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Glossary of dance moves

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Apple Jacks


A step on the spot, with twisting foot and the weight on the heel, likethis.

Ball change


Ball changeis a movement where the dancer shifts the weight from the ball of one foot to the other and back.[1]This is mostly used in jazz andjive.

Basic (step / figure / movement / or pattern)


Abasic figureis the very basic step that defines the character of a dance. Often it is called just thus: "basic movement", "basic step" or the like. For some dances it is sufficient to know the basic step performed in differenthandhold[broken anchor]s anddance positions[broken anchor]to enjoy it socially.

Body roll / body wave


In this the dancer moves the body like a wave in standing position from head to legs, likethis.

Box step

Box step

Thebox stepis a dance figure named so because the steps rest in the four corners of a square. It is used, e.g., inAmerican Styleballroom dances:rumba,waltz,bronze-levelfoxtrot.The leader begins with the left foot and proceeds as follows.[2]

First half-box:Forward-side-together
Second half-box:Backwards-side-together

Every step is withfull weight transfer.During the second and fourth step it is advised the foot to travel along two sides of the box, rather than along its diagonal.[2]

Rhythm varies, e.g., it is "1-2-3,4-5-6" in Waltz and "slow quick quick, slow quick quick" in Rumba.

Chaînés / chainé turns / chaines turns


French for "chain", a series of quick turns starting from second position going to first position alternating on either flat feet or onrelevéwith progression along a straight line or circle.



Chassé(French, "to chase" ) is a dance step with a triple step pattern used in many forms of dance.[1]It is a gliding, flowing[citation needed]step with the feet essentially following a step–together–step pattern. Timing and length of steps vary from dance to dance.

Closed change


Closed changeis a basic step in the waltz. The leader steps forward on either foot whilst the follower steps backward on the opposing foot (e.g.: the leader steps forward on their right foot whilst the follower steps back on their left). Both partners will then step to the side on the other foot, and conclude the figure by closing the first foot beside the second (hence the name "closed" of the step). Each step takes up a full beat of the music.[3]

Cross-body lead


Cross-body lead is a common and useful move inLatin dancessuch assalsa,mambo,rumba andcha-cha-cha.Basically, the leader, on counts 2 and 3 of their basic step (assuming dancing on 1), does a quarter-left turn (90° counter-clockwise) while still holding on to the follower. On counts 4 and 5, the follower is led forward across the leader, i.e., firmly led with the leader's right hand on their back, so that the follower travels across to turn and face the opposite direction they were originally facing. At the same time, the leader does another quarter-left turn as necessary in order to follow the follower and face them. At the end of the move, the dancers have their positions exchanged.

The cross-body lead can be done with single-hand or double hand hold, with or without a follower's underarm turn, or leading the follower to do afree spin.

Dos-à-dos / dosado


Dosadois a circular movement where two people, who are initially facing each other, walk around each other without or almost without turning, i.e., facing in the same direction (same wall) all the time.

Double reverse spin


Thedouble reverse spinis a full left (counter-clockwise) turn in one measure of music. It is danced in waltz,quickstepand tango.[4]



This is a dance movement common in salsa, where the two dance partners facing each other change positions. The dance partners keep contact with one or two hands while stepping to rotate concentrically over 180 degrees around the same point in opposite directions.

Feather step


Thefeather stepis a basic figure inInternational Stylefoxtrot,in which the leader makes three or four steps forward, with the third one (right foot) done outside the follower.[5]



Free spin


Inlead and followdance, adance turnperformed without partner contact.



"Gancho"means" hook "inSpanishand describes certain "hooking actions" in some dances of Latin American heritage, inArgentine tango(leg action)[1]and salsa (arm action and foot action) in particular.



Thegrapevineor vine starts with a side step, then the working leg goes behind, then stepping to the side, then join.[1]

Head roll


Heel pull


A variant of theheel turn,in which the feet are kept apart.[3]

Heel turn


A ballroom dance move, which is the turn on the heel of thesupport footwhile the other foot is held close and parallel to the support one. At the end of the turn the weight is transferred from one foot to the other.[3]



Theimpetusis a kind of leader's heel turn used inStandarddances. In case of the open impetus, it brings the couple from a closed position intopromenade position.[6]

Inside partner step


A step taken forward into the space occupied by the partner, while the partner steps backwards. During this step feettracksof both partners overlap. See alsooutside partner step.

Inside turn


The term is applied to an individual turn of a partner in the couple. Basically, it denotes a turn where the arm of the partner doing the turn begins by moving towards the "inside" of the couple (the line running from the center of one partner to the center of the other). The meaning is intuitively clear, but it may be performed in numerous ways and in different handholds, so that even accomplished dancers are confused. In dances such as swing and salsa, inside and outside turns most commonly refer to underarm turns done by the follower. Since in these dances the follower's right arm is normally used to lead a turn (most commonly by the leader's left arm, but sometimes by the leader's right arm when a cross-hand or "handshake" position is used), an inside turn is normally a left (counter-clockwise) turn, while an outside turn is a right (clockwise) turn. However, if the follower's left arm is used to initiate the turn, the intended direction of turning may be opposite. (Alternatively, the non-ambiguous terms "left turn" and "right turn" may be used.)

SeeDirection of movementfor more detail.



