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Geography of Asia

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Recentissima Asiae Delineatio, the 1730 geographical map of Johan Christoph Homann. Asia is shown in color. The names are in Latin.
Satellite view of Asia

Geography of Asiareviews geographical concepts of classifyingAsia,comprising 58 countries and territories.

Geographical characteristics




The area of Asia is not the sum of the areas of each of its regions, which have been defined independently of the whole. For example, the borders ofSouth AsiaandWest Asiadepend on who is defining them and for what purpose. These varying definitions are not generally reflected in the map of Asia as a whole; for example,Egyptis typically included in theMiddle East,but not in Asia, even though the bulk of the Middle East is in Asia.

The demarcation between Asia andAfricais theSuez Canal,theGulf of Suez,theRed Sea,and theBab-el-Mandeb.

The border with Europe starts with the coast of the eastern Mediterranean, even though Turkey in theNear Eastextends partly into theAegean Islandsand includesIstanbulon the European side of theBosphorus.On the north the boundary between the continents of Asia andEuropeis commonly regarded as running through theDardanelles,theSea of Marmara,theBosporus,theBlack Sea,theCaucasus Mountains,theCaspian Sea,theUral Riverto its source, and a long border generally following the eastern side of theUral Mountainsto theKara Sea,Russia.TheArctic Oceanis the northern border. TheBering Straitsdivide Asia from North America.

On the southeast of Asia are theMalay Peninsula(the limit of mainland Asia) andIndonesia( "Isles of India", the former East Indies), a vast nation among thousands of islands on theSunda Shelf,large and small, inhabited and uninhabited.Australianearby is a different continent. The Pacific islands northeast of Australia more remotely removed fromJapanandKoreaareOceaniarather than Asia. From Indonesia the border runs along theIndian Oceanto the Red Sea. Most of the islands in the Indian Ocean are Asian.

Overall dimensions


Multiple sources give different estimates of the area enclosed by the imaginary border of Asia. TheNew York TimesAtlas of the Worldgives 43,608,000 km2(16,837,000 sq mi).[1]Chambers World Gazetteerrounds off to 44,000,000 km2(17,000,000 sq mi),[2]while theConcise Columbia Encyclopediagives 44,390,000 km2(17,140,000 sq mi).[3]The 2011 Pearson's has 44,030,000 km2(17,000,000 sq mi).[4]The methods of obtaining these figures and exactly what areas they include have not been divulged.

The map surface of mainland Asia is entirely contained within aGeodetic quadrangleformed from segments oflatitudegoing through its north and south extremes and segments oflongitudepassing through the east and west extremes.Cape Chelyuskinis at 77° 43′ N;Cape Piaiin theMalay Peninsulais at 1° 16′ N;Cape BabainTurkeyis at 26° 4′ E;Cape Dezhnyovis at 169° 40′ W; that is, mainland Asia ranges through about 77° of latitude and 195° of longitude,[5]distances of about 8,560 km (5,320 mi) long by 9,600 km (6,000 mi) wide according to Chambers, or 8,700 km (5,400 mi) long by 9,700 km (6,000 mi) wide according to Pearson's.

Indonesiato the southeast, a nation consisting of thousands of islands, adds a significant amount of territory to mainland Asia and extends the extreme Asian latitude further south. The geographic nature of the country raises such questions as whether the sea and the seabed count as Asia. TheAustralia–Indonesia borderis still being negotiated. Currently, a 1997 treaty remains unratified. As there are questions of fishing rights in the waters and mineral rights in the seabed, two different boundaries are being negotiated, one for the water column and one for the seabed. The southernmost seabed boundary is 10° 50' S, the latitude of Point A3, the Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea common tripoint. The southernmost water column boundary is still further south at Point Z88, 13° 56' 31.8 ".

European views of Asia


The geographical or traditional view

A 1916 physical map of Asia by Tarr and McMurry

Medieval Europeans considered Asia as acontinent,a distinct landmass. The European concept of the three continents in theOld Worldgoes back toclassical antiquity.Definition of continents has long been and remains primarily the realm ofgeographers,including cultural geographers as well as physical geographers. A wide majority of geographers, in nearly all atlases and many other publications fromNational Geographicto theCIA World FactbookandMerriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary,define Europe, Asia, and Africa as continents.

