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Giant squid

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Giant squid
Giant squid,Architeuthissp., modified from an illustration byA. E. Verrill,1880
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Oegopsida
Superfamily: Architeuthoidea
Family: Architeuthidae
Genus: Architeuthis
SteenstrupinHarting, 1860
A. dux
Binomial name
Architeuthis dux
Worldwide giant squid distribution based on recovered specimens
  • ArchiteuthusSteenstrup, 1857
  • DinoteuthisMore, 1875
  • DubioteuthisJoubin, 1900
  • MegaloteuthisKent, 1874
  • MegateuthisHilgendorfinCarus, 1880
  • MegateuthusHilgendorf, 1880
  • MouchezisVélain, 1877
  • PlectoteuthisOwen, 1881
  • SteenstrupiaKirk, 1882

Thegiant squid(Architeuthis dux) is a species of deep-ocean dwellingsquidin thefamilyArchiteuthidae.It can grow to a tremendous size, offering an example ofabyssal gigantism:recent estimates put the maximum size at around 12–13 m (39–43 ft)[2][3][4][5]for females and 10 m (33 ft)[3]for males, from theposterior finsto the tip of the two longtentacles(longer than thecolossal squidat an estimated 9–10 m (30–33 ft),[6]but substantially lighter, as the tentacles make up most of the length[7]). Themantleof the giant squid is about 2 m (6 ft 7 in) long (more for females, less for males), and the length of the squid excluding its tentacles (but including head and arms) rarely exceeds 5 m (16 ft).[3]Claims of specimens measuring 20 m (66 ft) or more have not been scientifically documented.[3]

The number of different giant squid species has been debated, but genetic research suggests that only one species exists.[8]

In 2004, a Japanese research team obtained the first images of a living animal in its habitat.[9]



The closest relatives of the giant squid are thought to be the four obscure species of "neosquid" in the familyNeoteuthidae,each of which belongs to its ownmonotypicgenus, as with the giant squid. Together, both families comprise the superfamilyArchiteuthoidea.[10]

Range and habitat


The giant squid is widespread, occurring in all of the world's oceans. It is usually found near continental and island slopes from the North Atlantic Ocean, especiallyNewfoundland,Norway,the northernBritish Isles,Spainand the oceanic islands of theAzoresandMadeira,to the South Atlantic around southern Africa, the North Pacific aroundJapan,and the southwestern Pacific aroundNew ZealandandAustralia.[11]Specimens are rare in tropical and polar latitudes.

The vertical distribution of giant squid is incompletely known, but data from trawled specimens and sperm whale diving behavior suggest it spans a large range of depths, possibly 300–1,000 metres (980–3,280 ft).[12]

Morphology and anatomy


Like all squid, a giant squid has amantle(torso), eightarms,and two longertentacles(the longest known tentacles of any cephalopod). The arms and tentacles account for much of the squid's great length, making it much lighter than its chief predator, thesperm whale.Scientifically documented specimens have masses of hundreds, rather than thousands, of kilograms.[citation needed]

Tentacular club ofArchiteuthis

The inside surfaces of the arms and tentacles are lined with hundreds of subsphericalsuctioncups, 2 to 5 cm (0.79 to 1.97 in) indiameter,each mounted on a stalk. Thecircumferenceof these suckers is lined with sharp, finely serrated rings ofchitin.[13]The perforation of these teeth and the suction of the cups serve to attach the squid to its prey. It is common to find circular scars from the suckers on or close to the head of sperm whales that have attacked giant squid.[14]

Eachtentacular clubis divided into three regions—thecarpus( "wrist" ),manus( "hand" ) anddactylus( "finger" ).[15][16]The carpus has a dense cluster of cups, in six or seven irregular, transverse rows. The manus is broader, closer to the end of the club, and has enlarged suckers in two medial rows. The dactylus is the tip. The bases of all the arms and tentacles are arranged in a circle surrounding the animal's single, parrot-like beak, as in other cephalopods.[citation needed]

A portion ofsperm whaleskin with giant squid sucker scars

Giant squid have smallfinsat the rear of their mantles used for locomotion. Like other cephalopods, they are propelled byjet—by pulling water into the mantle cavity, and pushing it through thesiphon,in gentle, rhythmic pulses. They can also move quickly by expanding the cavity to fill it with water, then contracting muscles to jet water through the siphon. Giant squid breathe using two largegillsinside the mantle cavity. The circulatory system is closed, which is a distinct characteristic of cephalopods. Like other squid, they contain darkink.[17]

