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General relativity

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Slow motion computer simulation of the black holebinary systemGW150914 as seen by a nearby observer, during 0.33 s of its finalinspiral,merge,andringdown.The star field behind the black holes is being heavily distorted and appears to rotate and move, due to extremegravitational lensing,asspacetimeitself is distorted and dragged around by the rotatingblack holes.[1]

General relativity,also known as thegeneral theory of relativity,and asEinstein's theory of gravity,is thegeometrictheoryofgravitationpublished byAlbert Einsteinin 1915 and is the current description of gravitation inmodern physics.Generalrelativitygeneralizesspecial relativityand refinesNewton's law of universal gravitation,providing a unified description of gravity as a geometric property ofspaceandtime,orfour-dimensionalspacetime.In particular, thecurvatureof spacetimeis directly related to theenergyandmomentumof whatever presentmatterandradiation.The relation is specified by theEinstein field equations,a system of second-orderpartial differential equations.

Newton's law of universal gravitation,which describes classical gravity, can be seen as a prediction of general relativity for the almost flat spacetime geometry around stationary mass distributions. Some predictions of general relativity, however, are beyondNewton's law of universal gravitationinclassical physics.These predictions concern the passage of time, thegeometryof space, the motion of bodies infree fall,and the propagation of light, and includegravitational time dilation,gravitational lensing,thegravitational redshiftof light, theShapiro time delayandsingularities/black holes.So far, alltests of general relativityhave been shown to be in agreement with the theory. The time-dependent solutions of general relativity enable us to talk about the history of the universe and have provided the modern framework forcosmology,thus leading to the discovery of theBig Bangandcosmic microwave backgroundradiation. Despite the introduction of a number ofalternative theories,general relativity continues to be the simplest theory consistent withexperimental data.

Reconciliation of general relativity with the laws ofquantum physicsremains a problem, however, as there is a lack of a self-consistent theory ofquantum gravity.It is not yet known how gravity can beunifiedwith the three non-gravitational forces:strong,weakandelectromagnetic.

Einstein's theory hasastrophysicalimplications, including the prediction ofblack holes—regions of space in which space and time are distorted in such a way that nothing, not evenlight,can escape from them. Black holes are the end-state formassive stars.Microquasarsandactive galactic nucleiare believed to bestellar black holesandsupermassive black holes.It also predictsgravitational lensing,where the bending of light results in multiple images of the same distant astronomical phenomenon. Other predictions include the existence ofgravitational waves,which have beenobserved directlyby the physics collaborationLIGOand other observatories. In addition, general relativity has provided the base ofcosmologicalmodels of anexpanding universe.

Widely acknowledged as a theory of extraordinarybeauty,general relativity has often been described as the most beautiful of all existing physical theories.[2]



Henri Poincaré's 1905 theory of the dynamics of the electron was a relativistic theory which he applied to all forces, including gravity. While others thought that gravity was instantaneous or of electromagnetic origin, he suggested that relativity was "something due to our methods of measurement". In his theory, he showed thatgravitational wavespropagate at the speed of light.[3]Soon afterwards, Einstein started thinking about how to incorporategravityinto his relativistic framework. In 1907, beginning with a simplethought experimentinvolving an observer in free fall (FFO), he embarked on what would be an eight-year search for a relativistic theory of gravity. After numerous detours and false starts, his work culminated in the presentation to thePrussian Academy of Sciencein November 1915 of what are now known as the Einstein field equations, which form the core of Einstein's general theory of relativity.[4]These equations specify how the geometry of space and time is influenced by whatever matter and radiation are present.[5]A version ofnon-Euclidean geometry,calledRiemannian geometry,enabled Einstein to develop general relativity by providing the key mathematical framework on which he fit his physical ideas of gravity.[6]This idea was pointed out by mathematicianMarcel Grossmannand published by Grossmann and Einstein in 1913.[7]

The Einstein field equations arenonlinearand considered difficult to solve. Einstein used approximation methods in working out initial predictions of the theory. But in 1916, the astrophysicistKarl Schwarzschildfound the first non-trivial exact solution to the Einstein field equations, theSchwarzschild metric.This solution laid the groundwork for the description of the final stages of gravitational collapse, and the objects known today as black holes. In the same year, the first steps towards generalizing Schwarzschild's solution toelectrically chargedobjects were taken, eventually resulting in theReissner–Nordström solution,which is now associated withelectrically charged black holes.[8]In 1917, Einstein applied his theory to theuniverseas a whole, initiating the field of relativistic cosmology. In line with contemporary thinking, he assumed a static universe, adding a new parameter to his original field equations—thecosmological constant—to match that observational presumption.[9]By 1929, however, the work ofHubbleand others had shown that our universe is expanding. This is readily described by the expanding cosmological solutions found byFriedmannin 1922, which do not require a cosmological constant.Lemaîtreused these solutions to formulate the earliest version of theBig Bangmodels, in which our universe has evolved from an extremely hot and dense earlier state.[10]Einstein later declared the cosmological constant the biggest blunder of his life.[11]

During that period, general relativity remained something of a curiosity among physical theories. It was clearly superior toNewtonian gravity,being consistent with special relativity and accounting for several effects unexplained by the Newtonian theory. Einstein showed in 1915 how his theory explained theanomalous perihelion advanceof the planetMercurywithout any arbitrary parameters ( "fudge factors"),[12]and in 1919 an expedition led byEddingtonconfirmed general relativity's prediction for the deflection of starlight by the Sun during the totalsolar eclipse of 29 May 1919,[13]instantly making Einstein famous.[14]Yet the theory remained outside the mainstream oftheoretical physicsand astrophysics until developments between approximately 1960 and 1975, now known as thegolden age of general relativity.[15]Physicists began to understand the concept of a black hole, and to identifyquasarsas one of these objects' astrophysical manifestations.[16]Ever more precise solar system tests confirmed the theory's predictive power,[17]and relativistic cosmology also became amenable to direct observational tests.[18]

General relativity has acquired a reputation as a theory of extraordinary beauty.[2][19][20]Subrahmanyan Chandrasekharhas noted that at multiple levels, general relativity exhibits whatFrancis Baconhas termed a "strangeness in the proportion" (i.e.elements that excite wonderment and surprise). It juxtaposes fundamental concepts (space and timeversusmatter and motion) which had previously been considered as entirely independent. Chandrasekhar also noted that Einstein's only guides in his search for an exact theory were the principle of equivalence and his sense that a proper description of gravity should be geometrical at its basis, so that there was an "element of revelation" in the manner in which Einstein arrived at his theory.[21]Other elements of beauty associated with the general theory of relativity are its simplicity and symmetry, the manner in which it incorporates invariance and unification, and its perfect logical consistency.[22]

In the preface toRelativity: The Special and the General Theory,Einstein said "The present book is intended, as far as possible, to give an exact insight into the theory of Relativity to those readers who, from a general scientific and philosophical point of view, are interested in the theory, but who are not conversant with the mathematical apparatus of theoretical physics. The work presumes a standard of education corresponding to that of a university matriculation examination, and, despite the shortness of the book, a fair amount of patience and force of will on the part of the reader. The author has spared himself no pains in his endeavour to present the main ideas in the simplest and most intelligible form, and on the whole, in the sequence and connection in which they actually originated."[23]

From classical mechanics to general relativity


General relativity can be understood by examining its similarities with and departures from classical physics. The first step is the realization that classical mechanics and Newton's law of gravity admit a geometric description. The combination of this description with the laws of special relativity results in aheuristicderivation of general relativity.[24][25]

Geometry of Newtonian gravity

According to general relativity, objects in a gravitational field behave similarly to objects within an accelerating enclosure. For example, an observer will see a ball fall the same way in a rocket (left) as it does on Earth (right), provided that the acceleration of the rocket is equal to 9.8 m/s2(the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth).

At the base ofclassical mechanicsis the notion that abody's motion can be described as a combination of free (orinertial) motion, and deviations from this free motion. Such deviations are caused by external forces acting on a body in accordance with Newton's secondlaw of motion,which states that the netforceacting on a body is equal to that body's (inertial)massmultiplied by itsacceleration.[26]The preferred inertial motions are related to the geometry of space and time: in the standardreference framesof classical mechanics, objects in free motion move along straight lines at constant speed. In modern parlance, their paths aregeodesics,straightworld linesincurved spacetime.[27]

Conversely, one might expect that inertial motions, once identified by observing the actual motions of bodies and making allowances for the external forces (such aselectromagnetismorfriction), can be used to define the geometry of space, as well as a timecoordinate.However, there is an ambiguity once gravity comes into play. According to Newton's law of gravity, and independently verified by experiments such as that ofEötvösand its successors (seeEötvös experiment), there is a universality of free fall (also known as the weakequivalence principle,or the universal equality of inertial and passive-gravitational mass): the trajectory of atest bodyin free fall depends only on its position and initial speed, but not on any of its material properties.[28]A simplified version of this is embodied inEinstein's elevator experiment,illustrated in the figure on the right: for an observer in an enclosed room, it is impossible to decide, by mapping the trajectory of bodies such as a dropped ball, whether the room is stationary in a gravitational field and the ball accelerating, or in free space aboard a rocket that is accelerating at a rate equal to that of the gravitational field versus the ball which upon release has nil acceleration.[29]

Given the universality of free fall, there is no observable distinction between inertial motion and motion under the influence of the gravitational force. This suggests the definition of a new class of inertial motion, namely that of objects in free fall under the influence of gravity. This new class of preferred motions, too, defines a geometry of space and time—in mathematical terms, it is the geodesic motion associated with a specificconnectionwhich depends on thegradientof thegravitational potential.Space, in this construction, still has the ordinaryEuclidean geometry.However, spacetimeas a whole is more complicated. As can be shown using simple thought experiments following the free-fall trajectories of different test particles, the result of transporting spacetime vectors that can denote a particle's velocity (time-like vectors) will vary with the particle's trajectory; mathematically speaking, the Newtonian connection is notintegrable.From this, one can deduce that spacetime is curved. The resultingNewton–Cartan theoryis a geometric formulation of Newtonian gravity using onlycovariantconcepts, i.e. a description which is valid in any desired coordinate system.[30]In this geometric description,tidal effects—the relative acceleration of bodies in free fall—are related to the derivative of the connection, showing how the modified geometry is caused by the presence of mass.[31]