The Hellenic origin

The coast of Turkey, original Asian shore seen from a beach onRhodes

The three-continent system was an idea devised inArchaic Greece,a time of Greek colonial expansion and trade throughout the Mediterranean and the spread of writing again. Writing is a prerequisite of written geography. It had been lost during the precedingGreek Dark Ages,a period of piracy at sea and defensive parochialism on land. The precedingMycenaean Greeceleft scant record of some serving women from a locality in the laterAsia Minorcalled Asia. Europe was mainly Greece, while Libya was a small region to the west of Egypt. There was no systematic definition of "continent;" however, the Greek mariners did make a distinction that was to become one: the islands, nēsoi, versus the mainland, ēpeiros.[6]Oneetymologyrelates ēpeir- to the sameIndo-Europeanroot from which English "over" came.[7]The Armenian form means "bank, coast." The Greek form must be some sort of "overland," whether continuous land or a coast that looms over. In Latin it became continens terra, "the continuous land," shortened to just continens, stem continent-.

Most ships of the Archaic Period were not ocean-going. They followed the shores closely, ready to put in at the first sign of trouble. It is not surprising that the first continents were "shores," as they are inHerodotus,first historian whose works are extant, who relies on earlier geography now missing except for fragments. Asia is defined by two akrai, "bluffs" or "shores." One runs fromPhasisinColchis(Georgia) at the eastern end of theBlack Seaaround the coast ofAsia MinortoPhoenicia.The second runs from Phoenicia to theRed Sea(the ancient Red Sea comprised also thePersian Gulfand theIndian Ocean) and from there to India, after which "no man can say what sort of region it is."[8]

Ancient ships in trouble on the sea

Asia is equal to its shores, which also define Europe and Libya. The northern shore runs eastward along the line if the Phasis andAraxes Rivers;that is, south of theCaucasus Mountains,and around the south of theCaspian Sea.The southern shore continues the Red Sea and the Nile River, asDarius the Greathad constructed a canal between them. This division and system was already in place before Herodotus. He professes not to understand it: "I am astonished that men should ever have divided Libya, Asia and Europe as they have, for they are exceedingly unequal."[9]His astonishment continues: "I cannot conceive why three names, and women's names especially, should ever have been given to a tract which is in reality one... nor can I even say who gives the three tracts [akrai] their names." Previously he had spoken of two tracts. He says that an alternate northern border is the mouth of theDon River.[10]

Strabo,geographer of the Early Roman Empire, has an explanation of the geography Herodotus found so puzzling. The key is the coast-hugging requirement of most ancient navigation. As the ancient navigator passed under theRock of Gibraltaron his way into theMediterranean Sea( "our sea" to those who lived there), two paths appeared to him, the north shore or the south shore. Strabo says:[11]

"Now as you sail into the strait at thePillars,Libya lies on your right hand as far as the stream of theNile,and on your left hand across the strait lies Europe as far as theTanais."

To the ancient navigators of Our Sea, the continents were separated by seas. The canal extended the southern shore into theRed Sea.The symmetry of the scheme was too geometric for the Greeks to resist, as they represented all geographic masses by regular figures if they could. A triangle prevailed in the Greek imagination with points at the Pillars, the Tanais and the Red Sea. As the sides were three shores, the continents were three.

Imperial Roman geography


The geographer,Claudius Ptolemaeus,distinguishes between geography, which is "a representation in picture of the whole known world," and chorography ( "study of places" ), which "treats more fully the particulars."[12]The idea of the continents is geography and is presented as such. A chorographer in Ptolemy's view was the expert in a specific locality, such as a ship captain, a merchant, or a native. Geographers consult them but they do not write geography unless they happen to be both.

