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TheGalabri(Ancient Greek:Γαλάβριοι) were aDardaniantribe, along with theThunatae,mentioned byStrabo.[1]



The tribe is mentioned byAncient GreekauthorStraboin hisGeographicaasΓαλάβριοιGalabrioi.The tribal nameGalabri/Galabrioihas been connected to theMessapicnameCalabri/CalabrioiinSalento(south-eastern Italy). It has been further connected to theAlbaniantoponymGallapiin present-day north-easternKosovo.[2]



According to Strabo an old city was located in the region of the Dardanian tribe of the Galabri.[3][4]It has been tentatively suggested that it should be sought atKaleinSkopje.[4]

Strabo's account indicates higher social development and acculturation in the area; also the informations provided by other classical sources concerning the Dardanians suggest that their society was at an advanced phase of development.[4]

See also





  • Baliu, Begzad (2012).Onomastikë dhe identitet[Onomastics and Identity](PDF)(in Albanian). Era.ISBN978-9951-04-071-6.
  • Šašel Kos, Marjeta (2010). "Peoples on the northern fringes of the Greek world: Illyria as seen by Strabo". In Jean-Luc Lamboley, Maria Paola Castiglioni (ed.).L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Épire dans l'Antiquité V: Actes du Ve colloque international de Grenoble (8–11 octobre 2008).L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Épire dans l'Antiquité (V). Vol. 2. De Boccard Editions. pp. 617–629.ISBN9782951943339.
  • Shukriu, Edi (1996).Dardania paraurbane: studime arkeologjike të Kosovës[Pre-urban Dardania: Archaeological Studies of Kosova]. Biblioteka "Fryma" (in Albanian). Vol. 13. Pejë: Dukagjini.