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Geolibertarianismis apoliticalandeconomic ideologythat integrateslibertarianismwithGeorgism.It favors a taxation system based (as in Georgism) on income derived from land and natural resources instead of on labor, coupled with a minimalist model of government, as in libertarianism. The term was coined by the late economistFred Foldvaryin 1981.[1]

Geolibertarians recognize the right to private ownership of land, but only if fair recompense is paid to the community for the loss of access to that land. Some geolibertarians broaden out the tax base to include resource depletion, environmental damage, and other ancillaries to land use.

A succinct summary of this philosophy can be found inThomas Paine's 1797 pamphletAgrarian Justice:"Men did not make the earth. It is the value of the improvements only, and not the earth itself, that is individual property. Every proprietor owes to the community a ground rent for the land which he holds".


Geolibertarians maintain that geographical space andrawnatural resources—any assets that qualify aslandby economic definition—arerivalrousgoodsto be consideredcommon property,or more accuratelyunowned,which all individuals share an equalhuman rightto access, notcapital wealthto be privatized fully and absolutely. Therefore, landholders ought to paycompensationaccording to therental valueset by thefree market,absent any improvements, to the community for the civil right ofusufruct(that is, legally recognized exclusive possession with restrictions on property abuse) or otherwisefee simpletitlewith no such restrictions. Ideally, the taxing of a site would be administered only after it has been determined that the privately capturedeconomic rentfrom the land exceeds the title-holder's equal share of total land value in the jurisdiction.[2]

On this proposal, rent is collected not for the mere occupancy or use of land, as neither thecommunitynor thestaterightfully owns the commons, but rather as an objectively assessed indemnity due for thelegal rightto exclude others from that land. Some geolibertarians also supportPigovian taxeson pollution andseverance taxesto regulate naturalresource depletionand compensatory fees with ancillarypositive environmental effectson activities which negatively impact land values. They take the standardright-libertarianposition that each individual is naturally entitled to the fruits of theirlaboras exclusiveprivate propertyas opposed to produced goods being owned collectively by society or by the government acting to represent society, and that a person's "labor, wages, and the products of labor" should not be taxed. Along with non-Georgists in the libertarian movement, they also advocate thelaw of equal liberty,supporting "full civil liberties, with no crimes unless there are victims who have been invaded."[3]

Geolibertarians are generally influenced by theGeorgistsingle taxmovement of the late-19th and early-20th centuries, but the ideas behind it pre-dateHenry Georgeand can be found in different forms in the political writings ofJohn Locke,the earlyagrarian socialismof EnglishTrue Levellersor Diggers such asGerrard Winstanley,the FrenchPhysiocrats(especiallyQuesnayandTurgot), Britishclassical economistsAdam SmithandDavid Ricardo,French liberal economistsJean-Baptiste SayandFrédéric Bastiat,American RevolutionarywritersThomas JeffersonandThomas Paine,EnglishRadicalland reformerThomas Spence,American individualist anarchistsLysander SpoonerandBenjamin Tucker,as well as Britishclassical liberalphilosophersJohn Stuart MillandHerbert Spencer.Prominent geolibertarians since George have includedOld Rightsocial criticsAlbert Jay NockandFrank Chodorov.Other libertarians who have expressed support for the land value tax as an incremental reform includeMilton Friedman,Karl Hess,John HospersandUnited States Libertarian Partyco-founderDavid Nolan.[4]

Property rights[edit]

Thomas Paineinspired thecitizen's dividendand stated: "Every proprietor owes to the community a ground rent for the land which he holds."[5]

In continuity with theclassical economicandliberaltraditions, geolibertarians contend that land is an independentfactor of production,that it is thecommoninheritance of all humanity and that the justice ofprivate propertyis derived from an individual's right to the fruits of his or her labor. Since land byeconomic definitionis not the product of human labor, its ownership cannot be justified by appealing to natural human rights.[6]Geolibertarians recognize the individual civil right to secure exclusivepossession of landonly on the condition that if the land has accrued economic rent, its full rental value be paid to the community deprived of equal access. Thisnon-distortionarysystem of taxation, it is argued, has the effects of returning the value that belongs to all members of society and encouraging landholders to use only as much land as they need, leaving unneeded land for others to occupy, use and develop.[7][8]