Ptolemy was a geographer of the middle Roman Empire, an Egyptian. The idea of the continents preceded the imperial Romans but through them reached to modern time to determine today's geographic views, which are enhancements and refinements of the classical. Stating that "continents are bounded more properly, when it is possible, by seas than by rivers," Ptolemy defines a three-continent system: Europe, Libya, Asia. His Libya is the North Africa of today, containing a province, Africa, whose name replaced Libya. Rejecting theNile Riveras the Asian border so as not to splitEgypt,Ptolemy designates theRed Seaas the border between Libya and Asia. In the north, the border between Asia and Europe is a meridian through the mouth of theDon Rivernorthward "to the unknown region."[13]Asia Minorremains "Asia properly so called."[14]

Ptolemy's Asia extends to theFar East,approximately identical to today's Asia, except that the European border runs through the future location ofMoscow,then a wilderness of forest skirted bySarmatiantribesmen. In a striking foreshadowing ofEuropeanandAsian Russia,European Sarmatialies between theVistula Riverand theDon River,whileAsiatic Sarmatiaruns east of the Don toScythia.[15]

Geologic view


The relatively recent study ofplate tectonicshas discovered that Asia has several regions that would be considered distinct landmasses if strictly geologic and tectonic criteria were used (for example, South Asia and East Asia). Definition ofcontinental platesis the realm ofgeologists.Strictly in terms of geological landmasses or tectonic plates, Europe is a western peninsula ofEurasiaand of the Africa-Eurasia landmass. In the latter, Europe and Asia are parts of the Eurasian Plate, which excludes the Arabian and Indian tectonic plates.

Regional view


In human geography, there are several schools of thought. The more common school follows historical convention and treats Europe and Asia as different continents, categorizing East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East as specific regions for more detailed analysis. Other schools equate the word "continent" to geographical "region" when referring to Europe and Asia in terms of physical geography.[citation needed]

Ethnic view


In European languages, the term "Asian" more commonly refers to ethnic heritage rather than a strict geographic area. In American English, "Asian" often refers toEast and Southeast Asians,while in British English, Asian often refers to South Asians. See theList of transcontinental countriesfor further geographic definitions. The termAsia Pacificgenerally refers to a combination ofEast Asia,Southeast Asia,and islands in thePacific Ocean– and most are also considered part ofAustralasiaorOceania.Asia contains theIndian subcontinent,Iranian Plateau,Arabian Peninsula,as well as a piece of the North American plate in Siberia.



Since the 18th century,Asiahas been divided into several regions and subregions. There has been no universal consensus on the use of these terms.

The six regions of Asia include:

Central Asia
Commonly understood as comprising the formerSoviet Central Asiancountries ofKazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Turkmenistan,andUzbekistan.
East Asia
Commonly understood as comprisingChina,Hong Kong(China),Japan,Macau(China),Mongolia,North Korea,South Korea,andTaiwan.[16]Greater China(Mainland China,the twospecial administrative regions of China,and theTaiwan Area) comprises the bulk of this region.Mainland Chinacan be further subdivided into five smaller subregions:China proper,Inner Mongolia,Northeast China(a.k.a.Manchuria),Tibet,andXinjiang(a.k.a.Chinese TurkestanorEast Turkestan). A common synonym for East Asia isNortheast Asia,although some geographers only include theJapanese Archipelago,theKorean Peninsula,theMongolian Plateau,and theNortheast China Plain,as well asthe mountainous regionsof theRussian Far East(a part ofSiberia) in this region.
North Asia
Commonly understood as comprisingSiberia(Russia), which is also a common synonym forNorth Asia.
South Asia
Commonly understood as comprisingAfghanistan,Bangladesh,Bhutan,theBritish Indian Ocean Territory(United Kingdom),India,Maldives,Nepal,Pakistan,andSri Lanka.[17]A common approximate synonym for South Asia is theIndian subcontinentwhich excludesAfghanistan.
Southeast Asia
Commonly understood as comprising theASEANcountries ofBrunei,Cambodia,East Timor,Indonesia,Laos,Malaysia,Myanmar,thePhilippines,Singapore,Thailand,andVietnam.[18]This region can be further subdivided into two smaller subregions:Mainland Southeast Asia(a.k.a. theIndochinese Peninsula) andMaritime Southeast Asia(a.k.a. theMalay Archipelago).
West Asia
Commonly understood as comprisingAbkhazia,Akrotiri and Dhekelia(United Kingdom),Armenia,Azerbaijan,Bahrain,Cyprus,Georgia,Iran,Iraq,Israel,Jordan,Kuwait,Lebanon,Northern Cyprus,Oman,Palestine,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,Sinai(Egypt),South Ossetia,Syria,Turkey,theUnited Arab Emirates,andYemen.[19]Common synonyms for West Asia are theMiddle East,theNear East,and Southwest Asia. The Middle East generally includesEgypt(atranscontinental countrybetween Africa and Asia) but excludes theSouth Caucasiancountries.