Relativistic generalization

Light cone

As intriguing as geometric Newtonian gravity may be, its basis, classical mechanics, is merely alimiting caseof (special) relativistic mechanics.[32]In the language ofsymmetry:where gravity can be neglected, physics isLorentz invariantas in special relativity rather thanGalilei invariantas in classical mechanics. (The defining symmetry of special relativity is thePoincaré group,which includes translations, rotations, boosts and reflections.) The differences between the two become significant when dealing with speeds approaching thespeed of light,and with high-energy phenomena.[33]

With Lorentz symmetry, additional structures come into play. They are defined by the set of light cones (see image). The light-cones define a causal structure: for eacheventA,there is a set of events that can, in principle, either influence or be influenced byAvia signals or interactions that do not need to travel faster than light (such as eventBin the image), and a set of events for which such an influence is impossible (such as eventCin the image). These sets areobserver-independent.[34]In conjunction with the world-lines of freely falling particles, the light-cones can be used to reconstruct the spacetime's semi-Riemannian metric, at least up to a positive scalar factor. In mathematical terms, this defines aconformal structure[35]or conformal geometry.

Special relativity is defined in the absence of gravity. For practical applications, it is a suitable model whenever gravity can be neglected. Bringing gravity into play, and assuming the universality of free fall motion, an analogous reasoning as in the previous section applies: there are no globalinertial frames.Instead there are approximate inertial frames moving alongside freely falling particles. Translated into the language of spacetime: the straighttime-likelines that define a gravity-free inertial frame are deformed to lines that are curved relative to each other, suggesting that the inclusion of gravity necessitates a change in spacetime geometry.[36]

A priori, it is not clear whether the new local frames in free fall coincide with the reference frames in which the laws of special relativity hold—that theory is based on the propagation of light, and thus on electromagnetism, which could have a different set ofpreferred frames.But using different assumptions about the special-relativistic frames (such as their being earth-fixed, or in free fall), one can derive different predictions for the gravitational redshift, that is, the way in which the frequency of light shifts as the light propagates through a gravitational field (cf.below). The actual measurements show that free-falling frames are the ones in which light propagates as it does in special relativity.[37]The generalization of this statement, namely that the laws of special relativity hold to good approximation in freely falling (and non-rotating) reference frames, is known as theEinstein equivalence principle,a crucial guiding principle for generalizing special-relativistic physics to include gravity.[38]

The same experimental data shows that time as measured by clocks in a gravitational field—proper time,to give the technical term—does not follow the rules of special relativity. In the language of spacetime geometry, it is not measured by theMinkowski metric.As in the Newtonian case, this is suggestive of a more general geometry. At small scales, all reference frames that are in free fall are equivalent, and approximately Minkowskian. Consequently, we are now dealing with a curved generalization of Minkowski space. Themetric tensorthat defines the geometry—in particular, how lengths and angles are measured—is not the Minkowski metric of special relativity, it is a generalization known as a semi- orpseudo-Riemannianmetric. Furthermore, each Riemannian metric is naturally associated with one particular kind of connection, theLevi-Civita connection,and this is, in fact, the connection that satisfies the equivalence principle and makes space locally Minkowskian (that is, in suitablelocally inertial coordinates,the metric is Minkowskian, and its first partial derivatives and the connection coefficients vanish).[39]

Einstein's equations


Having formulated the relativistic, geometric version of the effects of gravity, the question of gravity's source remains. In Newtonian gravity, the source is mass. In special relativity, mass turns out to be part of a more general quantity called theenergy–momentum tensor,which includes bothenergyand momentumdensitiesas well asstress:pressureand shear.[40]Using the equivalence principle, this tensor is readily generalized to curved spacetime. Drawing further upon the analogy with geometric Newtonian gravity, it is natural to assume that thefield equationfor gravity relates this tensor and theRicci tensor,which describes a particular class of tidal effects: the change in volume for a small cloud of test particles that are initially at rest, and then fall freely. In special relativity,conservation of energy–momentum corresponds to the statement that the energy–momentum tensor isdivergence-free. This formula, too, is readily generalized to curved spacetime by replacing partial derivatives with their curved-manifoldcounterparts,covariant derivativesstudied in differential geometry. With this additional condition—the covariant divergence of the energy–momentum tensor, and hence of whatever is on the other side of the equation, is zero—the simplest nontrivial set of equations are what are called Einstein's (field) equations:

Einstein's field equations

On the left-hand side is theEinstein tensor,,which is symmetric and a specific divergence-free combination of the Ricci tensorand the metric. In particular,

is the curvature scalar. The Ricci tensor itself is related to the more generalRiemann curvature tensoras

On the right-hand side,is a constant andis the energy–momentum tensor. All tensors are written inabstract index notation.[41]Matching the theory's prediction to observational results forplanetaryorbitsor, equivalently, assuring that the weak-gravity, low-speed limit is Newtonian mechanics, the proportionality constantis found to be,whereis theNewtonian constant of gravitationandthe speed of light in vacuum.[42]When there is no matter present, so that the energy–momentum tensor vanishes, the results are the vacuum Einstein equations,

In general relativity, theworld lineof a particle free from all external, non-gravitational force is a particular type of geodesic in curved spacetime. In other words, a freely moving or falling particle always moves along a geodesic.

Thegeodesic equationis:

whereis a scalar parameter of motion (e.g. theproper time), andareChristoffel symbols(sometimes called theaffine connectioncoefficients orLevi-Civita connectioncoefficients) which is symmetric in the two lower indices. Greek indices may take the values: 0, 1, 2, 3 and thesummation conventionis used for repeated indicesand.The quantity on the left-hand-side of this equation is the acceleration of a particle, and so this equation is analogous toNewton's laws of motionwhich likewise provide formulae for the acceleration of a particle. This equation of motion employs theEinstein notation,meaning that repeated indices are summed (i.e. from zero to three). The Christoffel symbols are functions of the four spacetime coordinates, and so are independent of the velocity or acceleration or other characteristics of atest particlewhose motion is described by the geodesic equation.

Total force in general relativity


In general relativity, the effectivegravitational potential energyof an object of massmrevolving around a massive central bodyMis given by[43][44]

A conservative totalforcecan then be obtained as itsnegative gradient

whereLis theangular momentum.The first term represents theforce of Newtonian gravity,which is described by the inverse-square law. The second term represents thecentrifugal forcein the circular motion. The third term represents the relativistic effect.

Alternatives to general relativity


There arealternatives to general relativitybuilt upon the same premises, which include additional rules and/or constraints, leading to different field equations. Examples areWhitehead's theory,Brans–Dicke theory,teleparallelism,f(R) gravityandEinstein–Cartan theory.[45]

Definition and basic applications


The derivation outlined in the previous section contains all the information needed to define general relativity, describe its key properties, and address a question of crucial importance in physics, namely how the theory can be used for model-building.

Definition and basic properties


General relativity is ametrictheory of gravitation. At its core areEinstein's equations,which describe the relation between the geometry of a four-dimensionalpseudo-Riemannian manifoldrepresenting spacetime, and theenergy–momentumcontained in that spacetime.[46]Phenomena that in classical mechanics are ascribed to the action of the force of gravity (such asfree-fall,orbital motion, andspacecrafttrajectories), correspond to inertial motion within a curved geometry of spacetime in general relativity; there is no gravitational force deflecting objects from their natural, straight paths. Instead, gravity corresponds to changes in the properties of space and time, which in turn changes the straightest-possible paths that objects will naturally follow.[47]The curvature is, in turn, caused by the energy–momentum of matter. Paraphrasing the relativistJohn Archibald Wheeler,spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve.[48]

While general relativity replaces thescalargravitational potential of classical physics by a symmetricrank-twotensor,the latter reduces to the former in certainlimiting cases.Forweak gravitational fieldsandslow speedrelative to the speed of light, the theory's predictions converge on those of Newton's law of universal gravitation.[49]

As it is constructed using tensors, general relativity exhibitsgeneral covariance:its laws—and further laws formulated within the general relativistic framework—take on the same form in allcoordinate systems.[50]Furthermore, the theory does not contain any invariant geometric background structures, i.e. it isbackground independent.It thus satisfies a more stringentgeneral principle of relativity,namely that thelaws of physicsare the same for all observers.[51]Locally,as expressed in the equivalence principle, spacetime isMinkowskian,and the laws of physics exhibitlocal Lorentz invariance.[52]



The core concept of general-relativistic model-building is that of asolution of Einstein's equations.Given both Einstein's equations and suitable equations for the properties of matter, such a solution consists of a specific semi-Riemannian manifold(usually defined by giving the metric in specific coordinates), and specific matter fields defined on that manifold. Matter and geometry must satisfy Einstein's equations, so in particular, the matter's energy–momentum tensor must be divergence-free. The matter must, of course, also satisfy whatever additional equations were imposed on its properties. In short, such a solution is a model universe that satisfies the laws of general relativity, and possibly additional laws governing whatever matter might be present.[53]

Einstein's equations are nonlinear partial differential equations and, as such, difficult to solve exactly.[54]Nevertheless, a number ofexact solutionsare known, although only a few have direct physical applications.[55]The best-known exact solutions, and also those most interesting from a physics point of view, are theSchwarzschild solution,theReissner–Nordström solutionand theKerr metric,each corresponding to a certain type of black hole in an otherwise empty universe,[56]and theFriedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walkerandde Sitter universes,each describing an expanding cosmos.[57]Exact solutions of great theoretical interest include theGödel universe(which opens up the intriguing possibility oftime travelin curved spacetimes), theTaub–NUT solution(a model universe that ishomogeneous,butanisotropic), andanti-de Sitter space(which has recently come to prominence in the context of what is called theMaldacena conjecture).[58]

Given the difficulty of finding exact solutions, Einstein's field equations are also solved frequently bynumerical integrationon a computer, or by considering small perturbations of exact solutions. In the field ofnumerical relativity,powerful computers are employed to simulate the geometry of spacetime and to solve Einstein's equations for interesting situations such as two colliding black holes.[59]In principle, such methods may be applied to any system, given sufficient computer resources, and may address fundamental questions such asnaked singularities.Approximate solutions may also be found byperturbation theoriessuch aslinearized gravity[60]and its generalization, thepost-Newtonian expansion,both of which were developed by Einstein. The latter provides a systematic approach to solving for the geometry of a spacetime that contains a distribution of matter that moves slowly compared with the speed of light. The expansion involves a series of terms; the first terms represent Newtonian gravity, whereas the later terms represent ever smaller corrections to Newton's theory due to general relativity.[61]An extension of this expansion is the parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism, which allows quantitative comparisons between the predictions of general relativity and alternative theories.[62]

Consequences of Einstein's theory


General relativity has a number of physical consequences. Some follow directly from the theory's axioms, whereas others have become clear only in the course of many years of research that followed Einstein's initial publication.