The beak of a giant squid, surrounded by thebuccal mass

The giant squid has a sophisticatednervous systemand complex brain, attracting great interest from scientists. It also has the largesteyesof any living creature except perhaps thecolossal squid—up to at least 27 cm (11 in) in diameter, with a 9 cm (3.5 in) pupil (only the extinctichthyosaursare known to have had larger eyes).[18]Large eyes can better detect light (includingbioluminescentlight), which is scarce in deep water. The giant squid probably cannot see color, but it can probably discern small differences in tone, which is important in the low-light conditions of the deep ocean.[19]

Giant squid and some other large squid species maintain neutralbuoyancyinseawaterthrough anammonium chloridesolution which is found throughout their bodies and is lighter than seawater. This differs from the method of flotation used by most fish, which involves a gas-filledswim bladder.The solution tastes somewhat likesalty liquorice/salmiakand makes giant squid unattractive for general human consumption.[citation needed]

Like allcephalopods,giant squid use organs calledstatocyststo sense their orientation and motion in water. The age of a giant squid can be determined by "growth rings" in the statocyst'sstatolith,similar to determining the age of a tree by counting its rings. Much of what is known about giant squid age is based on estimates of the growth rings and from undigested beaks found in thestomachsof sperm whales.[citation needed]



The giant squid is the second-largestmolluscand one of the largest of allextantinvertebrates.It is exceeded only by thecolossal squid,Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni,which may have amantlenearly twice as long. Several extinct cephalopods, such as theCretaceouscoleoidsYezoteuthisandHaboroteuthis,[20][21]and theOrdoviciannautiloidEndoceras[22]may have grown even larger. Although the CretaceousTusoteuthis,with its 2 m (6 ft 6.7 in) long mantle, was once considered to grow to a size close to that of the giant squid (over 10 m (32.8 ft) including arms), this genus is likely doubtful. The largest specimen probably belonged to the genusEnchoteuthis,estimated to have short arms, with a total length of only 3 m (9.8 ft).[23]

Giant squid size, particularly total length, has often been exaggerated. Reports of specimens reaching and even exceeding 20 m (66 ft) are widespread, but no specimens approaching this size have been scientifically documented.[3]According to giant squid expertSteve O'Shea,such lengths were likely achieved by greatly stretching the two tentacles like elastic bands.[3]

A giant squid specimen measuring over 4 m (13 ft) without its two long feedingtentacles

Based on the examination of 130 specimens and of beaks found insidesperm whales,giant squids' mantles are not known to exceed 2.25 m (7 ft 4.6 in).[3][4]Including the head and arms, but excluding the tentacles, the length very rarely exceeds 5 m (16 ft).[3]Maximum total length, when measured relaxedpost mortem,is estimated at 12 m (39 ft) or 13 m (43 ft) for females and 10 m (33 ft) for males from the posterior fins to the tip of the two long tentacles.[2][3][4][5]

Giant squid exhibitsexual dimorphism.Maximum weight is estimated at 275 kg (606 lb) for females and 150 kg (330 lb) for males.[3]

Reproductive cycle


Little is known about thereproductive cycleof giant squid. They are thought to reach sexual maturity at about three years old; males reach sexual maturity at a smaller size than females. Females produce large quantities ofeggs,sometimes more than 5 kg (11 lb), that average 0.5 to 1.4 mm (0.020 to 0.055 in) long and 0.3 to 0.7 mm (0.012 to 0.028 in) wide.[24]Females have a single medianovaryin the rear end of the mantle cavity and paired, convolutedoviducts,where mature eggs pass exiting through the oviducal glands, then through thenidamental glands.As in other squid, these glands produce a gelatinous material used to keep the eggs together once they are laid.[25]

In males, as with most other cephalopods, the single, posteriortestisproduces sperm that move into a complex system of glands that manufacture thespermatophores.These are stored in the elongate sac, orNeedham's sac,that terminates in the penis from which they are expelled during mating. The penis isprehensile,over 90 cm (35 in) long, and extends from inside the mantle. The two ventral arms on a male giant squid are hectocotylized, which means they are specialized to facilitate the fertilization of the female's eggs.[26]

How the sperm is transferred to the egg mass is much debated, as giant squid lack thehectocotylusused for reproduction in many othercephalopods.It may be transferred in sacs of spermatophores, called spermatangia, which the male injects into the female's arms.[27]This is suggested by a female specimen recently found inTasmania,[28]having a small subsidiarytendrilattached to the base of each arm.

