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Gamaliel Waldo Beaman

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Gamaliel Waldo Beaman(September 4, 1852 – May 7, 1937) was an American landscape painter active inNew England,and is best known for his views ofNew Hampshire's White Mountainsas well as his many paintings of Connecticut Valley and of Mt. Wachusett and Mt. Monadnock in north central Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.

Gamaliel Waldo Beaman Landscape
A bifurcated tree, probably in the Berkshires or north central Massachusetts.

Beaman was born inWestminster, Massachusetts,and moved to Cambridge as a young man where he began his career as a landscape painter. He took drawing classes at theLowell Institute.During his early twenties he traveled and painted in the White Mountains and in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. In 1878 & 1879 he studied abroad in Paris and Pont Aven, France. Upon his return, he established a studio on Tremont Street in Boston. During this period, he frequently traveled toNorthfield, Massachusetts,where he painted in and around the Connecticut Valley. There he received commissions from evangelistDwight Lyman Moody.It was there that he also met and married Mary Priest Stearns on October 22, 1885. Mary died of consumption shortly after the birth of their second child, and in 1894 Beaman married his second wife, Eileen Marie Rand Sherman of North Adams, Massachusetts. Following their marriage, the artist and his wife maintained a residence and studio inManchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts.In 1898 they returned to north central Massachusetts and purchased a home inPrinceton, Massachusetts.In addition to being an accomplished artist he was a recognized antiquarian who in his latter years was known as "Antique Beaman."

Gamaliel Waldo Beaman: Autumn Landscape
Autumn landscape, probably north central Massachusetts.

Beaman exhibited at theBoston Art Clubfrom 1877 to 1882, at theMuseum of Fine Arts, Bostonin 1883, and at thePennsylvania Academy of the Fine Artsin 1881, 1884, and 1885. He exhibited widely in many industrial exhibits including those sponsored by the New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Institute and the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. One of his paintings was included in theWorld Industrial and Cotton Centennial Expositionin 1884. His work is listed in the archives of theSmithsonian Museum of American Artin Washington, D.C. His paintings are in the collections of several university art museums including theHood Art Museum of Dartmouth Collegein Hanover, New Hampshire. Many of his paintings may be viewed in the collections of Northfield, Princeton, and Westminster, Massachusetts public libraries and historical societies. The vast majority of his work. estimated to be between three and four hundred paintings, reside in private collections throughout the United States.
