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Free Will Baptist

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Benjamin Randall(1749–1808) was the founder of the Free Will Baptist movement in New England the late 18th century.

Free Will BaptistsorFree Baptistsare a group ofGeneral Baptistdenominations of Christianity that teachfree grace,free salvationandfree will.[1]The movement can be traced back to the 1600s with the development of General Baptism inEngland.Its formal establishment is widely linked to the Englishtheologian,Thomas Helwyswho led the Baptist movement to believe ingeneral atonement.He was an advocate ofreligious libertyat a time when to hold to such views could be dangerous and punishable by death. He died in prison as a consequence of thereligious persecutionofProtestant dissentersunderKing James I.

In 1702Paul Palmerwould go on to establish the movement in North Carolina and in 1727 formed the Free Will Baptist Church ofChowan.ManyCalvinistsbecame Free Will Baptists in the 19th century. With the establishment of Free Will Baptists in the South,Benjamin Randalldeveloped the movement in theNortheastern United States,specificallyMaine,Massachusetts,andNew Hampshire.

From their beginning, Free Will Baptists, in common with many groups ofEnglish DissentersandSeparatistsfrom theChurch of England,followedBrownistnotions ofself-governance of local churches.The notion of free will was a systematic rejection of thePuritan movement,due to its overall religious beliefs and lack of social mobility.


Return ofRoger Williams,a later supporter of the movement, after denouncing thePuritan movementin 1644

Free Will Baptists can be traced toGeneral BaptistsfromEnglandwho settled in the American colonies in the late 17th century. The first Baptists, who originated with the ministry ofThomas Helwysnear London in 1611, were General Baptists. That is, they believed that the atonement of Jesus Christ was "general" (for all) rather than "particular" (only for the elect). It shares a common history, name, and an acceptance of theArminian doctrine.

Benjamin Laker was an English Baptist who arrived in colonial Carolina as early as 1685. Laker had been associated withThomas Grantham,a prominent General Baptist theologian and writer, and had signed the 1663 edition of the General Baptists' Standard Confession of Faith. The earliest Free Will Baptists in America developed from English General Baptists in Carolina, who were dubbed "Freewillers" by their enemies and later assumed the name.[2]

Two distinct branches of Free Will Baptists developed in America. The first and earliest was the General Baptist movement described above, known as the Palmer movement in North Carolina, from which the majority of modern-day Free Will Baptists have their origin. The later movement was the Randall movement, which arose in the late 18th century in New Hampshire. These two groups developed independently of each other.[3]

The Palmer line


In 1702, a disorganized group of General Baptists in Carolina wrote a request for help to the General Baptist Association in England. Though no help was forthcoming,Paul Palmer,whose wife Johanna was the stepdaughter of Benjamin Laker, would labor among these people 25 years later, founding the first "Free Will" Baptist church inChowan, North Carolinain 1727. Palmer organized at least three churches in North Carolina.[4]His labors, though important, were short. Leadership would descend to Joseph Parker, William Parker, Josiah Hart, William Sojourner and others. Joseph Parker was part of the organization of the Chowan church and ministered among the Carolina churches for over 60 years. From one church in 1727, they grew to over 20 churches by 1755. After 1755, missionary labors conducted by the Philadelphia Baptist Association converted most of these churches to the Particular Baptist positions of unconditional election and limited atonement. By 1770, only 4 churches and 4 ministers remained of the General Baptist persuasion. By the end of 18th century, these churches were commonly referred to as "Free Will Baptist", and this would later be referred to as the "Palmer line of Free Will Baptists". The churches in the Palmer line organized various associations and conferences, and finally organized a General Conference in 1921. Many Baptists from Calvinistic Baptist backgrounds, primarily Separate Baptists, became Free Will Baptists in the 19th century.[5]

The Randall line


While the movement in the South was struggling, a new movement rose in the North through the work ofBenjamin Randall(1749–1808). Randall initially united with theParticular Baptistsin 1776, but broke with them in 1779 due to their strict views on predestination. In 1780, Randall formed a "Free" or "Freewill" (Randall would combine the words "free" and "will" into a single word) Baptist church inNew Durham, New Hampshire.By 1782 twelve churches had been founded, and they organized aQuarterly Meeting.In 1792 aYearly Meetingwas organized.

The "Randall" line itself split into two groups in 1835:

  • The "Bullockites", after founder Jeremiah Bullock (sometimes spelled "Bulloch" and "Bullochites" ), which branched out to a small number of congregations in Maine and New Hampshire.
  • The "Buzzelites", after founder John Buzzell.