Post-larvaljuveniles have been discovered in surface waters off New Zealand, with plans to capture more and maintain them in anaquariumto learn more about the creature.[29]Young giant squid specimens were found off the coast of southern Japan in 2013 and confirmed through genetic analysis.[30]

Another juvenile, approximately 3.7 metres long, was encountered and filmed alive in the harbour in the Japanese city ofToyamaon 24 December 2015; after being filmed and viewed by a large number of spectators, including a diver who entered the water to film the squid up close, it was guided out of the harbour intoToyama Bayby the diver.[31][32]



Analysis of themitochondrial DNAof giant squid individuals from all over the world has found that there is little variation between individuals across the globe (just 181 differing geneticbase pairsout of 20,331). This suggests that there is only a single species of giant squid in the world. Squid larvae may be dispersed by ocean currents across vast distances.[8]




The dramatization of an underwater encounter between the sperm whale and giant squid, from adioramain the Hall of Ocean Life at theAmerican Museum of Natural History

Recent studies have shown giant squid feed on deep-sea fish, such as theorange roughy(Hoplostethus atlanticus), and other squid species.[33][34]They catch prey using the two tentacles, gripping it with serrated sucker rings on the ends. Then they bring it toward the powerful beak, and shred it with theradula(tongue with small, file-like teeth) before it reaches theesophagus.They are believed to be solitary hunters, as only individual giant squid have been caught in fishing nets. Although the majority of giant squid caught by trawl in New Zealand waters have been associated with the localhoki(Macruronus novaezelandiae) fishery, hoki do not feature in the squid's diet. This suggests giant squid and hoki prey on the same animals.[33]

Predators and potential cannibalism


The known predators of adult giant squid includesperm whales,pilot whales,[35][36]southern sleeper sharks,[37]and in some regionskiller whales.[38]Juveniles may fall prey to other large deep sea predators. Because sperm whales are skilled at locating giant squid, scientists have tried to observe them to study the squid. Giant squid have also been recently discovered to presumably steal food from each other;[39]in mid-to-late October 2016, a 9 m (30 ft) giant squid washed ashore inGalicia,Spain.The squid had been photographed alive by a tourist named Javier Ondicol shortly before its death, and examination of its corpse by the Coordinators for the Study and Protection of Marine Species (CEPESMA) indicates that the squid was attacked and mortally wounded by another giant squid, losing parts of its fins, and receiving damage to its mantle, one of its gills and losing an eye. The intact nature of the specimen indicates that the giant squid managed to escape its rival by slowly retreating to shallow water, where it died of its wounds. The incident is the second to be documented amongArchiteuthisrecorded in Spain, with the other occurring inVillaviciosa.Evidence in the form of giant squid stomach contents containing beak fragments from other giant squid in Tasmania also supports the theory that the species is at least occasionally cannibalistic. Alternatively, such squid-on-squid attacks may be a result of competition for prey. These traits are seen in theHumboldt squidas well, indicating that cannibalism in large squid may be more common than originally thought.[40]



Scientists have been unable to determine the worldwide population of giant squid to any degree of accuracy. Estimates have been put together based on the number of giant squid beaks found in the stomachs of deceasedsperm whales,a known predator of the giant squid, and the better known population of sperm whales. Based on such observations, it has been estimated that sperm whales consume between 4.3 and 131 million giant squid annually, implying that the giant squid population is likewise well into the millions, but more precise estimates have been elusive.[41]


Architeuthis sanctipauliwas described in 1877 based on a specimen found washed ashore inÎle Saint-Paulthree years earlier.

