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Georges Blondel

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Georges Blondel(8 March 1856 – 31 July 1948) was a French historian, specialising in the history ofGermanyandAustriabefore 1914. Born in 1856 inDijon,France,Blondel received his doctorate in 1881 and in 1894 was named professor of letters atLille University.He died in 1948 inParis.After receiving his doctorate in 1881 and the rank of agrégé (highest teaching degree) in 1883, he was appointed to a chair of law at Lyon in 1884 and 10 years later was named professor of letters at Lille. He later taught at theÉcole des Hautes Études Commercialesand theCollège de Francein Paris.

Published works

  • L'Ouvrier allemand(1899;The German Worker)
  • L'Essor industriel et commercial du peuple allemand(1898;The Industrial and Commercial Ascent of the German People)
  • L'Éducation économique du peuple allemand(1908;The Economic Education of the German People)
  • Le Triomphe du germanisme(1934;The Triumph of Pan-Germanism)

