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GeSbTe(germanium-antimony-telluriumorGST) is aphase-change materialfrom the group ofchalcogenide glassesused in rewritableoptical discsandphase-change memoryapplications. Its recrystallization time is 20 nanoseconds, allowingbitratesof up to 35Mbit/s to be written and direct overwrite capability up to 106cycles. It is suitable for land-groove recording formats. It is often used inrewritable DVDs.New phase-change memories are possible usingn-dopedGeSbTesemiconductor.Themelting pointof thealloyis about 600 °C (900 K) and thecrystallizationtemperature is between 100 and 150 °C.

During writing, the material is erased, initialized into itscrystallinestate, with low-intensity laser irradiation. The material heats up to its crystallization temperature, but not its melting point, and crystallizes. The information is written at the crystalline phase, by heating spots of it with short (<10 ns), high-intensitylaserpulses; the material melts locally and is quickly cooled, remaining in theamorphousphase. As the amorphous phase has lowerreflectivitythan the crystalline phase, data can be recorded as dark spots on the crystalline background. Recently, novel liquidorganogermaniumprecursors, such asisobutylgermane[1][2][3](IBGe) and tetrakis(dimethylamino)germane[4][5](TDMAGe) were developed and used in conjunction with themetalorganicsofantimonyandtellurium,such as tris-dimethylamino antimony (TDMASb) and di-isopropyl telluride (DIPTe) respectively, to grow GeSbTe and otherchalcogenidefilms of very high purity bymetalorganic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). Dimethylamino germanium trichloride[6](DMAGeC) is also reported as the chloride containing and superior dimethylaminogermanium precursor for Ge deposition by MOCVD.

Material properties

Phase diagram of the GeSbTe ternary alloy system

GeSbTe is a ternary compound ofgermanium,antimony,andtellurium,with composition GeTe-Sb2Te3.In the GeSbTe system, there is a pseudo-line as shown upon which most of the alloys lie. Moving down this pseudo-line, it can be seen that as we go from Sb2Te3to GeTe, the melting point andglass transition temperatureof the materials increase, crystallization speed decreases and data retention increases. Hence, in order to get high data transfer rate, we need to use material with fast crystallization speed such as Sb2Te3.This material is not stable because of its low activation energy. On the other hand, materials with good amorphous stability like GeTe has slow crystallization speed because of its high activation energy. In its stable state, crystalline GeSbTe has two possible configurations:hexagonaland a metastableface-centered cubic(FCC) lattice. When it is rapidly crystallized however, it was found to have a distortedrocksaltstructure. GeSbTe has a glass transition temperature of around 100 °C.[7]GeSbTe also has manyvacancy defectsin the lattice, of 20 to 25% depending on the specific GeSbTe compound. Hence, Te has an extralone pairof electrons, which are important for many of the characteristics of GeSbTe. Crystal defects are also common in GeSbTe and due to these defects, anUrbach tailin theband structureis formed in these compounds. GeSbTe is generallyp typeand there are many electronic states in theband gapaccounting for acceptor and donor like traps. GeSbTe has two stable states, crystalline and amorphous. The phase change mechanism from high resistance amorphous phase to low resistance crystalline phase in nano-timescale and threshold switching are two of the most important characteristic of GeSbTe.

Applications in phase-change memory


The unique characteristic that makesphase-change memoryuseful as a memory is the ability to effect a reversible phase change when heated or cooled, switching between stable amorphous and crystalline states. These alloys have high resistance in the amorphous state ‘0’ and aresemimetalsin the crystalline state ‘1’. In amorphous state, the atoms have short-range atomic order and low free electron density. The alloy also has high resistivity and activation energy. This distinguishes it from the crystalline state having low resistivity and activation energy, long-range atomic order and high free electron density. When used in phase-change memory, use of a short, high amplitude electric pulse such that the material reaches melting point and rapidly quenched changes the material from crystalline phase to amorphous phase is widely termed as RESET current and use of a relatively longer, low amplitude electric pulse such that the material reaches only the crystallization point and given time to crystallize allowing phase change from amorphous to crystalline is known as SET current.

The early devices were slow, power consuming and broke down easily due to the large currents. Therefore, it did not succeed asSRAMandflash memorytook over. In the 1980s though, the discovery of germanium-antimony-tellurium (GeSbTe) meant that phase-change memory now needed less time and power to function. This resulted in the success of the rewriteable optical disk and created renewed interest in the phase-change memory. The advances inlithographyalso meant that previously excessive programming current has now become much smaller as the volume of GeSbTe that changes phase is reduced.

