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German name

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Personal namesinGerman-speaking Europeconsist of one or severalgiven names(Vorname,pluralVornamen) and asurname(Nachname, Familienname). TheVornameis usually gender-specific. A name is usually cited in the "Western order"of" given name, surname ". The most common exceptions are alphabetized list of surnames, e.g."Bach, Johann Sebastian",as well as some official documents and spoken southernGerman dialects.In most of this, the German conventions parallel the naming conventions in most of Western and Central Europe, includingEnglish,Dutch,Italian,andFrench.There are some vestiges of apatronymicsystem as they survive in parts of Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, but these do not form part of the official name.

Women traditionally adopted their husband's name upon marriage and would occasionally retain their maiden name byhyphenation,in a so-calledDoppelname,e.g. "Else Lasker-Schüler".Recent legislation motivated bygender equalitynow allows a married couple to choose the surname they want to use, including an option for men to keep their birthname hyphenated to the common family name in the same way. It is also possible for the spouses to do without a common surname altogether and to keep their birthnames.

The most common given names are eitherBiblical( "Christian",derived from names of Biblical characters or saints;Johann/Hans"John",Georg/Jörg"George",Jakob"Jacob" and "James";Anna,Maria,Barbara,Christina) or fromGermanic names(Friedrich"Frederick",Ludwig"Louis", etc.) Since the 1990s, there has however been a trend of parents picking non-German forms of names, either for originality, or influenced by international celebrities, e.g.Liam(Gaelic form ofWilliam) rather than the German equivalentWilhelm[citation needed]andMila.

Most surnames are derived either from given names (patronym), occupations, or from geographical origin, less often from bodily attributes. They became heritable with the beginning of central demographic records in theearly modern period.



TheVorname(in Englishforename) is usually given to a child by the parents shortly after birth. It is common to give a child severalVornamen(forenames), one of them intended for everyday use and known as theRufname( "appellation name" or "call name" ). ThisRufnameis often underlined on official documents, as it is sometimes the second or third name in the sequence of given names on official record, even though it is the given name in daily use from childhood.[1]For example, in the resume submitted by mathematicianEmmy Noetherto Erlangen University in 1907,[2]

Ich, AmalieEmmyNoether, bayerischer Staatsangehörigkeit und israelitischer Konfession, bin geboren zu Erlangen am 23. März 1882...
"I, AmalieEmmyNoether, ofBavarian nationalityand of Israelite confession, born in Erlangen on 23 March 1882... "

the underlining ofEmmycommunicates that this is theRufname,even though it is the second of two official given names.

In Germany, the chosen name must be approved by the localStandesamt(civil registry office). Although a 1980 law previously stated that the name must indicate the gender of the child, a 2008 court ruling unanimously upheld the right of parents to decide their child's name, stating that the only legal limitation is that the name does not negatively affect the well-being of the child.[3][4][5]

AmongGerman nobility,a fashion arose in the early modern period[citation needed]to give a large number of forenames, often six or more. This fashion was to some extent copied by thebourgeois class,but subsided again after the end of the 19th century, so that while two or three forenames remain common, a larger number is now rare. The practice persists among German nobility, e.g. Johann FriedrichKonradCarl Eduard Horst Arnold Matthias, Prince of Saxe-Meiningen, Duke of Saxony (b. 1952),Ernst AugustAlbert Paul Otto Rupprecht Oskar Berthold Friedrich-Ferdinand Christian-Ludwig, Prince of Hanover(b. 1954),ChristianHeinrich Clemens Paul Frank Peter Welf Wilhelm-Ernst Friedrich Franz Prince of Hanover and Dukelin, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg(b. 1985).