Asia's changing climate

The2022 South Asian floods,including inPakistan(pictured) are an example of a climate change impact.[20][21]

Climate changeoccurs all over the world, and it is particularly important inAsia,as it accounts for the majority of the human population. Warming since the 20th century is increasing the threat ofheatwavesacross the entire continent.[22]: 1459 Heatwaves lead to increased mortality, and the demand forair conditioningis rapidly accelerating as the result. By 2080, around 1 billion people in the cities of South and Southeast Asia are expected to experience around a month of extreme heat every year.[22]: 1460 Theimpacts on water cycleare more complicated: already arid regions, primarily located inWest AsiaandCentral Asia,will see moredroughts,while areas ofEast,SoutheastandSouth Asiawhich are already wet due to themonsoonswill experience more flooding.[22]: 1459 

The waters around Asia are subjected to the sameimpactsas elsewhere, such as the increased warming andocean acidification.[22]: 1465 There are manycoral reefsin the region, and they are highly vulnerable to climate change,[22]: 1459 to the point practically all of them will be lost if the warming exceeds 1.5 °C (2.7 °F).[23][24]Asia's distinctivemangroveecosystems are also highly vulnerable tosea level rise.[22]: 1459 Asia also has more countries with large coastal populations than any other continent, which would cause large economic impacts from sea level rise.[22]: 1459 Water supplies in theHindu Kushregion will become more unstable as its enormousglaciers,known as the "Asian water towers", gradually melt.[22]: 1459 These changes to water cycle also affect vector-borne disease distribution, with malaria and dengue fever expected to become more prominent in the tropical and subtropical regions.[22]: 1459 Food securitywill become more uneven, and South Asian countries could experience significant impacts from global food price volatility.[22]: 1494 

Climate change is expected to exacerbateheat stressover at theNorth China Plain,which is particularly vulnerable as widespreadirrigationresults in very moist air. There is a risk that agricultural labourers will be physically unable to work outdoors on hot summer days at the end of the century, particularly under the scenario of greatest emissions and warming.[25]

Historical emissions from Asia are lower than those from Europe and North America. However, China has been the single largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the 21st century, while India is the third-largest. As a whole, Asia currently accounts for 36% of world's primaryenergyconsumption, which is expected to increase to 48% by 2050. By 2040, it is also expected to account for 80% of the world'scoaland 26% of the world'snatural gasconsumption.[22]: 1468 While theUnited Statesremains the world's largestoilconsumer, by 2050 it is projected to move to third place, behind China and India.[22]: 1470 While nearly half of the world's newrenewable energycapacity is built in Asia,[22]: 1470 this is not yet sufficient in order to meet the goals of theParis Agreement.They imply that the renewables would account for 35% of total energy consumption in Asia by 2030.[22]: 1471 

Climate change adaptationis already a reality for many Asian countries, with a wide range of strategies attempted across the continent.[22]: 1534 Important examples include the growing implementation ofclimate-smart agriculturein certain countries or the "sponge city"planning principles in China.[22]: 1534 While some countries have drawn up extensive frameworks such as the Bangladesh Delta Plan or Japan's Climate Adaptation Act,[22]: 1508 others still rely on localized actions that are not effectively scaled up.[22]: 1534 

General data for countries defined as Asian by the UNSD


TheUnited Nations Statistics Division,charged with collecting statistical data on global regions including Asia, publishes a classification standard,United Nations M49,which assigns code numbers to continental regions, areas and countries, based on statistical purposes,[26]and the countries and regions grouped together don't imply any assumption regarding political or other affiliations between the grouped countries.[26]Some general data on the countries listed in M49 for the continental region, Asia (142), and one non-official region, "Northern Asia," are presented below.