The taxonomy of the giant squid, as with many cephalopod genera, has long been debated.Lumpers and splittersmay propose as many as seventeen species or as few as one. The broadest list is:[citation needed]

  • Architeuthis dux,Atlantic giant squid
  • Architeuthis (Loligo) hartingii
  • Architeuthis japonica
  • Architeuthis kirkii
  • Architeuthis (Megateuthis) martensii,North Pacific giant squid
  • Architeuthis physeteris
  • Architeuthis sanctipauli,southern giant squid
  • Architeuthis (Steenstrupia) stockii
  • Architeuthis (Loligo) bouyeri
  • Architeuthis clarkei
  • Architeuthis (Plectoteuthis) grandis
  • Architeuthis (Megaloteuthis) harveyi
  • Architeuthis longimanus
  • Architeuthis monachus?
  • Architeuthis nawaji
  • Architeuthis princeps
  • Architeuthis (Dubioteuthis) physeteris
  • Architeuthis titan
  • Architeuthis verrilli

It is unclear if these are distinct species, as no genetic or physical basis for distinguishing between them has yet been proposed.

In the 1984FAO Species Catalogue of the Cephalopods of the World,Roper,et al.wrote:[42]

Many species have been named in the sole genus of the family Architeuthidae, but they are so inadequately described and poorly understood that the systematics of the group is thoroughly confused.

InCephalopods: A World Guide(2000),Mark Normanwrites:[43]

The number of species of giant squid is not known, although the general consensus amongst researchers is that there are at least three species, one in the Atlantic Ocean (Architeuthis dux), one in the Southern Ocean (A. sanctipauli) and at least one in the northern Pacific Ocean (A. martensi).

In March 2013, researchers at theUniversity of Copenhagensuggested that, based onDNAresearch, there is only one species:[8][44]

... researchers at the University of Copenhagen leading an international team, have discovered that no matter where in the world they are found, the fabled animals are so closely related at the genetic level that they represent a single, global population, and thus despite previous statements to the contrary, a single species worldwide.


Alectonattempts to capture a giant squid in 1861

Aristotle,who lived in the fourth century BC, described a large squid, which he calledteuthus,distinguishing it from the smaller squid, theteuthis.He mentions, "of the calamaries, the so-calledteuthusis much bigger than theteuthis;forteuthi[plural ofteuthus] have been found as much as fiveells[5.7 metres] long ".[45]

Pliny the Elder,living in the first century AD, also described a gigantic squid in hisNatural History,with the head "as big as a cask", arms 30 ft (9.1 m) long, and carcass weighing 700 lb (320 kg).[46]: 11 [47][48]

Tales of giant squid have been common among mariners since ancient times, and may have led to theNorselegend of thekraken,[49]a tentacledsea monsteras large as an island capable of engulfing and sinking any ship.Japetus Steenstrup,the describer ofArchiteuthis,suggested a giant squid was the species described as asea monkto theDanish king Christian IIIcirca1550.[50]TheLuscaof theCaribbeanandScyllainGreek mythologymay also derive from giant squid sightings. Eyewitness accounts of other sea monsters like thesea serpentare also thought to be mistaken interpretations of giant squid.[51]Nevertheless, the historianOtto Latva,who has studied the past interactions between humans and giant squid, has pointed out that many old stories about sea monsters were not associated with giant squid until the late 19th century. Latva has proposed that the giant squid wasmonsterizedin the 19th century by natural historians and other writers. Regarding seafarers' relationship with giant squid, he explains it as being pragmatic: they did not perceive giant squid as monsters, but as sea animals that could be utilized in various ways.[52]

Steenstrup wrote a number of papers on giant squid in the 1850s. He first used the term"Architeuthus"(this was the spelling he chose) in a paper in 1857. A portion of a giant squid was secured by the FrenchcorvetteAlectonin 1861, leading to wider recognition of the genus in the scientific community. From 1870 to 1880, many squid were stranded on the shores of Newfoundland. For example, a specimen washed ashore inThimble Tickle Bay,Newfoundland, on 2 November 1878; its mantle was reported to be 6.1 m (20 ft) long, with one tentacle 10.7 m (35 ft) long, and it was estimated as weighing 1 short ton (0.9 t).[53]Many of these specimens were not preserved, often being processed into manure or animal feed.[53]In 1873, a squid "attacked" aministerand a young boy in adorynearBell Island,Newfoundland. Many strandings also occurred in New Zealand during the late 19th century.[citation needed]

Giant squid fromLogy Bay,Newfoundland,in ReverendMoses Harvey's bathtub, November/December 1873

Although strandings continue to occur sporadically throughout the world, none have been as frequent as those at Newfoundland and New Zealand in the 19th century. It is not known why giant squid become stranded on shore, but it may be because the distribution of deep, cold water where squid live is temporarily altered. Many scientists who have studied squid mass strandings believe they are cyclical and predictable. The length of time between strandings is not known, but was proposed to be 90 years byArchiteuthisspecialistFrederick Aldrich.Aldrich used this value to correctly predict a relatively small stranding that occurred between 1961 and 1968.[46]