Phase-change memory has many near ideal memory qualities such asnon-volatility,fast switching speed, high endurance of more than 1013read –write cycles, non-destructive read, direct overwriting and long data retention time of more than 10 years. The one advantage that distinguishes it from other next generation non-volatile memory likemagnetic random access memory(MRAM) is the unique scaling advantage of having better performance with smaller sizes. The limit to which phase-change memory can be scaled is hence limited by lithography at least until 45 nm. Thus, it offers the biggest potential of achieving ultra-high memory density cells that can be commercialized.

Though phase-change memory offers much promise, there are still certain technical problems that need to be solved before it can reach ultra-high density and commercialized. The most important challenge for phase-change memory is to reduce the programming current to the level that is compatible with the minimumMOStransistor drive current for high-density integration. Currently, the programming current in phase-change memory is substantially high. This high current limits the memory density of thephase-change memorycells as the current supplied by the transistor is not sufficient due to their high current requirement. Hence, the unique scaling advantage of phase-change memory cannot be fully utilized.

A picture showing the typical structure of a phase-change memory device

The typical phase-change memory device design is shown. It has layers including the top electrode, GST, the GeSbTe layer, BEC, the bottomelectrodeand thedielectriclayers. The programmable volume is the GeSbTe volume that is in contact with the bottom electrode. This is the part that can be scaled down with lithography. The thermal time constant of the device is also important. The thermal time constant must be fast enough for GeSbTe to cool rapidly into the amorphous state during RESET but slow enough to allow crystallization to occur during SET state. The thermal time constant depends on the design and material the cell is built. To read, a low current pulse is applied to the device. A small current ensures the material does not heat up. Information stored is read out by measuring the resistance of the device.

Threshold switching


Threshold switching occurs when GeSbTe goes from a highresistivestate to aconductivestate at the threshold field of about 56 V/um.[8]This can be seen from thecurrent-voltage(IV) plot, where current is very low in the amorphous state at low voltage until threshold voltage is reached. Current increases rapidly after the voltagesnapback.The material is now in the amorphous "ON" state, where the material is still amorphous, but in a pseudo-crystalline electric state. In crystalline state, the IV characteristics isohmic.There had been debate on whether threshold switching was an electrical orthermalprocess. There were suggestions that theexponentialincrease in current at threshold voltage must have been due to generation of carriers that vary exponentially with voltage such as impactionizationortunneling.[9]

A graph showing the RESET current pulse with highamplitudeand short duration and SET current with lower amplitude and longer duration

Nano-timescale phase change


Recently, much research has focused on the material analysis of the phase-change material in an attempt to explain the high speed phase change of GeSbTe. UsingEXAFS,it was found that the most matching model for crystalline GeSbTe is a distorted rocksalt lattice and for amorphous a tetrahedral structure. The small change in configuration from distorted rocksalt to tetrahedral suggests that nano-timescale phase change is possible[10]as the majorcovalent bondsare intact and only the weaker bonds are broken.

Using the most possible crystalline and amorphous local structures for GeSbTe, the fact thatdensityof crystalline GeSbTe is less than 10% larger than amorphous GeSbTe, and the fact thatfree energiesof both amorphous and crystalline GeSbTe have to be around the same magnitude, it was hypothesized fromdensity functional theorysimulations[11]that the most stable amorphous state was thespinelstructure, where Ge occupies tetrahedral positions and Sb and Te occupy octahedral positions, as the ground state energy was the lowest of all the possible configurations. By means ofCar-Parrinellomolecular dynamicssimulations this conjecture have been theoretically confirmed.[12]

Nucleation-domination versus growth-domination


Another similar material isAgInSbTe.It offers higher linear density, but has lower overwrite cycles by 1-2 orders of magnitude. It is used in groove-only recording formats, often inrewritable CDs.AgInSbTe is known as a growth-dominated material while GeSbTe is known as a nucleation-dominated material. In GeSbTe, the nucleation process of crystallization is long with many small crystalline nuclei being formed before a short growth process where the numerous small crystals are joined. In AgInSbTe, there are only a few nuclei formed in the nucleation stage and these nuclei grow bigger in the longer growth stage such that they eventually form one crystal.[13]


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