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Fishing industry in Pakistan

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TheIndus Riverdominates the water resources of Pakistan, transporting enormous quantities of nutrients and sediment to the continental shelf. Natural lakes, reservoirs, river systems and ponds cover 8 mil hectares.

Thefishing industryplays a significant part in the national economy ofPakistan.With a coastline of about 1,120 km, Pakistan has enough fishery resources that remain to be developed. Most of the population of the coastal areas ofSindhandBalochistandepends on fisheries for livelihood. It is also a major source of export earning.

Fishing industry is managed by the Fisheries Development Commissioner (FDC) under the Ministry Food, Agriculture Livestock (MFAL) ofGovernment of Pakistan.The office of the FDC is responsible for policy, planning and coordination with provincial fisheries departments and other national and international agencies such asAsia-Pacific Fishery Commission.The marine subsector is overlooked byMarine Fisheries Department(MFD).

PresidentArif Alvigetting briefed on Deep Sea Fishing Policy by Maritime SecretaryRizwan Ahmed

ThePakistan Agricultural Research Council(PARC) is engaged in the research of the industry. Some universities in the country are also involved in basic fisheries research.



Pakistan has many marine and inland fishery resources. The potential was estimated at 1 million tonnes/year from the marine subsector alone. The commercially important resources include near 250demersal fishspecies, 50 smallpelagic fishspecies, 15 medium-sized pelagic species and 20 large pelagic fish species. In addition, there are also 15 commercial species ofshrimp,12 ofcephalopodsand 5 oflobster.The effect of theIndus River Deltaon the marine resources of the coastline of Sindh is substantial, as this river system has been transporting enormous quantities of nutrients and sediment to the continental shelf for centuries. Pakistan has an extensive inland water areas system, which is mainly dominated by theIndus River.These water bodies, depending on their type, possess varying potential for development of the inland and aquaculture subsectors. Inland water bodies, like dams, water locks, reservoirs, rivers, lakes and ponds cover an area of approximately 8 million hectares.

Marine varieties


The shrimp variety includes the species ofPenaeus indicusandPenaeus monodonamong 12 other. Surveys in theArabian Seaindicate that commercial species of crustaceans like shrimps and lobsters areoverexploited.Crabs, cephalopods and other molluscs are an unconventional resource. However, there is a potential in the export market as a substitute for these. Demersal fish resources show the signs of being exploited, hence only limited expansion of catch is possible in future. There may be a possibility of expanding the catch the small pelagic fish resources by venturing further offshore. It is very much likely that the fishermen would have to consider using new fishing methods in order to achieve this. As for the larger variety of pelagic fish, especiallySkipjack tunaand its relatives, are available in theExclusive Economic Zoneof Pakistan in theKarachi District.Fishing for these usually result in by-catches ofmarlinand shark species. Local fishing fleet commonly harvests the species ofFrigate mackerel,Indian mackerel,Spanish mackerel,barracudaanddolphinfish.The production figures of 2006 showedoverexploitationrelative tomaximum sustainable yieldlevel. A large variety ofmesopelagic fishexist just off the continental shelf and are barely exploited. These resources are prime candidates for conversion to fishmeal for use in poultry and aquaculture but no commercial use is available in the country. Mussels, oysters, clams, seaweed, kelp, sea urchins and other marine resources also exist in Pakistan but further research data is required in order to evaluate the feasibility of propagating the mariculture of these varieties.[1]



Marine subsector


Pakistan has acontinental shelfarea of 50,270 km2and coastline length of 1,120 km. The total maritime zone of Pakistan is over 30 percent of the land area. The coastal belt is characterized by a meshwork of estuaries and creeks withmangroveforestry that serve as nursery grounds for species offinfishandshellfish.In 1958, the first modern fish harbour was constructed at theKarachi District.Later, the fleet expanded and is now mostly mechanized.


