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Fold mountains

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Zagros Mountains,seen from space.

Fold mountainsare formed by the effects offoldingon layers within the upper part of theEarth's crust.Before the development of the theory ofplate tectonicsand before the internal architecture ofthrust beltsbecame well understood, the term was used to describe most mountain belts but has otherwise fallen out of use.


Fold mountains form in areas ofthrust tectonics,such as where twotectonic platesmove towards each other atconvergent plate boundary.When plates and the continents riding on themcollideor undergosubduction(that is – ride one over another), the accumulated layers of rock may crumple and fold like a tablecloth that is pushed across a table, particularly if there is a mechanically weak layer such assalt.Since the less densecontinental crust"floats" on the densermantlerocks beneath, the weight of any crustal material forced upward to form hills,plateausor mountains must bebalanced by the buoyancy forceof a much greater volume forced downward into the mantle. Thus the continental crust is normally much thicker under mountains, compared to lower-lying areas.[1]Rock can fold either symmetrically or asymmetrically. The upfolds areanticlinesand the downfolds aresynclines.Severely folded and faulted rocks are callednappes.In asymmetric folding there may also be recumbent and overturned folds. The mountains such formed are usually greater in length instead of breadth.[2]


See also[edit]


  1. ^Press, Frank; Siever, Raymond (1985).Earth(4th ed.). W.H. Freeman. p.413.ISBN978-0-7167-1743-0.
  2. ^abUlmer, S. (11 August 2011)."Fold mountains slip on soft areas".ETH Life.ETH Zürich.Retrieved21 February2012.
  3. ^Kankam-Yeboah, K.; Dapaah-Siakwan, S.; Nishigaki, M.; Komatsu, M. (2003)."The Hydrogeological Setting of Ghana and the Potential for Underground Dams"(PDF).Journal of the Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology. Okayama University.8(1): 39–52.