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Gloster Meteor

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The only F.8 in flying condition is operated by the RAAF's Historic Flight.
General information
TypeFighter aircraft
National originUnited Kingdom
ManufacturerGloster Aircraft Company
StatusTwo in use astestbed aircraft(one with civil registration)
Primary usersRoyal Air Force
Number built3,947
Introduction date27 July 1944
First flight5 March 1943
Retired1980s (RAF target tugs)

TheGloster Meteorwas the first Britishjet fighterand theAllies' onlyjet aircraftto engage in combat operations during theSecond World War.[1]The Meteor's development was heavily reliant on its ground-breakingturbojetengines, pioneered byFrank Whittleand his company,Power Jets Ltd.Development of the aircraft began in 1940, although work on the engines had been under way since 1936.

The Meteor first flew in 1943 and commenced operations on 27 July 1944 withNo. 616 Squadron RAF.The Meteor was not a sophisticated aircraft in its aerodynamics, but proved to be a successful combat fighter. Gloster's 1946 civil Meteor F.4 demonstratorG-AIDCwas the firstcivilian-registeredjet aircraft in the world.[2]Several major variants of the Meteor incorporated technological advances during the 1940s and 1950s. Thousands of Meteors were built to fly with the RAF and other air forces and remained in use for several decades.

Slower and less heavily armed than its German counterpart, the jet-poweredMesserschmitt Me 262,[3]the Meteor saw limited action in the Second World War. Meteors of theRoyal Australian Air Force(RAAF) fought in theKorean War.Several other operators such as Argentina, Egypt and Israel flew Meteors in later regional conflicts. Specialised variants of the Meteor were developed for use in photographicaerial reconnaissanceand asnight fighters.

The Meteor was also used in research and development and to break several aviation records. On 20 September 1945, a heavily modified Meteor I, powered by twoRolls-Royce RB.50 Trentturbine engines driving propellers, became the firstturbopropaircraft to fly.[4]On 7 November 1945, a Meteor F.3 set the first official airspeed record by a jet aircraft at 606 miles per hour (975 km/h). In 1946, a Meteor F.4 reached a record speed of 616 miles per hour (991 km/h). Meteors also broke records in flight time endurance and rate of climb.

On 10 February 1954, a specially adapted Meteor F.8, the"Meteor Prone Pilot",which placed the pilot into aprone positionto counteract inertial forces, took its first flight.[5]

In the 1950s, the Meteor became increasingly obsolete as more nations developed jet fighters, many of which used aswept winginstead of the Meteor's conventional straight wing. The RAF service replaced its Meteors with newer types such as theHawker HunterandGloster Javelin.

As of 2023,two Meteors,G-JSMAandG-JWMA,remained in active service with theMartin-Bakercompany asejection seattestbeds.[6]One further aircraft in the USA remained airworthy, as did another in Australia.





The development of theturbojet-powered Gloster Meteor was a collaboration between theGloster Aircraft Companyand Frank Whittle's firm, Power Jets Ltd. Whittle formed Power Jets Ltd in March 1936 to develop his ideas of jet propulsion, Whittle himself serving as the company's chief engineer.[7]For several years, attracting financial backers and aviation firms prepared to take on Whittle's radical ideas was difficult. In 1931,Armstrong-Siddeleyhad evaluated and rejected Whittle's proposal, finding it to be technically sound but at the limits of engineering capability.[8]Securing funding was a persistently worrying issue throughout the early development of the engine.[9]The first Whittle prototype jet engine, thePower Jets WU,began running trials in early 1937; shortly afterwards, both SirHenry Tizard,chairman of theAeronautical Research Committee,and theAir Ministrygave the project their support.[10]

On 28 April 1939, Whittle made a visit to the premises of the Gloster Aircraft Company, where he met several key figures, such asGeorge Carter,Gloster's chief designer.[11]Carter took a keen interest in Whittle's project, particularly when he saw the operationalPower Jets W.1engine, and quickly used it as the basis for several rough proposals of various aircraft designs. Independently, Whittle had also been producing proposals for a high-altitude jet-powered bomber, although following the start of theSecond World Warand theBattle for France,a greater national emphasis arose on fighter aircraft.[12]Power Jets and Gloster quickly formed a mutual understanding around mid-1939.[13]

TheGloster E.28/39.The yellow undersides were standard for RAF training andprototypeaircraft of the period.

In spite of ongoing infighting between Power Jets and several of itsstakeholders,the Air Ministry contracted Gloster in late 1939 to manufacture aprototypeaircraft powered by one of Whittle's new turbojet engines.[14]The single-enginedproof-of-conceptGloster E28/39,the first British jet-powered aircraft, conducted its maiden flight on 15 May 1941, flown by Gloster's chief test pilot, Flight LieutenantPhilip "Gerry" Sayer.[15][16]The success of the E.28/39 proved the viability of jet propulsion, and Gloster pressed ahead with designs for a production fighter aircraft.[17]Due to the limited thrust available from early jet engines, it was decided that subsequent production aircraft would be powered by a pair of turbojet engines.[18]

In 1940, for a "military load" of 1,500 lb (680 kg), theRoyal Aircraft Establishment(RAE) had advised that work on an aircraft of 8,500 lb (3,900 kg) all-up weight, with a total static thrust of 3,200 lbf (14 kN) should be started, with an 11,000 lb (5,000 kg) design for the expected, more powerful,W.2andaxial engine designs.George Carter's calculations based on the RAE work and his own investigations were that a 8,700-to-9,000-pound (3,900-to-4,100-kilogram) aircraft with two or four 20 mm cannons and six 0.303 machine guns would have a top speed of 400–431 miles per hour (644–694 km/h) at sea level and 450–470 miles per hour (720–760 km/h) at 30,000 feet (9,100 m). In January 1941 Gloster were told byLord Beaverbrookthat the twin jet fighter was of "unique importance", and that the company was to stop work on anight-fighter development of their F.9/37to Specification F.18/40.[19]


Prototype MeteorDG202/Gon display at theRoyal Air Force Museum Londonin 2011. The "/G" appended to theaircraft serialdenoted that the aircraft was to have anarmed guardat all times while it was on the ground.

In August 1940, Carter presented Gloster's initial proposals for a twin-engined jet fighter with atricycle undercarriage.[Note 1]On 7 February 1941, Gloster received an order for twelve prototypes (later reduced to eight) underSpecification F9/40.[21]A letter of intent for the production of 300 of the new fighter, initially to be namedThunderbolt,was issued on 21 June 1941; to avoid confusion with the USAAFRepublic P-47 Thunderboltwhich had been issuedwith the same name to the RAFin 1944, the aircraft's name was subsequently changed toMeteor.[22][23][Note 2]During the aircraft's secretive development, employees and officials made use of the codenameRampageto refer to the Meteor, as similarly thede Havilland Vampirewould initially be referred to as theSpider Crab.Test locations and other key project information were also kept secret.[25]

Althoughtaxiingtrials were carried out in 1942, it was not until the following year that any flights took place due to production and approval holdups with the Power Jets W.2 engine powering the Meteor.[15][26]On 26 November 1942 production of the Meteor was ordered to stop due to the delays at subcontractorRover,which was struggling to manufacture the W.2 engines on schedule;[Note 3]considerable interest was shown in Gloster'sE.1/44 proposalfor a single-engine fighter, unofficially named Ace.[28]Gloster continued development work on the Meteor and the production-stop order was overturned in favour of the construction of six (later increased to eight) F9/40 prototypes alongside three E.1/44 prototypes.[29]Rover's responsibilities for development and production of the W.2B engine were also transferred toRolls-Roycethat year.[30]

On 5 March 1943, the fifth prototype,serialDG206,powered by two substitutedde Havilland Halford H.1engines owing to problems with the intended W.2 engines, became the first Meteor to become airborne atRAF Cranwell,piloted byMichael Daunt.[15]On the initial flight, an uncontrollableyawingmotion was discovered, which led to a redesigned larger rudder; however, no difficulties had been attributed to the groundbreaking turbojet propulsion.[31][32]Only two prototypes flew with de Havilland engines because of their low flight endurance.[33]Before the first prototype aircraft had even undertaken its first flight, an extended order for 100 production-standard aircraft had been placed by the RAF.[34]

The first Whittle-engined aircraft,DG205/G,[Note 4]flew on 12 June 1943 (later crashing during takeoff on 27 April 1944) and was followed byDG202/Gon 24 July.DG202/Gwas later used for deck handling tests aboardaircraft carrierHMSPretoria Castle.[36][37]DG203/Gmade its first flight on 9 November 1943, later becoming a ground instructional airframe.DG204/G,powered byMetrovick F.2engines, first flew on 13 November 1943;DG204/Gwas lost in an accident on 4 January 1944, the cause believed to have been anengine compressorfailure due to overspeed.[38]DG208/Gmade its début on 20 January 1944, by which time the majority of design problems had been overcome and a production design had been approved.DG209/Gwas used as an engine testbed by Rolls-Royce, first flying on 18 April 1944.DG207/Gwas intended to be the basis for the Meteor F.2 withde Havillandengines, but it did not fly until 24 July 1945, at which time the Meteor 3 was in full production and de Havilland's attention was being redirected to the upcoming de Havilland Vampire; consequently the F.2 was cancelled.[39][40][41][42]

Into production

Meteor being deployed in March 1945

On 12 January 1944, the first Meteor F.1, serialEE210/G,took to the air fromMoreton Valencein Gloucestershire. It was essentially identical to the F9/40 prototypes except for the addition of four nose-mounted 20 mm (.79 in)Hispano Mk Vcannon and some changes to thecanopyto improve all-round visibility.[43]Due to the F.1's similarity to the prototypes, they were frequently operated in the test program to progress British understanding of jet propulsion, and it took until July 1944 for the aircraft to enter squadron service.[44]EE210/Gwas later sent to the U.S. for evaluation in exchange for a pre-productionBell YP-59A Airacomet,the Meteor being flown first byJohn GriersonatMuroc Army Airfieldon 15 April 1944.[45]

