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Glacial refugium

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Aglacial refugium(pluralglacial refugia) is a geographic region which made possible the survival offloraandfaunaduringice agesand allowed for post-glacial re-colonization.[1][2]Different types of glacial refugia can be distinguished, namelynunatak,peripheral, and lowland.[3]Glacial refugia have been suggested as a major cause of floral and faunal distribution patterns in both temperate and tropical latitudes.[4][5][6]With respect todisjunct populationsof modern-day species, especially in birds,[7][8]doubt has been cast on the validity of such inferences, as much of the differentiation between populations observed today may have occurred before or after their restriction to refugia.[9][10]In contrast, isolated geographic locales that host one or morecritically endangeredspecies (regarded aspaleoendemicsorglacial relicts) are generally uncontested as bona fide glacial refugia.[11]



Traditionally, the identification of glacial refugia has occurred through palaeoecological analysis, which examines fossil organisms and their remains to determine the origins of modern taxa.[5]For example, paleoecological approaches have been used to reconstruct the distributions of pollen in Europe for the 13,000 years since the last glaciation. Researchers in this case ultimately established the spread of forest trees from the mountainous southern fringe of Europe, which suggests that this area served as a glacial refugium during this time.[12]



Four distinct types of glacial refugium have been identified:

Hot spring oases


This type of refugium is created by an influx of hydrothermal waters which maintains a humid and warm microclimate that allowed thermophilous trees like oak (Quercus), linden (Tilia), and common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) to survive the last ice age in Central Europe.[13]



A nunatak is a type of glacial refugium that is located on the snow-free, exposed peaks of mountains, which lie above the ice sheet during glaciations.[3]The identification of ‘diversity hotspots’ in areas, which should have been migration regions during major glacial episodes, is evidence for nunatak glacial refugia.[14]For example, theMonte Rosamountain ranges, theAvers,and theEngadineand theBerninaare all floristically rich proposed nunatak regions, which are indicative nunatak glacial survival.[14]



Like nunataks, peripheral glacial refugia exist within mountain systems; they differ in that they are located at the borders of mountain systems.[3]Evidence for peripheral refugia can be found along the borders of theCarpathian Mountains,Pyrenees,andEuropean Alps,all of which were once glaciated mountain systems. For example, using theamplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) technique, researchers have inferred survival ofPhyteuma globulariifoliumin peripheral refugia in the European Alps.[15]



Lowland glacial refugia, unlike nunatak and peripheral glacial refugia, are found at low elevations rather than in mountains.[3]Situated beyond the limits of ice shields, lowland refugia have been identified for a number of plant and animal species. In Europe, for example, researchers using allozyme analysis have been able to confirm the continuous distribution ofZygaena exulansin between the foothills of the Pyrenees and the Alps during the last ice age.[16]

In eastern North America, lowland glacial refugia along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts hostendemicplants — some of which are rare, even endangered, and others entail the most southerlydisjunct populationsof plants that commonly appear only hundreds of miles to the north. Major rivers draining southward from theAppalachian Mountainsare associated with a gradation ofpaleoendemictree species. These range from the extinctCritchfield sprucenear the outlet of theMississippi River,to extinct-in-the-wildFrankliniaalong theAltamaha River,to the critically endangeredFlorida torreyaandFlorida yewat the downstream end of theChattahoochee Riversystem.[11][17](See illustration at right.)

