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Governor of Oklahoma

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Governor of Oklahoma
Kevin Stitt
since January 14, 2019
Government of Oklahoma
ResidenceOklahoma Governor's Mansion
Term lengthFour years, renewable once
Inaugural holderCharles N. Haskell
FormationNovember 16, 1907
DeputyLieutenant Governor
Salary$147,000 (2013)[1]
WebsiteOfficial websiteEdit this at Wikidata

Thegovernor of Oklahomais thehead of governmentof theU.S. stateofOklahoma.Under theOklahoma Constitution,the governor serves as the head of the Oklahomaexecutive branch,of thegovernment of Oklahoma.The governor is theex officiocommander-in-chiefof theOklahoma National Guardwhen not called intofederaluse. Despite being an executive branch official, the governor also holdslegislativeandjudicial powers.The governor's responsibilities include making yearly "State of the State" addresses to theOklahoma Legislature,submitting theannual state budget,ensuring that state laws are enforced, and that thepeace is preserved.The governor's term is four years in length.

The office was created in 1907 when Oklahoma was officially admitted to the United States as the 46th state. Prior to statehood in 1907, the office was preceded by apresidentialappointedgovernorofOklahoma Territorywith similar powers. The 28th and current governor of Oklahoma isKevin Stitt,a member of theRepublican Party.[2]



Territorial period

Abraham Jefferson Seay served as the second appointed governor of Oklahoma Territory

Before statehood in 1907, modern day-Oklahoma was composed ofOklahomaandIndian territories.While Indian Territory was semi-independent of the federal government as Indian nations land, Oklahoma Territory was anorganized territoryunder the supervision of theUnited States Congress.Within the Oklahoma Territory, atripartite governmentexisted, including a territorial legislature, a territorial supreme court, and a territorial governor.

Thepresident of the United Statesappointed territorial governors to four-year terms.[3]Despite a set term, the governor served at the pleasure of the U.S. president, meaning that the president could replace him before his term was up.

The governor was the head of the territorial government. He had the power to veto legislation proposed by the territorial legislature and the power to appoint members to his cabinet, who in turn had to be ratified by territorial lawmakers. The governor had the power to appoint justices to the territorial high court. The governor was responsible to the U.S. president on addressing issues in the territory and served as the representative as thefederal government of the United States.He was also thecommander-in-chiefof the territorial militia.

George Washington Steeleserved as the first governor of Oklahoma Territory.[3]He vetoed the territorial legislature's attempts to move the state capital from Guthrie toOklahoma Cityor Kingfisher. He was instrumental in the establishment of two universities that would become theUniversity of OklahomaandOklahoma State University.After only seventeen months in office, Steele resigned effective October 18, 1891. In his place, President Benjamin Harrison appointedAbraham Jefferson Seayto the governorship.Robert Martin,secretary of Oklahoma Territory, served as acting governor from October 18, 1891, until February 1892, when Seay took the oath of office.

Frank Frantzserved as the final governor of Oklahoma Territory.[4]He was an unsuccessful candidate for governor in the first state gubernatorial election.[4]



After theOklahoma Constitutionwas written and accepted in 1907, the Oklahoma and Indian territories joined to form theU.S. stateofOklahoma.The office of the governor of Oklahoma replaced the office of territorial governor. The new office was similar, but designed with new restrictions, limits, and legislative and judicial oversight. It was crafted as a "weak governor system" to defend the state against abuses of power that had occurred under the territorial government.

Oklahoma's first governor,Charles N. Haskell,wielded executive power effectively, but in the first 20 years after he left office in 1911, theOklahoma Legislaturefurther limited the governor's office of its powers and impeached governorsJohn C. WaltonandHenry S. Johnston.It was not untilWilliam H. Murraytook office in 1935 that the governorship expanded its powers.

In 1927, the state legislature appropriated $75,000 for the construction of a governor's mansion and $25,000 for furnishings. In 1928, the governor and his family moved in.[5]

As Oklahoma grew and the state government expanded, the office of the governor became gradually more powerful. As more agencies were introduced, the governor gained greater indirect influence through the power of appointment.

Initially the governor was not eligible to immediately succeed himself. It was not until 1966 that Oklahoma amended the state constitution to allow the governor to serve two consecutive terms.



The governor of Oklahoma is electeddirectlyby the voters of Oklahoma during gubernatorial elections held in November during the final year of each four-year gubernatorial term. The candidate with the highest number of votes becomes governor following the election. TheOklahoma Constitutionrequires theOklahoma Legislatureto choose the governor in the case of a tie vote.