Originally 300 F.1s were ordered, but the total produced was reduced to 20 aircraft as the follow-on orders had been converted to the more advanced models.[46]Some of the last major refinements to the Meteor's early design were trialled using this first production batch, and what was to become the long-term design of the engine nacelles was introduced uponEE211.[47]The original nacelles had been discovered by the RAE to suffer fromcompressibilitybuffeting at higher speeds, causing increased drag; the re-designed longer nacelles eliminated this and provided an increase in the Meteor's maximum speed. The lengthened nacelles were introduced on the final fifteen Meteor IIIs.[4]EE215was the first Meteor to be fitted with guns;EE215was also used inengine reheattrials,[48]the addition of reheat increasing top speed from 420 mph to 460 mph.[4]and was later converted into the first two-seat Meteor.[49]Due to the radical differences between jet-powered aircraft and those that it replaced, a specialTactical FlightorT-Flightunit was established to prepare the Meteor for squadron service, led byGroup CaptainHugh Joseph Wilson.[50]The Tactical Flight was formed atFarnboroughin May 1944, the first Meteors arriving the following month, upon which both tactical applications and limitations were extensively explored.[51]

On 17 July 1944, the Meteor F.1 was cleared for service use. Shortly afterwards, elements of the Tactical Flight and their aircraft were transferred to operational RAF squadrons.[52]The first deliveries to No. 616 Squadron RAF, the first operational squadron to receive the Meteor, began in July 1944.[34]When the F.2 was cancelled, the Meteor F.3 became the immediate successor to the F.1 and alleviated some of the shortcomings of the F.1.[53]In August 1944, the first F.3 prototype flew; early F.3 production aircraft were still fitted with the Welland engine as theDerwentengine's production was just starting at this point. A total of 210 F.3 aircraft were produced before they were in turn superseded by production of the Meteor F.4 in 1945.[54]

Several Meteor F.3s were converted into navalised aircraft. The adaptations included a strengthened undercarriage and arrester hook. Operational trials of the type took place aboardHMSImplacable.The trials included carrier landings and takeoffs.[55]Performance of these naval prototype Meteors proved to be favourable, including takeoff performance, leading to further trials with a modified Meteor F.4 fitted with folding wings; a "clipped wing" was also adopted.[56]The Meteor later entered service with theRoyal Navy,but only as a land-based trainer, the Meteor T.7, to prepare pilots of theFleet Air Armfor flying other jet aircraft such as the de Havilland Sea Vampire.[57]

While various marks of Meteor had been introduced by 1948, they had remained very similar to the prototypes of the Meteor; consequently, the performance of the Meteor F.4 was beginning to be eclipsed by new jet designs. Gloster therefore embarked on a redesign programme to produce a new version of the Meteor with better performance.[58]DesignatedMeteor F.8,this upgraded variant was a potent fighter aircraft, forming the bulk of RAF Fighter Command between 1950 and 1955. The Meteor continued to be operated in a military capacity by several nations into the 1960s.[59]

Night fighter


To replace the increasingly obsoletede Havilland Mosquitoas anight fighter,the Meteor was adapted to serve in the role as an interim aircraft. Gloster had initially proposed a night fighter design to meet the Air Ministry specification for the Mosquito replacement, based on the two seater trainer variant of the Meteor, with the pilot in the front seat and the navigator in the rear.[60]Once accepted however, work on the project was swiftly transferred to Armstrong Whitworth to perform both the detailed design process and production of the type; the first prototype flew on 31 May 1950. Although based on the T.7 twin seater, it used the fuselage and tail of the F.8, and the longer wings of the F.3. An extended nose contained the AI Mk 10 (the 1940s Westinghouse SCR-720) Air Intercept radar. As a consequence the 20 mm cannons were moved into the wings, outboard of the engines. A ventral fuel tank and wing mounted drop tanks completed the Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.11.[61][62]

Operational Meteor NF.14 ofNo. 264 Squadron RAFin 1955

Asradartechnology developed, a new Meteor night fighter was developed to use the improved US-builtAPS-21system. TheNF.12first flew on 21 April 1953. It was similar to the NF.11 but had a nose section 17 inches (43 cm) longer;[63]the fin was enlarged to compensate for the greater keel area of the enlarged nose and to counter the airframe reaction to the sideways oscillating motion of the radar scanner which caused difficulty aiming the guns, an anti-tramp motor operating on the rudder was fitted midway up the front leading edge of the fin. The NF.12 also had the new Rolls-Royce Derwent 9 engines and the wings were reinforced to handle the new engine.[64][65]Deliveries of the NF.12 started in 1953, with the type entering squadron service in early 1954,[66]equipping seven squadrons (Nos85,25,152,46,72,153and64);[67]the aircraft was replaced over 1958–1959.

The final Meteor night fighter was theNF.14.First flown on 23 October 1953, the NF.14 was based on the NF.12 but had an even longer nose, extended by a further 17 inches (430 mm) to accommodate new equipment, increasing the total length to 51 ft 4 in (15.65 m) and a larger bubble canopy to replace the framed T.7 version.[68]Just 100 NF.14s were built; they first entered service in February 1954 beginning with No. 25 Squadron and were being replaced as early as 1956 by theGloster Javelin.Overseas, they remained in service a little longer, serving with No. 60 Squadron atTengah,Singapore until 1961. As the NF.14 was replaced, some 14 were converted to training aircraft as theNF(T).14and given to No. 2 Air Navigation School onRAF Thorney Islanduntil transferring to No. 1 Air Navigation School at RAF Stradishall where they served until 1965.[69]




Meteor F.8 in flight atRAF Greenham Common,May 1986
Meteor F.8 cockpit

The first operational version of the Meteor, designated as the Meteor F.1, apart from the minor airframe refinements, was a straightforward "militarisation" of the earlier F9/40 prototypes.[70]The dimensions of the standard Meteor F.1 were 41 ft 3 in (12.57 m) long with a span of 43 ft 0 in (13.11 m), with an empty weight of 8,140 lb (3,690 kg) and a maximum takeoff weight of 13,795 lb (6,257 kg).[43]Despite the revolutionary turbojet propulsion used,[71]the design of the Meteor was relatively orthodox and did not take advantage of many aerodynamic features used on other, later jet fighters, such asswept wings;the Meteor shared a broadly similar basic configuration to its German equivalent, theMesserschmitt Me 262,which was also aerodynamically conventional.[72]

It was an all-metal aircraft with a tricycleundercarriageand conventional low, straight wings with mid-mounted turbojet engines and a high-mountedtailplaneclear of the jet exhaust.[Note 5][Note 6]The Meteor F.1 exhibited some problematic flying characteristics typical of early jet aircraft; it suffered from stability problems at hightransonicspeeds, large trim changes, highstickforces and self-sustained yaw instability (snaking) caused by airflow separation over the thick tail surfaces.[74]The longer fuselage of the Meteor T.7, a two-seater trainer, significantly reduced the aerodynamic instability that the early Meteors were known for.[75]

Later Meteor variants would see a large variety of changes from the initial Meteor F.1 introduced to service in 1944. Much attention was given to raising the aircraft's top speed, often by improving the airframe's aerodynamic qualities, incorporating the latest engine developments, and increasing the strength of the airframe.[70][76]The Meteor F.8, which emerged in the late 1940s, was considered to have substantially improved performance over prior variants;[77]the F.8 was reportedly the most powerful single-seat aircraft flying in 1947, capable of ascending to 40,000 feet (12,000 m) within five minutes.[78]



From the outset, each Meteor was constructed from several modular sections or separately produced units, a deliberate design choice to allow for production to be dispersed and for easy disassembly for transport.[79]Each aircraft comprised five main sections: nose, forward fuselage, central section, rear fuselage and tail units; the wings were also built out of lengthwise sections.[80]The forward section contained the pressure cabin, gun compartments, and forward undercarriage. The centre section incorporated much of the structural elements, including the inner wing, engine nacelles, fuel tank, ammunition drums, and main undercarriage. The rear fuselage was of a conventional semi-monocoque structure. Various aluminium alloys were the primary materials used throughout the structure of the Meteor, such as the stressedduraluminskin.[81]

Across the Meteor's production life, various different companies were subcontracted to manufacture aircraft sections and major components; due to the wartime workload on producing fighter aircraft such as theHawker HurricaneandHawker Typhoon,neither Gloster nor the widerHawker Siddeley Groupwere able to internally meet the production demand of 80 aircraft per month.[24]Bristol Tramwaysproduced the forward fuselage of the aircraft, theStandard Motor Companymanufactured the central fuselage and inner wing sections, thePressed Steel Companyproduced the rear fuselage, andParnall Aircraftmade the tail unit.[82]Other main subcontractors includedBoulton Paul Aircraft,Excelsior Motor Radiator Company,Bell Punch,Turner Manufacturing Company,andCharlesworth Bodies;as many of these firms had little or no experience producing aircraft, both quality and interchangeability of components were maintained by contractually enforced adherence to Gloster's original drawings.[83]

From the Meteor F.4 onwards, Armstrong Whitworth began completing whole units at theirCoventryfacility in addition to Gloster's own production line.[84]Belgian aviation firmAvions Faireyalso produced the Meteor F.8 under licence from Gloster for theBelgian Air Force;a similar licence manufacturing arrangement was made with Dutch companyFokkerto meet theRoyal Netherlands Air Force's order.[85]


Rolls-Royce Wellandengine on display. The rear of the engine is at the left.

TheMeteor F.1was powered by twoRolls-Royce Wellandturbojet engines, Britain's first production jet engines, which were built under licence from Whittle's designs.[30]The Meteor embodied the advent of practical jet propulsion; in the type's service life, both military and civil aviation manufacturers rapidly integrated turbine engines into their designs, favouring its advantages such as smoother running and greater power output.[86]The Meteor's engines were considerably more practical than those of the German Me 262 as, unlike the Me 262, the engines were embedded into the wing in nacelles between the front and rear spars rather than underslung, saving some weight due to shorter landing gear legs and less massive spars.[87][Note 7]

TheW.2B/23Cengines upon which the Welland was based produced 1,700 lbf (7.6 kN) of thrust each, giving the aircraft a maximum speed of 417 mph (671 km/h) at 9,800 feet (3,000 m) and a range of 1,000 miles (1,600 km).[43]It incorporated a hydraulically driven engine starter developed by Rolls-Royce, which was automated following the press of a starter button in the cockpit.[Note 8]The engines also drove hydraulic and vacuum pumps as well as a generator via aRotolgearbox fixed on the forward wing spar;[30]the cockpit was also heated bybleed airfrom one of the engines.[81]The acceleration rate of the engines was manually controlled by the pilot; rapid engine acceleration would frequently inducecompressor stallsearly on; the likelihood of compressor stalls was effectively eliminated upon further design refinements of both the Welland engine and the Meteor itself.[89]At high speeds the Meteor had a tendency to lose directional stability, often during unfavourable weather conditions, leading to a "snaking" motion; this could be easily resolved by throttling back to reduce speed.[90]

