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Geraghty(/ˈɡɛrəti/) and the variantGaraghtyare Irish surnames, it was originally written in aGaelicform asMag Oireachtaigh(or MacGeraghty in English), the name is derived from the word "oireachtach,"referring to a member of an assembly. The name of the modern national legislative body inIreland,theOireachtascomes from the same Gaelic root.


The MacGeraghtyclanare descended from theSiol Muireadaighof the Kingdom ofConnacht,the same Gaelic lineage and homeland as theÓ Conchubhairdynasty. Their lands were originally situated in theBarony of Roscommon.

They were rulers of Clann Tomaltaigh and the Muintir Roduib[1][2]and are referred to in the topographical poemTuilleadh feasa ar Éirinn óighbyGiolla na Naomh Ó hUidhrín.

Members of this Clan are said to have named the island ofInnis Murrayafter themselves as they were formerly chiefs of theSiol Murray.[3]

The MacGeraghty clan are associated with theGaelic KingdomsofUí BriúinandUí Maine,in the latter they were second only to theO’Ceallaigh,who were the Kings of Uí Maine.

AChief of the name,calledMcGiriaghtis listed in theComposition Book of Connachtin 1585, as seated in theBarony of Athlone.

Geoffrey Keating’sHistory of Irelandrecords that:

"Mac Oiraghty of the steeds was the ruling chief

of Muintir Roduiv of rightful laws -

A fearless warrior as he ranged the woods"[4]

Theclanname MacGeraghty lead to theanglicisedname Geraghty, descendants of the family are still found in large numbers inCounty Galway,County Mayo,County Roscommon,County Sligoand among theIrish diaspora.

Related surnames[edit]

Related surnames that derive from the sameGaelicroot are:


The nameGeraghtymay refer to:

See also[edit]


  1. ^Ui Mani and Ui Fiacrach Aidni.Page 1, Section 2. Mag Oireachtaigh,http://www.aughty.org/pdf/ui_mani_ui_fiacrach.pdf
  2. ^"The Topographical Poems of John O'Dubhagain and Giolla-na-naomh O'Huidhrin: Edited in the original Irish from MSS. in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, with translation, notes, and introductory dissertations, by John O'Donovan". A. Thom. 8 July 1862 – via Google Books.
  3. ^The Book of Irish Families, Great & Small By Michael C. O'Laughlin Page 119
  4. ^Foras Feasa ar Éirinn.By Geoffrey Keating