Section Three of Article VI of theOklahoma Constitutionestablishes that gubernatorial candidates must be citizens of the United States, at least 31 years old, and residents of Oklahoma for at least ten years prior to their candidacy.

Under Section Four in Article VI of theOklahoma Constitution,the governor serves a four-year term in office beginning on the second Monday in January. Section Four also states that no person may hold the office for more than two consecutive terms. On November 2, 2010, voters passed a ballot initiative to limit governors to only eight years in office in a lifetime. The initiative also set the gubernatorial term of a lieutenant governor who becomes governor upon the death of the previous governor at two years.

Former GovernorsDavid Boren(1975–1979) andDavid Walters(1991–1995) are eligible for second and third terms having only served a single term respectively.George Nigh(1963; 1979–1987),Frank Keating(1995–2003) andBrad Henry(2003–2011) are eligible for third and fourth terms respectively.

Oath of office


"I,........., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey, and defend theConstitution of the United States,and the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, and that I will not, knowingly, receive, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing, for the performance or nonperformance of any act or duty pertaining to my office, other than the compensation allowed by law; I further swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge my duties as Governor of the State of Oklahoma to the best of my ability. "

Last election

Oklahoma gubernatorial election 2022 results map.
Counties won byKevin Stitt
Counties won byJoy Hofmeister
2022 Oklahoma gubernatorial election results
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Republican Kevin Stitt 639,484 55.45% +1.12%
Democratic Joy Hofmeister 481,904 41.79% −0.44%
Libertarian Natalie Bruno 16,243 1.41% −2.03%
Independent Ervin Yen 15,653 1.36% N/A
Total votes 1,153,284 100.0% N/A

Powers and duties


Executive powers


The governor, according to theOklahoma Constitution,must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." The governor is vested with "supremeexecutive power"as the state's" Chief Magistrate "and acts as head of the executive branch of Oklahoma. The governor has the power to issueexecutive ordersthat have the effect of law. The governor is the "conservator of the peace throughout the State," making him or her the chiefpeace officerin the state. In the position of chief peace officer, the governor commandsstate and local law enforcement agencies.If law enforcement entities cannot execute the law, then the governor, acting asCommander-in-Chiefof Oklahoma'sstate militia,may call out theOklahoma National Guardto "execute the laws, protect the public health, suppress insurrection, and repel invasion." The governor is assisted in managing the military of Oklahoma by theAdjutant General of Oklahoma,an appointee of the governor.

The governor has the power to commission officers not otherwise commissioned by the law of Oklahoma and has the power of appointment. When any office at the state level becomes vacant for any reason, the governor, unless otherwise provided by law, has the power to appoint a person to fill such vacancy, who shall continue in office until the election or appointment of a successor. If the office of an Oklahoma member of theUnited States House of RepresentativesorUnited States Senatebecomes vacant the governor calls a special election to fill the remainder of the term. In the case of United States senators, the governor is empowered by the U.S. Constitution to appoint someone immediately to fill the vacant Senate seat temporarily until a special election can be held.

Within the executive branch of Oklahoma government, the governor is assisted by theLieutenant Governor of Oklahoma,theSecretary of State of Oklahoma,theAttorney General of Oklahoma,and theState Treasurer of Oklahoma,among others. While the other high level executive offices are elected directly by the people of Oklahoma, the Secretary of State is appointed by the governor with the consent of theOklahoma Senatefor a four-year term. Due to the large number of state agencies, the governor is assisted in running the government through the use of theOklahoma State Cabinet.Through the Cabinet, the Governor can address the assembled heads of Oklahoma's executive branch departments which oversee Oklahoma's agencies. A secretary appointed by the governor heads each department and carries out hisexecutive ordersthrough that department.

The governor is anex officiochair of numerous state commissions and committees, including the Oklahoma Commissioners of Land Office and theOklahoma Ethics Commission.While there are executive and state commissions of which the governor is not a member, the governor has appointment power to those entities with the advice and consent of theOklahoma Senate,such as with the Board of Regents of theUniversity of Oklahoma.

The governor is also responsible for preparing the proposedOklahoma state budgetpresented to theOklahoma Legislaturein February for the nextfiscal yearbeginning in July. After state legislators negotiate the terms of the budget with the governor, theOklahoma House of Representativesdrafts a general appropriations bill that must be approved by the legislature and signed by the governor.