Based upon designs produced by Power Jets, Rolls-Royce produced more advanced and powerful turbojet engines. Beyond numerous improvements made to the Welland engine that powered the early Meteors, Rolls-Royce and Power Jets collaborated to develop the more capable Derwent engine, which as the Rover B.26 had undergone a radical re-design from the W.2B/500 while at Rover. The Derwent engine, and the re-designed Derwent V based on theNene,was installed on many of the later production Meteors; the adoption of this new powerplant led to considerable performance increases.[30][87][Note 9]The Meteor often served as the basis for the development of other early turbojet designs; a pair of Meteor F.4s were sent to Rolls-Royce to aid in their experimental engine trials,RA435being used for reheat testing, andRA491being fitted with theRolls-Royce Avon,an axial-flow engine.[30][92]From their involvement in the development of the Meteor's engines, Armstrong-Siddeley,Bristol Aircraft,Metropolitan-Vickersand de Havilland also independently developed their own gas turbine engines.[93]


Meteor NF.11 (right) flying with aHawker HunterT7A at theCotswold Air Showin 2009

During development, sceptical elements of the Air Ministry had expected mature piston-powered aircraft types to exceed the capabilities of the Meteor in all respects except that of speed; thus, the performance of early Meteors was considered favourable for the interceptor mission, being capable of out-diving the majority of enemy aircraft.[94]The conclusion of in-service trials conducted between the Meteor F.3. and theHawker Tempest Vwas that the performance of the Meteor exceeded the Tempest in almost all respects and that, barring some manoeuvrability issues, the Meteor could be considered a capable all-round fighter.[95]Pilots formerly flying piston-engine aircraft often described the Meteor as being exciting to fly. British politicianNorman Tebbitstated of his experience flying the Meteor in the RAF: "Get airborne, up with the wheels, hold it low until you were about 380 knots, pull it up and she would go up, well we thought then, like a rocket".[96]

Early jet engines consumed a lot more fuel than the piston engines they replaced so the Welland engines imposed considerable flight-time limitations on the Meteor F.1, leading to the type being used for local interception duties only. In the post-war environment, there was considerable pressure to increase the range of interceptors to counter the threat of bombers armed withnuclear weapons.[97]The long-term answer to this question wasin-flight refuelling;several Meteors were provided toFlight Refuelling Limitedfor trials of the newly developedprobe-and-droguerefuelling techniques. This capability was not incorporated in service Meteors, which had already been supplanted by more modern interceptor aircraft at this point.[98]

A total of 890 Meteors were lost in RAF service (145 of these crashes occurring in 1953 alone), resulting in the deaths of 450 pilots. Contributory factors in the number of crashes were the poor brakes, failure of the landing gear, the high fuel consumption and consequent short flight endurance (less than one hour) causing pilots to run out of fuel, and difficult handling with one engine out due to the widely set engines. The casualty rate was exacerbated by the lack of ejection seats in early series Meteors;[99]the much higher speed that the aircraft was capable of meant that to bail out pilots might have to overcome highg forcesand fast-moving airflow past the cockpit; there was also a greater likelihood of the pilot striking the horizontal tailplane.[100]Ejection seats were fitted in the later F.8, FR.9, PR.10 and some experimental Meteors.[101][102][page needed]The difficulty of baling out of the Meteor had been noted by pilots during development, reporting several contributing design factors such as the limited size and relative position of the cockpit to the rest of the aircraft, and difficulty in using the two-lever jettisonable hood mechanism.[103]

Operational service


Second World War

Meteor F.1 of No. 616 Squadron

No. 616 Squadron RAFwas the first to receive operational Meteors: a total of 14 aircraft were initially delivered. The squadron was based atRAF Culmhead,Somersetand had been equipped with theSpitfire VII.[104]The conversion to the Meteor was initially a matter of great secrecy.[105]Following a conversion course atFarnboroughattended by the squadron's six leading pilots, the first aircraft was delivered to Culmhead on 12 July 1944.[15][Note 10]The squadron and its seven Meteors moved on 21 July 1944 toRAF Manstonon the eastKentcoast and, within a week, 32 pilots had been converted to the type.[106]

The Meteor was initially used to counter theV-1 flying bombthreat. 616 Squadron Meteors saw action for the first time on 27 July 1944, when three aircraft were active over Kent. These were the first operational jet combat missions for the Meteor and for the RAF. After some problems, especially with jamming guns, the first two V-1 "kills" were made on 4 August.[107]By war's end, Meteors had accounted for 14 flying bombs.[108]After the end of the V-1 threat, and the introduction of the ballisticV-2 rocket,the RAF was forbidden to fly the Meteor on combat missions over German-held territory for fear of an aircraft being shot down and salvaged by the Germans.

No. 616 Squadron briefly moved toRAF Debdento allowUnited States Army Air Forces(USAAF) bomber crews to gain experience and create tactics in facing jet-engined foes before moving toColerne,Wiltshire.For a week from 10 October 1944 a series of exercises were carried out in which a flight of Meteors made mock attacks on a formation of 100 B-24s and B-17s escorted by 40 Mustangs and Thunderbolts. These suggested that, if the jet fighter attacked the formation from above, it could take advantage of its superior speed in the dive to attack the bombers and then escape by diving through the formation before the escorts could react. The best tactic to counter this was to place a fighter screen 5,000 feet (1,500 m) above the bombers and attempt to intercept the jets early in the dive.[109]The exercise was also useful from No. 616 Squadron's perspective, giving valuable practical experience in Meteor operations.[110]

Meteor F.3s with original short engine nacelles

No. 616 Squadron exchanged its F.1s for the firstMeteor F.3s on 18 December 1944. These first 15 F.3s differed from the F.1 in having a sliding canopy in place of the sideways hinging canopy, increased fuel capacity and some airframe refinements. They were still powered by Welland I engines.[111]Later F.3s were equipped with the Derwent I engines. This was a substantial improvement over the earlier mark, although the basic design still had not reached its potential.Wind tunneland flight tests demonstrated that the original shortnacelles,which did not extend far fore and aft of the wing, contributed heavily to compressibility buffeting at high speed. New, longer nacelles not only cured some of the compressibility problems but added 75 miles per hour (120 km/h) at altitude, even without upgraded powerplants. The last batch of Meteor F.3s featured the longer nacelles; other F.3s were retrofitted in the field with the new nacelles. The F.3 also had the new Rolls-Royce Derwent engines, increased fuel capacity and a new larger, more strongly rakedbubble canopy.[54]

Judging theMeteor F.3s were ready for combat over Europe, the RAF finally decided to deploy them on the continent. On 20 January 1945, four Meteors from 616 Squadron were moved toMelsbroekin Belgium and attached to theSecond Tactical Air Force,[112]just under three weeks after the Luftwaffe's surpriseUnternehmen Bodenplatteattack on New Year's Day, in which Melsbroek's RAF base, designated as AlliedAdvanced Landing Ground"B.58", had been struck by piston-engined fighters ofJG 27andJG 54.The 616 Squadron Meteor F.3s' initial purpose was to provide air defence for the airfield, but their pilots hoped that their presence might provoke the Luftwaffe into sendingMe 262jets against them.[104]At this point the Meteor pilots were still forbidden to fly over German-occupied territory, or to go east ofEindhoven,to prevent a downed aircraft being captured by the Germans or the Soviets.[113]

Ground crew servicing a Meteor of 616 Squadron at Melsbroek, Belgium, 1945. The all-white finish used by the four F.3s sent to Belgium was to aid recognition by ground troops during familiarisation training before the operational F.3 aircraft arrived

In March, the entire squadron was moved toGilze-Rijen Air Baseand then in April, toNijmegen.The Meteors flew armedreconnaissanceand ground attack operations without encountering any German jet fighters. By late April, the squadron was based atFaßberg,Germany and suffered its first losses when two aircraft collided in poor visibility. The war ended with the Meteors having destroyed 46 German aircraft through ground attack.[citation needed]Friendly firethrough misidentification as Messerschmitt Me 262s by Allied anti-aircraft gunners was more of a threat than the already-diminished forces of the Luftwaffe; to counter this, continental-based Meteors were given an all-white finish as a recognition aid.[110][112][114]



The next-generationMeteor F.4prototype first flew on 17 May 1945, and went into production in 1946 when 16 RAF squadrons were already operating Meteors.[114]Equipped with Rolls-Royce Derwent 5 engines, the smaller version of the Nene, the F.4 was 170 mph (270 km/h) faster than the F.1 at sea level (585 against 415), but the reduced wings impaired its rate of climb.[115][Note 11]The F.4 wingspan was 86.4 cm shorter than the F.3 and with blunter wing tips, derived from the world speed record prototypes. Improvements included a strengthened airframe,fully pressurised cockpit,lighteraileronsto improve manoeuvrability, andruddertrim adjustmentsto reducesnaking.The F.4 could be fitted with a drop tank under each wing, and experiments were carried out with carriage ofunderwing storesand also in lengthenedfuselagemodels.

Because of increased demand, F.4 production was divided between Gloster and Armstrong Whitworth. The majority of early F.4s did not go to the RAF: 100 were exported to Argentina, seeing action on both sides in the1955 revolution;[116]in 1947, only RAF Nos. 74 and 222 squadrons were fully equipped with the F.4. Nine further RAF squadrons converted from 1948 onwards. From 1948, 38 F.4s were exported to the Dutch, equipping four squadrons (322, 323, 326 and 327) split between bases inSoesterbergandLeeuwardenuntil the mid-1950s. In 1949, only two RAF squadrons were converted to the F.4, Belgium was sold 48 aircraft in the same year (going to 349 and 350 squadrons atBeauvechain) and Denmark received 20 over 1949–1950. In 1950, three more RAF squadrons were upgraded, including No. 616 and, in 1951, six more.

