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Grenache noir in Viala & Vermorel
Color of berry skinNoir
SpeciesVitis vinifera
Also calledGarnatxa negre, Alicante, Cannonau, Garnacha tinta, Grenache noir (more)
Notable regionsAragon,Alella,Priorat,Roussillon,Rhône,Sardinia,Rioja
Grenache noir grapes

Grenache(/ɡrəˈnæʃ/;French pronunciation:[ɡʁənaʃ]) orGarnacha(Spanish pronunciation:[ɡaɾˈnatʃa]) is one of the most widely planted red winegrape varietiesin the world.[1]Itripenslate, so it needs hot, dry conditions such as those found inSpain,where the grape is believed to have originated. It is also grown in the Italian island ofSardinia,the south ofFrance,Australia,andCalifornia'sMonterey AVA,Paso Robles,Santa Barbara CountyandSan Joaquin Valley.

It is generally spicy, berry-flavored and soft on the palate and produces wine with a relatively highalcohol content,but it needs careful control ofyieldsfor best results. Characteristic flavor profiles on Grenache include red fruit flavors (raspberry and strawberry) with a subtle, white pepper spice note. Grenache wines are highly prone to oxidation, with even young examples having the potential to show browning (or "bricking" ) coloration that can be noticed around the rim when evaluating the wine at an angle in the glass. As Grenache ages the wines tend to take on more leather and tar flavors.[2]Wines made from Grenache tend to lackacid,tanninandcolor,and it is often blended with other varieties such asSyrah,Carignan,Tempranillo,andCinsaut.

In Spain, there are monovarietal wines made ofGarnacha tinta(red Grenache), notably in the southernAragonwine regions ofCalatayud,CarinenaandCampo de Borja,but it is also used in blends, as in someRiojawines withtempranillo.Grenache is the dominant variety in most SouthernRhône wines,especially inChâteauneuf-du-Pape,where it is typically over 80% of the blend. InAustraliait is typically blended in "GSM"blends with Syrah andMourvèdrewithold vineexamples inMcLaren Vale.In Italy, the Sardinian D.O.C. wineCannonau di Sardegnais by law 90% local Grenache (CannonauinSardinian). Grenache is also used to makeroséwines in France and Spain, notably those of theTaveldistrict in theCôtes du Rhôneand those of theNavarreregion. And the highsugar levelsof Grenache have led to extensive use infortified wines,including the redvins doux naturelsofRoussillonsuch asBanyuls,and as the basis of most Australian fortified wine.[3]


The early history of Grenache is closely linked to the lands under theCrown of Aragon.

Grenache or Garnacha (as it is known in Spain) most likely originated in the region ofAragonin northern Spain, according toampelographicalevidence.[4]Plantings probably spread from the original birthplace toCataloniaand other lands under theCrown of Aragonsuch asSardiniaandRoussillonin southern France. An earlysynonymfor the vine wasTinto Aragonés(red of Aragon). The grape is known as Cannonau in Sardinia, where it is claimed that it originated there according to recent archaeological finds,[5]and spread to other Mediterranean lands under Aragon rule.[3]Grenache, under its Spanish synonym Garnacha, was already well established on both sides of thePyreneeswhen theRoussillonregion was annexed byFrance.From there the vine made its way through theLanguedocand to the SouthernRhoneregion where it was well established by the 19th century. Despite its prevalence in nearbyNavarreand Catalonia, Garnacha was not widely planted in theRiojatill the early 20th century as vineyards were replanted following thephylloxera epidemic.[3]

Grenache was one of the first varieties to be introduced toAustraliain the 18th century and eventually became the country's most widely planted red wine grape variety until it was surpassed byShirazin the mid-1960s.[6]Early Australian Grenache was a main component of the sweet fortified wines that were the lynchpin of the early Australian wine industry. In the 19th century,California winegrowers prized the vine's ability to produce highyieldsand withstand heat anddroughtconditions. The grape was extensively planted throughout the hotSan Joaquin Valleywhere it was mainly used as a blending component for pale, sweetjug wines.In the late 20th century, theRhone Rangersmovement brought attention to the production of premiumvarietalGrenache and Rhone style blends modeled after the Grenache dominate wines ofChâteauneuf-du-Pape.[3]In the early 20th century, Grenache was one of the firstVitis viniferagrapes to be successfully vinified during the early development of theWashington wineindustry with a 1966Yakima Valleyroséearning mention in wine historianLeon AdamstreatiseThe Wines of America.[7]


The strong wood canopy of Grenache allows it to thrive in a windy climate but also makes mechanical harvesting and pruning difficult.

