nhân, hà túc dữ thư tà!” Lượng mặc nhiên bất đáp. )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  12. ^( lượng dục dụ đạt dĩ vi ngoại viện, cánh dữ đạt thư viết: “Vãng niên nam chinh, tuế ( vị cập ) 〔 mạt nãi 〕 hoàn, thích dữ lý hồng hội ô hán dương, thừa tri tiêu tức, khái nhiên vĩnh thán, dĩ tồn túc hạ bình tố chi chí, khởi đồ không thác danh vinh, quý vi quai ly hồ! Ô hô mạnh tử, tư thật lưu phong xâm lăng túc hạ, dĩ thương tiên chủ đãi sĩ chi nghĩa. Hựu hồng đạo vương trùng tạo tác hư ngữ, vân túc hạ lượng độ ngô tâm, bất thụ trùng thuyết. Tầm biểu minh chi ngôn, truy bình sinh chi hảo, y y đông vọng, cố khiển hữu thư.” )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  13. ^( đạt đắc lượng thư, sổ tương giao thông, từ dục bạn ngụy. Ngụy khiển tư mã tuyên vương chinh chi, tức trảm diệt đạt. Lượng diệc dĩ đạt vô khoản thành chi tâm, cố bất cứu trợ dã. )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  14. ^( tưởng uyển bỉnh chính, dĩ thi vi gián nghị đại phu, tốt ô gia. )Sanguozhivol. 41.
  15. ^( tôn thịnh thục thế phổ viết: Thi tử lập, tấn tán kỵ thường thị. Tự hậu ích châu chư phí hữu danh vị giả, đa thị thi chi hậu dã. ) Sun Sheng's annotation inSanguozhivol. 41.