WA742, a two-seat Meteor T.7 in 1961

A modified two-seater F.4 for jet-conversion and advanced training was tested in 1949 as theT.7.It was accepted by the RAF and the Fleet Air Arm and became a common addition to the various export packages (for example 43 to Belgium between 1948 and 1957, a similar number to the Netherlands over the same period, two to Syria in 1952, six to Israel in 1953, etc.). Despite its limitations – unpressurised cockpit, no armament, limited instructor instrumentation – more than 650 T.7s were manufactured.[117][118]The T.7 remained in RAF service into the 1970s.[119]

As improved jet fighters emerged, Gloster decided to modernise the F.4 while retaining as much of the manufacturing tooling as possible. The result was the definitive production model, theMeteor F.8(G-41-K), serving as a major RAF fighter until the introduction of theHawker Hunterand theSupermarine Swift.The first prototype F.8 was a modified F.4, followed by a true prototype,VT150,that flew on 12 October 1948 at Moreton Valence.[120]Flight testing of the F.8 prototype led to the discovery of an aerodynamic problem: after ammunition was expended, the aircraft became tail-heavy and unstable around the pitch axis due to the weight of fuel in fuselage tanks no longer being balanced by the ammunition. Gloster solved the problem by substituting thetailof the abortive G 42 single-engined jet fighter. The F.8 and other production variants successfully used the new tail design, giving the later Meteors a distinctive appearance, with taller straighter edges compared with the rounded tail of the F.4s and earlier marks.[121]

Meteor F.8 at the Danish Flight Museum, 2006

The F.8 also featured a fuselage stretch of 76 cm (30 in), intended to shift the aircraft'scentre of gravityand also eliminate the use ofballastformerly necessary in earlier marks due to the subsequent elimination from the design of two of the originally designed six installed cannon. The F.8 incorporated uprated engines, Derwent 8s, with 3,600 lbf (16 kN) thrust each combined with structural strengthening, aMartin Bakerejection seatand a "blown" teardrop cockpit canopy that provided improved pilot visibility.[122]Between 1950 and 1955, the Meteor F.8 was the mainstay ofRAF Fighter Command,and served with distinction incombat in Koreawith the RAAF as well as operating with many air forces worldwide, although it was clear that the original design was obsolete compared with contemporary swept-wing fighters such as theNorth American F-86 Sabreand theSovietMiG-15.[123]

Initial deliveries of the F.8 to the RAF were in August 1949, with the first squadron receiving its fighters in late 1950. Like the F.4, there were strong export sales of the F.8. Belgium ordered 240 aircraft, the majority assembled in The Netherlands by Fokker. The Netherlands had 160 F.8s, equipping seven squadrons until 1955. Denmark had 20, ordered in 1951, the last F.8s in front-line service in Europe. The RAAF ordered 94 F.8s, which served in the Korean War. Despite arms embargoes, both Syria and Egypt received F.8s from 1952, as did Israel, each using their Meteors during theSuez Crisis.Brazil ordered 60 new Meteor F.8s and 10 T.7 trainers in October 1952, paying with 15,000 tons of raw cotton.[124]

In the 1950s, Meteors were developed into effective photo-reconnaissance,trainingand night fighter versions. The fighter reconnaissance (FR) versions were the first to be built, replacing the ageing Spitfires and Mosquitos then in use. TwoFR.5s were built on the F.4 body; one was used for nose section camera tests, the other broke up in midair while in testing over Moreton Valence. On 23 March 1950, the firstFR.9flew. Based on the F.8, it was 20 cm longer with a new nose incorporating a remote control camera and window and was also fitted with additional external ventral and wing fuel tanks. Production of the FR.9 began in July. No. 208 Squadron, then based at Fayid, Egypt was the first to be upgraded followed by the 2nd Tactical Air Force inWest Germany,No. 2 Squadron RAFatBückeburgandNo. 79 Squadron RAFatRAF Guterslohflew the FR.9 from 1951 until 1956. InAden,No. 8 Squadron RAFwas given FR.9s in November 1958 and used them until 1961.[125]Ecuador (12), Israel (7) and Syria (2) were foreign customers for the FR.9.[126]

In 1951,29,141,85 and264 squadronseach received a number of NF.11 aircraft, the first of the Meteor night fighters.[127]It was rolled out across the RAF until the final deliveries in 1954.[128]A "tropicalised" version of the NF.11 for the Middle East was developed; first flying on 23 December 1952 as theNF.13.The aircraft equippedNo. 219 Squadron RAFatKabritand No. 39 Squadron at Fayid, both in Egypt. The aircraft served during the Suez crisis and remained with No. 39 Squadron after they were withdrawn to Malta until 1958. Several problems were encountered: the heavily framed T.7 canopy made landings tricky due to limited visibility, the under-wing external fuel tanks tended to break up when the wing cannons were fired, and gun harmonisation, normally set to about 400 yards, was poor due to the wings flexing in flight. Belgium (24), Denmark (20) and France (41) were foreign customers for the NF.11.[129]Ex-RAF NF.13s were sold to France (two), Syria (six), Egypt (six) and Israel (six).[130]

In addition to the armed, low altitude operation, tactical FR.9 variant, Gloster also developed thePR.10for high altitude missions.[131]The first prototype flew on 29 March 1950 and was actually converted into the first production aircraft. Based on the F.4, it had the F.4-style tail and the longer wings of the earlier variant. All the cannons were removed and a single camera placed in the nose with two more in the rear fuselage; the canopy was also changed. The PR.10 was delivered to the RAF in December 1950 and were given to No. 2 and No. 541 squadrons in Germany andNo. 13 Squadron RAFin Cyprus. The PR.10 was rapidly phased out from 1956; rapid improvements insurface-to-air missiletechnology and the introduction of newer aircraft capable of flying at greater altitudes and speeds had rendered the aircraft obsolete.


Meteor C-041 atMuseo Nacional de Aeronáutica de Argentina,2012
Meteor C-038 near toJunín Airport,2010

Argentina became the first overseas operator of the Meteor, placing an order for 100 F Mk.4s in May 1947.[132]The Meteor's procurement led to Argentina becoming the second air force in the Americas to operate jet aircraft.[citation needed]

The Argentine Meteors were first used in combat during the 16 June 1955 rebellion when, in an attempt to killJuan Perón,rebel-flown aircraft bombedtheCasa Rosada.A loyalist Meteor shot down a rebelAT-6,while another strafed rebel-heldEzeiza airport.The rebels seizedMorón Airport and Air Base,base of the Meteors, and used several captured aircraft to perform multiple attacks against loyalist forces and the Casa Rosada before the rebellion was defeated by day's end.[133]

A second revolt, theRevolución Libertadora,broke out on 16 September 1955, with, again, both sides operating the Meteor. The rebels seized three Meteors. Government Meteors flew strafing attacks against the rebel-held destroyersRiojaandCervantes,and several landing ships nearRio Santiagoon 16 September and attackingPajas Blancasairport near the city ofCórdoba,damaging severalAvro Lincolnbombers. The rebel-flown Meteors were used to attack loyalist forces attacking Córdoba, losing one of their number on 19 September to an engine failure caused by use ofautomobile petrolinstead ofjet fuel.[134]

The acquisition of F-86 Sabres in 1960 allowed the remaining Meteors to be transferred to the ground attack role. In this role, the aircraft were refitted with bomb pylons and rocket rails; the bare metal colour scheme was also discarded for a camouflage scheme.[135][136]

Argentine Meteors were used to attack rebels during attempted uprisings in September 1962 and April 1963.[137]The type was ultimately withdrawn from service in 1970.[136]


No. 77 Squadron RAAF pilots and Meteor aircraft in Korea, c. 1952.

The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) acquired 113 Meteors between 1946 and 1952, 94 of which were the F.8 variant.[138]The first RAAF Meteor was an F.3 delivered for evaluation in June 1946.[139][Note 12]

Australia's F.8s saw extensive service during the Korean War withNo. 77 Squadron RAAF,part ofBritish Commonwealth Forces Korea.The squadron had personnel from the RAF and other Commonwealth air forces attached to it. It had arrived in Korea equipped with piston-enginedMustangs.To match the threat posed by MiG-15 jet fighters, it was decided to reequip the squadron with Meteors.[139][141]Jet conversion training was conducted at Iwakuni, Japan, after which the squadron returned to the Korean theatre in April 1951 with about 30 Meteor F.8s and T.7s. The squadron moved toKimpo Air Basein June, and was declared combat ready the following month.[142]More advanced designs, such as the F-86 Sabre andHawker P.1081,were considered but would not be available within a realistic time frame; the Meteor proved to be considerably inferior in combat against the MiG-15 in several respects, including speed and manoeuvrability at high altitude.[143]

On 29 July 1951, 77 Squadron began operating their Meteors on combat missions. The squadron had mainly been trained forground attackand had difficulty when assigned to bomber escort duty at sub-optimum altitudes. On 29 August 1951, eight Meteors were on escort duty in "MiG Alley"when they were engaged by six MiG-15s; one Meteor was lost and two were damaged.[144][Note 13]On 27 October, the squadron achieved its first probable followed by two probables six days later.[145]On 1 December theBattle of Sunchontook place between 14 Meteors and at least 20 MiG-15s – in North Korean markings but operated secretly by the elite Soviet 176th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (176 GIAP). The Australians lost three Meteors, with one pilot killed and two captured,[146]while claiming one MiG destroyed and one damaged. Russian records and accounts, which became public after the end of the Cold War, suggested that no MiGs from 176 GIAP were lost.[147]

RAAF Meteor F.8A-77-570undergoing maintenance atKimpo air base(K-14) during the Korean War.

At the end of 1951, due to the superiority of the MiGs in air combat – as well as the Meteor's favourable low-level performance and sturdy construction, RAAF commanders had 77 Squadron returned to ground-attack.[146]In February 1952, more than a thousand ground-attack sorties were flown and these continued until May 1952, when 77 Squadron switched to fighter sweeps. The last encounter between the Meteor and the MiG-15 was in March 1953, during which a Meteor piloted by Sergeant John Hale recorded a victory.[148]By the end of the conflict, the squadron had flown 4,836 missions, destroying six MiG-15s, over 3,500 structures and some 1,500 vehicles. About 30 Meteors were lost to enemy action in Korea, the vast majority shot down by anti-aircraft fire on ground-attack operations.[138]

The RAAF began introducing the locally-builtCAC Sabrepowered by the Rolls-Royce Avon, in 1955, which relegated Meteors to training and secondary duties. A number of Meteors would be assigned to the reserveCitizen Air Force,while others were configured as pilotless drone aircraft or for target towing.No. 75 Squadron RAAFwas the last Australian squadron to operate the Meteor; notably, it had operated a three-unit aerobatic team, named "The Meteorites".[149][150]



Although Egypt's first order for the Meteor was placed in 1948, the rising tension in the region led to the imposition of a series of arms embargoes. Twelve F Mk.4s were eventually delivered between October 1949 and May 1950,[151]along with three T Mk.7s.[152]Twenty-four F Mk.8s were ordered in 1949, but this order was stopped by an embargo. A further order for 12 ex-RAF F.8s was placed in December 1952, of which four were delivered before the order was cancelled, with the final eight being delivered in 1955,[153]along with three more T Mk.7s.[152]and six NF Mk.13s, all ex-RAF aircraft.[154]Britain had allowed the Meteor sales as part of an effort to foster and support good relations; tensions over theSuez Canalled to arms sales being suspended once again.[155]