A docked fishing vessel atKarachi Fish Harbour

Karachi Fish Harbouris the biggest and oldest of its kind in Pakistan, being used by all types of fishing boats. Currently more than 4,000 fishing craft are based in it. At present, it can be assumed that the harbour caters for the needs of near 75 percent of the local fleet.

The major fish harbours of Pakistan are:


Shrimp fishery

Theshrimpfishery is very meaningful because of foreign exchange earned and employment produced from it. It is only permitted in province of Sindh. Commercial shrimp trawling started in 1958, after theMFDintroduced mechanization of larger fishing vessels. Now almost all of the shrimptrawlersare equipped with winches for net hauling. However, shrimp can also be caught by the use ofcast net,which is locally termed 'thukri'. The catching is mainly carried out in shallow depths from October to March. It is also caught in eustaries andbrackishwaters from July to September. The catch is then processedfrozenfor the objective of exporting to North American and European Union markets.

Tuna fishery

The fishing oftunavarieties is another appreciable aspect of the industry that is carried out byartisanal fishingvessels. Usually, the fleet shoot thegillnetsin the evening and fetch them the next morning. The main target are the pelagic species with higher commercial values. The catch is exported as chilled to neighbouring country ofIranthrough informal channels for canning purposes. This fetches more profit than if exported toSri Lankain dried andsaltedform.

Benthic fishery

The deep sea resources remain comparatively unexploited because local vessels are neither suitable nor equipped for deep-water fishery. The idea has motivated entrepreneurs to augment their deep-sea fishing craft for use of the resources. Small-scale benthic ordemersalfishery is most common in coastal inshore waters. Fishermen use nylongillnet,locally termed 'ruch', with a mesh of about 150 mm long. Benthic varieties include the marinejewfish,croakers,grunters,snappers,groupers,ribbonfishandpomfrets.

Pelagic fishery

A small-scalepelagic fisheryis in operation in Sindh, using special nets, locally termed 'katra'. Fishing is carried out from 'hora' boats - wooden sailboats with pointed ends, a broad breadth and long-shaft outboard engine. In depths shallower than 20 m, shoals ofclupeids,especially theIndian Oil Sardine,are usually intended. Such operations are mainly based at Ibrahim Hydri and Chashma Goth villages. The desirable months are from October to November and February to April. The catch is the prime candidate for conversion intofishmeal.



As of 2000, the number of docked fishery vessels was near 6,000.[2]The two main types of fishing craft include:

  • Mechanized docked boats:There are over 4,000 boats of this kind registered, which constitute shrimptrawlersand as well asgillnetters.Both are also locally made of wood, according to traditional design and fitted with 80–220 hp diesel engines. The average length of a trawler is 10–25 m while that of a gillnetter is 15–35 m. For hauling, many trawlers have atransom stern.Gillnetters are pointed at both ends and the net is pulled over the side. Freezing vessels also operate in theEEZand all their catch is exported.
  • Mechanized sailboats:Made of wood and equipped with two or more outboard engines, but generally smaller than docked vessels, they are locally called 'hora' boats. Most of thesesailboatsnow operate in freshwater bodies. 'Doonda' boats are custom-builtfibreglassscrappedlifeboats,with an average length of 7–10 m and 22–33 hp engines. These boats are able to function in up to 20 m depth. As of 2006, there are over 2,000 active boats of this kind.

Inland subsector


Freshwater capture fisheries are dominated by theIndus Riverand its tributaries. The fish fauna of the Indus system in its northern part is cold-water type, while the greater middle and southern parts of the system are warm-water zones. Fisheries in rivers and reservoirs account for more than 80 percent of total inland fish production. The riverine fishery management system is operated mainly by provincial fisheries departments. They enforce regulatory laws that restrict catch by size of fish and establish closed seasons.