Traditionally, there aredialectaldifferences between the regions of German-speaking Europe, especially visible in the forms ofhypocorisms. These differences are still perceptible in the list of most popular names, even though they are marginalized by super-regional fashionable trends: As of 2012, the top ten given names ofBaden-Württemberg(Southern Germany) and ofSchleswig-Holstein(Northern Germany) share the entriesBen, Paul, Finn, Luca, Max(male),Mia, Emma, Lea, Leonie, Anna, Lena, Hanna,while Schleswig-Holstein retains the traditionally northern (Low German) formsLasse(male) andNeele(female) in the top ten.[6]

The following table gives the most popular given names in Germany for every tenth year (since 1890).[clarification needed][7]

Year Feminine Masculine

Anna, Martha / Marta, Frieda / Frida, Berta / Beertha, Emma, Marie, Maria, Margarethe / Margarete, Erna, Elsa

Carl / Karl, Wilhelm, Otto, Heinrich, Friedrich, Paul, Hans, Gustav, Max, Ernst


Anna, Martha / Marta, Frieda / Frida, Emma, Marie, Elisabeth, Maria, Berta / Bertha, Gertrud, Margarethe / Margarete

Wilhelm, Carl / Karl, Heinrich, Hermann, Friedrich, Paul, Otto, Ernst, Hans, Walter / Walther


Gertrud, Erna, Martha / Marta, Hertha / Herta, Margarethe / Margarete, Anna, Käthe, Elisabeth, Frieda / Frida, Hildegard,

Walter / Walther, Carl / Karl, Hans, Wilhelm, Otto, Curt / Kurt, Heinrich, Hermann, Paul, Helmut / Helmuth


Ilse, Hildegard, Gertrud, Irmgard, Gerda, Lieselotte, Elfriede, Ursula, Edith, Erna

Hans, Carl / Karl, Heinz, Curt / Kurt, Werner, Walter / Walther, Günter / Günther, Herbert, Helmut / Helmuth, Gerhard, Rolf


Ursula, Helga, Gisela, Inge, Gerda, Ingrid, Ingeborg, Ilse, Edith, Hildegard

Günter / Günther, Hans, Carl / Karl, Heinz, Werner, Gerhard, Horst, Helmut / Helmuth, Walter / Walther, Curt / Kurt, Rolf


Karin, Ingrid, Helga, Renate, Elke, Ursula, Erika, Christa, Gisela, Monika

Peter, Klaus / Claus, Hans, Jürgen, Dieter, Günter / Günther, Horst, Manfred, Uwe, Wolfgang


Brigitte, Renate, Karin, Angelika, Monika, Ursula, Ingrid, Marion, Barbara, Gisela, Regina

Peter, Hans, Wolfgang, Klaus / Claus, Manfred, Jürgen, Michael, Bernd, Werner, Günter / Günther


Sabine, Susanne, Petra, Birgit, Gabriele, Andrea, Martina, Ute, Heike, Angelika

Thomas, Michael, Andreas, Peter, Frank, Uwe, Klaus / Claus, Stefan / Stephan, Jürgen, Jörg


Nicole, Anja, Claudia, Stefanie / Stephanie, Andrea, Tanja, Katrin / Catrin / Kathrin, Susanne, Petra, Sabine

Stefan / Stephan, Michael, Andreas, Thomas, Frank, Markus / Marcus, Christian, Oliver, Matthias, Torsten


Julia, Katrin / Catrin / Kathrin, Stefanie / Stephanie, Melanie, Sandra, Anja, Nicole, Nadine, Christina, Sabrina

Christian, Michael, Sebastian, Stefan / Stephan, Jan, Daniel, Martin, Dennis, Alexander, Thomas


Julia, Sarah / Sara, Jennifer, Katharina, Lisa, Christina, Jessika / Jessica, Anna, Laura, Melanie

Jan, Tobias, Christian, Alexander, Daniel, Patrick, Dennis, Sebastian, Marcel, Philipp


Anna, Lea / Leah, Sarah / Sara, Hannah / Hanna, Michelle, Laura, Lisa, Lara, Lena, Julia

Lukas / Lucas, Jan, Tim, Finn / Fynn, Leon, Niklas / Niclas, Tom, Jonas, Jannik / Yannik / Yannick / Yannic, Luca / Luka


Mia, Hannah / Hanna, Lena, Lea / Leah, Emma, Anna, Leonie / Leoni, Lilli / Lilly / Lili, Emily / Emilie, Lina

Leon, Lukas / Lucas, Ben, Finn / Fynn, Jonas, Paul, Luis / Louis, Maximilian, Luca / Luka, Felix


Mia, Emilia, Hannah / Hanna, Emma, Sofia / Sophia, Lina, Ella, Mila, Clara, Lea / Leah

Noah / Noa, Ben, Mateo / Matteo / Matheo / Mattheo, Finn / Fynn, Leon, Elias / Elyas, Paul, Henry / Henri, Luis / Louis, Felix



Surnames(family name;Nachname,Familienname) were gradually introduced inGerman-speaking Europeduring theLate Middle Ages.Many of such surnames are derived fromnicknames.They are generally classified into four groups byderivation: given names, occupational designations, bodily attributes, and toponyms (including references to named buildings). Also, many family names display characteristic features of thedialectof the region they originated in.