Egyptian Meteors participated in the fighting during the Suez Crisis of 1956, typically being used in ground attack missions against Israeli forces.[156][157]In one incident, an Egyptian Meteor NF Mk.13 claimed to have damaged an RAFVickers Valiantbomber.[158]An aerial bombing campaign of Egyptian airfields by Anglo-French forces resulted in several aircraft being destroyed on the ground; the Egyptian Air Force subsequently withdrew from combat within theSinairegion.[159][160]



Meteors were the first jet aircraft of the fledglingSyrian Air Force.It acquired 25 of them between 1952 and 1956.[161]Although the British were willing to supply aircraft, they did not supply combat training or radar. As Syria became more aligned withGamal Abdel Nasserand Egypt, British support for Meteor operations was withdrawn and Syrian pilots began training with their Egyptian counterparts.[citation needed]During the Suez Crisis, the RAF performed high altitude reconnaissance flights over Syria byEnglish Electric Canberraaircraft from bases in Cyprus. Lacking radar to track the aircraft, the Syrian Air Force developed a ground spotter network that reported information by telephone to intercept the flights. On 6 November 1956, a Syrian Meteor shot down a Canberra ofNo. 13 Squadron RAF,which crashed in Lebanon.[162]In 1957, Syria began to replace its Meteors with newMiG-17sfrom the Soviet Union.[citation needed]



TheFrench Air Forcewas keen to acquire jet aircraft as part of its re-equipment program following the Second World War. In 1953, 25 new-build aircraft were diverted from RAF orders to fulfil a French order; a further 16 ex-RAF NF.11s were purchased in 1954 and delivered between September 1954 and April 1955,[163]these being supplemented by about 14 T Mk.7s.[164]The NF Mk.11s replaced the Mosquito night fighter with the Escadre de Chasse (EC) 30, serving with that Wing until replaced by theSud Aviation Vautourin 1957. Several Meteors were then transferred to ECN 1/7 in Algeria, which saw combat in theAlgerian War,operating fromBône,while others were used for training Vautour night fighter crews. The Vautour was retired from French Air Force service in 1964.[165][166]Five Meteor NF.11s were transferred to the Centre d’Essais en Vol (Flight Test Centre) in 1958, where they were used as equipment testbeds and chase planes,[166]and were later joined by two NF Mk.13s and two NF Mk.14s.[130][167]The test aircraft were used in a wide variety of experiments, including radar and missile tests and during the development ofConcorde.[168]


Israeli Air ForceMeteor in 1954

Due to tensions between the newly formed nation of Israel and its neighbours, both sides had commenced an arms race which led to jet aircraft being vigorously purchased by various countries in the region. In 1953 Israel ordered fourT Mk.7s and 11F Mk.8s, with delivery continuing until early 1954. TheF Mk.8s were modified to carry American HVAR rockets but were otherwise identical to RAF aircraft.[169]A second batch of seven refurbishedFR Mk.9s and two moreT Mk.7s was delivered in 1955.[170]In 1956, Israel purchased six NF Mk.13s, with three delivered that year, and the remaining three, delayed by an arms embargo, in 1958.[171]Five more T Mk.7s were later purchased, these were converted from ex-BelgianF Mk.4s and were fitted with the Mk.8 tail.[172][173]

On 1 September 1955, an Israeli Meteor shot down an Egyptiande Havilland Vampire,the first jet aircraft to be shot down in the theatre.[174]The Meteor played a key role during the Suez Crisis; on 28 October 1956, an Israeli NF.13 took part inOperation Tarnegol,in which it successfully located and shot down an EgyptianIlyushin Il-14that had been carrying several high-ranking Egyptian military officers on the eve of the crisis.[175]The operation had intended to shoot down the Il-14 that was supposed to be carrying the supreme commander of the Egyptian armed forces,Abdel Hakim Amer,however a different aircraft had been inadvertently attacked and destroyed instead.[160]After deploying paratroopers east of the Suez Canal, theIsraeli Air Forcecontinued to support them on the ground predominantly using its jet aircraft, fearing its propeller-driven aircraft would be vulnerable against Egypt's jet fighters.[160]

While initially flyingcombat air patrolmissions, the Meteors and other Israeli aircraft could not prevent effective attacks by Egyptian aircraft on the ground forces.[160]Israeli officers came to recognise that the Meteor was outclassed by Egyptian MiG-15s, and subsequently limited the Meteor's employment as a fighter against other aerial adversaries.[citation needed]Following the start of the Anglo-French bombing campaign against Egyptian airbases, the Egyptian Air Force mostly withdrew from combat in the Sinai, allowing Israeli aircraft to operate unhindered.[160]

The Mk.8s remained in front line service until 1956, and were then used as training aircraft. The NF Mk.13s remained in operational use until 1962.[176]

Record setting

The Sapphire Meteor WA820 on display atFarnborough Airshow,1951

Late in 1945, two F.3 Meteors were modified for an attempt on the worldair speed record.On 7 November 1945 atHerne Bay in Kent,UK, Group Captain Hugh "Willie" Wilson set the first official air speed record by a jet aircraft of 606 mph (975 km/h)TAS.[177][178]In 1946, Group CaptainEdward "Teddy" Donaldsonbroke this record with a speed of 616 mph (991 km/h) TAS, inEE549,a Meteor F.4.[178][179]

On 4–5 April 1950, Sqn LdrJanusz Żurakowskiset an international speed record London-Copenhagen-London in a production standard F.8 (VZ468). Suitably impressed, the Danes later purchased the type.[180]

Another "claim to fame" was the Meteor's ability to perform the "Zurabatic Cartwheel",an aerobatics manoeuvre named after Gloster's acting Chief Test Pilot, it was first demonstrated by MeteorG-7-1G-AMCJprototype at the 1951 Farnborough Air Show;[181]the Meteor, due to its widely set engines, could have individual engines throttled back and forward to achieve a seemingly stationary vertical cartwheel. Many Meteor pilots went on to "prove their mettle" by attempting the same feat.[182]

On 7 August 1949, the Meteor III,EE397,on loan from the RAF and flown byFlight Refuelling Ltd(FRL)test pilotPatrick Hornidge, took off fromTarrant Rushtonand, refuelled 10 times by the Lancaster tanker, remained airborne for 12 hours and 3 minutes, receiving 2,352 imperial gallons (10,690 L) of fuel from the tanker in ten tanker contacts and flying an overall distance of 3,600 miles (5,800 km), achieving a new jet endurance record.[183]

Meteor F.8WA820was adapted during 1948 to take twoArmstrong Siddeley Sapphireturbojets, and from Moreton Valence, on 31 August 1951, established a time-to-height climb record. The pilot wasFlt LtTom Prickett, ofArmstrong Siddeley.A height of 9,843 ft was reached in 1 min 16 sec, 19,685 ft in 1 min 50 sec, 29,500 ft in 2 min 29 sec, and 39,370 ft in 3 min 7 sec.Air Service TrainingLtd were responsible for the conversion.[184]


Gloster F.9/40
Prototypes, eight built:
F.9/40 Meteor prototypeDG202/Gin wartime finish
  • DG202/G powered by twoRover W2Bjet engines, first flown 24 July 1943.[185]
  • DG203/G powered by twoPower Jets W2/500engines, first flown 9 November 1943.[185]
  • DG204/G powered by twoMetrovick F2axial jet engines, unlike the other F.9/40s the engines were mounted under the wing, first flown 13 November 1943.[185]
  • DG205/G powered by twoRover W2B/23jet engines, first flown 12 June 1943.[185]
  • DG206/G powered by twoHalford H1jet engines, the first to fly on 5 March 1943.[185]
  • DG207/G powered by twoHalford H1jet engines, first flown 24 July 1945, became the prototype F.2 variant.[185]
  • DG208/G powered by twoRover W2B/23engines, first flown 20 January 1944.[185]
  • DG209/G powered by twoRover W2B/27engines, first flown 18 April 1944.[185]
Meteor F.1
First production aircraft built between 1943 and 1944, 20 built.[185]
Meteor F.1, Trent turboprop
TheTrent Meteor
One-off engine test bed, converted from former No. 616 Squadron RAF operational F.1 serial numberEE227,for theRolls-Royce Trentturbopropengine making it the world's first turboprop-powered aircraft.[186]The undercarriage was lengthened to give ground clearance for the initial 7 ft 7 inchRotolairscrews. First flying in September 1945, it was not shown publicly until June 1946. It was found that separate controls for thrust and constant speed units required a lot of skill to manage. It was then flown with higher engine thrust and smaller propellers to enable development of a combined control system.[187]The development programme was complete by 1948.[188]
Meteor F.2
Alternative engined version with twoHalford H1s– one of the F.9/40s was used as prototype and trials by de Havilland, did not enter production.[189]
Meteor F.3
Derwent I powered, with sliding canopy. First flown 11 September 1944, 210 built (first 15 were Welland-powered).[190]
Meteor F.4
Meteor F.4
Derwent 5 powered with strengthened fuselage, 489 built by Gloster and 46 by Armstrong Whitworth for the Royal Air Force.[191]The F.4 was also exported to Argentina (50 aircraft), Belgium (48 aircraft), Denmark (20 aircraft), Egypt (12 aircraft), Netherlands (38 aircraft).[190]
Meteor FR.5
One-off fighter reconnaissance version of the F.4. Fitted with vertical cameras in the nose instead of the four cannon and with oblique cameras in the fuselage. Destroyed on maiden flight, 15 June 1949.[192]
Meteor F.6
Under development in 1946-1947 and in all respects a forebear of the later F.8 having the short wings of the F.4 and a fuselage similar to that of the F.8 and an E.1/44 tail assembly. Did not progress beyond the drawing board and not built.[193][194]
Meteor T.7
Two-seat trainer variant of the F.4, company prototype first flew 19 March 1948, 640 production aircraft for the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy (43) and 72 for export (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Egypt, France, Israel, Netherlands). Avions Fairey modified 20 Belgian Air Force F.4s to T.7 standard.
Meteor F.8
RDAF Gloster Meteor no. 499
Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) no. 499 Meteor F. MK.8 on display at Danmarks Flymuseum i Stauning, Skjern, Denmark
Meteor F.8 being prepared for flight
Meteor F.8
Greatly improved from the F.4. Longer fuselage, greater fuel capacity, standard ejection seat and modified tail (derived from theE.1/44). A prolific frontline fighter in the RAF during 1950–54, this variant was ordered by the RAAF, with which it saw action in the Korea War.
Gloster Meteor F8 "prone pilot"
One-off experimentalMeteor F.8 "prone pilot",WK935modified by Armstrong Whitworth.[195]
The "prone pilot" experimental testbed
Meteor F.8 jet deflection test-bed
One F.8 (RA490) modified withRolls-Royce Neneengines cantilevered forward of the wings and "deflection boxes" to direct jet exhaust downwards for jet-lift.[196]
Meteor FR.9
Fighter armed reconnaissance version of the F.8, first flown 23 March 1950, 126 built by Gloster for the Royal Air Force. Former RAF aircraft were later sold to Ecuador, Israel and Syria.
Meteor PR.10
Photo reconnaissance version of the F.8, first flown 29 March 1950, 59 built for the Royal Air Force.
Meteor NF.11
Night Fighter variant with airborne interception (AI) radar designed and built by Armstrong Whitworth, three prototypes followed by 311 production aircraft for the Royal Air Force and 20 for the Royal Danish Air Force.
Meteor NF.12
Longer-nosed version of the NF.11 with AmericanAN/APS-21radar, this was balanced by a slightly larger fin, first flown on 21 April 1953, 100 built by Armstrong Whitworth.
Meteor NF.13
"Tropicalised" version of the NF.11 to replace the Mosquito NF.36 for service with39 Squadronin Malta and Cyprus and219 Squadronbased in Egypt. The first of 40 production aircraft built by Armstrong Whitworth was first flown on 21 December 1952. Former Royal Air Force aircraft were later sold to Egypt (6 aircraft), France (2 aircraft), Israel (6 aircraft) and Syria (6 aircraft).
Meteor NF.14
NF.11 with new two-piece blown canopy rather than the heavy-framed version. It also had a longer nose giving a length of 51 ft 4 in. Prototype modified from an NF.11 was first flown 23 October 1953 and was followed by 100 production aircraft built by Armstrong Whitworth for the Royal Air Force.
Meteor U.15
Target droneconversion of the F.4, 92 modified byFlight Refuelling Ltd.[197]
Meteor U.16
Target drone conversion of the F.8, 108 modified by Flight Refuelling.[197]
Meteor TT.20
Meteor TT.20 target tug of theRoyal Navyin 1967
High speed target towing conversion of the NF.11 for the Royal Navy by Armstrong Whitworth, 20 former Royal Air Force NF.11s were modified. Four additional conversions of four NF.11s of Royal Danish Air Force, after conversion these were flown by civil operators on behalf of the Danish military.[198]
Meteor U.21
Target drone conversion of the F.8 for the Royal Australian Air Force by Flight Refuelling, some aircraft modified in Australia by Fairey Aviation of Australasia using Flight Refuelling supplied modification kits.[197]
Ground attack fighter
Also known as the "Reaper", it was a F.8 modified by Gloster as a private venture ground attack fighter. The modification allowed the carriage of external rocket-assisted take-off Gear (RATOG), added a 57 mm cannon in the lower fuselage and tip tanks. First flown 4 September 1950, only one was built.[199]
Gloster CXP-1001
A single-engine version of the Meteor proposed by Gloster as a pursuit fighter for theRepublic of China Air Force.None were built.