Gravitational time dilation and frequency shift

Schematic representation of the gravitational redshift of a light wave escaping from the surface of a massive body

Assuming that the equivalence principle holds,[63]gravity influences the passage of time. Light sent down into agravity wellisblueshifted,whereas light sent in the opposite direction (i.e., climbing out of the gravity well) isredshifted;collectively, these two effects are known as the gravitational frequency shift. More generally, processes close to a massive body run more slowly when compared with processes taking place farther away; this effect is known as gravitational time dilation.[64]

Gravitational redshift has been measured in the laboratory[65]and using astronomical observations.[66]Gravitational time dilation in the Earth's gravitational field has been measured numerous times usingatomic clocks,[67]while ongoing validation is provided as a side effect of the operation of theGlobal Positioning System(GPS).[68]Tests in stronger gravitational fields are provided by the observation ofbinary pulsars.[69]All results are in agreement with general relativity.[70]However, at the current level of accuracy, these observations cannot distinguish between general relativity and other theories in which the equivalence principle is valid.[71]

Light deflection and gravitational time delay

Deflection of light (sent out from the location shown in blue) near a compact body (shown in gray)

General relativity predicts that the path of light will follow the curvature of spacetime as it passes near a star. This effect was initially confirmed by observing the light of stars or distant quasars being deflected as it passes theSun.[72]

This and related predictions follow from the fact that light follows what is called a light-like ornull geodesic—a generalization of the straight lines along which light travels in classical physics. Such geodesics are the generalization of theinvarianceof lightspeed in special relativity.[73]As one examines suitable model spacetimes (either the exterior Schwarzschild solution or, for more than a single mass, the post-Newtonian expansion),[74]several effects of gravity on light propagation emerge. Although the bending of light can also be derived by extending the universality of free fall to light,[75]the angle of deflection resulting from such calculations is only half the value given by general relativity.[76]

Closely related to light deflection is the Shapiro Time Delay, the phenomenon that light signals take longer to move through a gravitational field than they would in the absence of that field. There have been numerous successful tests of this prediction.[77]In theparameterized post-Newtonian formalism(PPN), measurements of both the deflection of light and the gravitational time delay determine a parameter called γ, which encodes the influence of gravity on the geometry of space.[78]

Gravitational waves

Ring of test particles deformed by a passing (linearized, amplified for better visibility) gravitational wave

Predicted in 1916[79][80]by Albert Einstein, there are gravitational waves: ripples in the metric of spacetime that propagate at the speed of light. These are one of several analogies between weak-field gravity and electromagnetism in that, they are analogous toelectromagnetic waves.On 11 February 2016, the Advanced LIGO team announced that they haddirectly detected gravitational wavesfrom apairof black holesmerging.[81][82][83]

The simplest type of such a wave can be visualized by its action on a ring of freely floating particles. A sine wave propagating through such a ring towards the reader distorts the ring in a characteristic, rhythmic fashion (animated image to the right).[84]Since Einstein's equations arenon-linear,arbitrarily strong gravitational waves do not obeylinear superposition,making their description difficult. However, linear approximations of gravitational waves are sufficiently accurate to describe the exceedingly weak waves that are expected to arrive here on Earth from far-off cosmic events, which typically result in relative distances increasing and decreasing byor less. Data analysis methods routinely make use of the fact that these linearized waves can beFourier decomposed.[85]

Some exact solutions describe gravitational waves without any approximation, e.g., a wave train traveling through empty space[86]orGowdy universes,varieties of an expanding cosmos filled with gravitational waves.[87]But for gravitational waves produced in astrophysically relevant situations, such as the merger of two black holes, numerical methods are presently the only way to construct appropriate models.[88]

Orbital effects and the relativity of direction


General relativity differs from classical mechanics in a number of predictions concerning orbiting bodies. It predicts an overall rotation (precession) of planetary orbits, as well as orbital decay caused by the emission of gravitational waves and effects related to the relativity of direction.

Precession of apsides

Newtonian (red) vs. Einsteinian orbit (blue) of a lone planet orbiting a star. The influence of other planets is ignored.

In general relativity, theapsidesof any orbit (the point of the orbiting body's closest approach to the system'scenter of mass) willprecess;the orbit is not anellipse,but akin to an ellipse that rotates on its focus, resulting in arose curve-like shape (see image). Einstein first derived this result by using an approximate metric representing the Newtonian limit and treating the orbiting body as atest particle.For him, the fact that his theory gave a straightforward explanation of Mercury's anomalous perihelion shift, discovered earlier byUrbain Le Verrierin 1859, was important evidence that he had at last identified the correct form of the gravitational field equations.[89]

The effect can also be derived by using either the exact Schwarzschild metric (describing spacetime around a spherical mass)[90]or the much more generalpost-Newtonian formalism.[91]It is due to the influence of gravity on the geometry of space and to the contribution ofself-energyto a body's gravity (encoded in thenonlinearityof Einstein's equations).[92]Relativistic precession has been observed for all planets that allow for accurate precession measurements (Mercury, Venus, and Earth),[93]as well as in binary pulsar systems, where it is larger by fiveorders of magnitude.[94]

In general relativity the perihelion shift,expressed in radians per revolution, is approximately given by[95]


Orbital decay

Orbital decay for PSR J0737−3039: time shift (ins), tracked over 16 years (2021).[96]

According to general relativity, abinary systemwill emit gravitational waves, thereby losing energy. Due to this loss, the distance between the two orbiting bodies decreases, and so does their orbital period. Within theSolar Systemor for ordinarydouble stars,the effect is too small to be observable. This is not the case for a close binary pulsar, a system of two orbitingneutron stars,one of which is apulsar:from the pulsar, observers on Earth receive a regular series of radio pulses that can serve as a highly accurate clock, which allows precise measurements of the orbital period. Because neutron stars are immensely compact, significant amounts of energy are emitted in the form of gravitational radiation.[97]

The first observation of a decrease in orbital period due to the emission of gravitational waves was made byHulseandTaylor,using the binary pulsarPSR1913+16they had discovered in 1974. This was the first detection of gravitational waves, albeit indirect, for which they were awarded the 1993Nobel Prizein physics.[98]Since then, several other binary pulsars have been found, in particular the double pulsarPSR J0737−3039,where both stars are pulsars[99]and which was last reported to also be in agreement with general relativity in 2021 after 16 years of observations.[96]

Geodetic precession and frame-dragging


Several relativistic effects are directly related to the relativity of direction.[100]One isgeodetic precession:the axis direction of agyroscopein free fall in curved spacetime will change when compared, for instance, with the direction of light received from distant stars—even though such a gyroscope represents the way of keeping a direction as stable as possible ( "parallel transport").[101]For the Moon–Earth system, this effect has been measured with the help oflunar laser ranging.[102]More recently, it has been measured for test masses aboard the satelliteGravity Probe Bto a precision of better than 0.3%.[103][104]

Near a rotating mass, there are gravitomagnetic orframe-draggingeffects. A distant observer will determine that objects close to the mass get "dragged around". This is most extreme forrotating black holeswhere, for any object entering a zone known as theergosphere,rotation is inevitable.[105]Such effects can again be tested through their influence on the orientation of gyroscopes in free fall.[106]Somewhat controversial tests have been performed using theLAGEOSsatellites, confirming the relativistic prediction.[107]Also theMars Global Surveyorprobe around Mars has been used.[108]

Astrophysical applications


Gravitational lensing

Einstein cross:four images of the same astronomical object, produced by a gravitational lens

The deflection of light by gravity is responsible for a new class of astronomical phenomena. If a massive object is situated between the astronomer and a distant target object with appropriate mass and relative distances, the astronomer will see multiple distorted images of the target. Such effects are known as gravitational lensing.[109]Depending on the configuration, scale, and mass distribution, there can be two or more images, a bright ring known as anEinstein ring,or partial rings called arcs.[110] Theearliest examplewas discovered in 1979;[111]since then, more than a hundred gravitational lenses have been observed.[112]Even if the multiple images are too close to each other to be resolved, the effect can still be measured, e.g., as an overall brightening of the target object; a number of such "microlensingevents "have been observed.[113]

Gravitational lensing has developed into a tool ofobservational astronomy.It is used to detect the presence and distribution ofdark matter,provide a "natural telescope" for observing distant galaxies, and to obtain an independent estimate of theHubble constant.Statistical evaluations of lensing data provide valuable insight into the structural evolution ofgalaxies.[114]