The Grenache vine is characterized by its strong woodcanopyand upright growth. It has good wind tolerance (which is useful with the northerlyCierzoandMistralwinds that influence the regions of Aragon and the Rhone) and has shown itself to be very suited for the dry, warm windy climate around theMediterranean.[1]The vinebudsearly and requires a longgrowing seasonin order to fully ripen. Grenache is often one of the last grapes to beharvested,often ripening weeks afterCabernet Sauvignon.The long ripening process allows thesugarsin the grape to reach high levels, making Grenache-based wines capable of substantialalcohol levels,often at least 15%ABV.[3]While the vine is generally vigorous, it is susceptible to variousgrape diseasesthat can affect the yield and quality of the grape production such ascoulure,bunch rotanddowny mildewdue to the vine's tight grape clusters. Marginal and wet climates can increase Grenache's propensity to develop these viticultural dangers. The vine's drought resistance is dependent on the type ofrootstockit is planted on but on all types of rootstocks, Grenache seems to respond favorably to some degree ofmoisture stress.[6]

Grenache prefers hot, dry soils that are well drained but it is relatively adaptable to allvineyard soiltypes. In southern France, Grenache thrives onschistandgranitesoils and has responded well to the stony soil of Châteauneuf-du-Pape with the area'sgalets roulés,heat-retentive stones. In Priorat, the crumbly schist soil of the region retains enough water to allow producers to avoidirrigationin the dry wine region. Vineyards with an overabundance of irrigation tend to produce pale colored wines with diluted flavors and excessive alcohol.[6]Older vines with low yields can increase the concentration ofphenolic compoundsand produce darker, more tannic wines such as those found in thePrioratregion of Spain where yields are often around 5-6 hectoliters/hectare (less than half a ton per acre). Yield control is intimately connected with the resulting quality of wine with yields below 35 hl/ha (2 tons/acre), such as those practiced by many Châteauneuf-du-Pape estates, producing very different wines to those with yields closer to 50 hl/ha (5 tons/acre) which is the base yield forAppellation d'origine contrôlée(AOC) wines labeled under theCôtes du Rhônedesignation.[6]The strong wood canopy of Grenache makes the vine difficult to harvest withmechanical harvestersand pruning equipment, and more labor-intensive to cultivate. In highly mechanized wine regions, such as Australia and California, this has contributed to a decline in the vine's popularity.[3]

Mutants and crosses


Over centuries, the Grenache vine has producedcolor mutationvines with berries of all range of colors. While Grenachenoiror "red" Grenache is the most well known,Grenache blancor "white" Grenache is a very important grape variety in France where it is the fourth most widely planted white variety afterUgni blanc,ChardonnayandSemillon.Like Grenache noir, it is a permitted variety in the blends of Châteauneuf-du-Pape. In Southern France and Sardinia, the mutants GrenacheRoseand Grenachegrisare also found making paleroséand lightly tinted white wines.[3]"Hairy Grenache" (Garnacha Peludaas known in Spain, andGarnatxa PeludainCatalan) is a Grenache variant evolved to grow fuzz on the underside of its leaves to protect the vine from transpiration in hot climates, "like the corresponding fuzz on rosemary or other mediterranean plants."[8]Compared to its more widely planted cousin, it produces wines lower in alcohol and higher in acidity that show spicy and savory notes more readily as they age. It was not widely replanted after phylloxera as it was not well-adapted to making the vins doux naturels (seeFortified wine) that were "all the rage" at the time.[8]The vine known asGarnacha Tintorerais a synonym for theteinturiergrapeAlicantewhich is acrossingof Grenache andPetite Bouschet.[6]In 1961, a cross between Grenache and Cabernet Sauvignon produced the French wine grapeMarselan.[9]


