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Freeze (art exhibition)

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Freeze Exhibition Catalogue

Freezeis the title of anart exhibitionthat took place in July 1988 in an empty London Port Authority building (the old fire station) at Surrey Docks inLondon Docklands.[1]Its main organiser wasDamien Hirst.It was significant in the subsequent development of theYoung British Artists.


Damien Hirstwas the organizer of Freeze.

Freezewas orchestrated byDamien Hirst,who was then a student at Goldsmiths College of Art. He was assisted by Luigi Scalera, a young architecture graduate working for the London Docklands Development Corporation, who identified and made available the derelict building for the exhibition together with modest funding for painting the interior.[1][2]Hirst and his collaborators intentionally imitated the look ofCharles Saatchi's first gallery in St John's Wood that had opened a few years earlier.[citation needed]Saatchi, an art collector, attendedFreezeand purchased a piece of art byMat Collishaw.Michael Craig-Martin,a tutor atGoldsmiths Art College,[1]used his influence in the London art world to convinceNorman RosenthalandNicholas Serotato visit the exhibition.

A show of work byAngus Fairhurstin February 1988 was the precursor toFreeze.[3] Fairhurst, along with other students from Goldsmiths College of Art, were instrumental in organizingFreeze.[1]It was there that the work of the Young British Artists caught the attention of the collector Charles Saatchi.[2]

The catalogue forFreezehad surprisingly high production values for a student exhibition.[citation needed]It was designed byTony Arefinand included an essay by art criticIan Jeffrey.The catalogue was funded by the property developers Olympia and York. The title of the show came from the catalogue's description of Mat Collishaw's macro photographBullet Holewhich showed a gunshot wound to a human head (taken from a pathology textbook).

In 2007,Michael Craig-Martinsaid in an interview withBrian Sherwin:

I had always tried to help my students in any way I could, particularly in those first years after art school. I knew from personal experience how difficult it was—I never had things come easy. I did the same with Damien and Freeze. I encouraged people to go and see the work. I would never have done this if I hadn't believed the show was of exceptional interest—why waste people's time? It amuses me that so many people think what happened was calculated and cleverly manipulated whereas in fact it was a combination of youthful bravado, innocence, fortunate timing, good luck, and, of course, good work.[4]

The exhibition was sponsored by theLondon Docklands Development CorporationandOlympia and York.


There was one contemporary review of the original exhibition written bySacha Craddock,which appeared inThe Guardian.[5]

The success inspired a second exhibition several months later,Freeze 2,featuring some artists from the first exhibition and some new faces from other London art schools. The BBC filmed the exhibition and interviewed some contributors.

Freezeinfluenced a group of artists later to be identified as theYoung British Artists(YBAs—often written yBas). The actual list of members in this art group remained fluid from project to project.[1]


Two younger artists turned down the chance to be in the exhibition. Dominic Denis was listed in catalogue but did not show work. The 16 students who did exhibit atFreezewere:


  1. ^abcdeSetting the 'scene'.Exposure.Retrieved from Internet Archive 27 April 2015.
  2. ^abAkbar, Arifa; Powell, Marianne (1 April 2008)."Artist behind 1990s boom 'commits suicide'".The Independent.London.Retrieved2 May2010.
  3. ^Akbar, Arifa; Powell, Marianne."Artist behind 1990s boom 'commits suicide'",The Independent,1 April 2008. Retrieved 2 April 2008.
  4. ^Sherwin, Brian."Art Space Talk: Michael Craig-Martin",Myartspace, 16 August 2007. Retrieved on 12 July 2009.
  5. ^Craddock, Sacha (24 July 2008). "'Freeze': Defrosted ".Time Out.