Legislative and judicial powers


Like the President of the United States, the governor plays a major role in the legislative process. Every bill that is passed by both theOklahoma SenateandOklahoma House of Representatives,and every resolution requiring the assent of both chambers of the legislature, must, before it becomes a law, be presented to the governor. The governor may choose to sign it orvetoit and send it back to the legislature. The governor's veto can only be overridden by a two-thirds approval vote from each house.[6]

The governor has the power of theline-item veto,which allows them to sign part ofappropriation billsinto law, while sending appropriations items they disagree with back to the legislature. Items disapproved by the governor in this manner become void, unless the legislation is re-passed in both theOklahoma House of RepresentativesandOklahoma Senatewith a two-thirds vote in favor of overriding the veto.

Bills that are part of the governor's agenda are often drafted at the initiative of the governor or governor's staff. In annual and special messages to theOklahoma Legislature,the governor may propose legislation. The most important annual message to state lawmakers takes place in the annualState of the State address.Before a joint session of theOklahoma Legislature,the governor outlines the status of the state and legislative proposals for the upcoming year. The governor is in a strong position to influence public opinion and thereby to influence the actions of state legislators.

The governor has the power to convoke the legislature, or theOklahoma Senateonly, on extraordinary occasions. During extraordinary sessions, state legislators can only act on subjects the governor recommends for consideration. When ever a vacancy occurs within the state legislature, the governor shall issue awrit of electionto fill such vacancies. In case of a disagreement between the two houses of the legislature, at a regular or special session, the governor may adjourn them to such time as he shall deem proper, not beyond the day of the next stated meeting of the legislature. The governor may convoke theOklahoma Legislatureat or adjourn it to another place, when, in his opinion, the public safety or welfare, or the safety or health of the members require it. Such a change or adjournment must be concurred by two-thirds votes in all branches of the legislature.

The governor plays an active role within the judicial branch of Oklahoma government. Oklahoma has aJudicial Nominating Commissionconsisting of thirteen members that review all potential justices and judges of Oklahoma's appellate courts, such as theOklahoma Supreme Court,and review them to determine if they qualify to hold their respective positions. Of these thirteen members, the governor appoints six without the consent of theOklahoma Legislature.The governor's appointments serve for a term of six years each; the terms are staggered so that approximately one-third of the appointments become vacant every two years.

In the event of a vacancy upon theOklahoma Supreme Courtor on the Court of Criminal Appeals, the Judicial Nominating Committee submits three nominees to fill the vacancy to the governor andOklahoma Supreme Courtchief justice. The governor must appoint one to fill the vacancy within 60 days or the appointment is turned over to the chief justice.

The governor also possess the power to grantcommutations,pardonsandparolesfor all offenses, except cases ofimpeachment,upon such conditions and with such restrictions and limitations as he may deem proper, subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by law. The governor does not have the power to grant paroles if a convict has been sentenced to death or sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. In order to grant a pardon to an individual, he must submit the name of the individual to theOklahoma Pardon and Parole Boardcomposed of five members, three of which are appointed by the governor at the beginning of his term in office to serve a term that coincides with his own. After reviewing the applicant for clemency, and a favorable vote from the majority, the board may empower the governor to make such acts of as he deems necessary.

The governor has the power to grant after conviction,reprieves,or aleave of absencenot to exceed sixty days, without the action of the board. The governor is required to communicate to theOklahoma Legislature,at each regular session, each case of reprieve, commutation, parole or pardon, granted, stating the name of the convict, the crime of which he was convicted, the date and place of conviction, and the date of commutation, pardon, parole and reprieve.

Foreign relations


The governor, as Oklahoma's head of state, serves as the chief representative of Oklahoma to the United States and to the world. Deals between Oklahoma and foreign powers (including otherU.S. statesand the United States) are negotiated by the governor. This reflects the governor's position as the spokesman for the state and the state's interests to other state and world leaders. However, the governor may not maketreatieswith other nations or otherU.S. states,as this is prevented by theUnited States Constitution.

In discharging his duty as chief spokesman, the governor may be required to testify before theUnited States Congressor meet with thePresident of the United Statesto address national issues that may affect the state. It is the governor's responsibility to promote Oklahoma's industries to the world economy as the spokesman for industrial development within the state. Along with those responsibilities comes the role of chief promoter of Oklahoma's goods and services to foreign consumers.

As Oklahoma's head of state, the governor may travel through the country to promote Oklahoma in a general interest or travel abroad to serve as proponent of America's interests.

Emergency powers


Pursuant to theOklahoma Emergency Management Act of 2003and theCatastrophic Health Emergency Powers Act,in case a natural or man-made emergency or a catastrophic health emergency occurs or is anticipated in the immediate future, the governor gainsemergency powersto better respond to the emergency and combat the threat. Either the governor throughexecutive orderor theOklahoma Legislaturethroughconcurrent resolutionmay declare a state of emergency. Once declared, the governor may exercise additional emergency powers. At any time, the governor (through executive order) or the state legislature (through concurrent resolution) may declare an end to the state of emergency and suspend the governor's emergency powers.