A succinct summary of the geolibertarian philosophy isThomas Paine's assertion in his 1797 pamphletAgrarian Justice:"Men did not make the earth. It is the value of the improvements only, and not the earth itself, that is individual property. Every proprietor owes to the community a ground rent for the land which he holds". On the other hand,John Lockewrote thatprivate land ownershipshould be praised as long as its product was not left to spoil and there was "enough, and as good left in common for others". When thisLockean provisois violated, the land earns rental value. Some geolibertarians argue that "enough, and as good left" is a practical impossibility in a city setting where location is paramount. This implies that in any urban social environment Locke's proviso requires the collection and equal distribution of ground rent. Geolibertarians sometimes dispute the received interpretation of Locke'shomestead principleoutlined in hisSecond Treatise of Governmentas concerning the justice of initial acquisition of property in land, opting instead for a view ostensibly more compatible with the proviso which considers Locke to be describing the process by which property is created from land through the application of labor.

This strict definition of private property as the fruit of a person's labor leads geolibertarians to advocatefree marketsin capital goods, consumer goods, and services, in addition to the protection of workers' rights to their full earnings.

Policy proposals[edit]

Geolibertarians generally support allocating land rent from private landholders to all community members by way of aland value taxas proposed byHenry Georgeand others before him.[9]

Geolibertarians desire to see the revenue from landvalue capturecover only necessary administrative costs and fund only those public services which are essential for a governing body to secure and enforce rights to life, liberty and estate—civic protections which increase the aggregate land rent within the jurisdiction and thereby serve tofinance themselves—the surplus being equally distributed as an unconditionaldividendto each citizen. Thus, the value of the land is returned to the residents whoproduceit, but who by practical necessity and legal privilege have been deprived of equal access while the poor and disadvantaged benefit from areliablesocial safety netunencumbered by bureaucracy or intrusivemeans-testing.Some geolibertarians claim the reasoning behind taxing land values likewise justifies a complementarypollution taxfor degrading the shared value of the natural commons. The common and inelastic character of theradio wave spectrum(which also falls under land as an economic category) is understood to justify the taxation of its exclusive use, as well.[10][11]

American economist and political philosopher Fred Foldvary coined the term geo-libertarianism in a so-titled article appearing inLand&Liberty.[12][13]In the case of what Foldvary terms "geoanarchism", which he describes as the most radicallydecentralizedand scrupulouslyvoluntaristform of geolibertarianism, Foldvary theorizes that ground rents would be collected by private agencies and persons would have the opportunity to secede from associated geocommunities—thereby opting out of their protective and legal services—if desired.[14]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Foldvary, Fred (2012-04-25)."The Geolibertarian Ethics of Land Rent".Bleeding Heart Libertarians.Retrieved2023-11-08.
  2. ^"Geo-Libertarianism: A Peaceful Way To Resolve Territory Disputes At Sea | John McCone: Philosophy For The Future".2018-12-28.Retrieved2023-11-08.
  3. ^"Foldvary, Fred E. Geoism and Libertarianism. The Progress Report".Progress.org. Archived fromthe originalon November 4, 2012.Retrieved2013-03-26.
  4. ^"Learned Libertarians Lean Toward Land Dues".progress.org. 2015-12-19.Retrieved2017-10-04.
  5. ^*Agrarian Justice– viaWikisource.
  6. ^"10 Different Types of Libertarianism".ThoughtCo.Retrieved2023-11-08.
  7. ^Liam (2011-06-12)."Geolibertarianism – The Social Contract Fallacy".British-neolibertarian.blogspot.com.Retrieved2013-03-26.
  8. ^"Socialism, Capitalism, Geoism".Henry George's Remedy.Retrieved2023-11-08.
  9. ^www.libertarianism.orghttps://www.libertarianism.org/columns/review-posner-weyls-radical-markets.Retrieved2023-11-08.{{cite web}}:Missing or empty|title=(help)
  10. ^"Basis of Taxation".Pl.atyp.us. 2005-08-12.Retrieved2013-03-26.
  11. ^"Geo-Libertarianism Gets Criticized, by Fred Foldvary, Ph.D. | Progress.org".www.progress.org.Retrieved2023-11-08.
  12. ^Abel, Janos (1981)."Land & Liberty – 1980 & 1981 – 87 & 88 Years"(PDF).henrygeorgefoundation.org.
  13. ^Sims, Emily (February 2018)."The Monthly Discussion".Prosper Australia.
  14. ^Foldvary, Fred E.(2001-07-15)."Geoanarchism".anti-state.com.Retrieved2009-04-15.

External links[edit]