Gravitational-wave astronomy

Artist's impression of the space-borne gravitational wave detectorLISA

Observations of binary pulsars provide strong indirect evidence for the existence of gravitational waves (seeOrbital decay,above). Detection of these waves is a major goal of current relativity-related research.[115]Several land-basedgravitational wave detectorsare currently in operation, most notably theinterferometric detectorsGEO 600,LIGO(two detectors),TAMA 300andVIRGO.[116]Variouspulsar timing arraysare usingmillisecond pulsarsto detect gravitational waves in the 10−9to 10−6hertzfrequency range, which originate from binary supermassive blackholes.[117]A European space-based detector,eLISA / NGO,is currently under development,[118]with a precursor mission (LISA Pathfinder) having launched in December 2015.[119]

Observations of gravitational waves promise to complement observations in theelectromagnetic spectrum.[120]They are expected to yield information about black holes and other dense objects such as neutron stars and white dwarfs, about certain kinds ofsupernovaimplosions, and about processes in the very early universe, including the signature of certain types of hypotheticalcosmic string.[121]In February 2016, the Advanced LIGO team announced that they had detected gravitational waves from a black hole merger.[81][82][83]

Black holes and other compact objects

Simulation based on the equations of general relativity: a star collapsing to form a black hole while emitting gravitational waves

Whenever the ratio of an object's mass to its radius becomes sufficiently large, general relativity predicts the formation of a black hole, a region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. In the currently accepted models ofstellar evolution,neutron stars of around 1.4solar masses,and stellar black holes with a few to a few dozen solar masses, are thought to be the final state for the evolution of massive stars.[122]Usually a galaxy has onesupermassive black holewith a few million to a fewbillionsolar masses in its center,[123]and its presence is thought to have played an important role in the formation of the galaxy and larger cosmic structures.[124]

Astronomically, the most important property of compact objects is that they provide a supremely efficient mechanism for converting gravitational energy into electromagnetic radiation.[125]Accretion,the falling of dust or gaseous matter onto stellar or supermassive black holes, is thought to be responsible for some spectacularly luminous astronomical objects, notably diverse kinds of active galactic nuclei on galactic scales and stellar-size objects such as microquasars.[126]In particular, accretion can lead torelativistic jets,focused beams of highly energetic particles that are being flung into space at almost light speed.[127] General relativity plays a central role in modelling all these phenomena,[128]and observations provide strong evidence for the existence of black holes with the properties predicted by the theory.[129]

Black holes are also sought-after targets in the search for gravitational waves (cf.Gravitational waves,above). Mergingblack hole binariesshould lead to some of the strongest gravitational wave signals reaching detectors here on Earth, and the phase directly before the merger ( "chirp" ) could be used as a "standard candle"to deduce the distance to the merger events–and hence serve as a probe of cosmic expansion at large distances.[130]The gravitational waves produced as a stellar black hole plunges into a supermassive one should provide direct information about the supermassive black hole's geometry.[131]


This blue horseshoe is a distant galaxy that has been magnified and warped into a nearly complete ring by the strong gravitational pull of the massive foreground luminous red galaxy.

The current models of cosmology are based onEinstein's field equations,which include the cosmological constantsince it has important influence on the large-scale dynamics of the cosmos,

whereis the spacetime metric.[132]Isotropicand homogeneous solutions of these enhanced equations, theFriedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker solutions,[133]allow physicists to model a universe that has evolved over the past 14billionyears from a hot, early Big Bang phase.[134]Once a small number of parameters (for example the universe's mean matter density) have been fixed by astronomical observation,[135]further observational data can be used to put the models to the test.[136]Predictions, all successful, include the initial abundance of chemical elements formed in a period ofprimordial nucleosynthesis,[137]the large-scale structure of the universe,[138]and the existence and properties of a "thermalecho "from the early cosmos, thecosmic background radiation.[139]

Astronomical observations of the cosmological expansion rate allow the total amount of matter in the universe to be estimated, although the nature of that matter remains mysterious in part. About 90% of all matter appears to be dark matter, which has mass (or, equivalently, gravitational influence), but does not interact electromagnetically and, hence, cannot be observed directly.[140]There is no generally accepted description of this new kind of matter, within the framework of knownparticle physics[141]or otherwise.[142]Observational evidence from redshift surveys of distant supernovae and measurements of the cosmic background radiation also show that the evolution of our universe is significantly influenced by a cosmological constant resulting in an acceleration of cosmic expansion or, equivalently, by a form of energy with an unusualequation of state,known asdark energy,the nature of which remains unclear.[143]

Aninflationary phase,[144]an additional phase of strongly accelerated expansion at cosmic times of around 10−33seconds, was hypothesized in 1980 to account for several puzzling observations that were unexplained by classical cosmological models, such as the nearly perfect homogeneity of the cosmic background radiation.[145]Recent measurements of the cosmic background radiation have resulted in the first evidence for this scenario.[146]However, there is a bewildering variety of possible inflationary scenarios, which cannot be restricted by current observations.[147]An even larger question is the physics of the earliest universe, prior to the inflationary phase and close to where the classical models predict the big bangsingularity.An authoritative answer would require a complete theory of quantum gravity, which has not yet been developed[148](cf. the section onquantum gravity,below).

Exotic solutions: time travel, warp drives


Kurt Gödelshowed[149]that solutions to Einstein's equations exist that containclosed timelike curves(CTCs), which allow for loops in time. The solutions require extreme physical conditions unlikely ever to occur in practice, and it remains an open question whether further laws of physics will eliminate them completely. Since then, other—similarly impractical—GR solutions containing CTCs have been found, such as theTipler cylinderandtraversable wormholes.Stephen Hawkingintroducedchronology protection conjecture,which is an assumption beyond those of standard general relativity to preventtime travel.

Someexact solutions in general relativitysuch asAlcubierre drivepresent examples ofwarp drivebut these solutions requires exotic matter distribution, and generally suffers from semiclassical instability. [150]

Advanced concepts


Asymptotic symmetries


The spacetime symmetry group forspecial relativityis thePoincaré group,which is a ten-dimensional group of three Lorentz boosts, three rotations, and four spacetime translations. It is logical to ask what symmetries if any might apply in General Relativity. A tractable case might be to consider the symmetries of spacetime as seen by observers located far away from all sources of the gravitational field. The naive expectation for asymptotically flat spacetime symmetries might be simply to extend and reproduce the symmetries of flat spacetime of special relativity,viz.,the Poincaré group.

In 1962Hermann Bondi,M. G. van der Burg, A. W. Metzner[151]andRainer K. Sachs[152]addressed thisasymptotic symmetryproblem in order to investigate the flow of energy at infinity due to propagatinggravitational waves.Their first step was to decide on some physically sensible boundary conditions to place on the gravitational field at light-like infinity to characterize what it means to say a metric is asymptotically flat, making noa prioriassumptions about the nature of the asymptotic symmetry group—not even the assumption that such a group exists. Then after designing what they considered to be the most sensible boundary conditions, they investigated the nature of the resulting asymptotic symmetry transformations that leave invariant the form of the boundary conditions appropriate for asymptotically flat gravitational fields. What they found was that the asymptotic symmetry transformations actually do form a group and the structure of this group does not depend on the particular gravitational field that happens to be present. This means that, as expected, one can separate the kinematics of spacetime from the dynamics of the gravitational field at least at spatial infinity. The puzzling surprise in 1962 was their discovery of a rich infinite-dimensional group (the so-called BMS group) as the asymptotic symmetry group, instead of the finite-dimensional Poincaré group, which is a subgroup of the BMS group. Not only are the Lorentz transformations asymptotic symmetry transformations, there are also additional transformations that are not Lorentz transformations but are asymptotic symmetry transformations. In fact, they found an additional infinity of transformation generators known assupertranslations.This implies the conclusion that General Relativity (GR) doesnotreduce to special relativity in the case of weak fields at long distances. It turns out that the BMS symmetry, suitably modified, could be seen as a restatement of the universalsoft graviton theoreminquantum field theory(QFT), which relates universal infrared (soft) QFT with GR asymptotic spacetime symmetries.[153]

Causal structure and global geometry

Penrose–Carter diagram of an infiniteMinkowski universe

In general relativity, no material body can catch up with or overtake a light pulse. No influence from an eventAcan reach any other locationXbefore light sent out atAtoX.In consequence, an exploration of all light worldlines (null geodesics) yields key information about the spacetime's causal structure. This structure can be displayed usingPenrose–Carter diagramsin which infinitely large regions of space and infinite time intervals are shrunk ( "compactified") so as to fit onto a finite map, while light still travels along diagonals as in standardspacetime diagrams.[154]

Aware of the importance of causal structure,Roger Penroseand others developed what is known asglobal geometry.In global geometry, the object of study is not one particular solution (or family of solutions) to Einstein's equations. Rather, relations that hold true for all geodesics, such as theRaychaudhuri equation,and additional non-specific assumptions about the nature of matter (usually in the form ofenergy conditions) are used to derive general results.[155]



Using global geometry, some spacetimes can be shown to contain boundaries calledhorizons,which demarcate one region from the rest of spacetime. The best-known examples are black holes: if mass is compressed into a sufficiently compact region of space (as specified in thehoop conjecture,the relevant length scale is theSchwarzschild radius[156]), no light from inside can escape to the outside. Since no object can overtake a light pulse, all interior matter is imprisoned as well. Passage from the exterior to the interior is still possible, showing that the boundary, the black hole'shorizon,is not a physical barrier.[157]

The ergosphere of a rotating black hole, which plays a key role when it comes to extracting energy from such a black hole

Early studies of black holes relied on explicit solutions of Einstein's equations, notably the spherically symmetric Schwarzschild solution (used to describe astaticblack hole) and the axisymmetricKerr solution(used to describe a rotating,stationaryblack hole, and introducing interesting features such as the ergosphere). Using global geometry, later studies have revealed more general properties of black holes. With time they become rather simple objects characterized by eleven parameters specifying: electric charge, mass–energy,linear momentum,angular momentum,and location at a specified time. This is stated by theblack hole uniqueness theorem:"black holes have no hair", that is, no distinguishing marks like the hairstyles of humans. Irrespective of the complexity of a gravitating object collapsing to form a black hole, the object that results (having emitted gravitational waves) is very simple.[158]