Military operators

Australian F.8, 2011
Israeli Meteor F.8, 2008
Belgian Meteor F.8 of the 25th Squadron
Brazilian Meteor F.8, 2007
PreservedArgentine Air ForceF.4
  • Belgian Air Forcereceived 40 aircraft of F.4 variant, 43 of T.7 variant, 240 of F.8 variant and 24 aircraft of NF.11 variant.
  • Brazilian Air Forcereceived 62 aircraft in F.8 and TF.7 variants.
  • 2°/1°GAvCa
  • 1°/1°GAvCa
  • 1°/14°GAv
  • Royal Canadian Air Force— from 1945 to 1950, one Meteor III and Meteor T.7 were used for tests and evaluation by the RCAF.
  • Royal Danish Air Force— 20 F.4/F.8, 20× NF.11 and 6× T.7 in service from 1949 to 1962, replaced by 30 Hunter Mk 51 since 1956.[202]
West Germany
  • Luftwaffe– Meteor TT.20 target towing aircraft.
  • Israeli Air Force
    • 117 Squadron(First Jet Squadron) — from 1953 to 1962, 4× T.7, 11× F.8, 7× FR.9, and 5× "T.7.5" or "T.8" variants (T.7 with F.8's tail, ex Belgian Air Force).[204]
    • 119 Squadron(Bat Squadron) — from 1956 to 1963, 5× NF.13 variant.[205](ordered 6 aircraft, but one has crashed during ferry flight to Israel.[203])
    • 107 Squadron(Knights of the Orange Tail Squadron) — from 1962 to 1964, some F.8 and FR.9 variants, ex 117 sqn.[206]
    • 110 Squadron(Knights of The North Squadron) — from 1962 to early 1970s, some T.7 and T.8 variants, ex 117 sqn. and some F.8 and FR.9 variants, ex 107 sqn.[207]
New Zealand
South Africa
  • Syrian Air Force— used some T.7, F.8, FR.9 variants, and 6× NF.13 variant, from 1951 to early 1960s.[203]
United Kingdom
United States

Civilian operators

United Kingdom

Surviving aircraft

Meteor T.7G-BWMFformerly of theClassic Air Forcedisplaying atRNAS Yeovilton,2012

Although many Meteors survive in museums, collections and on pylons in public spaces asgate guardians,only four remain airworthy.

  • UK– Two of the airworthy Meteors are in the United Kingdom:
  • Two Meteor T.7/F.8 Hybrids used by Martin-Baker as ejection seat test aircraft "G-JMWA/WA638" & "WL419". Both are last recorded as being at Chalgrove.

Specifications (Meteor F.8)


Data fromThe Great Book of Fighters,[213][page needed]Quest for Performance[74]and Aircraft in Profile, Volume 1[214]

General characteristics

  • Crew:1
  • Length:44 ft 7 in (13.59 m)
  • Wingspan:37 ft 2 in (11.33 m)
  • Height:13 ft 0 in (3.96 m)
  • Wing area:350 sq ft (33 m2)
  • Airfoil:root:EC(12.5)40/0640;tip:EC1040/0640[215]
  • Empty weight:10,684 lb (4,846 kg)
  • Gross weight:15,700 lb (7,121 kg)
  • Powerplant:2 ×Rolls-Royce Derwent 8centrifugal flow turbojet engine, 3,600 lbf (16 kN) thrust each


  • Maximum speed:600 mph (970 km/h, 520 kn) at 10,000 ft (3,000 m)
  • Maximum speed:Mach 0.82
  • Range:600 mi (970 km, 520 nmi)
  • Service ceiling:43,000 ft (13,000 m)
  • Rate of climb:7,000 ft/min (36 m/s)
  • Time to altitude:30,000 ft (9,100 m) in 5 minutes
  • Wing loading:44.9 lb/sq ft (219 kg/m2)
  • Thrust/weight:0.45


Notable appearances in media


See also


Aircraft of comparable role, configuration, and era

Related lists




  1. ^Carter has concluded earlier that year that, in order to produce an effective fighter aircraft with a satisfactory rate of climb and armament payload, the first jet fighter should have a twin-engine arrangement.[20]
  2. ^Other names that were suggested for the aircraft included Scourge, Terrific, Terrifier, Terrifire, Tempest, Cyclone, Vortex, Wildfire, Avenger, Sky-rocket, Dauntless, Tyrant, Violent, Wrathful, Annihilator, Ace, and Reaper.[24]
  3. ^Much of Rover's initial difficulty in producing the engine was due to a lack of time for experimentation, aviation author Edward Shacklady commented that the W2.B engine was "rushed into production long before it was ready for such a step".[27]
  4. ^Following the maiden flight ofDG205/G,Daunt commented that "As the result of this flight, it is felt that there are distinct possibilities for the F9/50 as an operational low level fighter".[35]
  5. ^With no weight from propellers and the more rearward placement of the engines, the Meteor's centre of gravity was aft of the typical fighters of the era, thus leading to the adoption of the tricycle undercarriage arrangement.[73]
  6. ^While there had been concerns over the structural strength from the high tailplane position selected, Carter was aware of the instability risks that the jet exhaust could generate, so it was decided to mount the tailplane as high as possible on the fin.[73]
  7. ^Carter had considered and rejected placing the engines within the fuselage or an underslung arrangement due to the issue of accessibility; having the engines underneath the wings would have imposed weight limitations by forcing longer undercarriage legs and a heavier spar structure to be adopted in turn.[88]
  8. ^The F9/40 prototypes and some early production Meteors lacked the automatic starting system fitted on most aircraft, requiring a considerably more complicated procedure to be followed.[30]
  9. ^The confidence of Rolls-Royce's engineers in the performance of the Derwent 5 engines led to the engine proceeding to production straight from the drawing board, in advance of any practice testing.[91]
  10. ^Aviation author Edward Shacklady noted that pilot conversion was "surprisingly easy", and that the main problem encountered during training was often becoming accustomed to the Meteor's tricycle undercarriage.[106]
  11. ^Extra stresses imposed by the 111 mph airspeed increase of the F.4 over the preceding F.3 were mainly being absorbed by the Meteor's wings. Rather than extensive redesign the wings to strengthen them, the designers shortened them. This reduced stress and improved the roll rate, but increased takeoff and landing speeds and reduced rate of climb and ceiling.[84]
  12. ^Upon the announcement of Australia's decision to procure the Meteor F.8 in 1950, Australian prime ministerRobert Menziesstated: "The Meteor is regarded as the most modern type of jet fighter now available and will give a striking power, speed, and manoeuvrability of a kind to add enormously to our air strength.[140]
  13. ^According to anecdotal accounts,Warrant OfficerRon Guthrie destroyed a MiG-15 in this engagement. He was shot down during the dogfight and captured by ground forces. During his interrogation, two Soviet pilots told Guthrie, through an interpreter, that he had downed a MiG-15. He survived internment and was released on 3 September 1953.[citation needed]