The Bullockites, mostly under the name "Freewill Baptists", continued in Maine into the early 20th century, while the Buzzellites disappeared shortly after their founding.[6]

In 1841 Randall's Free Will Baptists merged with a similar group, the Free Communion Baptists, to form the Free Baptists.[7]

The "Randall" line of Freewill Baptists grew quickly. However, in 1911, the majority of the Randall Line churches (and all the denominational property) merged with theNorthern Baptist Convention.Those churches that did not merge and remained Freewill Baptist joined with other Free Will Baptists in the Southwest and Midwest to organize the Cooperative General Association of Free Will Baptists in 1916.[8]

The union of the lines


Fraternal relations had existed between the Northern and Southern Free Will Baptists, but the question ofslavery,and later theCivil War,prevented any formal union until the 20th century. On November 5, 1935, representatives of the General Conference (Palmer) and the Cooperative General Association (a mixture of Randall and Palmer elements west of the Mississippi) met inNashville, Tennessee,to unite and organize theNational Association of Free Will Baptists.The majority of Free Will Baptist churches organized under this umbrella, which remains the largest of the Free Will Baptist groups to this day.[9]

Theology and practice


Free Will Baptist congregations believe theBibleis the very word of God andwithout errorin all that it affirms. Free Will Baptist doctrine teaches that God desires salvation for all and sent Jesus to die for everyone.[10]Still, Free Will Baptists believe God has given man the freedom of choice to accept or reject Christ's sacrifice. Faith is the condition for salvation; hence, Free Will Baptists hold toconditional security.[11]An individual is "saved by faithand kept by faith. "In support of this concept, some Free Will Baptists refer to the Greek word translated" believeth "found in John 3:16 in theKing Jamestranslation. This is acontinuous action verband can thus be read, "that whosoeverbelieves and continues to believeshall not perish, but have everlasting life. "The concept is not of someone sinning occasionally and thus accidentally ending up" not saved, "but instead of someone" repudiating "his or her faith in Christ.[12]Thus "once saved, always saved"is rejected by the denomination.[11]

On Perseverance of the Saints from the official Treatise:

"There are strong grounds to hope that the truly regenerate will persevere unto the end, and be saved, through the power of divine grace which is pledged for their support; but their future obedience and final salvation are neither determined nor certain, since through infirmity and manifold temptations they are in danger of falling; and they ought, therefore, to watch and pray lest they make shipwreck of their faith and be lost."[13]

Free Will Baptists observe at least three ordinances:baptism,theLord's Supper,and theWashing of the Saints' Feet,a rite occurring among some other evangelical groups but not practiced by the majority of Baptist denominations.

Free Will Baptist congregations hold differing views oneschatology,with some holdingpremillennialand othersamillennialviews. Churches advocate (voluntary)tithing,totally abstaining from alcoholic beverages,and not working on Sunday, theChristian Sabbath.

Free Will Baptist bodies


TheNational Association of Free Will Baptistsis the largest of the Free Will Baptist groups. Other major Free Will Baptist groups include:

  • Original Free Will Baptist Convention– a North Carolina-based body of Free Will Baptists that was organized in 1913 and initially joined the National Association of Free Will Baptists, but split from the National Association in 1961 due to some inner differences. The Convention comprised the majority of North Carolina-based Free Will Baptist churches, though a minority would split from the North Carolina state convention and maintain affiliation with the National Association. The Convention also maintains mission activity in eight countries – Philippines, Mexico, Bulgaria, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Liberia, and Guinea.[14]
  • United American Free Will Baptist Church– the largest body of African-American Free Will Baptist churches, organized in 1901 and headquartered inKinston, North Carolina.[15]
  • United American Free Will Baptist Conference– a body of African-American Free Will Baptist churches that withdrew from theUnited American Free Will Baptist Churchin 1968; headquartered inLakeland, Florida.[16]
  • Old Original Free Will Baptist Conference, anepiscopalAfrican-American association with six churches, centered in North Carolina.[17]
  • Evangelical Free Baptist Church – based inIllinois.In 1987 it had 22 churches and 2,500 members.[18]
  • Unaffiliated Free Will Baptist local associations – a number of local Free Will Baptist associations remain independent of the National Association, Original FWB Convention, and the two United American bodies. Researchers have identified 10 such associations, though there may be more. The unaffiliated associations of Free Will Baptists include over 300 churches with an estimated 22,000 members. They have no organization beyond the "local" level.
  • Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church,a Free Will Baptist denomination that acceptedHoliness Pentecostaldoctrine, chiefly a second work of grace (entire sanctification) and a third work of grace (Spirit baptism evidenced by speaking in tongues); it has around 150 congregations

