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Geoheritage(a blend ofgeologicalandheritage) is the geological aspect ofnaturalandculturalheritage. Ageositeis a particular geologicalheritage asset. It is a heritage category comparable to other forms of natural heritage, such asbiodiversity.

History of the concept


The first reference to geoheritage as such was at a 1993 conference held in the UK, the Malvern International Conference on Geological and Landscape Conservation.[1][2]

The term geological heritage was first mentioned at the First International Symposium on the Conservation of our Geological Heritage atDigne,France in 1991.[3]The matter is further discussed in 2002 by Sharples.[4]

Conceptually, geoheritage derives from various writings of Busby et al. 2001[5]and Hallam 1989[6]).

In Sharples 1995[7]the original concept of geoheritage further developed to include the protection of dynamic geological processes and geodiversity.

In Sadry 2021[8]the concept of geoheritage have more developed to include the vertical destinations: planetary(Space)geology.



"Geoheritage encompasses global, national, statewide, and local features of geology, at all scales that are intrinsically important sites or culturally important sites offering information or insights into the evolution of the Earth; or into the history of science, or that can be used for research, teaching, or reference."[9]

The definition of geoheritage is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia No.1 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for the Determination of Geological Heritage (Geoheritage) is Geological Diversity (Geodiversity) which has more value as a legacy because it is a record that has happened or is happening on earth due to its value. scientifically high, rare, unique, and beautiful, so that it can be used for research and education in the earth.[10]



"Geotourism is a knowledge -based tourism, an interdisciplinary integration of the tourism industry with conservation and interpretation of abiotic nature attributes, besides considering related cultural issues, within the geosites for the general public."[11]It is seen around the world through the growth ofgeoparksas well as independently in many natural and urban areas where tourism’s focus is on the geological environment.

Examples of geoheritage sites




In Australia, the term geoheritage appeared initially in Bradbury (1993),[12]and Sharples (1993).[13]

In Australia there are sites which have natural features (such as Fossil Hill atCliefden Caves,NSW); cultural features (such as the site of the discovery of the first limestone in inland Australia at Cliefden Caves); scenically important sites such as theThree Sistersin theBlue Mountains,ofNew South Wales,Australia;and indigenous culturally important sites such asUluruin theNorthern Territory.



The Geological Agency of the Indonesian Energy and Resources Ministry has declared nine geological sites in the province ofYogyakartainIndonesia.[14]These are:

InSleman Regency:

InBantul Regency:

InKulon Progo Regency:

  • Kiskendo cave and a former site of manganese mining (over 8,000 ha) in the Kliripan area.

InGunung Kidul Regency:

  • Nglanggerang prehistoric volcano (near Patuk, east of Yogyakarta city).
  • Wediombo-Siung beach (on the south coast of Java).
  • Abioturbationsite on the Kali Ngalang (Ngalang river) near Ngalang village north ofWonosari.



The Geological Society of Spain and theGeological and Mining Institute of Spainhave produced a list of internationally importantgeosites(sites of geological interest known as LIGS in Spanish). This work, which began in 1999, is part of the Global Geosites project promoted by theInternational Union of Geological Sciencesin the 1990s and subsequently supported byUNESCO.[15]Initially, geological contexts were identified (21 such contexts were listed by 2014), and then representative sites within these themes. The list of sites is not a closed one, and there is a mechanism for considering further nominations.

Teidevolcano,Tenerife,has been designated aWorld Heritage Sitein part for its geological interest. Some other WHSs in Spain are of geological interest, but were selected for other features. For example, Spain has one of the two sites of the WHSHeritage of Mercury. Almadén and Idrija.However, the criteria by which Almadén was assessed byUNESCOrelate to its mining heritage rather than geological interest.



With its diversified lithology, dissected landscapes and rock churches, there is a large amount of geoheritage in Ethiopia. Among the better documented geosites there is theZeyicaveinDogu'a Tembien.[16]

See also



  1. ^Joyce E B 1994a Geological Heritage Committee. In: B J Cooper & D F Branagan (eds), Rock me hard. Rock me soft. a history of the Geological Society of Australia Inc. Published byGeological Society of AustraliaInc., Sydney, NSW, 30-36
  2. ^O'Halloran D, Green C, Harley, M Stanley M, & Knill J (eds) 1994 Geological and Landscape Conservation. Proceedings of the Malvern International Conference 1993.Geological Society,London, UK
  3. ^Anon 1991 First International Symposium on the Conservation of our Geological Heritage, Digne, France, 11–16 June 1991: Terra Abstracts Supplement 2 to Terra Nova Volume 3, 1991, 17
  4. ^Sharples C 2002 Concepts and principles of geoconservation. Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service, Hobart
  5. ^Busby III A B, Conrads R, Willis P & Roots D 2001 An Australian Geographic Guide to Fossils & Rocks: Australian Geographic NSW
  6. ^Hallam, Anthony1989Great Geological Controversies(2nd Ed). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
  7. ^Sharples C 1995 Geoconservation in forest management - principles and procedures. Tasforests 7: 37-50
  8. ^Sadry, B.N. (Ed.) (2021) The Geotourism Industry in the 21st Century: The Origin, Principles, and Futuristic Approach; Florida: Apple Academic Press.
  9. ^M Brocx & V Semeniuk (Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 90: 53-87, 2007)
  10. ^Dewi, Tinalah (22 April 2021)."ESDM Tetapkan 20 Tempat Geoheritage di Yogyakarta".
  11. ^Sadry, B.N.(2009) "Fundamentals of Geotourism: with special emphasis on Iran", Samt Organization publishers,Tehran.220p.(English Summary available Online at:http://physio-geo.revues.org/4873?file=1
  12. ^Bradbury J 1993 A Preliminary Geoheritage Inventory of the Eastern Tasmania Terrane. A Report to Parks and Wildlife Service, Tasmania.
  13. ^Sharples C 1993 A Methodology for the identification of significant landforms and geological sites for geoconservation purposes. Report to Forestry Commission Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania
  14. ^'Nine unique geo-heritage sites declared',The Jakarta Post,3 November 2014.
  15. ^"El Proyecto Global Geosites en España".IGME.Retrieved9 August2016.(in Spanish)
  16. ^Nyssen, Jan; Yonas, Meheretu; Annys, Sofie; Ghebreyohannes, Tesfaalem; Smidt, Wolbert; Welegerima, Kiros; Gebreselassie, Seifu; Sembroni, Andrea; Dramis, Francesco; Ek, Camille; Causer, David (2020)."The Zeyi Cave Geosite in Northern Ethiopia".Geoheritage.12(1): 6.Bibcode:2020Geohe..12....6N.doi:10.1007/s12371-020-00446-7.