In theSindhalone there are more than 100 natural lakes of different sizes covering an area of about 100,000 ha. Among themHaleji lake(1,800 ha) West ofThatta,Kinjhar Lake(12,000 ha) North ofThattaandManchar lake(16,000 ha) inDadu Districtare quite important for fish production. Manchar alone supports 2,000 fishing families. Apart from these big lakes, a cluster of small lakes extend over 40,000 ha. The natural lakes inPunjabcover about 7,000 ha. Some of the lakes, such asNamal lake(480 ha),Uchhali lake(943 ha), Jahlar lake (100 ha),Kallar Kahar(100 ha), Kharal lake (235 ha) andKhabikki lake(283 ha) are brackish and are too saline to support aquaculture. Other man made lakes include Mangla dam, Terbela dam and Chashma Barrage.

Aquaculture subsector


Aquaculture(or fish farming) is new in Pakistan. However, there is immense potential for development of the sector. Aquaculture production has rapidly increased since 2000 from around 10-15 thousands tonnes to reach over 100,000 tonnes in 2006 and 2007. Despite its vast fresh, brackish and marine water resources onlycarpculture is practiced in ponds. In Pakistan, the fish fauna is rich but only seven warm water species and two cold water species are cultivated on a commercial scale. Aquaculture has also received a substantial amount of government investment, and facilities are now in place that can provide the basis for a major future expansion. With the exception of trout culture in the northern regions, virtually all aquaculture consists of pond culture of various carp species.

Freshwater farming


Freshwater carp farming is the major aquaculture activity inPunjab,SindhandKhyber Pakhtunkhwa.The northern mountains of Pakistan have good potential fortroutculture, but production is still very small. According to the latest estimates, the total area covered by fish ponds is about 60,500 ha in Pakistan, is 49,170 ha in Sindh, is 10,500 ha in Punjab, 560 ha in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, and 240 ha inBalochistan,Gilgit-BaltistanandAzad Kashmir.More than 12,000 fish farms have been established across Pakistan. The average size of farm ranges form 6-9 ha. About 50,000 people are employed in the sector.

In Sindh, the majority of farms are located inThatta,BadinandDadu,the three districts through which theRiver Induspasses. Badin and Thatta havewaterloggedfloodplain areas suitable for fish farming. In Punjab, farms are located mostly in irrigated areas or where there is abundant rain and the soil is alluvial. Muzaffar Garh, Multan,Sheikhupura,GujranwalaandAttockdistricts have most farms. Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa has comparatively fewer farms, with trout farms inChitral,Swat,Dir,Malakand,MansehraandFATA.Carp culture is practised inDera Ismail Khan,Kohat,Mardan,Swabiand theAbbottabaddistricts.

On a typical carp farm in Pakistan, the ratio of the warm-water species stocked on the farm iscatla(10–20%),rohu(30–35%),mrigal(15–20%),grass carp(15–20%) andsilver carp(15–20%). Some carp farms use a semi-intensive culture system.Intensive aquaculturehas not yet been developed because of non-availability of low-cost feed and limited production expertise. Cold-water aquaculture provides a unique opportunity in the mountainous areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. At present two species,brown troutandrainbow troutare being produced and cultured successfully. The culture of GIFT Tilapia has also gained popularity during quite recently.

Modern Technologies; Introduction of First In-Pond Raceways System Technology in Pakistan