See also



  1. ^Jonas, W. Glenn (2008).The Baptist River: Essays on Many Tributaries of a Diverse Tradition.Mercer University Press. p. 151.ISBN9780881461206.General Baptists in North Carolina (the Palmer/Parker heritage) were often called "free willers" by their Regular (Reformed) Baptist neighbors. The name was becoming popular by the beginning of the nineteenth century, and in 1828 the group there adopted the name "Free Will Baptists." The reference, of course, was to the doctrine of General Atonement taught by the General Baptists.
  2. ^"Laker, Benjamin".NCpedia.Retrieved2016-01-10.
  3. ^"Free Will Baptists: What's in a Name? – Free Will Baptist History".fwbhistory.com.Retrieved2016-01-10.
  4. ^"Without a Monument: The Life of Elder Paul Palmer".FWB history.Retrieved2016-01-10.
  5. ^"About Free Will Baptists".FWB history.Retrieved2016-01-10.
  6. ^Separate denominations: History, description, and statistics.United States Census Bureau.1901.
  7. ^Brackney, William H.; Colford, Evan L. (2020).Come Out from Among Them, and Be Ye Separate, Saith the Lord.James Clarke. p. 27.ISBN9780227177242.
  8. ^"A Treatise of the Faith and Practices of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc"(PDF).
  9. ^"Cooperative General Association Minutes @ Free Will Baptist History".fwbhistory.com.Retrieved2016-01-10.
  10. ^"Who Are Free Will Baptists?".National Association of Free Will Baptists.Retrieved4 June2021.
  11. ^ab"What Do Free Will Baptists Believe?".Timbers Drive Church: A Free Will Baptist Ministry.Retrieved7 April2022.We believe in a conditional security of the believer. We believe that faith in Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross is the condition that God has required for salvation, and that all humanity has the freedom of the will to accept or reject the call of God for salvation. We believe the freedom of the will continues through the whole life of the believer and therefore we believe in the possibility that a true believer could at some point, because of the temptations of the world, flesh, the devil, and our own sinful nature, choose to renounce Christ and thereby forfeit their salvation. Thus, we believe that a Christian must continue to believe in Christ for salvation until final salvation is achieved.
  12. ^"What We Believe".National Association of Free Will Baptists.
  13. ^Burgess, Gideon Albert; Ward, John T. (1889-01-01).Free Baptist Cyclopaedia: Historical and Biographical: the Rise of the Freewill Baptist Connection and of Those General and Open Communion Baptists Which, Merging Together, Form One People, Their Doctrines, Polity, Publications, Schools and Missions, with Brief Biographies of Ministers and Others Identified with the Growth and Strength of the Denomination.Free Baptist Cyclopaedia Company.
  14. ^"ofwb".The Convention of Original Free Will Baptist Churches.Retrieved2016-01-10.
  15. ^"United American Free Will Baptist General Conference".uafreewillbaptconf.org.Archived fromthe originalon 2020-02-17.Retrieved2016-01-10.
  16. ^"United American Free Will Baptist General Conference".uafreewillbaptconf.org.Archived fromthe originalon 2016-03-04.Retrieved2016-01-10.
  17. ^"Old Original Free Will Baptist Conference".oldoriginalfreewillbaptistconference.com.Archived fromthe originalon 2018-10-28.Retrieved2018-10-27.
  18. ^McBeth, Leon (1987).The Baptist Heritage.Broadman Press.p. 712.ISBN0805465693.

Further reading

  • Bryant, Scott.The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists: Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition(Mercer University Press, 2011) 228 pp.
  • Chisholm, Hugh,ed. (1911)."Free Baptists".Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 11 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 69–70.
  • Davidson, William F.The Free Will Baptists in History
  • Hill, Samuel S., ed.Encyclopedia of Religion in the South
  • Leonard, Bill, ed.Dictionary of Baptists in America
  • Pelt, Michael.A History of Original Free Will Baptists
  • Pinson, J. Matthew.A Free Will Baptist Handbook: Heritage, Beliefs, and Ministries