See also



  1. ^Horsák, Michal; Limondin-Lozouet, Nicole; Juřičková, Lucie; Granai, Salomé; Horáčková, Jitka; Legentil, Claude; Ložek, Vojen (15 June 2019)."Holocene succession patterns of land snails across temperate Europe: East to west variation related to glacial refugia, climate and human impact".Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.524:13–24.doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.03.028.S2CID134640979.Retrieved14 November2022.
  2. ^The encyclopedia of earth,http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/155685/
  3. ^abcdHolderegger, R., Thiel-Egenter, C. (2009): A discussion of different types of glacial refugia used in mountain biogeography and phytogeography. Journal of Biogeography 36, 476-480.
  4. ^Petit, Rémy J.; Aguinagalde, Itziar; Beaulieu, Jacques-Louis de; Bittkau, Christiane; Brewer, Simon; Cheddadi, Rachid; Ennos, Richard; Fineschi, Silvia; Grivet, Delphine (2003-06-06). "Glacial Refugia: Hotspots But Not Melting Pots of Genetic Diversity".Science.300(5625): 1563–1565.Bibcode:2003Sci...300.1563P.doi:10.1126/science.1083264.ISSN0036-8075.PMID12791991.S2CID34876930.
  5. ^abPROVAN, J; BENNETT, K (2008-10-01). "Phylogeographic insights into cryptic glacial refugia".Trends in Ecology & Evolution.23(10): 564–571.doi:10.1016/j.tree.2008.06.010.ISSN0169-5347.PMID18722689.
  6. ^Rull, Valentí (2011-10-01)."Neotropical biodiversity: timing and potential drivers".Trends in Ecology & Evolution.26(10): 508–513.doi:10.1016/j.tree.2011.05.011.ISSN0169-5347.PMID21703715.
  7. ^Brumfield, Robb T. (2012-07-01)."Inferring the Origins of Lowland Neotropical Birds".The Auk.129(3): 367–376.doi:10.1525/auk.2012.129.3.367.ISSN0004-8038.S2CID83697136.
  8. ^Bermingham, E.; Rohwer, S.; Freeman, S.; Wood, C. (1992-07-15)."Vicariance biogeography in the Pleistocene and speciation in North American wood warblers: a test of Mengel's model".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.89(14): 6624–6628.Bibcode:1992PNAS...89.6624B.doi:10.1073/pnas.89.14.6624.ISSN0027-8424.PMC49554.PMID11607307.
  9. ^Klicka, John; Zink, Robert M. (1997-09-12). "The Importance of Recent Ice Ages in Speciation: A Failed Paradigm".Science.277(5332): 1666–1669.doi:10.1126/science.277.5332.1666.ISSN0036-8075.
  10. ^Colinvaux, P. A.; De Oliveira, P. E.; Bush, M. B. (2000-01-01). "Amazonian and neotropical plant communities on glacial time-scales: The failure of the aridity and refuge hypotheses".Quaternary Science Reviews.19(1–5): 141–169.Bibcode:2000QSRv...19..141C.doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(99)00059-1.
  11. ^abDelcourt, Hazel R; Delcourt, Paul A (October 1975). "The Blufflands: Pleistocene Pathways into the Tunica Hills".American Midland Naturalist.94(2): 385–400.doi:10.2307/2424434.JSTOR2424434.
  12. ^Munaut, André-V. (May 1986). "An Atlas of past and present pollen maps of Europe: 0–13,000 years ago".Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.47(3–4): 411–412.doi:10.1016/0034-6667(86)90044-8.ISSN0034-6667.
  13. ^Hosek, Jan; et al. (31 May 2024)."Hot spring oases in the periglacial desert as the Last Glacial Maximum refugia for temperate trees in Central Europe".Science Advances.10(22).doi:10.1126/sciadv.ado6611.PMC11141633.
  14. ^abStehlik, Ivana (2000-06-01).Nunataks and peripheral refugia for alpine plants during quaternary glaciation in the middle part of the Alps.Birkhäuser.OCLC753524599.
  15. ^Schönswetter, P.; Tribsch, A.; Barfuss, M.; Niklfeld, H. (December 2002). "Several Pleistocene refugia detected in the high alpine plant Phyteuma globulariifolium Sternb. & Hoppe (Campanulaceae) in the European Alps".Molecular Ecology.11(12): 2637–2647.doi:10.1046/j.1365-294x.2002.01651.x.ISSN0962-1083.PMID12453246.S2CID14302480.
  16. ^Schmitt, Thomas; Hewitt, Godfrey M. (2004-05-07). "Molecular biogeography of the arctic-alpine disjunct burnet moth species Zygaena exulans (Zygaenidae, Lepidoptera) in the Pyrenees and Alps".Journal of Biogeography.31(6): 885–893.doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01079.x.ISSN0305-0270.S2CID86301042.
  17. ^Barlow, Connie."Paleoecology and the Assisted Migration Debate: Why a Deep-Time Perspective Is Vital (Torreya taxifoliaas exemplar) ".Torreya Guardians.Retrieved23 June2022.