  • Given namesoften turned into family names when people were identifiedby their father's name.For example, the first nameAhrenddeveloped into the family nameAhrendsby adding a genitive s-ending, as inAhrend's son.
    Examples:Ahrends/Ahrens,Burkhard,Wulff,Friedrich,Benz,Fritz.With many of the early city records written inLatin,occasionally the Latin genitive singular -i was used such as inJakobiorAlbertior (written as -'y') inMendelssohn Bartholdy.
  • Occupational namesare the most common form of family names; anybody who had an unusual job would have been bound to be identified by it. Examples:Gaschler(glass),Schmidt(smith),Müller(miller),Meier(farmadministrator; akin to tenant, steward, sometimes also a bailiff),Schulze(constable),Fischer(fisherman),Schneider(tailor),Maurer(mason),Bauer(farmer),Zimmermann(carpenter),MetzgerorFleischer(butcher),Töpfer,Toepfer(potter) orKlingemann(weapons smith). Also, names referring to nobility such asKaiser(emperor),König(king),Graf(count) are common, with the name bearers probably only a minor functionary of a monarch.
  • Bodily attribute namesare family names such asKrause(curly),Schwarzkopf(black head),Klein(small),Groß(big).
  • Geographical names (toponyms)are derived from the name of a city or village, or the location of someone's home. They often have the '-er' postfix that signifies origin (as in EnglishNew Yorker). Examples:Kissinger(fromKissingen),Schwarzenegger(fromSchwarzenegg[8]orSchwarzeneck),Bayer(fromBavaria,GermanBayern). Böhm indicates that a family originated inBohemia.A special case of geographical names were those derived from a building or a natural landmark, e.g. aBusch(bush) orSpringborn(spring/well). Before the advent of street names and numbers, even for long times afterwards, many important buildings like inns, mills and farmsteads were given house names orHofnamen"estate names", e.g.Rothschild"red sign/escutcheon",Lachs"(sign of the) salmon",Bär"bear",EngelsfromEngel"angel", etc. A house or estate name could be combined with a profession, e.g.Rosenbauer(rose-farmer, from a farmstead called 'the rose');Kindlmüller(child's miller, from a mill named 'the Christmas child', 'the prodigal child' or 'the king's child').

The prepositionvon( "of" ) was used to distinguishnobility;for example, if someone was baron of the village of Veltheim, his family name would bevon Veltheim.In modern times, people who were elevated to nobility often had a 'von' added to their name. For example,Johann Wolfgang Goethehad his name changed toJohann Wolfgang von Goethe.This practice ended with the abolition of the monarchy in Germany and Austria in 1919. Sometimesvonis also used in geographical names that are not noble, as invon Däniken.

With family names originating locally, many names display particular characteristics of the local dialects, such as the south German, Austrian and Swissdiminutiveendings-l-el,-erl,-leor-lias inKleibl,SchäubleorNägeli(from 'Nagel', nail). The same is true for regional variants in the naming of professions. While a barrel-maker fromHamburgmay have been called "Böttcher", aBavariancould easily have been called "Schäffler".

Thesurnamesof theGerman Jewsare a special case, as they were introduced later, in the late 18th to early 19th century, perfiat.[9]The Prussian authorities imposed made-up and sometimes derogatory names. For instance, the name "Waldlieferant" (lit.: forest supplier) was "created" to ridicule a Jewish timber trader.[citation needed]Even way more offensive expressions ( "Afterduft"; lit.: anus odor) were in use.[citation needed]This is by no means the rule, though; on the contrary, those surnames most quickly recognized as probably Jewish in origin are distinctly poetical ones, probably as they were made-up choices by the people themselves (e.g.Rosenzweig).

