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Good Party

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Good Party
İYİ Parti
AbbreviationİYİ Parti (official)[1]
ChairpersonMüsavat Dervişoğlu
General SecretaryUğur Poyraz
SpokespersonSelcan Hamşıoğlu[tr]
Parliamentary LeaderMüsavat Dervişoğlu[2]
TreasurerErsin Beyaz[tr]
Founded25 October 2017(2017-10-25)
Split fromNationalist Movement Party[3]
Headquarters2120. Cadde No: 9
Çankaya, Ankara
Youth wingGood Youth
Political positionCentre-right[15]toright-wing[A][16]
National affiliationNation Alliance
European affiliationAlliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
(in theCouncil of Europe)[17]
SloganTürkiye İYİ olacak!
( "Turkey Will Be Good!" )
Grand National Assembly
34 / 600
1 / 51
20 / 922
Belde Municipalities
7 / 388
Party flag
Flag of the İyi Party
iyiparti.org.trEdit this at Wikidata

^A:The party has also been consideredcentrist[18]by some sources.

TheGood Party[19](Turkish:İyi Parti)[20]is anationalistandKemalistpolitical partyinTurkey,[26]established on 25 October 2017 byMeral Akşener.The party's name and flag is a reference to thetamgaof theKayı tribe.

The party was formed as a result in a split by prominent former members of Turkey'sNationalist Movement Party(MHP) and later joined by some former members of the main oppositionRepublican People's Party(CHP). The party's founder and chairperson, Meral Akşener, and its deputy chairperson,Koray Aydın,are both former members of the MHP before establishing the party. Plans to form a new party emerged amongst prominent MHP defectors after the MHP's support for a 'Yes' vote in the controversial2017 constitutional referendum,as well asa failed attemptto unseat the party's governing leader. In addition to endorsing a more moderatecivic nationalismas opposed to the ardentethnic nationalismof the MHP, the party runs on ananti-establishmentplatform criticising both the governing and opposition parties in Turkey for their ineffectiveness.[27][28]The party describes itself as being in the centre of political spectrum though third-party sources have described the party as beingcentre-right[33]or on theright-wingof the political spectrum.[39]

It puts a particular emphasis on the restoration of theparliamentary systemand the integrity of the judiciary and other institutions.[5][40]The party has been widely described as ananti-Erdoğanistalternative for right-leaning voters disillusioned with both theNationalist Movement Party(MHP) and the governingJustice and Development Party(AKP).[41][42][43]



MHP leadership challenge


Meral Akşener,a formerMinister of the Interiorwho served from 1996 to 1997, was a prominentmember of parliamentfrom theNationalist Movement Party(MHP) from 2007 to November 2015, having been a member of the centre-rightTrue Path Party(DYP) during her ministerial career.[44]Her relation with MHP leaderDevlet Bahçelibecame noticeably strained after Bahçeli refused to nominate her for another term asDeputy Speaker of the Grand National Assemblyafter theJune 2015 general election,a post she had held since 2007.[45]Bahçeli eventually withdrew her parliamentary nomination before theNovember 2015 snap election,resulting in her losing her parliamentary seat.[46]

The MHP, having won 16.29% of the vote and 80 seats inJune 2015,suffered a heavy defeat in theNovember snap electionwith just 11.90% of the vote and 40 seats. The loss was widely blamed on Bahçeli's refusal to consider any coalition agreement after the June 2015 election resulted in ahung parliament.[47]The significant loss resulted in MHP dissidents including Akşener launching a drive to unseat Bahçeli from the party's leadership, a process made difficult by the party's strict bylaws. Other prominent MHP dissidents who declared their candidacy for the leadership includedÜmit Özdağ,Koray AydınandSinan Oğan.Özdağ and Aydın would eventually join Akşener in forming the İYİ Party, as did prominent MHP dissident MPsYusuf Halaçoğlu,İsmail Ok[tr]andNuri Okutan[tr].[48]

MHP dissidents including Akşener hold anextraordinary congress,eventually nullified by the courts