In 2004, another giant squid, later named "Archie", was caught off the coast of theFalkland Islandsby afishing trawler.It was 8.62 m (28.3 ft) long and was sent to theNatural History Museumin London to be studied and preserved. It was put on display on 1 March 2006 at theDarwin Centre.[54][55][56]The find of such a large, complete specimen is very rare, as most specimens are in a poor condition, having washed up dead on beaches or been retrieved from the stomachs of dead sperm whales.

Researchers undertook a painstaking process to preserve the body. It was transported to England on ice aboard the trawler; then it was defrosted, which took about four days. The major difficulty was that thawing the thick mantle took much longer than the tentacles. To prevent the tentacles fromrotting,scientists covered them in ice packs, and bathed the mantle in water. Then they injected the squid with a formol-saline solution to prevent rotting. The creature is now on show in a 9 m (30 ft) glass tank at the Darwin Centre of theNatural History Museum.[citation needed]

The giant squid specimen preserved in a block of ice at theMelbourne Aquarium
Specimen of giant squid nicknamedWhekeplastinatedfrom 2005 and displayed on 26 March 2008 in theGrande galerie de l'Évolutionof theNational Museum of Natural Historyin Paris.

In December 2005, theMelbourne Aquariumin Australia paid A$100,000 for the intact body of a 7-metre-long (23 ft) giant squid, preserved in a giant block of ice, which had been caught by fishermen off the coast of New Zealand'sSouth Islandthat year.[55]

The number of known giant squid specimens was close to 700 in 2011,[57]and new ones are reported each year. Around 30 of these specimens are exhibited at museums and aquaria worldwide.[57]TheMuseo del Calamar GiganteinLuarca,Spain, had by far the largest collection on public display, but many of the museum's specimens were destroyed during a storm in February 2014.[58]

The search for a liveArchiteuthisspecimen includes attempts to find live young, including larvae. The larvae closely resemble those ofNototodarusandOnykia,but are distinguished by the shape of the mantle attachment to the head, the tentacle suckers, and the beaks.[citation needed]

Images and video of live animals


By the turn of the 21st century, the giant squid remained one of the few extantmegafaunato have never been photographed alive, either in the wild or in captivity. Marine biologist and authorRichard Ellisdescribed it as "the most elusive image in natural history".[59][46]: 211 In 1993,an image purporting to show a diver with a live giant squid(identified asArchiteuthis dux) was published in the bookEuropean Seashells.[60]However, the animal in this photograph was a sick or dyingOnykia robusta,not a giant squid.[43][46]: 211 The first footage of live (larval) giant squid ever captured on film was in 2001. The footage was shown onChasing Giants: On the Trail of the Giant Squidon theDiscovery Channel.[61]

First images of live adult

The specimen from Goshiki beach is seen here tied with a rope, its delicate skin only partially intact. Muscular constriction around the squid's eye obscures much of its surface in this image.[62]

The first image of a live mature giant squid was taken on 15 January 2002, on Goshiki beach,Amino Cho,Kyoto Prefecture,Japan.[63][64][65][66][excessive citations]The animal, which measured about 2 m (6 ft 7 in) inmantlelength and 4 m (13 ft) in total length,[64]was found near the water's surface. It was captured and tied to aquay,where it died overnight.[64]The specimen was identified by Koutarou Tsuchiya of theTokyo University of Fisheries.It is on display at theNational Science Museum of Japan.

First observations in the wild


The first photographs of a live giant squid in its natural habitat were taken on 30 September 2004, byTsunemi Kubodera(National Science Museum of Japan) andKyoichi Mori(Ogasawara Whale Watching Association).[9]Their teams had worked together for nearly two years to accomplish this. They used a five-ton fishing boat and only two crew members. The images were created on their third trip to a knownsperm whalehunting ground 970 km (600 mi) south of Tokyo, where they had dropped a 900 m (3,000 ft) line baited with squid and shrimp. The line also held a camera and a flash. After over twenty tries that day, an 8 m (26 ft) giant squid attacked the lure and snagged itstentacle.The camera took over 500 photos before the squid managed to break free after four hours. The squid's 5.5 m (18 ft) tentacle remained attached to the lure. LaterDNAtests confirmed the animal as a giant squid.[9]