Immigration, often sponsored by local authorities, also brought foreign family names into the German-speaking regions. Depending on regional history, geography and economics, many family names haveFrench,Dutch,Italian,HungarianorSlavic(e.g.Polish) origins. Sometimes they survived in their original form; in other cases, the spelling would be adapted to German (theSlavicendingicbecoming the German-itzor-itschorBaltic"-kis" becoming "-ke" ). Over time, the spelling often changed to reflect native German pronunciation (Sloothaakfor the DutchSloothaag); but some names, such as those of FrenchHuguenotssettling inPrussia,retained their spelling but with the pronunciation that would come naturally to a German reading the name:Marquard,pronouncedFrench pronunciation:[maʁkaʁ]in French, ended up being pronouncedGerman pronunciation:[ˈmaʁkvaʁt]much like the GermanMarkwartfrom which it was originally derived.



Traditionally, the wife adopts her husband'sNachnameon marriage and drops her own. However, due to the legal equality of sexes, the opposite is possible as well, though rare.

A few examples of the practice under German law, if "Herr (Mr) Schmidt" and "Frau (Miss) Meyer" marry:[10]

  1. They can keep their formerNachnamen:Herr Schmidt and Frau (Mrs) Meyer. In the 1990s, the law was thus changed. They can later change to variant 2, though the inverse is not possible.
  2. They can declare one name as a "marriage name" (Ehename). In doing so, they can either both adopt the husband's name, or both adopt the wife's name as anEhename:Herr Meyer and Frau Meyer; Herr Schmidt and Frau Schmidt.
  3. One partner, but not both, may combine both names by a hyphen. Thus, one of them then bears a double name (Doppelname). (Herr Schmidt and Frau Meyer-Schmidt (or Frau Schmidt-Meyer); the children have to be called Schmidt.) Both partners cannot haveDoppelnamen;thus, there would be no Herr Meyer-SchmidtandFrau Meyer-Schmidt.

All children of a family have to receive the same non-hyphenatedNachnameat birth, which may be either the mother's or the father'sNachname(traditionally it was the father's). If the parents adopted anEhenamethis is theNachnameof the child. It is strictly forbidden to give childrenDoppelnamenif it is not theEhename.[11]The latter case can arise with traditional aristocraticDoppelnamen(e.g. Faber-Castell).

InAustria(§ 93 ABGB), a couple can choose either of their surnames as married name. In the default case, this is the surname of the groom. The partner who is changing surnames (usually the bride) has the possibility to use their unmarried name alongside the married name with hyphenation.

InSwitzerland(Art. 160 ZGB), the couple can opt to both retain their unmarried name, or the couple can choose to use either surname as their married name. If both retain their name, they need to declare which will be the surname of any future children.



Titles of former aristocrats (likeGraffor "Count" ) have become parts of theNachnamein Germany, giving longer names of several words, usually including thenobiliary particlevon(meaning "of" ) orzu(meaning "to", sometimes "at" ), oftenvon und zuare also found together (meaning "of and to/at" ).[12][13]The legal rules for these names are the same as those for otherNachnamen,which gives rise to a number of cases where people legally bear such names but are not recognized by the associations of formerlynoble families in Germany,which continue to apply the old rules of the German Empire in their publications. Most of these cases come about when a woman of noble descent marries a man with no title, and the two adopt the woman's name as their commonNachname,which was impossible under imperial law.

In Austria, titles of nobility including certain other orders and honours held by Austrian citizens have since 3 April 1919 been abolished, including nobiliary particles such asvon,the use of such titles by Austrian citizens is an offence punishable with a financial enforcement penalty.[14][better source needed]For example,Otto von Habsburg,Austria-Hungary's last crown prince, was referred to as Otto Habsburg(-Lothringen) in Austria. In Switzerland, where titles of nobility have been rare for several centuries, they can be used in private conversation, but are not officially recognised.[citation needed]

Common surnames



Distribution of the surnameBachhuber(lit. "peasant of an estate near a stream" ) in Germany (2005). Its Bavarian origin remains clearly visible.
Distribution of the surnameHoffmannin Germany (2005). As a generic occupational name ( "a tenant or courtier" ), the name could originate independently all over Germany, although its concentration is most pronounced in Central Germany.

