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Graphical user interface builder

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(Redirected fromGUI designer)
NetBeansGUI builder

Agraphical user interface builder(orGUI builder), also known asGUI designeror sometimesRAD IDE,is asoftware development toolthat simplifies the creation ofGUIsby allowing the designer to arrangegraphical control elements(often called widgets) using adrag-and-dropWYSIWYGeditor. Without a GUI builder, a GUI must be built by manually specifying each widget's parameters in the source code, with no visual feedback until the program is run. Such tools are usually called the termRADIDE.

User interfaces are commonly programmed using anevent-driven architecture,so GUI builders also simplify creating event-driven code. This supporting code connectssoftware widgetswith the outgoing and incomingeventsthat trigger the functions providing the application logic.

Some graphical user interface builders automatically generate all thesource codefor agraphical control element.Others, likeInterface BuilderorGlade Interface Designer,generateserializedobject instances that are then loaded by the application.

List of GUI builders


C language based


C# based


C++ based


Objective-C / Swift based


Java based


HTML/JavaScript based


Object Pascal based


Tk framework based


Visual Basic based


Other tools


List of development environments


IDEs with GUI builders (RADIDEs)


See also