With several MHP delegates supporting the dissidents' drive for a fresh leadership election, Akşener and the other leadership candidates joined forces to hold a constitutional convention, claiming they had the right to do so due to surpassing the required number of delegate signatures required. The MHP leadership boycotted the congress and declared it illegal, taking the process to court. The courts eventually upheld the claim that enough signatures had been submitted and forced the MHP leadership to hold a congress.[49]In a controversial move, another court and theSupreme Electoral Council of Turkey(YSK) both struck down the ruling and asked the MHP leadership to not hold a congress.[50]The move was widely seen as an interference in the judicial process and inner-party democracy by the governingJustice and Development Party(AKP) and theMinistry of Justice,which both had an interest in keeping the increasingly cooperative Bahçeli as MHP leader and preventing Akşener from mounting a challenge to the government.[51]Akşener and several other dissidents were expelled from the party in the following months, mounting unsuccessful challenges against their suspensions. The constitutional convention held in June 2016 was annulled by the courts in January 2017.[citation needed]

2017 constitutional referendum

MHP dissidents hold a 'No' campaign event for the2017 constitutional referendum

In December 2016, the governing AKP and opposition MHP agreed to put forward a joint constitutional amendment proposal that would change Turkey'sparliamentary systeminto anexecutive presidency.The MHP's support for the proposals came as a surprise given the party's historically staunch opposition to an executive presidency.[52]Many MHP members and prominent dissidents refused to support the party leadership and began their own 'No' campaigns. Polls and dissident politicians predicted that between 70 and 90% of MHP voters would defect from their party's official position and vote 'No'.[53]

Akşener, Okutan, Halaçoğlu and Özdağ all became prominent 'No' campaigners, with many political commentators seeing the alliance as a signal of a forthcoming new political party united under Akşener's leadership.[54]The referendum was very controversial due to a last-minute change in the ballot counting procedure by theSupreme Electoral Council,causing the dissident nationalists and other 'No' campaigners to allege fraud and not recognise the results.[55]According to official results, the 'No' side lost with 48.6% of the vote to 'Yes's 51.4%, though Akşener alleged that the actual result was a victory for 'No' by a margin of 52–48%.[56]

Party preparations


Following the2017 Turkish constitutional referendum,it was announced that MHP dissidents would unite under a new party led by Akşener, with the party's official announcement expected in September or October 2017. During its preparation period, the party was touted as a 'nationalist conservative' alternative to the MHP and the AKP, while endorsing theprinciplesofMustafa Kemal Atatürk.[21]The party was also described to be strictlycentrist.During the establishment preparations, the names of 'Centrist Democrat Party'(Merkez Demokrat Parti)and 'Mainland Party'(Anayurt Partisi)were alleged to have been selected.[57][58]


İYİ Party supporters at the party's launch event, 25 October 2017
TheKayı tribeflag from which the party takes its name

The party was announced at a congress at theNâzım Hikmet Cultural CentreinAnkaraon 25 October 2017.[59]On that day, the party's name, logo and slogan were revealed to the public. Meral Akşener was formally elected as the party's first leader—unopposed, carrying all votes.[60]


The party's name, logo and slogan were immediately subject to legal challenges and controversy, with allegations that they bore resemblance toAKPAntalyaMayorMenderes Türel's2014 local electioncampaign. Türel issued a statement claiming that he owned the patents as of 24 October 2015. The AKP Mayor ofBilecik,Selim Yağcı, threatened legal action alleging that the logo was stolen from the official seal ofBilecik Province.[61]TheKayı tribeAssociation also announced legal challenges, claiming that they had the patent to the flag since 2014.[62]A former AKP mayoral candidate alleged that the party's slogan belonged to him and threatened legal challenges if the party refused to stop using it.[63]

2018 elections


The party quickly gained fivemembers of parliamentin theGrand National Assemblywho were originally elected for other parties, and numerous provincial and municipal council members that also defected from their former parties.[64]On 22 April 2018, in the run-up to general elections, a further 15MPsfrom the CHP moved to the İYİ Party following a joint agreement between the two parties. This was to allow the İYİ Party to form a parliamentary group that would be eligible to field a presidential candidate without the need to collect signatures and compete independently.[65]

Meral Akşener was the party's2018 presidential candidate,but didn't stand for election as anMP.[66]İYİ participated in theNation Alliance(Millet İtifakı) with theCHP,SP,andDPin theparliamentary election,receiving 9.96% of the vote.