The most common surnames inGermany,counting different spellings together, are roughly:[15]

  1. 0,87 %:Schmidt,Schmitt, Schmitz,Schmied( "smith, blacksmith" )
  2. 0,83 %:Müller,Möller ( "miller" )
  3. 0,73 %:Meyer,Meier, Meir, Meyr, Mayer, Maier, Mair, or Mayr (often the senior farmer in a given settlement [running a "full range" farmstead in terms of area, workforce and harvest, compared to various partitions of lesser size], often as the leaseholder of a landlord like an abbey, a worldly ruler, etc.; "tenant, steward, sometimes also a bailiff, butnota mayor "[16][unreliable source])
  4. 0,43 %:Schulz,Schulze, Schultze, Schulte, Schultheiß,Scholz( "constable" )
  5. 0,34 %:Schneider( "tailor" )
  6. 0,30 %:Hoffmann,Hofmann ( "steward; tenant/leaseholder; courtier"; with the same meaning, but here not counted, are Hofer, Hoffer, Hoffner, Höfer, Höffer, Höffner, etc)
  7. 0,28 %:Becker,Beck, Beckmann, Bäcker ( "baker" )
  8. 0,27 %:Fischer( "fisherman" )
  9. 0,26 %:Weber( "weaver" )
  10. 0,23 %:Wagner( "carter, cartwright" )
  11. 0,21 %: Bauer, Baur ( "farmer" )
  12. 0,1925 %: Lange, Lang ( "long, tall" )
  13. 0,1918 %: Wolf, Wolff ( "wolf" )

If different spellings are counted separately, the order is different:[15]

  1. Müller
  2. Schmidt
  3. Schneider
  4. Fischer
  5. Weber
  6. Meyer
  7. Wagner
  8. Schulz
  9. Bauer
  10. Becker

These ten names are all occupational names, designating common occupations around 1600 when surnames became heritable. That's why these names arose independently across Germany.


  1. Gruber(5482)
  2. Huber(5109)
  3. Wagner(4624)
  4. Mueller (4410)
  5. Pichler(4227)
  6. Steiner(4176)
  7. Moser(4175)
  8. Mayer (3901)
  9. Bauer(3840)
  10. Berger(3642)
  11. Hofer(3549)
  12. Fuchs(3251)
  13. Eder(3232)
  14. Leitner(3223)


Gender-specific surname variants


Traditionally, there was a differentiation of surnames of women from those of their male siblings, which was widespread in Germany until the 18th century. Thus, in old records, especiallychurch registersonrites de passage,such as baptisms, deaths and marriages etc., women may appear bearing regionally typical female surname variants (like, in South Germany: Peter Huber, but Anna Huberin). With the establishment of general official registration oflegal names,this practice was abolished in the 18th and the 19th centuries, depending on the legislation of therespective states.

Also, the spelling of given and surnames, varying previously from author to author, or even entry to entry, was then mostly fixed according to the official recorded form. Former noble titles appearing in male and female variants were transformed by the Weimar Constitution, article 109, into parts of the surnames in Germany, but a new tradition of gender-specific variants, for official registration, was established for these surnames. This practice was confirmed in a judgement by theReichsgerichton 10 March 1926.[18][19][20]

Colloquially, surname variants for women continue to appear in some German dialects. InBavarian dialectsurnames of women sometimes are formed by adding the ending "-in", used in standard High German to indicate noun variants for women or items of grammatical feminine gender, such as Näherin(seamstress), with Näher (seamster) being the male form. Thus a Frau (Mrs.) Gruber may be referred to as "Gruberin".InWest Low Germanparlance the ending "…sch(e)" is sometimes added to surnames of women, related to the standard High German adjective ending "…isch" (cognitive to English "…ish"),suffixedto nouns or adjectives indicating belonging / pertaining to, being of the kind described by the suffixed word: for example,de Smidtsche,is Ms Schmidt (Smith), but literally something likethe Smithian(the woman pertaining to a man/family named Schmidt).[21]

Another form, indicating a female bearer of a surname, was the addition of a genitive "s" (like theSaxon genitive), the daughter or wife of Mr. Bäcker (literally Baker) would appear as Ms Bäckers (in German without an apostrophe), as being Bäcker's daughter or wife.