M49 is a device for collecting useful statistics for the UNSD and is a suggested reference guide offered as a global standard for all agencies and institutions within the various UN departments that might be interested. The United Nations Statistics Division does not present it as an authoritative standard or as one that is more valid or more worthy of adoption than some other. It is not a requirement for other agencies within the United Nations, which use their own standards as are convenient for their operations.

No nations have adopted M49 as a mandatory standard. It does, however, reflect general usage concerning the political geography of Asia. M49 is updated frequently to reflect changing geopolitical circumstances.

One problematic aspect of the classification of Asia not yet definitively addressed by the Statistics Division is "Northern Asia," which has no regional code and is not currently officially aregion of Asia.Russia, or "the Russian Federation," is a nation of Europe. The "Northern Asia" name is unofficially recognized; for example, the UN Group of Experts on Geographical Names includes an Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia Division. "Northern Asia" comes from traditional usage, which divides Europe from Asia at the Ural Mountains. No one at the UN is suggesting that European Russia be included in Asia or that Asian Russia be included in Europe. Their policy is that a nation shall appear once in one region. They have selected Europe. The problem remains unsolved.

Geopolitical map of Asia


The nations of this map with one major exception (and a few minor ones) are those defined byThe World Factbook.Short forms of the names are used; sometimes abbreviations. All the nations can be found in the table below. The one major exception to the scheme is "Russia," not currently officially in the continental region of Asia, but unofficiallypartly in iteven though classified as Europe.

A 1916 political map of Asia by Tarr and McMurry

Geopolitical data for Asia




The countries in this table are categorised mainly, but not entirely, according to theUNSD scheme for statistical purposesused by theUnited Nations Statistics Division.For example, the UNSD statistical geoscheme does not recognize a "North Asia," but problematic differences in point of view reach down to the country level elsewhere as well. Part ofEgypt(Sinai Peninsula) is geographically in West Asia, and theAustralian external territoriesofChristmas Islandand theCocos (Keeling) Islandsare often associated with Asia. However, these are not present in the UNSD geoscheme.

There is no universally defined standard Asia. Traditional views are approximate at best. Even today borders are still being defined, as between Indonesia, Australia and Oceania. As long as conflict over territory remains a human trait there may well be "an eastern question," as the British Empire said of the Ottoman Empire.

In evaluating the geographic position of nations of the edge of Asia some writers utilize the amorphous concept of "transcontinental countries,"which has different meanings to different authorities. Merriam-Webster defines it as" going across a continent, "as might a railroad.[27]With regard to Asia, there is only one such country, the Russian Federation.

In a second definition, Petrovsky refers to a new tendency to form transcontinental agencies, meaning agencies whose jurisdictions cross continental borders, rather than the whole continent.[28]Petrovsky's examples put together widely scattered sections of continents. There is no question of their trans- status. More precise views, however, require definitions of continents, which in the case of Asia are not quite so facile.

A third definition emphasizes transformation in place from one continent to another. Fahey at first defines Turkey as transcontinental by virtue of being in bothAnatoliaand the Balkans, neglecting the historical circumstance that the Balkans as part of the Ottoman Empire were once Asian, as was much of North Africa. He then hypothesizes that Turkey, accepted into theEuropean Union,is defined by that circumstance to be European.[29]By this usage, the very region to which "Asia" was first applied is now Europe. If it is, Turkey cannot be transcontinental by being split between two continents. This sort of paradox only underlines that Asia has no precise definition in the same way that nations do, to whom a mere 100 yards of border may be of great concern.

Data included in the table below are per sources in linked articles when available, the CIA World Factbook when not. No attempt is made to split populations. That of Russia is for the whole country; thus, the populations and areas cannot be summed to produce those of any defined Asia. The notes state which nations might be considered transcontinental by some agency, but there is little agreement generally.