2019 municipal election


Akşener continued the alliance withKılıçdaroğlu's CHP, dividing the country into regions where only CHP and İYİ candidates would run without interfering with each other.Ekrem İmamoğluandMansur Yavaşwon as joint Nation Alliance candidates for theIstanbuland Ankara municipalities respectively, however İYİ failed to capture any provincial or metropolitan mayorships for themselves.

2023 elections


In 2020, prominent İYİ member Ümit Özdağ separated from the party, forming the right wingVictory Partythe next year.

On 3 March 2023, Meral Akşener announced that she took the decision to withdraw from the Nation Alliance, and said her party would not support main opposition CHP leaderKemal Kılıçdaroğluas the joint candidate in the2023 Turkish presidential election.[67]However, on 6 March, Akşener and the Good Party rejoined the alliance after intense public criticism and after it was announced thatEkrem İmamoğluandMansur Yavaşwould be appointed vice-presidents if Kılıçdaroğlu won the presidential election.[68]

On 31 March 2023, theIstanbulheadquarters of the Good Party was targeted in a shooting attack.[69]Akşener criticized Erdoğan after the attack by saying "A political party cannot be intimidated one and a half months before an election. We are not afraid. I fear nothing but God. Mr. Recep, I am not afraid of you. But you are the president and you are responsible for every citizen in this country."[70][71]

İYİ participated in the Nation Alliance with the CHP, SP, DP,DEVA,andGPin the2023 parliamentary election,receiving 9.69% of the vote. After the election, İYİ's secretary generalUğur Poyrazdeclared the Nation Alliance dissolved.

Ideology and policies

Meral Akşenergiving her first speech as party leader, 25 October 2017

Meral Akşener describes İYİ Party as anationalist,developmentalistanddemocraticparty that is on thecentreof the political spectrum.[72][73]The media describes İYİ Party as aTurkish nationalist,conservativeandKemalistpolitical party on thecentre-rightorright-wing.[80]The party advocates for a new constitution and a parliamentary form of government and is opposed to Erdoğan'sexecutive aggrandizement.

Although the party described itself asnationalist conservativeduring its formation period, its ideology representscivic nationalismrather than the MHP's ardent ethnic nationalism.[21]It is strongly in favour of theideals and principlesof Turkey's founding president,Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.[81]The party's centrist and Kemalist stance has attracted support from some traditionally centre-leftRepublican People's Partyvoters.



Akşener employed populist andradical feministrhetoric in the early days of her party.[citation needed]In addition to her being the first woman candidate for Turkish presidency in history, Akşener put great emphasis onwomen's rights in Turkeyand made this a central plank of her presidential campaign. She announced that her movement would spark aTülbent Revolution- named after atraditionalpiece of clothing which rural Turkish women wear to partially cover their heads, but that is non-religious nor associated with political Islam. It would result in reconciliation of different lifestyles in Turkey, since according to Akşener, respect is more important than tolerance because tolerance usually describes a majority's behavior upon a minority which is not the case inTurkish society.[82][83]

Her campaign drew attention to the drastic increase of cases ofviolence against womenandrapein Turkey under the AKP administration. Akşener declared her pledge to liftgood conduct timein all cases of violence against women and rape, and instead of forcefully sending women to therapy in such cases, her party would send the perpetrator to mandatory therapy before or after serving their sentence and therapy for women would be optional.[84]She is heavily against child marriages.[84][85]Although there was an increase in participation of women in the workforce in Turkey, Akşener stated she finds this inadequate and would implementbenevolent sexismto increase participation ofwomen in workforceand to reduce thewage gap.[84]

İYİ Party does not have awomen's wing.Akşener advocated that women's wings discriminate against women. Instead İYİ Party has mandatory women's quota of 25% for all branches and candidates of her party, including the general administrative board.[86]As of 2023, İYİ party's 43 MP delegation to the Grand National Assembly contains only 5 women, which is a ratio of 11.6%.