Even more remarkably, there is a general set of laws known asblack hole mechanics,which is analogous to thelaws of thermodynamics.For instance, by the second law of black hole mechanics, the area of the event horizon of a general black hole will never decrease with time, analogous to theentropyof a thermodynamic system. This limits the energy that can be extracted by classical means from a rotating black hole (e.g. by thePenrose process).[159]There is strong evidence that the laws of black hole mechanics are, in fact, a subset of the laws of thermodynamics, and that the black hole area is proportional to its entropy.[160]This leads to a modification of the original laws of black hole mechanics: for instance, as the second law of black hole mechanics becomes part of the second law of thermodynamics, it is possible for the black hole area to decrease as long as other processes ensure that entropy increases overall. As thermodynamical objects with nonzero temperature, black holes should emitthermal radiation.Semiclassical calculations indicate that indeed they do, with the surface gravity playing the role of temperature inPlanck's law.This radiation is known asHawking radiation(cf. thequantum theory section,below).[161]

There are many other types of horizons. In an expanding universe, an observer may find that some regions of the past cannot be observed ( "particle horizon"), and some regions of the future cannot be influenced (event horizon).[162]Even in flat Minkowski space, when described by an accelerated observer (Rindler space), there will be horizons associated with a semiclassical radiation known asUnruh radiation.[163]



Another general feature of general relativity is the appearance of spacetime boundaries known as singularities. Spacetime can be explored by following up on timelike and lightlike geodesics—all possible ways that light and particles in free fall can travel. But some solutions of Einstein's equations have "ragged edges" —regions known asspacetime singularities,where the paths of light and falling particles come to an abrupt end, and geometry becomes ill-defined. In the more interesting cases, these are "curvature singularities", where geometrical quantities characterizing spacetime curvature, such as theRicci scalar,take on infinite values.[164]Well-known examples of spacetimes with future singularities—where worldlines end—are the Schwarzschild solution, which describes a singularity inside an eternal static black hole,[165]or the Kerr solution with its ring-shaped singularity inside an eternal rotating black hole.[166]The Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker solutions and other spacetimes describing universes have past singularities on which worldlines begin, namely Big Bang singularities, and some have future singularities (Big Crunch) as well.[167]

Given that these examples are all highly symmetric—and thus simplified—it is tempting to conclude that the occurrence of singularities is an artifact of idealization.[168]The famoussingularity theorems,proved using the methods of global geometry, say otherwise: singularities are a generic feature of general relativity, and unavoidable once the collapse of an object with realistic matter properties has proceeded beyond a certain stage[169]and also at the beginning of a wide class of expanding universes.[170]However, the theorems say little about the properties of singularities, and much of current research is devoted to characterizing these entities' generic structure (hypothesized e.g. by theBKL conjecture).[171]Thecosmic censorship hypothesisstates that all realistic future singularities (no perfect symmetries, matter with realistic properties) are safely hidden away behind a horizon, and thus invisible to all distant observers. While no formal proof yet exists, numerical simulations offer supporting evidence of its validity.[172]

Evolution equations


Each solution of Einstein's equation encompasses the whole history of a universe—it is not just some snapshot of how things are, but a whole, possibly matter-filled, spacetime. It describes the state of matter and geometry everywhere and at every moment in that particular universe. Due to its general covariance, Einstein's theory is not sufficient by itself to determine thetime evolutionof the metric tensor. It must be combined with acoordinate condition,which is analogous togauge fixingin other field theories.[173]

To understand Einstein's equations as partial differential equations, it is helpful to formulate them in a way that describes the evolution of the universe over time. This is done in "3+1" formulations, where spacetime is split into three space dimensions and one time dimension. The best-known example is theADM formalism.[174]These decompositions show that the spacetime evolution equations of general relativity are well-behaved: solutions alwaysexist,and are uniquely defined, once suitable initial conditions have been specified.[175]Such formulations of Einstein's field equations are the basis of numerical relativity.[176]

Global and quasi-local quantities


The notion of evolution equations is intimately tied in with another aspect of general relativistic physics. In Einstein's theory, it turns out to be impossible to find a general definition for a seemingly simple property such as a system's total mass (or energy). The main reason is that the gravitational field—like any physical field—must be ascribed a certain energy, but that it proves to be fundamentally impossible to localize that energy.[177]

Nevertheless, there are possibilities to define a system's total mass, either using a hypothetical "infinitely distant observer" (ADM mass)[178]or suitable symmetries (Komar mass).[179]If one excludes from the system's total mass the energy being carried away to infinity by gravitational waves, the result is theBondi massat null infinity.[180]Just as inclassical physics,it can be shown that these masses are positive.[181]Corresponding global definitions exist for momentum and angular momentum.[182]There have also been a number of attempts to definequasi-localquantities, such as the mass of an isolated system formulated using only quantities defined within a finite region of space containing that system. The hope is to obtain a quantity useful for general statements aboutisolated systems,such as a more precise formulation of the hoop conjecture.[183]

Relationship with quantum theory


If general relativity were considered to be one of the two pillars of modern physics, then quantum theory, the basis of understanding matter from elementary particles tosolid-state physics,would be the other.[184]However, how to reconcile quantum theory with general relativity is still an open question.

Quantum field theory in curved spacetime


Ordinaryquantum field theories,which form the basis of modern elementary particle physics, are defined in flat Minkowski space, which is an excellent approximation when it comes to describing the behavior of microscopic particles in weak gravitational fields like those found on Earth.[185]In order to describe situations in which gravity is strong enough to influence (quantum) matter, yet not strong enough to require quantization itself, physicists have formulated quantum field theories in curved spacetime. These theories rely on general relativity to describe a curved background spacetime, and define a generalized quantum field theory to describe the behavior of quantum matter within that spacetime.[186]Using this formalism, it can be shown that black holes emit a blackbody spectrum of particles known asHawking radiationleading to the possibility that theyevaporateover time.[187]As briefly mentionedabove,this radiation plays an important role for the thermodynamics of black holes.[188]

Quantum gravity

Projection of aCalabi–Yau manifold,one of the ways ofcompactifyingthe extra dimensions posited by string theory

The demand for consistency between a quantum description of matter and a geometric description of spacetime,[189]as well as the appearance of singularities (where curvature length scales become microscopic), indicate the need for a full theory of quantum gravity: for an adequate description of the interior of black holes, and of the very early universe, a theory is required in which gravity and the associated geometry of spacetime are described in the language of quantum physics.[190]Despite major efforts, no complete and consistent theory of quantum gravity is currently known, even though a number of promising candidates exist.[191][192]

Attempts to generalize ordinary quantum field theories, used in elementary particle physics to describe fundamental interactions, so as to include gravity have led to serious problems.[193]Some have argued that at low energies, this approach proves successful, in that it results in an acceptableeffective (quantum) field theoryof gravity.[194]At very high energies, however, the perturbative results are badly divergent and lead to models devoid of predictive power ( "perturbativenon-renormalizability").[195]

Simplespin networkof the type used in loop quantum gravity

One attempt to overcome these limitations isstring theory,a quantum theory not ofpoint particles,but of minute one-dimensional extended objects.[196]The theory promises to be aunified descriptionof all particles and interactions, including gravity;[197]the price to pay is unusual features such as sixextra dimensionsof space in addition to the usual three.[198]In what is called thesecond superstring revolution,it was conjectured that both string theory and a unification of general relativity andsupersymmetryknown assupergravity[199]form part of a hypothesized eleven-dimensional model known asM-theory,which would constitute a uniquely defined and consistent theory of quantum gravity.[200]

Another approach starts with thecanonical quantizationprocedures of quantum theory. Using the initial-value-formulation of general relativity (cf.evolution equationsabove), the result is theWheeler–deWitt equation(an analogue of theSchrödinger equation) which, regrettably, turns out to be ill-defined without a proper ultraviolet (lattice) cutoff.[201]However, with the introduction of what are now known asAshtekar variables,[202]this leads to a promising model known asloop quantum gravity.Space is represented by a web-like structure called aspin network,evolving over time in discrete steps.[203]

Depending on which features of general relativity and quantum theory are accepted unchanged, and on what level changes are introduced,[204]there are numerous other attempts to arrive at a viable theory of quantum gravity, some examples being the lattice theory of gravity based on the FeynmanPath Integralapproach andRegge calculus,[191]dynamical triangulations,[205]causal sets,[206]twistor models[207]or the path integral based models ofquantum cosmology.[208]

Observation of gravitational waves from binary black hole merger GW150914

All candidate theories still have major formal and conceptual problems to overcome. They also face the common problem that, as yet, there is no way to put quantum gravity predictions to experimental tests (and thus to decide between the candidates where their predictions vary), although there is hope for this to change as future data from cosmological observations and particle physics experiments becomes available.[209]

Current status


General relativity has emerged as a highly successful model of gravitation and cosmology, which has so far passed many unambiguous observational and experimental tests. However, there are strong indications that the theory is incomplete.[210]The problem of quantum gravity and the question of the reality of spacetime singularities remain open.[211]Observational data that is taken as evidence for dark energy and dark matter could indicate the need for new physics.[212]

Even taken as is, general relativity is rich with possibilities for further exploration. Mathematical relativists seek to understand the nature of singularities and the fundamental properties of Einstein's equations,[213]while numerical relativists run increasingly powerful computer simulations (such as those describing merging black holes).[214]In February 2016, it was announced that the existence of gravitational waves was directly detected by the Advanced LIGO team on 14 September 2015.[83][215][216]A century after its introduction, general relativity remains a highly active area of research.[217]