Upon the declaration of an emergency, the governor is allowed a limited-form ofrule by decree.He assumes direct regulatory control over essential resources of the state. It will then be the responsibility of the governor to determine the priorities of such resources and allocate them as the governor may deem necessary. These resources include, but are not limited to, food, manpower, health and health manpower, water, transportation, economic stabilization, electric power, petroleum, gas, and solid fuel, industrial production, construction and housing.

The focus of the governor's emergency powers is to ensure the security and stability of the state. The governor receives comprehensivepolice powersin an emergency. In discharging those power to enforce laws, rules and regulations relating toemergency management,the governor assumes direct operational control of emergency management forces of the state, including theOklahoma National Guard,state police agencies, state and local health departments, as well as county sheriff's offices and local police departments. These emergency police powers extend to providing for the evacuation of the state's population from any affected or threatened area or areas within the state, regulating the conduct of civilians and the movement of pedestrians and vehicular traffic, and regulating public meetings and gatherings. The governor is responsible for providing for the care of all those regulated by their orders.

During a state of emergency, the governor is authorized to utilize the services, equipment, supplies and facilities of all departments, offices and agencies of the state to the maximum extent practicable. State, county, and local officers and personnel must cooperate with the governor in emergency management, based upon he governor's direction. Any state, county, or local official that willful fails to obey any order, rule or regulation issued by the governor may be removed from office by the governor. However, before removal, officers must receives the charges against them and have an opportunity to defend themselves. Pending the presentation of charges, the governor may suspend such officers for a period not to exceed thirty days. Any vacancy resulting from removal or suspension shall be filled by the governor until it is filled as provided by state law. However, according to theOklahoma Constitution,the governor may not remove from office the elective state executive officers, the justices of theOklahoma Supreme Court,the judges of theOklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals,and members of theOklahoma Legislature.

When carrying out the functions of emergency powers, the governor is immune from civilly liable for any loss or injury resulting from any decision, determination, order or action in the performance of the governor's assigned duties and responsibilities during a stated emergency. However, this immunity does not apply when such loss or injury is caused by the gross negligence, or willfully and unnecessarily act by the governor.

Relationship with lieutenant governor


Thelieutenant governor of Oklahomais elected at the same election as the governor, but not jointly as therunning mateof the gubernatorial candidate. Oklahoma currently has a governor and a lieutenant governor of the same party, as both GovernorKevin Stittand Lieutenant GovernorMatt Pinnellare of theRepublican Party.

The first instance of an Oklahoma governor serving alongside a lieutenant governor of a different political party began in 1963, whenRepublicanGovernorHenry Bellmonserved alongsideDemocraticLieutenant GovernorLeo Winters.Since then, there have been three more instances. In 1967, Republican GovernorDewey F. Bartlettserved alongside Democratic Lieutenant GovernorGeorge Nigh.In 1987, Bellmon served alongside Democratic Lieutenant GovernorRobert S. Kerr III.Finally, in 2002, Democratic GovernorBrad Henryserved alongside Republican Lieutenant GovernorMary Fallin.

The governor may appoint the lieutenant governor to their cabinet. For example, GovernorMary Fallinappointed Lieutenant GovernorTodd Lambto serve as her small business advocate within herCabinet– although Lamb later resigned that position due to disagreements with the Governor.

A lieutenant governor can also serve asActing Governor.When acting as the governor, theOklahoma Constitutionprovides all the powers of the governor to the lieutenant governor. This includes the power of signing orvetoinglegislation, making political appointments, calling out theOklahoma National Guard,or grantingpardons.The need for the lieutenant governor to act as the governor may be due to the governor's absence from the state, or the inability to discharge the powers and duties of the office. When acting as governor, the lieutenant governor holds the powers of the governor until the governor returns to the state or found to be able to discharge the powers and duties of the office.

Office of the Governor

Office of the Governor
Agency overview
Preceding agency
HeadquartersOklahoma State Capitol
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Employees39 unclassified
Annual budget$1.98 million
Minister responsible
Agency executive
  • Denise Northrup, Chief of Staff
WebsiteOffice of the Governor

TheOffice of the Governoris the state agency that supports the governor in the performance of gubernatorial duties. The agency consists of the governor's staff and is headed by the governor's chief of staff. Staffers are political appointees and serve at the pleasure of the governor. They work in the governor'sOklahoma State Capitoloffices inOklahoma City,the governor'sTulsaoffice and theGovernor's Mansion.