Lack of awareness of modern aquaculture techniques and floating aquafeed had been the major impediments in development of this sector. After strenuous efforts of FEEDing Pakistan Program (Promoting Aquaculture Sector) of American Soybean Association (ASA) and World Initiative for Human Health (WISHH) funded by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and implemented by R.S.N. Janjua, Country Representative of ASA/WISHH and C.E., SoyPak, Pvt. Ltd from 2011 for introduction of both floating soy-based feed in Pakistan and tilapia culture with Fisheries Development Board (FDB) in Pakistan (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXgYH9zOolM6PcBjRvJnUgA). Major tangible outcome of this program was establishment of the first extruded aquafeed mill (2013) and tilapia hatchery (2014) in Pakistan which were milestones in history of Aquaculture industry of Pakistan. Since these historic breakthroughs, Aquaculture industry has revolutionized and embracing the modern technologies. In-Pond raceways technology (IPRS) is the most modern strategy in Aquaculture industry which has combined the features and benefits of raceway technology, cage culture, recirculating aquaculture system and pond culture. SoyPak, Pvt. Ltd. (IPRS and Aquaculture consultancy firm in Pakistan) trained human resources from aquaculture industry and academia in IPRS technology and has been closely involved and monitored the recent construction (2019) and operation of first IPRS in Southern Pakistan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86OQ3NejyW8). Following advantages can be achieved from IPRS technology in Pakistan: (i) Improved fish production (75 – 150 kg/m3), (ii) Reduced production cost per unit of fish production (<30 – 35%), (iii) Improved Feed Conversion (FCR: 1.00 – 1.4) and feeding efficiency, (iv) 100% fish catch rate without discharge of water from pond, (v) Staggered stocking and harvest; culturing different species in different raceways, minimize market prices risk, (vi) Easier fish health management and production operation – minimal use of drugs and chemical to ensure food security, (vii) 70% capture of nutrient in form of feces and use as crop fertilizer, (viii) Zero water discharge for environmental protection and sustainability of natural resources. Water is only added to compensate for evaporative loss or seepage. (xi) Ecofriendly technique, (x) Harvest procedures and cost of labor for fish movement are simplified and significantly reduced, (xi) Efficient provision of animal protein to consumers (https://www.aquaculturealliance.org/advocate/in-pond-raceway-systems-introduced-in-pakistan/?segid=9de135f1-b03d-44c9-8756-3fd00836e892).

Mariculture potential


Coastal aquaculture (ormariculture) is almost absent in Pakistan despite its potential. Small-scale marine shrimp farming is carried out mainly near theIndus River Delta,and has yet to produce appreciable results. A mariculture farm inSonmianiwas funded byUSAIDfor developing sustainable production of edible shrimp. A potential for developing hatcheries of other crustacean varieties exist as well. Recent advances in field of genetic engineering indicate that marineoysterscan also be farmed. Pakistan has 9 species of native species oysters belonging to genera ofCrassostrea,SaccostreaandOstrea,can be a good source of nutrition.[3]At present, there is no commercial harvesting or hatchery culture of oysters in country. First cage in sea have been installed in Baluchistan.

Recreation subsector


Recreational fishing in Pakistan is usually looked over by the PGFA - Pakistan Game Fish Association. There are three main types of recreational fisheries in Pakistan: billfish and tuna fishing in theEEZofKarachi;sport fishing (pelagic) in coastal waters; and hand-line fishing (bottom fishing) in inter-tidal and shallow waters. About 1,000 people with 120–150 fishing boats are involved in this sector. No license is required. However, their boats are required to be registered by Marine Mercantile department for seaworthiness. There are three boating clubs: TheKarachi Yacht Club,TheKarachi Boat Cluband theDefence Marina Club.A number of fishing tournaments take place annually like the All Pakistan Billfish Tournament and Fish'nTac Anfling Championship, Karachi. The reigning Pakistan Saltwater Angling Champion is Orooj Ahmed Ali having caught a Black Marlin weighing 396 lbs in the All Pakistan Billfish Tournament, December 5, 1999, the heaviest fish caught on rod and reel in the Arabian Sea and the record stands to date.



Annual capture

Marine fisheries resources and production in 2006 (tonnes)
Resources Biomass MSY Production
Fish Demersal fish 500,000 213,000 175,674
Smallpelagic fish 700,000 225,000 100,000
Large pelagic fish[a] 80,000 43,000 47,000
Crustaceans Shrimps[a] 88,000 18,000 18,433
Lobster[a] 8,000 2,000 600
Crabs 25,000 8,500 4,218
Molluscs Cephalopods[b] 30,000 11,000 5,400
Gastropods[b] 20,000 5,000 731
Total 1,451,000 525,500 352,056

Gross national product


TheFederal Bureau of Statisticsprovisionally valued this sector at Rs. 18,290 million in 2005 thus registering over 10% growth since 2000.[4]