See also



  1. ^"GW150914: LIGO Detects Gravitational Waves".Black-holes.org.Retrieved18 April2016.
  2. ^abLandau & Lifshitz 1975,p. 228 "...thegeneral theory of relativity...was established by Einstein, and represents probably the most beautiful of all existing physical theories. "
  3. ^Poincaré 1905
  4. ^O'Connor, J.J.; Robertson, E.F. (May 1996)."General relativity]".History Topics: Mathematical Physics Index,Scotland: School of Mathematics and Statistics,University of St. Andrews,archived fromthe originalon 4 February 2015,retrieved4 February2015
  5. ^Pais 1982,ch. 9 to 15,Janssen 2005;an up-to-date collection of current research, including reprints of many of the original articles, isRenn 2007;an accessible overview can be found inRenn 2005,pp. 110ff. Einstein's original papers are found inDigital Einstein,volumes 4 and 6. An early key article isEinstein 1907,cf.Pais 1982,ch. 9. The publication featuring the field equations isEinstein 1915,cf.Pais 1982,ch. 11–15
  6. ^Moshe Carmeli (2008).Relativity: Modern Large-Scale Structures of the Cosmos. pp.92, 93.World Scientific Publishing
  7. ^Grossmann for the mathematical part and Einstein for the physical part (1913). Entwurf einer verallgemeinerten Relativitätstheorie und einer Theorie der Gravitation (Outline of a Generalized Theory of Relativity and of a Theory of Gravitation), Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, 62, 225–261.English translate
  8. ^Schwarzschild 1916a,Schwarzschild 1916bandReissner 1916(later complemented inNordström 1918)
  9. ^Einstein 1917,cf.Pais 1982,ch. 15e
  10. ^Hubble's original article isHubble 1929;an accessible overview is given inSingh 2004,ch. 2–4
  11. ^As reported inGamow 1970.Einstein's condemnation would prove to be premature, cf. the sectionCosmology,below
  12. ^Pais 1982,pp. 253–254
  13. ^Kennefick 2005,Kennefick 2007
  14. ^Pais 1982,ch. 16
  15. ^Thorne 2003,p.74
  16. ^Israel 1987,ch. 7.8–7.10,Thorne 1994,ch. 3–9
  17. ^SectionsOrbital effects and the relativity of direction,Gravitational time dilation and frequency shiftandLight deflection and gravitational time delay,and references therein
  18. ^SectionCosmologyand references therein; the historical development is inOverbye 1999
  19. ^Wald 1984,p. 3
  20. ^Rovelli 2015,pp. 1–6 "General relativity is not just an extraordinarily beautiful physical theory providing the best description of the gravitational interaction we have so far. It is more."
  21. ^Chandrasekhar 1984,p. 6
  22. ^Engler 2002
  23. ^Albert Einstein (2011).Relativity – The Special and General Theory.Read Books Ltd. p. 4.ISBN978-1-4474-9358-7.Extract of page 4
  24. ^The following exposition re-traces that ofEhlers 1973,sec. 1
  25. ^Al-Khalili, Jim (26 March 2021)."Gravity and Me: The force that shapes our lives".www.bbc.co.uk.Retrieved9 April2021.
  26. ^Arnold 1989,ch. 1
  27. ^Ehlers 1973,pp. 5f
  28. ^Will 1993,sec. 2.4,Will 2006,sec. 2
  29. ^Wheeler 1990,ch. 2
  30. ^Ehlers 1973,sec. 1.2,Havas 1964,Künzle 1972.The simple thought experiment in question was first described inHeckmann & Schücking 1959
  31. ^Ehlers 1973,pp. 10f
  32. ^Good introductions are, in order of increasing presupposed knowledge of mathematics,Giulini 2005,Mermin 2005,andRindler 1991;for accounts of precision experiments, cf. part IV ofEhlers & Lämmerzahl 2006
  33. ^An in-depth comparison between the two symmetry groups can be found inGiulini 2006
  34. ^Rindler 1991,sec. 22,Synge 1972,ch. 1 and 2
  35. ^Ehlers 1973,sec. 2.3
  36. ^Ehlers 1973,sec. 1.4,Schutz 1985,sec. 5.1
  37. ^Ehlers 1973,pp. 17ff; a derivation can be found inMermin 2005,ch. 12. For the experimental evidence, cf. the sectionGravitational time dilation and frequency shift,below
  38. ^Rindler 2001,sec. 1.13; for an elementary account, seeWheeler 1990,ch. 2; there are, however, some differences between the modern version and Einstein's original concept used in the historical derivation of general relativity, cf.Norton 1985
  39. ^Ehlers 1973,sec. 1.4 for the experimental evidence, see once more sectionGravitational time dilation and frequency shift.Choosing a different connection with non-zerotorsionleads to a modified theory known asEinstein–Cartan theory
  40. ^Ehlers 1973,p. 16,Kenyon 1990,sec. 7.2,Weinberg 1972,sec. 2.8
  41. ^Ehlers 1973,pp. 19–22; for similar derivations, see sections 1 and 2 of ch. 7 inWeinberg 1972.The Einstein tensor is the only divergence-free tensor that is a function of the metric coefficients, their first and second derivatives at most, and allows the spacetime of special relativity as a solution in the absence of sources of gravity, cf.Lovelock 1972.The tensors on both side are of second rank, that is, they can each be thought of as 4×4 matrices, each of which contains ten independent terms; hence, the above represents ten coupled equations. The fact that, as a consequence of geometric relations known asBianchi identities,the Einstein tensor satisfies a further four identities reduces these to six independent equations, e.g.Schutz 1985,sec. 8.3
  42. ^Kenyon 1990,sec. 7.4
  43. ^Weinberg, Steven (1972).Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity.John Wiley.ISBN978-0-471-92567-5.
  44. ^Cheng, Ta-Pei (2005).Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology: a Basic Introduction.Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-852957-6.
  45. ^Brans & Dicke 1961,Weinberg 1972,sec. 3 in ch. 7,Goenner 2004,sec. 7.2, andTrautman 2006,respectively
  46. ^Wald 1984,ch. 4,Weinberg 1972,ch. 7 or, in fact, any other textbook on general relativity
  47. ^At least approximately, cf.Poisson 2004a
  48. ^Wheeler 1990,p. xi
  49. ^Wald 1984,sec. 4.4
  50. ^Wald 1984,sec. 4.1
  51. ^For the (conceptual and historical) difficulties in defining a general principle of relativity and separating it from the notion of general covariance, seeGiulini 2007
  52. ^section 5 in ch. 12 ofWeinberg 1972
  53. ^Introductory chapters ofStephani et al. 2003
  54. ^A review showing Einstein's equation in the broader context of other PDEs with physical significance isGeroch 1996
  55. ^For background information and a list of solutions, cf.Stephani et al. 2003;a more recent review can be found inMacCallum 2006
  56. ^Chandrasekhar 1983,ch. 3,5,6
  57. ^Narlikar 1993,ch. 4, sec. 3.3
  58. ^Brief descriptions of these and further interesting solutions can be found inHawking & Ellis 1973,ch. 5
  59. ^Lehner 2002
  60. ^For instanceWald 1984,sec. 4.4
  61. ^Will 1993,sec. 4.1 and 4.2
  62. ^Will 2006,sec. 3.2,Will 1993,ch. 4
  63. ^Rindler 2001,pp. 24–26 vs. pp. 236–237 andOhanian & Ruffini 1994,pp. 164–172. Einstein derived these effects using the equivalence principle as early as 1907, cf.Einstein 1907and the description inPais 1982,pp. 196–198
  64. ^Rindler 2001,pp. 24–26;Misner, Thorne & Wheeler 1973,§ 38.5
  65. ^Pound–Rebka experiment,seePound & Rebka 1959,Pound & Rebka 1960;Pound & Snider 1964;a list of further experiments is given inOhanian & Ruffini 1994,table 4.1 on p. 186
  66. ^Greenstein, Oke & Shipman 1971;the most recent and most accurate Sirius B measurements are published inBarstow, Bond et al. 2005.
  67. ^Starting with theHafele–Keating experiment,Hafele & Keating 1972aandHafele & Keating 1972b,and culminating in theGravity Probe Aexperiment; an overview of experiments can be found inOhanian & Ruffini 1994,table 4.1 on p. 186
  68. ^GPS is continually tested by comparing atomic clocks on the ground and aboard orbiting satellites; for an account of relativistic effects, seeAshby 2002andAshby 2003
  69. ^Stairs 2003andKramer 2004
  70. ^General overviews can be found in section 2.1. of Will 2006; Will 2003, pp. 32–36;Ohanian & Ruffini 1994,sec. 4.2
  71. ^Ohanian & Ruffini 1994,pp. 164–172
  72. ^Cf.Kennefick 2005for the classic early measurements by Arthur Eddington's expeditions. For an overview of more recent measurements, seeOhanian & Ruffini 1994,ch. 4.3. For the most precise direct modern observations using quasars, cf.Shapiro et al. 2004
  73. ^This is not an independent axiom; it can be derived from Einstein's equations and the MaxwellLagrangianusing aWKB approximation,cf.Ehlers 1973,sec. 5
  74. ^Blanchet 2006,sec. 1.3
  75. ^Rindler 2001,sec. 1.16; for the historical examples,Israel 1987,pp. 202–204; in fact, Einstein published one such derivation asEinstein 1907.Such calculations tacitly assume that the geometry of space isEuclidean,cf.Ehlers & Rindler 1997
  76. ^From the standpoint of Einstein's theory, these derivations take into account the effect of gravity on time, but not its consequences for the warping of space, cf.Rindler 2001,sec. 11.11
  77. ^For the Sun's gravitational field using radar signals reflected from planets such asVenusand Mercury, cf.Shapiro 1964,Weinberg 1972,ch. 8, sec. 7; for signals actively sent back by space probes (transpondermeasurements), cf.Bertotti, Iess & Tortora 2003;for an overview, seeOhanian & Ruffini 1994,table 4.4 on p. 200; for more recent measurements using signals received from apulsarthat is part of a binary system, the gravitational field causing the time delay being that of the other pulsar, cf.Stairs 2003,sec. 4.4