One of the series of images of a live giant squid taken by Kubodera and Mori in 2004

On 27 September 2005, Kubodera and Mori released the photographs to the world. The photo sequence, taken at a depth of 900 metres (3,000 ft) off Japan'sOgasawara Islands,shows the squid homing in on the baited line and enveloping it in "a ball of tentacles". The researchers were able to locate the likely general location of giant squid by closely tailing the movements of sperm whales. According to Kubodera, "we knew that they fed on the squid, and we knew when and how deep they dived, so we used them to lead us to the squid". Kubodera and Mori reported their observations in the journalProceedings of the Royal Society.[9]

Among other things, the observations demonstrate actual hunting behaviors of adultArchiteuthis,a subject on which there had been much speculation. The photographs showed an aggressive hunting pattern by the baited squid, leading to it impaling a tentacle on the bait ball's hooks. This may disprove the theory that the giant squid is a drifter which eats whatever floats by, rarely moving so as to conserve energy. It seems the species has a much more aggressive feeding technique.

First video of live adult in natural habitat

In November 2006, American explorer anddiverScott Cassellled an expedition to theGulf of Californiawith the aim of filming a giant squid in its natural habitat. The team employed a novel filming method: using aHumboldt squidcarrying a specially designed camera clipped to its fin. The camera-bearing squid caught on film what was claimed to be a giant squid, with an estimated length of 40 feet (12 m), engaging in predatory behavior.[67][68]The footage aired a year later on aHistory Channelprogram,MonsterQuest: Giant Squid Found.[68]Cassell subsequently distanced himself from this documentary, claiming that it contained multiple factual and scientific errors.[69][better source needed]

In July 2012, a crew from television networksNHKandDiscovery Channelcaptured what was described as "the first-ever footage of a live giant squid in its natural habitat".[70][71]The footage was revealed on aNHK Specialon 13 January 2013,[72][73]and was shown on Discovery Channel's showMonster Squid: The Giant Is Realon 27 January 2013,[73][74]and onGiant Squid: Filming the Impossible – Natural World SpecialonBBC Two.[75]To capture the footage the team aboard OceanX's vesselMV Aluciatraveled to the Ogasawara Islands, south of Tokyo and utilized the ship's crewed submersibles.[76]The squid was about 3 m (9.8 ft) long and was missing its feeding tentacles, likely from a failed attack by asperm whale.It was drawn into viewing range by both artificialbioluminescencecreated to mimic panickingAtolla jellyfishand by using aThysanoteuthis rhombus(diamond squid) as bait. The giant squid was filmed feeding for about 23 minutes byTsunemi Kuboderauntil it departed.[77]The technique of using unobtrusive viewing and bioluminescence luring of the squid with quiet unobtrusive platforms was described byEdith Widder,a member of the expedition.[78]

Second video of giant squid in natural habitat

On 19 June 2019, in an expedition run by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association (NOAA),[79]known as the Journey to Midnight, biologistsNathan J. RobinsonandEdith Widdercaptured a video of a juvenile giant squid at a depth of 759 meters (2,490 feet) in the Gulf of Mexico. Michael Vecchione, a NOAA Fisheries zoologist, confirmed that the captured footage was that of the genusArchiteuthis,and that the individual filmed measured at somewhere between 10 and 12 ft (3.0 and 3.7 m).[80]

Other sightings

Videos of live giant squids have been occasionally captured near the surface since the 2012 sighting, with one of these aforementioned individuals being guided back into the open ocean after appearing in Toyama Harbor on 24 December 2015. The majority of these sightings were of sick or dying individuals that had come up to the surface.[81][82][83][84]

Cultural depictions

An illustration from the original edition ofTwenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seasdepicting a giant squid

Representations of the giant squid have been known from early legends of thekrakenthrough books such asMoby-DickandJules Verne's 1870 novelTwenty Thousand Leagues Under the Season to other novels such as Ian Fleming'sDr. No,Peter Benchley'sBeast(adapted as a film calledThe Beast), andMichael Crichton'sSphere(adapted as afilm).

In particular, the image of a giant squid locked in battle with asperm whaleis a common one, although the squid is the whale's prey and not an equal combatant.[85][failed verification]

See also



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Further reading