Foreign policy


Akşener and her party has promotedpro-Europeanism,and is in favor of continuingEuropean integration of Turkeyand close relations between EU and Turkey.[10][87]However she is against a "privileged partnership" and does not refrain from criticizing the certain attitudes implemented by EU in the past process in its party program, stating that "Positive EU-Turkey relations are vital for EU as vital as they are to Turkey, butde factofreeze of the full membership process and negotiations is not only because of Turkey's inability to satisfy all the membership requirements but also because of EU's policy towards Turkey being shaped through interior fears in line with rising racist sentiment across EU in the last years. "

İYİ Party supports Turkey'sNATOmembership.[88]They opposeSweden's accession into NATO.[89]Listing the party's reservations to vote "yes" for Sweden's NATO membership, the deputy chairman of the party has stated that "Turkey's request for F-16s should be approved immediately".

Other stances


The Good Party identifies theGülen Movementas the "most serious internal threat" to national security and advocates for an effective counter-terrorism strategy against the group which have been alleged to be behind thefailed coup attemptin July 2016.[40]

The party supports thewelfare state.[90][22]

The party calls for a full adoption ofUNESCODeclaration of Animal Rights.[87]

The party supports freedom of speech, and was against the2017–2020 block of Wikipedia in Turkey.[91]

After the United States Congress voted torecognize the Armenian Genocidein 2019, party spokespersonYavuz Ağıralioğlu[tr]said, "We will retaliate against it with our decision to name our childrenEnver,CemalandTalat".[92][93]

Election results


Parliamentary elections

Election Leader Votes Seats Position Map
# % Rank # ±
2018 Meral Akşener 4,990,710 9.96 5th new Opposition
2023 5,272,482 9.69 4th Decrease0.18pp Opposition

Presidential elections

Election Candidate Votes % Outcome
Meral Akşener
3,649,030 7.29% 4th

Local elections

Election Party leader Mayoral election votes Percentage of votes Municipal councillor votes Percentage of votes Number of municipalities Number of councillors Map
2019 Meral Akşener 3,351,418 7,76% 3,142,757 7,31%



Party leaders

# Leader


Took office Left office
1 Meral Akşener


25 October 2017 27 April 2024
2 Müsavat Dervişoğlu


27 April 2024 Incumbent




# Name Mission
1 Müsavat Dervişoğlu Chairperson
2 Uğur Poyraz[tr] General Secretary
3 Enver Yılmaz[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of Political Affairs)
4 Ersin Beyaz[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of Financial Affairs)
5 Hasan Toktaş[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of the Organization)
6 Şükrü Kuleyin Deputy Chairman (Head of Corporate Relations)
7 Hakan Şeref Olgun[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of Legal and Election Affairs and Relations with Parliament)
8 Ahmet Kamil Erozan[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of International Relations)
9 Kevser Ofluoğlu Deputy Chairman (Head of Family and Social Services)
10 Ayyüce Türkeş[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of Turkish World and Foreign Organizations)
11 Cenk Özatıcı Deputy Chairman (Head of National Security and Immigration Policies)
12 Cumali Durmuş[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of Local Governments)
13 Selcan Hamşıoğlu[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of Media Promotion) and Party Spokesperson
14 Erhan Usta[tr] Deputy Chairman (Head of Economy and Development Policies)
15 Alparslan Yüce Deputy Chairman (Head of R&D-Education and Politics Academy)
16 Alper Akdoğan Deputy Chairman (Head of NGO Relations)
17 İmren Nilay Tüfekçi Deputy Chairman (Head of Social Policies)
18 Kadir Ulusoy Deputy Chairman (Head of Agricultural Policies)
19 Dursun Çolak General Secretary Assistant

Parliamentary group leaders




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  90. ^"İyi Parti - Parti Programı"(PDF).25 October 2017. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 19 June 2018.Retrieved7 March2018.
  91. ^"İyi Parti: Seçimi kazanırsak Wikipedia'yı açacağız".ABC Gazetesi(in Turkish).Retrieved2018-05-25.
  92. ^"Name children after Ottoman leaders to hit back at U.S., Turkish politician says".Ahval.Retrieved10 December2020.
  93. ^Anka News Agency [@ankahabera](30 October 2019)."Bu münasebetsizlik devam ederse tüm cihan bilsin ki kız çocuklarımız da dahil herkese Talat ismini veririz"[If this inappropriateness continues, everybody should know that we will name everyone, including our daughters, after Talat] (Tweet) – viaTwitter.
  94. ^"İYİ Parti - İYİ Parti".Retrieved8 March2024.