The fishing industry sector contributes to about 1% to the country's GNP.[5]

Gross National Product of Pakistan: Fishery (Rs.million)
Year 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
GNP 15,163 16,546 16,377 16,625 16,728 17,490 30,492 42,668 52,391 53,731 56,182



Marine fish is marketed as fresh, frozen, canned, cured, reduced to fishmeal, other purposes, and some retained by fishermen for their own use. The freshwater catch is marketed fresh for local consumption. Out of the total marine fish production, the percentage for human consumption ranged between 65 and 70 percent in 2006. The rest of the catch was used for other purposes, especially reduction to fishmeal.

Fish and shrimp processing is usually divided into mechanical and non-mechanical processing. The mechanical category includes freezing plants, canning, fishmeal plants and fish liver oil extraction plants. In the non-mechanical category there are dried fish, dried shrimp,shark fin,fish maw/stomach, live lobster, live crab and fishroes/ovaries. There are 27 processing plants for the production of frozen products in Pakistan, one for canning and 8 for fishmeal processing. Almost 100 percent of the frozen and canned fishery products are exported, while the bulk of the processed fishmeal is used in the country in the manufacture of poultry feed or fish feed.



The marketing chain for fish is similar to that for other agricultural commodities. Products are sold into the market to wholesalers and then onto retailers and end consumers through agents working on a commission basis. Farmed fish tend to be marketed either at the farm gate, through intermediaries or by open auction, where ice-packed fish is sent to fish markets and sold. Buyers of fishery products can be members of the public, retailers, wholesalers and agents for processing plants or exporters.Fish marketsare very common inSindhand at selected locations inPunjab.All markets are under the control of the local administrations. Most fish markets have inadequate facilities; usually they lack cold storage facilities, have poor hygienic conditions and inadequate communication links. Most aquaculture product is consumed locally.

Prices tend to decline when the fish is more than 3 kg; other factors include freshness of the fish and the supply–demand situation in the market. Local consumers generally prefer freshwater fish over marine fish because of their familiarity with river and inland farmed fish, as well as the fresh condition of the product. This difference is reflected in both wholesale and retail prices, where freshwater fish is sold at a higher price than marine fish.



In the world, and hence in Pakistan, fish is considered a cheap source ofproteindiet. In 2000, per capita food supply from fish and fishery products (kg/person) in Pakistan was 2, in Asia was 18 and in World was 16. Whereas, fish protein as a percentage of total protein supply in Pakistan was only 1%, in Asia was 10% and in World was 6%.[2]Processed fishery products can includefish meal(poultry feed, aquaculture feed),fish oil,fish glueetc. Out of the total marine fish production, the percentage for human consumption ranged between 65 and 70 percent in 2006. The rest of the catch was used for other purposes, especially reduction to fishmeal. The annual per capita fish consumption in Pakistan was about 2.0 kg in 2006.

Fishery products consumption (2006)
Fishery products Production Import Export Total supply Per capita supply
Products for direct human consumption 611,246 2,040 151,830 326,921 2.0
Products for animal feed and other purposes 134,535 - - - -

See also



  • a.^Over-exploited, as total production is more thanMSY.
  • b.^Needs further assessment.


  1. ^"Fisheries and Aquaculture Department: Country profile - Pakistan"(PDF).fao.org.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2017-05-18.Retrieved25 August2010.
  2. ^ab"Coastal and Marine Ecosystems: Country profile - Pakistan".earthtrends.wri.org.Archived fromthe originalon 24 August 2004.Retrieved25 August2010.
  3. ^"Mariculture for Pakistan".pakpoint.com.Retrieved26 August2010.
  4. ^"Federal Bureau of Statistics, National Accounts"(PDF).statpak.gov.pk.Government of Pakistan. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 19 June 2007.Retrieved25 August2010.
  5. ^"Fisheries and Aquaculture Department: Country profile - Pakistan".fao.org.Retrieved25 August2010.

Further reading