  78. ^Will 1993,sec. 7.1 and 7.2
  79. ^Einstein, A (22 June 1916)."Näherungsweise Integration der Feldgleichungen der Gravitation".Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin(part 1): 688–696.Bibcode:1916SPAW.......688E.Archived fromthe originalon 21 March 2019.Retrieved12 February2016.
  80. ^Einstein, A (31 January 1918)."Über Gravitationswellen".Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin(part 1): 154–167.Bibcode:1918SPAW.......154E.Archived fromthe originalon 21 March 2019.Retrieved12 February2016.
  81. ^abCastelvecchi, Davide; Witze, Witze (11 February 2016)."Einstein's gravitational waves found at last".Nature News.doi:10.1038/nature.2016.19361.S2CID182916902.Retrieved11 February2016.
  82. ^abB. P. Abbott; et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration) (2016). "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger".Physical Review Letters.116(6): 061102.arXiv:1602.03837.Bibcode:2016PhRvL.116f1102A.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102.PMID26918975.S2CID124959784.
  83. ^abc"Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein's prediction".NSF – National Science Foundation.11 February 2016.
  84. ^Most advanced textbooks on general relativity contain a description of these properties, e.g.Schutz 1985,ch. 9
  85. ^For exampleJaranowski & Królak 2005
  86. ^Rindler 2001,ch. 13
  87. ^Gowdy 1971,Gowdy 1974
  88. ^SeeLehner 2002for a brief introduction to the methods of numerical relativity, andSeidel 1998for the connection with gravitational wave astronomy
  89. ^Schutz 2003,pp. 48–49,Pais 1982,pp. 253–254
  90. ^Rindler 2001,sec. 11.9
  91. ^Will 1993,pp. 177–181
  92. ^In consequence, in the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism (PPN), measurements of this effect determine a linear combination of the terms β and γ, cf.Will 2006,sec. 3.5 andWill 1993,sec. 7.3
  93. ^The most precise measurements areVLBImeasurements of planetary positions; seeWill 1993,ch. 5,Will 2006,sec. 3.5,Anderson et al. 1992;for an overview,Ohanian & Ruffini 1994,pp. 406–407
  94. ^Kramer et al. 2006
  95. ^Dediu, Magdalena & Martín-Vide 2015,p.141.
  96. ^abKramer, M.; Stairs, I. H.; Manchester, R. N.; Wex, N.; Deller, A. T.; Coles, W. A.; Ali, M.; Burgay, M.; Camilo, F.; Cognard, I.; Damour, T. (13 December 2021)."Strong-Field Gravity Tests with the Double Pulsar".Physical Review X.11(4): 041050.arXiv:2112.06795.Bibcode:2021PhRvX..11d1050K.doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041050.ISSN2160-3308.S2CID245124502.
  97. ^Stairs 2003,Schutz 2003,pp. 317–321,Bartusiak 2000,pp. 70–86
  98. ^Weisberg & Taylor 2003;for the pulsar discovery, seeHulse & Taylor 1975;for the initial evidence for gravitational radiation, seeTaylor 1994
  99. ^Kramer 2004
  100. ^Penrose 2004,§ 14.5,Misner, Thorne & Wheeler 1973,§ 11.4
  101. ^Weinberg 1972,sec. 9.6,Ohanian & Ruffini 1994,sec. 7.8
  102. ^Bertotti, Ciufolini & Bender 1987,Nordtvedt 2003
  103. ^Kahn 2007
  104. ^A mission description can be found inEveritt et al. 2001;a first post-flight evaluation is given inEveritt, Parkinson & Kahn 2007;further updates will be available on the mission websiteKahn 1996–2012.
  105. ^Townsend 1997,sec. 4.2.1,Ohanian & Ruffini 1994,pp. 469–471
  106. ^Ohanian & Ruffini 1994,sec. 4.7,Weinberg 1972,sec. 9.7; for a more recent review, seeSchäfer 2004
  107. ^Ciufolini & Pavlis 2004,Ciufolini, Pavlis & Peron 2006,Iorio 2009
  108. ^Iorio 2006,Iorio 2010
  109. ^For overviews of gravitational lensing and its applications, seeEhlers, Falco & Schneider 1992andWambsganss 1998
  110. ^For a simple derivation, seeSchutz 2003,ch. 23; cf.Narayan & Bartelmann 1997,sec. 3
  111. ^Walsh, Carswell & Weymann 1979
  112. ^Images of all the known lenses can be found on the pages of the CASTLES project,Kochanek et al. 2007
  113. ^Roulet & Mollerach 1997
  114. ^Narayan & Bartelmann 1997,sec. 3.7
  115. ^Barish 2005,Bartusiak 2000,Blair & McNamara 1997
  116. ^Hough & Rowan 2000
  117. ^Hobbs, George; Archibald, A.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Backer, D.; Bailes, M.; Bhat, N. D. R.; Burgay, M.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; et al. (2010), "The international pulsar timing array project: using pulsars as a gravitational wave detector",Classical and Quantum Gravity,27(8): 084013,arXiv:0911.5206,Bibcode:2010CQGra..27h4013H,doi:10.1088/0264-9381/27/8/084013,S2CID56073764
  118. ^Danzmann & Rüdiger 2003
  119. ^"LISA pathfinder overview".ESA.Retrieved23 April2012.
  120. ^Thorne 1995
  121. ^Cutler & Thorne 2002
  122. ^Miller 2002,lectures 19 and 21
  123. ^Celotti, Miller & Sciama 1999,sec. 3
  124. ^Springel et al. 2005and the accompanying summaryGnedin 2005
  125. ^Blandford 1987,sec. 8.2.4
  126. ^For the basic mechanism, seeCarroll & Ostlie 1996,sec. 17.2; for more about the different types of astronomical objects associated with this, cf.Robson 1996
  127. ^For a review, seeBegelman, Blandford & Rees 1984.To a distant observer, some of these jets even appear to movefaster than light;this, however, can be explained as an optical illusion that does not violate the tenets of relativity, seeRees 1966
  128. ^For stellar end states, cf.Oppenheimer & Snyder 1939or, for more recent numerical work,Font 2003,sec. 4.1; for supernovae, there are still major problems to be solved, cf.Buras et al. 2003;for simulating accretion and the formation of jets, cf.Font 2003,sec. 4.2. Also, relativistic lensing effects are thought to play a role for the signals received fromX-ray pulsars,cf.Kraus 1998
  129. ^The evidence includes limits on compactness from the observation of accretion-driven phenomena ( "Eddington luminosity"), seeCelotti, Miller & Sciama 1999,observations of stellar dynamics in the center of our ownMilky Waygalaxy, cf.Schödel et al. 2003,and indications that at least some of the compact objects in question appear to have no solid surface, which can be deduced from the examination ofX-ray burstsfor which the central compact object is either a neutron star or a black hole; cf.Remillard et al. 2006for an overview,Narayan 2006,sec. 5. Observations of the "shadow" of the Milky Way galaxy's central black hole horizon are eagerly sought for, cf.Falcke, Melia & Agol 2000
  130. ^Dalal et al. 2006
  131. ^Barack & Cutler 2004
  132. ^Einstein 1917;cf.Pais 1982,pp. 285–288
  133. ^Carroll 2001,ch. 2
  134. ^Bergström & Goobar 2003,ch. 9–11; use of these models is justified by the fact that, at large scales of around hundred millionlight-yearsand more, our own universe indeed appears to be isotropic and homogeneous, cf.Peebles et al. 1991
  135. ^E.g. withWMAPdata, seeSpergel et al. 2003
  136. ^These tests involve the separate observations detailed further on, see, e.g., fig. 2 inBridle et al. 2003
  137. ^Peebles 1966;for a recent account of predictions, seeCoc, Vangioni‐Flam et al. 2004;an accessible account can be found inWeiss 2006;compare with the observations inOlive & Skillman 2004,Bania, Rood & Balser 2002,O'Meara et al. 2001,andCharbonnel & Primas 2005
  138. ^Lahav & Suto 2004,Bertschinger 1998,Springel et al. 2005
  139. ^Alpher & Herman 1948,for a pedagogical introduction, seeBergström & Goobar 2003,ch. 11; for the initial detection, seePenzias & Wilson 1965and, for precision measurements by satellite observatories,Mather et al. 1994(COBE) andBennett et al. 2003(WMAP). Future measurements could also reveal evidence about gravitational waves in the early universe; this additional information is contained in the background radiation'spolarization,cf.Kamionkowski, Kosowsky & Stebbins 1997andSeljak & Zaldarriaga 1997
  140. ^Evidence for this comes from the determination of cosmological parameters and additional observations involving the dynamics of galaxies and galaxy clusters cf.Peebles 1993,ch. 18, evidence from gravitational lensing, cf.Peacock 1999,sec. 4.6, and simulations of large-scale structure formation, seeSpringel et al. 2005
  141. ^Peacock 1999,ch. 12,Peskin 2007;in particular, observations indicate that all but a negligible portion of that matter is not in the form of the usualelementary particles( "non-baryonicmatter "), cf.Peacock 1999,ch. 12
  142. ^Namely, some physicists have questioned whether or not the evidence for dark matter is, in fact, evidence for deviations from the Einsteinian (and the Newtonian) description of gravity cf. the overview inMannheim 2006,sec. 9
  143. ^Carroll 2001;an accessible overview is given inCaldwell 2004.Here, too, scientists have argued that the evidence indicates not a new form of energy, but the need for modifications in our cosmological models, cf.Mannheim 2006,sec. 10; aforementioned modifications need not be modifications of general relativity, they could, for example, be modifications in the way we treat the inhomogeneities in the universe, cf.Buchert 2008
  144. ^A good introduction isLinde 2005;for a more recent review, seeLinde 2006
  145. ^More precisely, these are theflatness problem,thehorizon problem,and themonopole problem;a pedagogical introduction can be found inNarlikar 1993,sec. 6.4, see alsoBörner 1993,sec. 9.1