Moving the knee upwards and then quickly kicking downwards with the foot. The ankle is stretched, that is, the toes are pointing down.[1]



Lock step


Alock stepis an alternative variation of achasséaction which occurs when the moving foot swings to a stop across the track of the standing foot rather than closing next to it. In the Latin dances the combination of the crossed position and the turnout of the feet means that the rear toe will be pointed at the heel of the other foot, while in the Standard dances the lack of turnout means the feet will be parallel. In Standard the basic locking action is usually preceded and followed by a leftside lead.TheLatinlock step is often featured when cha-cha is danced inopen positionwith a one-hand hold.



Themoonwalkis a dance technique that presents the illusion of the dancer being pulled backwards while attempting to walk forward, likethis

Natural turn


Natural turnsand some other figures are those in which the dance couple rotates to the right (clockwise).[7]

Open turn


A ballroom dance figure in which during the last step the moving foot passes thesupport foot,rather than closes to it.[3]

Outside partner step


A step taken with the partner beside themoving foot(e.g., to the left of the left moving foot). During this stepfeet tracksof both partners do not overlap. See alsoinside partner step.

Outside turn


Cf.Inside turn.

The term is applied to an individual turn of a partner in the couple. Basically, it denotes the lead/follow connection directed "outside" of the center of the spinning individual. Inside and outside terminology can not be determined by relativity to partnership as such position alternates every 180 degrees of rotation. Connection points and application of active side are consistent only with regard to the axis of rotation and direction of spin.

SeeDirection of movementfor more detail.



Apirouetteusually means turning or spinning on one foot while touching the standing leg with the opposite leg in a bent position.

Reverse turn


Reverse turnsand some other figures are those in which the dance couple rotates to the left (counter-clockwise).[8]



SeeBallet glossary#Rond de jambe. A toe of the straight leg draws a semicircle on the floor. In ballroom dances the direction is usually from the front to back.

Running man


TheRunning manis a dance move in which the person stays in the same place and creates an illusion like a running man by dragging his feet.

Shorty George


Aforward walk with twisted kneesoriginally performed byGeorge Snowden.

Spin turn


Thenatural spin turnis a common right-turning move ininternational standard waltzand quickstep. It can be used, for example, to navigate a corner of the ballroom.[9]



Thesprinkleris adance movethat simulates the motion of agardenirrigation sprinkler.

Suzie Q


Suzie Qor Suzy Q is a step where the feet perform alternating cross steps and side steps withswivel action.



Thunder clap


The thunder clap is a form ofdancethat incorporatesclappingin the air with a sliding motion.[citation needed]To perform this dance one must raise one hand and then with the second hand meet the first one half way making a clapping sound; that hand must then fully extend. This motion is repeated to the beat of the music.

Time step

  • Intap dancing,the time step is a recognizable rhythmic tap combination. The term comes from the time of great tap dancers that used their distinctive time step to tell the band the desired tempo. Common tap time steps are classified as single, double and triple. The basic rhythm and tempo remain the same but the number of sounds that happen on the second and sixth count of an eight-count phrase denotes single (often a single step) double (usually a flap or slap-tap) or triple (commonly shuffle-step). While these are the universal time steps, dancers often choose to create their own time steps, following the pattern two bars repeated three times with a two barbreak.
  • Time stepsis a figure inInternational Stylecha-cha-cha.
  • In various rhythmic ballroom/social dances,time stepsometimes refers to steps in place that mark the characteristic rhythm of the dance, "2-3-cha-cha-cha" for Cha-cha-cha, "1,2,3,4" forpasodoble,"1,2,3,...5,6,7,..." for "salsa on one", etc.



Thewalkis probably the most basic dance move. It exists in almost every dance. Walks approximately correspond normal walking steps, taking into the account the basic technique of the dance in question. (For example, in Latin-dance walks the toe hits the floor first, rather than the heel.)

In dance descriptions the termwalkis usually applied when two or more steps are taken in the same direction. A single step, e.g., forward, is called just thus: "step forward".

Walks can be done in various dance positions: inclosed position,promenade position,shadow position,sweetheart position,etc.

Curved walks are done along a curve, rather than along a straight line.



The various kinds ofwhiskare dance moves in International Standard and American Smooth dances. They are characterised by the partners crossing their outside legs behind their inside legs, arriving in promenade position.[10]



Thewingis a move in waltz and other Standard dances. Both partners take a step forward, and then the lady walks in a half-circle in front of the man from his right to his left side.[11]



TheWormis a move in which the person makes rhythmic wave like movements lying on the ground.

See also



  1. ^abcde"Glossary of Round Dance Terms"(PDF).International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Assiciation.Retrieved2020-06-04.
  2. ^ab"Left Box (Reverse) Turn".BallroomDancers.com.Retrieved2020-06-09.
  3. ^abcdMoore, Alex(2002). "Definition of technical terms".Ballroom Dancing(10th ed.). Taylor & Francis.ISBN9780878301539..
  4. ^"Double reverse spin".BallroomDancers.com.Retrieved2020-06-09.
  5. ^The Ballroom Technique(10th ed.). London: Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance.
  6. ^"Impetus".BallroomDancers.com.Retrieved2020-06-09.
  7. ^"Natural turn".BallroomDancers.com.Retrieved2020-05-02.
  8. ^"Reverse turn".BallroomDancers.com.Retrieved2020-05-02.
  9. ^"Natural spin turn".BallroomDancers.com.Retrieved2020-06-09.
  10. ^"Side whisks".BallroomDancers.com.Retrieved2020-06-09.
  11. ^"Wing".BallroomDancers.com.Retrieved2020-06-09.