  1. ^"Norfolk farmer's 1951 Gloster Meteor crash find to become memorial".19 April 2021.Retrieved28 June2024.
  2. ^"photo caption".Flight International.1974. Archived fromthe originalon 23 June 2016.
  3. ^Gunston 1988,p. 240.
  4. ^abcKingFlight27 May 1955, p. 727.
  5. ^Young 1985, p. 83.
  6. ^Daren Harbar (12 March 2023)."Martin-Baker Meteors – How First-Generation jets test ejection seats for 5th-Gen fighters".Key.Aero.Retrieved26 September2023.
  7. ^Pavelec 2007, pp. 45–46.
  8. ^Pavelec 2007, pp. 43–44.
  9. ^Golley and Gunston 2010, pp. 92–94.
  10. ^Pavelec 2007, pp. 48–50.
  11. ^Golley and Gunston 2010, p. 139.
  12. ^Golley and Gunston 2010, pp. 156, 165.
  13. ^Golley and Gunston 2010, p. 127.
  14. ^Pavelec 2007, pp. 168–169.
  15. ^abcdMason 1992, p. 339.
  16. ^Boyne 2002, p. 261.
  17. ^Boyne 2002, pp. 261–262.
  18. ^Spick 2002, pp. 169–170.
  19. ^Buttler 2004, p. 193.
  20. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 10.
  21. ^James 1971, pp. 245–248.
  22. ^James 1971, p. 247.
  23. ^Goulding 1986, p. 144.
  24. ^abShacklady 1962, p. 13.
  25. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 25.
  26. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 11–12.
  27. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 40.
  28. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 17–19.
  29. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 19.
  30. ^abcdefShacklady 1962, p. 41.
  31. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 15.
  32. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 21.
  33. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 12.
  34. ^abBoyne 2002, p. 262.
  35. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 23.
  36. ^James 1971, p. 249.
  37. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 16.
  38. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 16–17.
  39. ^Goulding 1986, pp. 148–149.
  40. ^James 1971, p. 358.
  41. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 20–21.
  42. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 27–28.
  43. ^abcJames 1971, pp. 304–305.
  44. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 23–24.
  45. ^Berry, Peter."The Whittle/Rover W2B and Rolls-Royce W2B/23 Welland Turbo-Jets."Archived2010-01-31 at theWayback Machineenginehistory.org.Retrieved: 30 January 2010.
  46. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 23.
  47. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 24.
  48. ^"Gas Turbine Development – Further Abstracts from Hayne Constant's Sir Henry Royce Memorial Lecture".Flight.20 December 1957. pp. 961–962. Archived fromthe originalon 8 February 2015.
  49. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 24–25.
  50. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 25.
  51. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 25–26.
  52. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 26.
  53. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 26–27.
  54. ^abShacklady 1962, p. 45.
  55. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 28.
  56. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 28–29.
  57. ^Sturtivant 1990, p. 164.
  58. ^Andrews 1965, p. 4.
  59. ^Andrews 1965, pp. 3–4.
  60. ^WilliamsAeroplane MonthlyApril 1995, p. 6–7.
  61. ^Williams 1984, pp. 45–46.
  62. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 40–42.
  63. ^Williams 1984, pp. 50–51.
  64. ^James 1971, p. 297.
  65. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 44.
  66. ^WilliamsAeroplane MonthlyJune 1995, p. 14.
  67. ^James 1971, p. 366.
  68. ^Williams 1984, pp. 51–53.
  69. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 44–46.
  70. ^abShacklady 1962, p. 29.
  71. ^Flight 25 October 1945, p. 444.
  72. ^Pavelec 2007, pp. 120–121.
  73. ^abShacklady 1962, p. 11.
  74. ^abLoftin, L.K. Jr.Chapter 11: Early Jet FightersArchived15 January 2017 at theWayback MachineNASA SP-468. Quest for Performance: The Evolution of Modern Aircraft.(1985) NASA. Retrieved: 24 April 2006.
  75. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 54, 66–67.
  76. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 51–53.
  77. ^Flight 6 October 1949, p. 465.
  78. ^Flight 6 October 1949, pp. 465, 469.
  79. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 12, 29.
  80. ^Flight25 October 1945, p. 445.
  81. ^abShacklady 1962, p. 12.
  82. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 14.
  83. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 13–14.
  84. ^abShacklady 1962, p. 54.
  85. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 74.
  86. ^Geoffery 19 July 1945, p. 73.
  87. ^abGeoffery 19 July 1945, pp. 70–71.
  88. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 10–11.
  89. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 17.
  90. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 27.
  91. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 53.
  92. ^"Hotter and Faster."Flight,1 September 1949. p. 203.
  93. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 42–43.
  94. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 13–14.
  95. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 27–28.
  96. ^BBC4 "Jet! When Britain Ruled the Skies." Episode 1. Military Marvels. First broadcast 22 August 2012
  97. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 129.
  98. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 129–131.
  99. ^Vasconcelos, Miguel (2013),Civil Airworthiness Certification: Former Military High-Performance Aircraft,Federal Aviation Administration, pp. 2–40
  100. ^Marks, Paul."The Rocket-Powered Rise of the Ejector Seat."BBC News,21 May 2015.
  101. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 73.
  102. ^Kenyon, Dennis. "The Night It Rained Meteors".Loop Aviation,June 2008.
  103. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 18.
  104. ^abButler and Buttler 2006, p. 48.
  105. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 28.
  106. ^abShacklady 1962, p. 30.
  107. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 30–31.
  108. ^Geoffery 19 July 1945, p. 70.
  109. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 31–32.
  110. ^abShacklady 1962, p. 32.
  111. ^Green 1968, p. 55.
  112. ^ab"CL 2934."Imperial War Museum.Retrieved: 3 June 2012.
  113. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 32–33.
  114. ^abButler and Buttler 2006, p. 49.
  115. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 52–54.
  116. ^Cicaleso, del Gaizo and Rivas 2003, pp. 69–72.
  117. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 31–32.
  118. ^Andrews 1965, pp. 9–10.
  119. ^"Gloster Meteor T7."Archived24 September 2016 at theWayback MachineRoyal Air Force Museum,Retrieved 12 July 2013.
  120. ^Mason 1992, p. 341.
  121. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 32–33.
  122. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, pp. 32–34.
  123. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 52-53.
  124. ^James 1971, p. 369.
  125. ^Harrison 2001, p. 31.
  126. ^Harrison 2001, p. 28.
  127. ^WilliamsAeroplane MonthlyMay 1995, p. 22.
  128. ^James 1971, p. 293.
  129. ^WilliamsAeroplane MonthlyJune 1995, pp. 10–12.
  130. ^abWilliamsAeroplane MonthlyJune 1995, p. 12.
  131. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 55.
  132. ^abJames 1971, p. 262.
  133. ^Cicalesi and Rivas 2002, pp. 122–123.
  134. ^Cicalesi and Rivas 2002, p. 124.
  135. ^Cicalesi and Rivas 2002, p. 126.
  136. ^abcCicaleso, del Gaizo and Rivas 2003, p. 72.
  137. ^Cicalesi and Rivas 2002, p. 125.
  138. ^ab"ADF Aircraft Serial Numbers: RAAF A77 Gloster Meteor F 8."adf-serials.com.Retrieved: 8 August 2010.
  139. ^abButler and Buttler 2006, p. 69.
  140. ^Shacklady 1962, p. 77.
  141. ^Shacklady 1962, pp. 74–75.
  142. ^Andrews 1965, p. 5.
  143. ^Andrews 1965, pp. 6–7.
  144. ^Andrews 1965, p. 6.
  145. ^"RAAF Airpower."Archived24 May 2006 at theWayback Machineraaf.gov.au.Retrieved: 23 March 2010.
  146. ^abAndrews 1965, p. 7.
  147. ^Igor Seidov & Stuart Britton, 2014,Red Devils over the Yalu: A Chronicle of Soviet Aerial Operations in the Korean War, 1950–53,Solihull, England; Helion & Company, pp. 272–276.
  148. ^Andrews 1965, p. 8.
  149. ^Andrews 1965, p. 9.
  150. ^Butler and Buttler 2006, p. 70.
  151. ^James 1971, p. 263.
  152. ^abJames 1971, p. 270.
  153. ^James 1971, p. 280.
  154. ^James 1971, p. 298.
  155. ^Jabber 1981, pp. 81, 99–100.
  156. ^NicolleAir EnthusiastNo 112, p.57.
  157. ^NicolleAir EnthusiastNo 113, pp. 36–37.
  158. ^NicolleAir EnthusiastNo 113, p. 43.
  159. ^NicolleAir EnthusiastNo 114, p. 54.
  160. ^abcdeAloni 2001, p. 24.
  161. ^Andrews 1965, pp. 10, 12.
  162. ^Nicolle, David; Nordeen, Lon (1996).Phoenix over the Nile: A History of Egyptian Air Power, 1932–1994.Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. p. 346.ISBN978-1560986263.
  163. ^WilliamsAeroplane MonthlyJune 1995, pp. 10–11.
  164. ^James 1971, pp. 271–272.
  165. ^WilliamsAeroplane MonthlyJune 1995, p. 11.
  166. ^abWilliams 1984, p. 49.
  167. ^abWilliamsAeroplane MonthlyJuly 1995, p. 44.
  168. ^WilliamsAeroplane MonthlyJune 1995, pp. 11–12.
  169. ^AloniAir EnthusiastFifty, pp. 39–40.
  170. ^AloniAir EnthusiastFifty, p. 42.
  171. ^AloniAir EnthusiastFifty, p. 44.
  172. ^AloniAir EnthusiastFifty, p. 47.
  173. ^Jabber 1981, p. 112.
  174. ^Aloni 2001, p. 23.
  175. ^Yonay 1993, pp. 161–163.
  176. ^AloniAir EnthusiastFifty, p. 47–48.
  177. ^James 1971, pp. 257–258.
  178. ^abButler and Buttler 2006, p. 60.
  179. ^James 1971, pp. 258–259.
  180. ^Zuk 2004, p. 145.
  181. ^"Mars to Javelin."Flight International,27 May 1955. p. 729.
  182. ^"Janusz Żurakowski 'Zura' 1914–2004, Biography of the World Famous Pilot."zurakowskiavroarrow.homestead.com.Retrieved: 23 March 2010.
  183. ^Webster, David."50 Years of Probe and Drogue Flight Refuelling cover signed Air Chief Marshal Sir Michael Knight KCB AFC FRAES, Director of Flight Refuelling Limited."the-best-of-british.com.Retrieved: 23 March 2010.
  184. ^King, H. F., 1955, p. 729.
  185. ^abcdefghiJames 1987, pp. 357–358.
  186. ^James 1987, p. 251.
  187. ^"Know how from the Trent."Flight International,1947. p. 79, 82.
  188. ^Smith, Maurice A."Trent Meteor In the Air."Flight International,18 March 1948. p. 299.
  189. ^James 1987, p. 252.
  190. ^abJames 1987, pp. 253–257.
  191. ^James 1987, pp. 257–264.
  192. ^James 1987, p. 264.
  193. ^Page 65 'The Gloster Meteor'by Edward Shacklady.
  194. ^Page 129'Wings of Fame' Volume 15.
  195. ^"Jet Pilot Flies on His Stomach in British Experiment."Popular Mechanics,July 1954, p. 139.
  196. ^"N.G.T.E. METEOR".Flight.Vol. 72, no. 2553. 27 December 1957. p. 985.Retrieved12 March2019.
  197. ^abcJames 1987, pp. 300–302.
  198. ^James 1987, pp. 302–303.
  199. ^James 1987, pp. 283–286.
  200. ^Cicaleso, del Gaizo and Rivas 2003, p. 69.
  201. ^WilliamsAeroplane MonthlyJuly 1995, pp. 46–47.
  202. ^Schrøder 1991, pp. 1–64.
  203. ^abcIsraDecal Studio, IAF-63, Middle East Meteors, instruction booklet
  204. ^"117 Squadron".aeroflight.co.uk.9 January 1998.
  205. ^119 Squadronaeroflight.co.uk
  206. ^107 Squadronaeroflight.co.uk
  207. ^110 Squadronaeroflight.co.uk
  208. ^Jefford 2001, p. 175.
  209. ^Caruana and Franks 2004, pp. 124–125.
  210. ^Sturtivant and Balance 1994, p. 362.
  211. ^"Planes of Fame Air Museum Receives Rare Gloster Meteor T.7".warbirdsnews.com.2 September 2020.
  212. ^"Gloster Meteor T7".20 September 2022.
  213. ^Green 2001
  214. ^Andrews 1965, p. 12.
  215. ^Lednicer, David."The Incomplete Guide to Airfoil Usage".UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group, University of Illinois.Retrieved16 April2019.