Code Name ofregionand
territory, withflag
Population Pop. density
Date Capital
143 Central Asia
398 Kazakhstan[b] 2,724,927 16,536,000 6.1 Jan 2011 Nur-Sultan
417 Kyrgyzstan 199,951 5,587,443 27.9 Jul 2011 Bishkek
762 Tajikistan 143,100 7,627,200 53.3 Jul 2011 Dushanbe
795 Turkmenistan 488,100 4,997,503 10.2 Jul 2011 Ashgabat
860 Uzbekistan 447,400 28,128,600 62.9 Jul 2011 Tashkent
030 Eastern Asia
156 China[g][h] 9,640,821 1,322,044,605 134.0 Beijing
344 Hong Kong[g] 1,104 7,122,508 6,451.5 Jul 2011
392 Japan 377,947 127,920,000 338.5 Jul 2011 Tokyo
408 North Korea 120,540 23,479,095 184.4 Pyongyang
410 South Korea 98,480 49,232,844 490.7 Seoul
446 Macau[g] 25 460,823 18,473.3
496 Mongolia 1,565,000 2,996,082 1.7 Ulaan Baatar
158 Taiwan[g] 35,980 22,920,946 626.7 Taipei
N/A Northern Asia
643 Russia[30] 13,119,600 37,630,081 2.9 Moscow[31]
035 Southeastern Asia
096 Brunei 5,770 381,371 66.1 Bandar Seri Begawan
104 Myanmar 676,578 68,758,224 70.3 Jul 2022 Naypyidaw
116 Cambodia[32] 181,035 13,388,910 74 Phnom Penh
360 Indonesia[c] 1,919,440 230,512,000 120.1 Jakarta
418 Laos 236,800 6,677,534 28.2 Vientiane
458 Malaysia 329,847 27,780,000 84.2 Kuala Lumpur
608 Philippines 343,448 92,681,453 308.9 Manila
702 Singapore 704 4,608,167 6,545.7 Singapore
764 Thailand 514,000 65,493,298 127.4 Bangkok
626 Timor-Leste[c] 15,007 1,108,777 73.8 Dili
704 Vietnam 331,690 86,116,559 259.6 Hanoi
034 Southern Asia
004 Afghanistan[j] 647,500 32,738,775 42.9 Kabul
050 Bangladesh 147,570 153,546,901 1040.5 Dhaka
064 Bhutan 38,394 682,321 17.8 Thimphu
356 India[h] 3,287,263 1,147,995,226 349.2 New Delhi
462 Maldives 300 379,174 1,263.3 Malé
524 Nepal 147,181 29,519,114 200.5 Kathmandu
586 Pakistan[g] 881,913 207,774,520 244.4 Islamabad
144 Sri Lanka 65,610 21,128,773 322.0 Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte
145 West Asia
051 Armenia[e] 29,800 3,299,000 280.7 Yerevan
031 Azerbaijan[a][b] 86,660 8,845,127 102.736 Baku
048 Bahrain 665 718,306 987.1 Manama
196 Cyprus[e] 9,250 792,604 83.9 Nicosia
818 Egypt[f] 60,000 600,000 10 Cairo[33]
268 Georgia[a] 69,700 4,636,400 65.1 Tbilisi
364 Iran 1,648,195 70,472,846 42.8 Tehran
368 Iraq 437,072 28,221,181 54.9 Baghdad
376 Israel 20,770 7,112,359 290.3 Jerusalem[i]
400 Jordan 92,300 6,198,677 57.5 Amman
414 Kuwait 17,820 2,596,561 118.5 Kuwait City
422 Lebanon 10,452 3,971,941 353.6 Beirut
512 Oman 212,460 3,311,640 12.8 Muscat
275 State of Palestine 6,257 4,277,000 683.5 Ramallah
634 Qatar 11,437 928,635 69.4 Doha
682 Saudi Arabia 1,960,582 23,513,330 12.0 Riyadh
760 Syria 185,180 19,747,586 92.6 Damascus
792 Turkey[a][b] 783,356 84,680,273 110 Ankara
784 United Arab Emirates 82,880 4,621,399 29.5 Abu Dhabi
887 Yemen 527,970 23,013,376 35.4 Sanaá
142 Asia 43,810,582 4,162,966,086 89.07