Pseudonymscan be used by artists (Künstlername,"artist's name" ) and members of religious orders (Ordensname); If a pseudonym is widely known in public it can be added to the passport of that person (under the weaker legal status ofKünstlername) and be used instead of the original name in most situations. The same field in the passport also serves to show religious names, i.e. the new name somebody takes on when becoming amonkornun.[22]

Academic degrees and titles


The academic degree ofDoktor(Dr.) and the academic title ofProfessor(Prof.) are not part of the name in Germany but can be entered into anidentity cardorpassportand are frequently used in documents and addresses.

They are, however, often used in a written address (e.g., Dr. Meier, Prof. Dr. Müller), and will often be used in formal speech or sometimes by lower-ranked persons such as students, though many academics prefer being addressed just like anyone else, i.e. byHerrorFraualone (see below).

Hofname (estate name)


In rural areas it is common that farmers are known by the traditional name of theirHof(farm or estate). Because of the long-standing tradition of impartible inheritance inGerman-speaking Europe,ownership of aHofhad often been tied to direct patrilineal descent over centuries. Thus, farmers were traditionally known by theirHofnameeven before the development of theNachnamein the early modern period, and the two systems came to overlap. ManyNachnamenare in fact derived from suchHofnamen,but in some instances, theHofnametradition survived alongside the officialNachname.

Historically, theHofnamewas the first type of commoners' family name to become heritable. This process began still in theLate Middle Ages(14th to 15th century); e.g.Ulrich Zwingli(b. 1484) inherited his father's surname, in origin aHofname(from the termTwing,denoting a type of walled-in estate) even though he did not inherit his estate.

In cases whereNachnameandHofnameare not identical (usually because there was no male heir at some point in the family history) they are joined in official documents bygenannt(abbr.gen.), e.g.Amann gen. Behmann[which?].In Austria the termvulgo(abbr.vlg.) is used instead ofgenannt.This is called aGenanntname[de]or vulgo name. Historically, other forms can be found as well, including AmannsonstBehmanngenannt,AmannoderBehmann,an,auf,zu,alias,modo,vel,dictus,dicti,vero,qui et,orde.In some cases the formgenanntchanged intovonover time, in other cases it was changed into ahyphenated surname(like Amann-Behmann), but these examples are not the only origins for these latter types of names.

Name changes


There are only a few circumstances in which one is allowed tochange one's name:

  1. On marriage: the couple can choose the name of either partner, they can both keep their original names, or (provided the original family name of neither partner contains a hyphen), one partner can modify their own name, appending the partner's family name to their own, creating a hyphenated name ( "Mr. Schmid and Ms. Meier-Schmid" or "Mr. Schmid-Meier and Ms. Meier" ).
  2. Correction of a name: if the state has made an error with the name and this can be proven, the original name can be restored. Example: "Maſs" became "Mahs" and is corrected to "Mass".
  3. Gender reassignment, in the case oftranssexuals.
  4. Naturalisation of foreigners (per Article 47 of the EGBGB). In this case, the foreigners may choose to adopt German forms of their first and last names, or adopt new first names if their old first names cannot be adapted into German.
  5. Changing a name that is too complicated (too long or difficult spelling because of origin), too common (like Müller or Schmidt), or causes ridicule (which can be because of the name itself, like "Fick" ( "Fuck", even though of different etymologic origin), or because of association, like "Adolf" ).

Though theNamensänderungsgesetz(Law concerning the changing of names) allows changing because of any "important reason", in practice this will very rarely be allowed.

AddingDoktor(Ph.D.) in Germany, and adding any academic degree in Austria, into one's identity card or passport is not considered a name change.

Order of names and use of articles


TheNachnameis put after theVorname.In the rural use of several regions where heavydialectis spoken (i.e.Bavaria,Saxony,thePalatinateor theSaarland), the order is reversed, e.g. "der Mühlbach Klaus" instead of "Klaus Mühlbach". The definite article is always added in this style of naming. Especially in these regions, it is also the usual administrative way, but with a comma; the said person would appear in documents as "Mühlbach, Klaus" or even, with a title or profession "Mühlbach, Klaus, Dr./OLt[23]/Bäcker ".

Except forSouthern Germany,usage of the definite article with the name outside of dialect is uncommon, and considered a mistake in Standard German. It is considered familiar language, but not as a mark of rough, rural manners as inFrench.It is used especially when talking of and/or with children, but also in some other situations. E.g.,Ich bin der Nils('I am the Nils').