  • Aloni, Shlomo.Arab-Israeli Air Wars 1947–82.Osprey Publishing, 2001.ISBN1-84176-294-6.
  • Aloni, Shlomo. "The Jet Age: Gloster Meteor in Israeli Service".Air Enthusiast,Fifty, May to June 1993, pp. 38–48. Stamford, UK: Key Publishing.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Andrews, C.F. "The Gloster Meteor F.8"Aircraft in Profile, Volume 1/Part1.Windsor, Berkshire, UK: Profile Publications Ltd., 4th revised edition 1975 (first published in 1965).ISBN0-85383-410-5.
  • Ashley, Glenn.Meteor in Action.Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications Inc., 1995.ISBN0-89747-332-9.
  • Black, Ian (July–August 1999). "On Target!: A Pictorial Tribute to the Drones of RAE Llanbedr, Wales".Air Enthusiast.No. 82. pp. 40–41.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Bowyer, Chaz.Postwar Military Aircraft 2: Gloster Meteor.Shepperton, Surrey, UK: Ian Allan Ltd., 1985.ISBN0-7110-1477-9.
  • Boyne, Walter J.Air Warfare: an International Encyclopedia: M-Z.Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2002.ISBN1-57607-345-9.
  • Butler, Phil and Tony Buttler.Gloster Meteor: Britain's Celebrated First-Generation Jet.Hersham, Surrey, UK: Midland Publishing, 2006.ISBN1-85780-230-6.
  • Buttler, Tony.Secret Projects: British Fighters and Bombers 1935 -1950 (British Secret Projects 3).Leicester, UK: Midland Publishing, 2004.ISBN1-85780-179-2.
  • Caruana, Richard J. and Richard A. Franks.The Gloster & AW Meteor.Kingsway, Bedford, UK: SAM Publications, 2004.ISBN0-9533465-8-7.
  • Cicalesi, Juan Carlos and Santiago Rivas. "Argentina's Meteors: Latin America's first jet fighters".International Air Power Review,Volume 7, Winter 2002. pp. 120–128. Norwalk, Connecticut, USA: AIRtime Publishing.ISBN1-880588-48-X.ISSN1473-9917.
  • Cicalesi, Juan Carlos, César del Gaizo and Santiago Rivas. "Into the Jet Age: The Gloster Meteor in Argentina".Air EnthusiastNo. 104, March/April 2003, pp. 68–73. Stamford, UK: Key Publishing.ISSN0143-5450.
  • "Meteor 8".Flight.6 October 1949. pp. 465–469. Archived fromthe originalon 27 February 2017.
  • "The Gloster Meteor."Flight,25 October 1945, pp. 444–446.
  • Geoffery, G."Progress with Jet Propulsion: Details of the Meteor."Flight,19 July 1945. pp. 70–73.
  • Golly, John and Bill Gunston.Jet.Eloy Gutierrez, 2010.ISBN1-907472-00-2.
  • Goulding, James.Interceptor: RAF Single Seat Multi-Gun Fighters.London: Ian Allan, 1986.ISBN0-7110-1583-X.
  • Green, William.Warplanes of the Second World War, Vol. 2.London: Macdonald & Co Ltd, 1968, First edition 1960.
  • Green, William and Gordon Swanborough.The Great Book of Fighters.St. Paul, Minnesota: MBI Publishing, 2001.ISBN0-7603-1194-3.
  • Gunston, Bill (1988).The Illustrated Directory of Fighting Aircraft of World War II.London, UK: Salamander Book Limited.ISBN978-1-84065-092-1.
  • Harrison, W.A. "Forgotten Breed... The RAF's Last 'Shufti' Meteors".Air Enthusiast,No 93, May/June 2001, pp. 26–33. Stamford, UK: Key Publishing.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Jabber, Paul.Not by War Alone: Security and Arms Control in the Middle East.University of California Press, 1981.ISBN0-52004-050-3.
  • James, Derek N.Gloster Aircraft since 1917.London: Putnam, 1971.ISBN0-370-00084-6.
  • James, Derek N.Gloster Aircraft since 1917(2nd Edition). London: Putnam, 1987.ISBN0-85177-807-0.
  • Jefford, C.G.RAF Squadrons, A Comprehensive Record of the Movement and Equipment of all RAF Squadrons and their Antecedents since 1912.Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK: Airlife Publishing, 2001.ISBN1-84037-141-2.
  • Jones, Barry.Gloster Meteor.Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, UK: The Crowood Press Ltd., 1998.ISBN1-86126-162-4.
  • King, H. F."Mars to Javelin, Gloster aircraft of forty years".Flight,Vol. 67, No. 2418, 27 May 1955, pp. 713–731.
  • Loftin, L.K. Jr.Quest for Performance: The Evolution of Modern Aircraft.NASA SP-468. Retrieved: 22 April 2006.
  • Mason, Francis K.The British Fighter Since 1912.Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press. 1992.ISBN1-55750-082-7.
  • Nicolle, David. "Suez: The Other Side: Part Two".Air Enthusiast,No 112, July/August 2004. pp. 48–57. Stamford, UK: Key Publishing.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Nicolle, David. "Suez: The Other Side: Part Three".Air Enthusiast,No 113, September/October 2004. pp. 36–44. Stamford, UK: Key Publishing.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Nicolle, David. "Suez: The Other Side: Part Four".Air Enthusiast,No 112, November/December 2004. pp. 52–60. Stamford, UK: Key Publishing.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Nijboer, Donald.Meteor I Vs V 1 Flying Bomb, 1944.Oxford: Osprey Publishing Ltd, 2012.ISBN978-1-84908-706-3.
  • Partridge, J.J. "The Gloster Meteor F.IV"Aircraft in Profile, Volume 4.Windsor, Berkshire, UK: Profile Publications Ltd., 2nd revised edition 1970 (original in 1966).ISBN0-85383-013-4.
  • Pavelec, Sterling Michael.The Jet Race and the Second World War.Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing, 2007.ISBN0-275-99355-8.
  • Schrøder, Hans.Royal Danish Airforce.København, Denmark: Tøjhusmuseet, 1991.ISBN87-89022-24-6.
  • Shacklady, Edward.The Gloster Meteor.London: Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1962.
  • Spick, Mike.The Illustrated Directory of Fighters.Minneapolis, Minnesota: Zenith Imprint, 2002.ISBN0-7603-1343-1.
  • Spring, Ivan. "Springbok Jet Age: The Gloster Meteor III in SAAF service".Air Enthusiast,No. 55, Autumn 1994, pp. 8–12.ISSN0143-5450
  • Sturtivant, Ray.British Naval Aviation: The Fleet Air Arm, 1917–1990.Naval Institute Press, 1990.ISBN0-87021-026-2.
  • Sturtivant, Ray and Theo Ballance.The Squadrons of the Fleet Air Arm.Tonbridge, Kent, UK: Air-Britain (Historians) Ltd, 1994.ISBN0-85130-223-8.
  • Warnes, Alan (March–April 1999). "Hatzerim Album: Spitfires and Meteors at the Israeli Defence Force Museum".Air Enthusiast.No. 80. pp. 76–77.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Williams, Ray. "The Night-Fighting Meteor".Air Enthusiast,Twenty-five, August–November 1984, pp. 44–59. Bromley, Kent, UK: Fine Scroll.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Williams, Ray. "Meteor Night Fighters: Part One".Aeroplane Monthly,April 1995, Vol. 23, No 4, Issue No. 264, pp. 6–10.
  • Williams, Ray. "Meteor Night Fighters: Part Two".Aeroplane Monthly,May 1995, Vol. 23, No 5, Issue No. 265, pp. 18–22.
  • Williams, Ray. "Meteor Night Fighters: Part Three".Aeroplane Monthly,June 1995, Vol. 23, No 6, Issue No. 266, pp. 10–24.
  • Williams, Ray. "Meteor Night Fighters: Part Four".Aeroplane Monthly,July 1995, Vol. 24 No 1, Issue No. 267, pp. 42–47.
  • Yonay, Ehud.No Margin for Error: The Making of the Israeli Air Force.New York: Pantheon Books, 1993.ISBN978-0-679-41563-3.
  • Young, Michael G. "Prone Meteor."Aviation News,Vol. 13, No. 22, 22 March–4 April 1985.
  • Zuk, Bill.Janusz Zurakowski: Legends in the Sky.St. Catharine's, Ontario: Vanwell, 2004.ISBN1-55125-083-7.
External videos
video iconNews coverage of Meteor world record, 1945
video iconMeteor in flight in Australia, 2012
video iconFootage of Meteors during World War 2