Table notes


^a:Azerbaijan,Georgia,andTurkeyare often considered to betranscontinental countries,spanning both Asia and Europe. Many organisations, such as theBBC[34]place them inEurope,while others such as theCIA[35]include them in Asia,West Asiaand theMiddle Eastto be precise. All are included in European organisations such as theCouncil of Europe[36]and are considered to be European, and thus eligible to join, by theEuropean Union.[37]
^b:Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan,andTurkeyare considered split by some between two continents: Azerbaijan north of the Caucasus, Kazakhstan west of the Ural River and Turkey west of the Bosphorus might be construed as in Europe. Only national data is presented. Splitting a nation would be more problematic; for example, the Ural River is not a well-defined boundary in places; moreover, some geopolitical units straddle it. The UN convention is followed here, which does not define any transcontinental regions.
^c:Indonesiais often considered a transcontinental country with territory in both Asia andOceania,andEast Timorcan be placed in either Asia or Oceania. Population and area figures for Indonesia do not includeIrian JayaandMaluku Islands,frequently reckoned in Oceania.
^d:Russia is considered a transcontinental country with territory in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia; population and area figures are for theUral Federal District,Siberian Federal DistrictandFar Eastern Federal Districtof Russia, which belong to Asia.
^e:The island ofCyprusis located on the AsianAnatolian Plate,[38]but is a member of European organisations such as the Council of Europe[36]and the European Union.[37]Armeniais similarly located fully within Asia, but is a member of the Council of Europe.[36]
^f:Egyptis often considered a transcontinental country with territory in North Africa and West Asia; population and area figures are for theSinai Peninsula,which belongs to Asia.
^g:Hong KongandMacauareSpecial Administrative Regions(SAR) ofChina.Taiwan(officially the Republic of China) is ade factostateclaimedby the PRC. Figures given for China do not include these areas.
^h:The area ofIndiaincludesJammu and Kashmir,a disputed territory contested between India,Pakistan,andChina.
^i:In 1980,Jerusalemwas proclaimed Israel's united capital, following its annexation of Arab-dominantEast Jerusalemduring the1967 Six-Day War.TheUnited Nationsand many countries do not recognize this claim, with most countries maintaining embassies inTel Avivinstead.
^j:Afghanistanis also considered to be a Central Asian country. It only joined theSouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperationin 2007.

Regional maps of Asia

Regional maps of Asia

See also



  1. ^The New York Times and Bartholomew, Edinburgh (1992).The New York Times Atlas of the World.New York: Times Books (Random House). p. 44.
  2. ^"Asia".Chambers World Gazetteer(5th ed.). 1988.
  3. ^"Asia".The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia(2nd ed.). 1989.
  4. ^Edgar Thorpe; Shawick Thorpe (2011).The Pearson General Knowledge Manual.India: Dorling Kindersley. p. A.25.
  5. ^"Asia: The Land".The New Encyclopædia Britannica(15th ed.).
  6. ^Georg Autenrieth (1876). "ēpeiros".A Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges.
  7. ^J.B. Hofmann (1950). "ēpeiros".Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Griechischen(in German). München: Verlag von R. Oldenbourg.
  8. ^Histories,Book IV, Articles 37-40.
  9. ^Histories,Book IV, Article 42.
  10. ^Histories,Book!V, Article 45
  11. ^Geography,2.5.26.
  12. ^Geography,Book I, Chapter 1.
  13. ^Geography,Book II, Prologue.
  14. ^Geography,Book V, Chapter 11.
  15. ^Geography,Book V, Chapter 8.
  16. ^"East Asia".Archived fromthe originalon 2 June 2011.Retrieved6 May2015.
  17. ^"The World Factbook: South Asia".Cia.gov.Retrieved9 September2021.
  18. ^"Southeast Asia".Archived fromthe originalon 2 June 2011.Retrieved6 May2015.
  19. ^"West Asia/Middle East".Archived fromthe originalon 1 May 2011.Retrieved6 May2015.
  20. ^"How melting glaciers contributed to floods in Pakistan".NPR.org.Archivedfrom the original on 9 September 2022.Retrieved9 September2022.
  21. ^"Pakistan not to blame for climate crisis-fuelled flooding, says PM Shehbaz Sharif".the Guardian.31 August 2022.Archivedfrom the original on 8 September 2022.Retrieved9 September2022.
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