In Austria, the definite article is always used in informal spoken language, but most of the time not in very formal or written language.

In some dialects (such as those spoken in the Western Palatinate, the Saarland and parts of the Rhineland), the article used with women's and girls' names is not the feminine, but the neuter article. This is because[verification needed]the German word for "girl",Mädchen,is a neuter noun, due to the diminutive suffix-chen.

See also



  1. ^Rechtstipps – der private Rechtsberater
  2. ^Erlangen University archive,Promotionsakt Emmy Noether(1907/08, NR. 2988); reproduced in:Emmy Noether, Gesammelte Abhandlungen – Collected Papers, ed. N. Jacobson 1983; online facsimile atphysikerinnen.de/noetherlebenslauf.htmlArchived2007-09-29 at theWayback Machine.
  3. ^"Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Gesetz über die Änderung von Familiennamen und Vornamen (NamÄndVwV)".
  4. ^"Bundesverfassungsgericht - Entscheidungen - Verweigerung der Eintragung eines in Indien für Mädchen und Jungen gebräuchlichen Vornamens ins Geburtsregister ohne Hinzufügung eines weiteren, das Geschlecht des Kindes eindeutig anzeigenden Vornamens verletzt Eltern und Kind in Grundrechten".5 December 2008.
  5. ^"Naming Laws in Germany | in Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress".10 August 2017.
  6. ^Babynamen 2012 in Baden-Württemberg,[Babynamen 2012 in Schleswig-Holstein] at beliebte-vornamen.de
  7. ^firstnamesgermany.com,beliebte-vornamen.de;see also Statistik AustriaArchived2014-12-29 atarchive.today; Swiss Federal Statistical OfficeArchived2013-08-04 at theWayback Machine; German Wiktionary (masculine),German Wiktionary (feminine).
  8. ^"Schwarzenegg".Google Maps.Retrieved2013-04-22.
  9. ^1787 in the Duchy of Austria, in Prussia beginning 1790, 1813 in Bavaria, 1828 in Württemberg, 1834 in Saxony, seeJewish surname.
  10. ^Das Namensrecht – Doppelname, Geburtsname, Familienname.Familienrecht-ratgeber.de. Retrieved on 2011-11-01.
  11. ^Das BundesverfassungsgerichtArchived2008-05-13 at theWayback Machine.Bundesverfassungsgericht.de. Retrieved on 2011-11-01.
  12. ^For example:Karl-Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jacob Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg
  13. ^Nobiliary particles used by German nobility
  14. ^Adelsaufhebungsgesetz, Verwaltungsstrafbarkeit (Nobility Repeal Act, Administrative Offense).
  15. ^abDie häufigsten Nachnamen in Deutschland
  16. ^[1]
  17. ^"Die 50 häufigsten Nachnamen in Österreich".
  18. ^CfReichsgesetzblatt(Reich Law Gazette), No. 113 (1926), pp. 107seqq.
  19. ^Cf. also Sebastian-Johannes von Spoenla-Metternich,Namenserwerb, Namensführung und Namensänderung unter Berücksichtigung von Namensbestandteilen,Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1997, (=simultaneously: Wilhelmshaven, Fachhochsch., Diploma thesis), p. 137.ISBN3-631-31779-4
  20. ^In a suit on a legal name change after asex reassignment therapytheBayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht(Bavarian Supreme Court) decided on 2 October 2002 that the register office (Standesamt) has to issue a birth certificate for a person of reassigned gender giving the gender-specific form of the variable surname part (deriving from the former title) according to the gender, which is now assigned to the person. Cf.Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht, Aktenzeichen: 1Z BR 98/02, Beschluß vom 2. Oktober 2002
  21. ^This usage of the possessive suffix "-isch(e)" then also caused its more general perception as feminine ending for professions, such as in "de Kööksch" (literally the "cookee" ). Cf. Hein Timm,Wörterbuch Hochdeutsch-Plattdeutsch,Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1980, p. 54.ISBN3-921909-35-X.
  22. ^Rechtsinformationen zu Künstlernamen
  23. ^Oberleutnant
  • Rosa Kohlheim, Volker Kohlheim:Familiennamen: Herkunft und Bedeutung von 20000 Nachnamen(Family Names: Origin and Meaning of 20,000 Last Names), 2000,Duden,ISBN3-411-70851-4