  146. ^Spergel et al. 2007,sec. 5,6
  147. ^More concretely, thepotentialfunction that is crucial to determining the dynamics of theinflatonis simply postulated, but not derived from an underlying physical theory
  148. ^Brandenberger 2008,sec. 2
  149. ^Gödel 1949
  150. ^Finazzi, Stefano; Liberati, Stefano; Barceló, Carlos (15 June 2009). "Semiclassical instability of dynamical warp drives".Physical Review D.79(12): 124017.arXiv:0904.0141.Bibcode:2009PhRvD..79l4017F.doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.79.124017.S2CID59575856.
  151. ^Bondi, H.; Van der Burg, M.G.J.; Metzner, A. (1962). "Gravitational waves in general relativity: VII. Waves from axisymmetric isolated systems".Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.269(1336): 21–52.Bibcode:1962RSPSA.269...21B.doi:10.1098/rspa.1962.0161.S2CID120125096.
  152. ^Sachs, R. (1962). "Asymptotic symmetries in gravitational theory".Physical Review.128(6): 2851–2864.Bibcode:1962PhRv..128.2851S.doi:10.1103/PhysRev.128.2851.
  153. ^Strominger, Andrew (2017). "Lectures on the Infrared Structure of Gravity and Gauge Theory".arXiv:1703.05448[hep-th]....redacted transcript of a course given by the author at Harvard in spring semester 2016. It contains a pedagogical overview of recent developments connecting the subjects of soft theorems, the memory effect and asymptotic symmetries in four-dimensional QED, nonabelian gauge theory and gravity with applications to black holes. To be published Princeton University Press, 158 pages.
  154. ^Frauendiener 2004,Wald 1984,sec. 11.1,Hawking & Ellis 1973,sec. 6.8, 6.9
  155. ^Wald 1984,sec. 9.2–9.4 andHawking & Ellis 1973,ch. 6
  156. ^Thorne 1972;for more recent numerical studies, seeBerger 2002,sec. 2.1
  157. ^Israel 1987.A more exact mathematical description distinguishes several kinds of horizon, notably event horizons andapparent horizonscf.Hawking & Ellis 1973,pp. 312–320 orWald 1984,sec. 12.2; there are also more intuitive definitions for isolated systems that do not require knowledge of spacetime properties at infinity, cf.Ashtekar & Krishnan 2004
  158. ^For first steps, cf.Israel 1971;seeHawking & Ellis 1973,sec. 9.3 orHeusler 1996,ch. 9 and 10 for a derivation, andHeusler 1998as well asBeig & Chruściel 2006as overviews of more recent results
  159. ^The laws of black hole mechanics were first described inBardeen, Carter & Hawking 1973;a more pedagogical presentation can be found inCarter 1979;for a more recent review, seeWald 2001,ch. 2. A thorough, book-length introduction including an introduction to the necessary mathematicsPoisson 2004.For the Penrose process, seePenrose 1969
  160. ^Bekenstein 1973,Bekenstein 1974
  161. ^The fact that black holes radiate, quantum mechanically, was first derived inHawking 1975;a more thorough derivation can be found inWald 1975.A review is given inWald 2001,ch. 3
  162. ^Narlikar 1993,sec. 4.4.4, 4.4.5
  163. ^Horizons: cf.Rindler 2001,sec. 12.4. Unruh effect:Unruh 1976,cf.Wald 2001,ch. 3
  164. ^Hawking & Ellis 1973,sec. 8.1,Wald 1984,sec. 9.1
  165. ^Townsend 1997,ch. 2; a more extensive treatment of this solution can be found inChandrasekhar 1983,ch. 3
  166. ^Townsend 1997,ch. 4; for a more extensive treatment, cf.Chandrasekhar 1983,ch. 6
  167. ^Ellis & Van Elst 1999;a closer look at the singularity itself is taken inBörner 1993,sec. 1.2
  168. ^Here one should remind to the well-known fact that the important "quasi-optical" singularities of the so-calledeikonal approximationsof many wave equations, namely the "caustics",are resolved into finite peaks beyond that approximation.
  169. ^Namely when there aretrapped null surfaces,cf.Penrose 1965
  170. ^Hawking 1966
  171. ^The conjecture was made inBelinskii, Khalatnikov & Lifschitz 1971;for a more recent review, seeBerger 2002.An accessible exposition is given byGarfinkle 2007
  172. ^The restriction to future singularities naturally excludes initial singularities such as the big bang singularity, which in principle be visible to observers at later cosmic time. The cosmic censorship conjecture was first presented inPenrose 1969;a textbook-level account is given inWald 1984,pp. 302–305. For numerical results, see the reviewBerger 2002,sec. 2.1
  173. ^Hawking & Ellis 1973,sec. 7.1
  174. ^Arnowitt, Deser & Misner 1962;for a pedagogical introduction, seeMisner, Thorne & Wheeler 1973,§ 21.4–§ 21.7
  175. ^Fourès-Bruhat 1952andBruhat 1962;for a pedagogical introduction, seeWald 1984,ch. 10; an online review can be found inReula 1998
  176. ^Gourgoulhon 2007;for a review of the basics of numerical relativity, including the problems arising from the peculiarities of Einstein's equations, seeLehner 2001
  177. ^Misner, Thorne & Wheeler 1973,§ 20.4
  178. ^Arnowitt, Deser & Misner 1962
  179. ^Komar 1959;for a pedagogical introduction, seeWald 1984,sec. 11.2; although defined in a totally different way, it can be shown to be equivalent to the ADM mass for stationary spacetimes, cf.Ashtekar & Magnon-Ashtekar 1979
  180. ^For a pedagogical introduction, seeWald 1984,sec. 11.2
  181. ^Wald 1984,p. 295 and refs therein; this is important for questions of stability—if there werenegative massstates, then flat, empty Minkowski space, which has mass zero, could evolve into these states
  182. ^Townsend 1997,ch. 5
  183. ^Such quasi-local mass–energy definitions are theHawking energy,Geroch energy,or Penrose's quasi-local energy–momentum based ontwistormethods; cf. the review articleSzabados 2004
  184. ^An overview of quantum theory can be found in standard textbooks such asMessiah 1999;a more elementary account is given inHey & Walters 2003
  185. ^Ramond 1990,Weinberg 1995,Peskin & Schroeder 1995;a more accessible overview isAuyang 1995
  186. ^Wald 1994,Birrell & Davies 1984
  187. ^For Hawking radiationHawking 1975,Wald 1975;an accessible introduction to black hole evaporation can be found inTraschen 2000
  188. ^Wald 2001,ch. 3
  189. ^Put simply, matter is the source of spacetime curvature, and once matter has quantum properties, we can expect spacetime to have them as well. Cf.Carlip 2001,sec. 2
  190. ^Schutz 2003,p. 407
  191. ^abHamber 2009
  192. ^A timeline and overview can be found inRovelli 2000
  193. ^'t Hooft & Veltman 1974
  194. ^Donoghue 1995
  195. ^In particular, a perturbative technique known asrenormalization,an integral part of deriving predictions which take into account higher-energy contributions, cf.Weinberg 1996,ch. 17, 18, fails in this case; cf.Veltman 1975,Goroff & Sagnotti 1985;for a recent comprehensive review of the failure of perturbative renormalizability for quantum gravity seeHamber 2009
  196. ^An accessible introduction at the undergraduate level can be found inZwiebach 2004;more complete overviews can be found inPolchinski 1998aandPolchinski 1998b
  197. ^At the energies reached in current experiments, these strings are indistinguishable from point-like particles, but, crucially, differentmodesof oscillation of one and the same type of fundamental string appear as particles with different (electricand other)charges,e.g.Ibanez 2000.The theory is successful in that one mode will always correspond to agraviton,themessenger particleof gravity, e.g.Green, Schwarz & Witten 1987,sec. 2.3, 5.3
  198. ^Green, Schwarz & Witten 1987,sec. 4.2
  199. ^Weinberg 2000,ch. 31
  200. ^Townsend 1996,Duff 1996
  201. ^Kuchař 1973,sec. 3
  202. ^These variables represent geometric gravity using mathematical analogues ofelectricandmagnetic fields;cf.Ashtekar 1986,Ashtekar 1987
  203. ^For a review, seeThiemann 2007;more extensive accounts can be found inRovelli 1998,Ashtekar & Lewandowski 2004as well as in the lecture notesThiemann 2003
  204. ^Isham 1994,Sorkin 1997
  205. ^Loll 1998
  206. ^Sorkin 2005
  207. ^Penrose 2004,ch. 33 and refs therein
  208. ^Hawking 1987
  209. ^Ashtekar 2007,Schwarz 2007
  210. ^Maddox 1998,pp. 52–59, 98–122;Penrose 2004,sec. 34.1, ch. 30
  211. ^sectionQuantum gravity,above
  212. ^sectionCosmology,above
  213. ^Friedrich 2005
  214. ^A review of the various problems and the techniques being developed to overcome them, seeLehner 2002
  215. ^SeeBartusiak 2000for an account up to that year; up-to-date news can be found on the websites of major detector collaborations such asGEO600andLIGO
  216. ^For the most recent papers on gravitational wave polarizations of inspiralling compact binaries, seeBlanchet et al. 2008,andArun et al. 2008;for a review of work on compact binaries, seeBlanchet 2006andFutamase & Itoh 2006;for a general review of experimental tests of general relativity, seeWill 2006
  217. ^See, e.g., theLiving Reviews in Relativityjournal.



Further reading


Beginning undergraduate textbooks

  • Callahan, James J. (2000),The Geometry of Spacetime: an Introduction to Special and General Relativity,New York: Springer,ISBN978-0-387-98641-8
  • Taylor, Edwin F.; Wheeler, John Archibald (2000),Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity,Addison Wesley,ISBN978-0-201-38423-9

Advanced undergraduate textbooks


Graduate textbooks


Specialists' books


Journal articles


  • Courses
  • Lectures
  • Tutorials