As of 2013, the agency has an annual budget of approximately $1.98 million.[7]The budget provides funding for employee salaries and benefits, operation and upkeep of the governor's offices in theOklahoma State CapitolandTulsa, Oklahoma,and the operation and upkeep of theGovernor's Mansion.



Since 1928, Oklahoma governors reside in theOklahoma Governor's Mansion.Before its construction, governors lived in various locations aroundGuthrieandOklahoma City.GovernorCharles N. Haskellset up his administration's office and his official residence within ahotelin Oklahoma City. TheOklahoma Legislatureprovided for the construction of an official residence after years of debate in 1927. The next year, in 1928, the mansion was completed.[5]

Built by an Oklahoma City architectural firm, Layton, Hicks and Forsyth, the mansion is of Dutch-Colonial style.[5]Carthagelimestonewas used so the exterior of the Mansion would complement theOklahoma State Capitol,which is located to the west of the mansion. The state legislature allocated $100,000 of state money ($75,000 for construction and $25,000 for furnishing) to the project. Two years later, another $39,000 was set aside to complete outbuildings and landscaping. Though originally having 19 rooms, today the 14,000-square-foot (1,300 m2) Mansion has 12, including a library, parlor, dining room, grand ballroom, kitchen, sunroom and five bedrooms.

The mansion also serves as an active museum. Throughout the mansion there are antiques and artwork from both museum and private collections. The museum is designed to provide a glimpse into Oklahoma's history and culture. Artists represented in oil and bronze includeN.C. Wyeth,Charles Marion Russell,Thomas Moranand Albert Beirstadt.



As per theOklahoma Constitution,if the governor is impeached, resigns, dies, leaves the state, fails to qualify or is unable to serve, thelieutenant governorfills the vacancy, either temporarily or for the remainder of the gubernatorial term.

If, during a vacancy of the office of governor, the lieutenant governor is impeached, displaced, resigns, dies, is absent from the state, or becomes incapable of performing the duties of the office, thepresident pro temporeof the state senate is the next official in the gubernatorial line of succession. TheSpeaker of the Oklahoma House of Representativesis third in line of gubernatorial succession.[8]

If the governor, lieutenant governor, senate president pro tempore, and speaker are unable to act as governor, then the next official in the line of succession becomes theemergency interim successor.As the emergency interim successor to the governor, the officer may exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the governor until a new governor is elected or until the disability is removed from the governor or higher official. However, the emergency interim successor does not inherit the title of governor, unless there is a man-made or natural emergency or disaster has occurred in the United States. TheOklahoma Legislature,byconcurrent resolution,may terminate the authority of any emergency interim successor to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the governor.

Line of succession


As provided by theOklahoma Constitutionand theOklahoma Emergency Interim Executive and Judicial Succession Act,the line of succession to the governorship is as follows:

# Office Current Officer
May succeed to governorship
Governor of Oklahoma Kevin Stitt
1 Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma Matt Pinnell
2 President Pro Temporeof the Senate Greg Treat
3 Speaker of the House of Representatives Charles McCall
May serve as Emergency Interim Successor
4 State Auditor and Inspector Cindy Byrd
5 Attorney General Gentner Drummond
6 State Treasurer Todd Russ
7 State School Superintendent Ryan Walters
8 Labor Commissioner Leslie Osborn
9 Corporation Commissioner(by length of tenure) Bob Anthony
10 Todd Hiett
11 Kim David

See also



  1. ^"CSG Releases 2013 Governor Salaries".The Council of State Governments. June 25, 2013. Archived fromthe originalon October 22, 2014.RetrievedNovember 23,2014.
  2. ^About Governor Kevin Stitt,Office of the Governor (accessed May 14, 2013)
  3. ^abBrown, Kenny L.OKLAHOMA TERRITORYArchived2011-11-14 at theWayback Machine,Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and CultureArchived2010-05-31 at theWayback Machine.(accessed May 12, 2013)
  4. ^abEverett, Dianna. "FRANTZ, FRANK (1872-1941)Archived2010-07-18 at theWayback Machine,"Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and CultureArchived2010-05-31 at theWayback Machine.(accessed August 12, 2013)
  5. ^abcSavage, Cynthia. "Governor's MansionArchived2013-10-30 at theWayback Machine,"Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and CultureArchived2010-05-31 at theWayback Machine(accessed May 16, 2013)
  6. ^Course of Bills,Oklahoma House of Representatives (accessed May 14, 2013)
  7. ^Executive Budget,Office of State Finance (accessed May 12, 2013)
  8. ^"[1],"Digest of State Laws - Updated/Revised Title 63 – July 2007(accessed April 19, 2017).