The thin skin and lack of coloring phenolic compounds makes Grenache a useful variety for the production of palerosé

Grenache is often used as a blending component, addingbodyand sweet fruitiness to a wine. The grape can be troublesome for the winemaker due to tendency tooxidizeeasily and lose color. To compensate for the grape's naturally low tannins and phenolic compounds, some producers will use excessively harshpressingand hotfermentationwith stems to extract the maximal amount of color and phenols from the skins. This can backfire to produce green, herbaceous flavors and coarse, astringent wine lacking the grape's characteristic vibrant fruitiness. To maintain those character traits, Grenache responds best to a long, slow fermentation at cooler temperatures followed by amacerationperiod. To curb against oxidation, the wine should berackedas little as possible. The use of newoak barrelscan help with retaining color and preventing oxidation but too much oak influence can cover up the fruitiness of Grenache.[6]

The high levels ofsugarsand lack of harsh tannins, makes Grenache well adapted to the production of fortified wines, such as thevin doux naturels(VDN) of theRoussillonregion (e.g.Rivesaltes,Banyuls,andMaury) and the "port-style "wines of Australia. In these wines, the must ferments for three days beforegrape spiritis added to the must to halt the fermentation and the conversion of sugar into alcohol. The high alcoholic proof grape spirit brings the finished wine up to 15–16% alcohol. These wines can be made in aranciostyle by being left outside in glass demi-johns (orcarboys) or wooden barrels where the wine bakes in the sun for several years until it develops amaderizedcharacter and flavors of sourraisins,nutsandcheese.These fortified VDNs and port-style wines have longevity and can be drinkable well into their third decade.[6]

Wine regions


Grenache is one of the most widely planted red wine grape varieties in the world with France and Spain being its largest principal wine regions. In the late 20th century, total acreage of Grenache in Spain has been on the decline with the vineyards being uprooted in lieu of the more fashionableTempranillo,Cabernet Sauvignon andMerlot.Between the late 1980s and 2004, Spanish plantings dropped from 420,000 acres (170,000 ha) to 203,370 acres (82,300 ha) allowing France with its 236,500 acres (95,700 ha) to assume the mantle as the world's largest source of Grenache. As of 2000, Grenache was the third most widely planted red wine grape variety in France, behind Merlot andCarignan.[3]From Frenchnurseries,Grenache has become the fourth most widely propagated vine with more than 23 millioncuttingssold since 1998 according to French ampelographerPierre Galet.[6]


While most French Grenaches are blends, varietal examples are also produced.

In France, Grenache is most widely associated with the wines of the Rhône and southern France. Its history in the Rhône can be traced to the influence ofBurgundian winemerchants in the 17-18th centuries who sought a blending variety to add body and alcohol content to their light body wines. Grenache, with its propensity for high alcohol and high yields, fit those desires nicely and was widely planted in theChâteauneuf-du-PapeandGigondasandVacqueyrasregions.[6]Today Grenache is most widely planted in theLanguedoc-Roussillonregion, widely blended with Carignan,Cinsaut,SyrahandMourvèdre.The vine also has sizable plantings in theDrômedepartment. The vine's strong, hard wood and affinity for bushvine trainingallows it to thrive in theMistralinfluenced southern Rhone regions of Châteauneuf-du-Pape and Gigondas.[3]In Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Grenache noir is the most common variety of the 13 permitted varieties, although some producers in recent years have been using a higher proportion of Mourvèdre. Grenache produces a sweet juice that can have almost a jam-like consistency when very ripe. Syrah is typically blended to provide color and spice, while Mourvèdre can add elegance and structure to the wine.[10]

The grape's thin skin and pale coloring makes it well-suited for the production of full bodied, fruitroséwines. Grenache is the principal grape behind the rosés ofTavelandLiracand plays an important role in theProvenceregion as well. In the Roussillon region, Grenache noir and itsgrisandblancmutations are used in the production of the fortifiedvin doux naturelsofRivesaltes,Banyuls,andMaury.[3]The characteristic of French Grenache-based wines depends largely on the selection of its blending partners and can range from the spicy richness associated with Châteauneuf-du-Pape to the chewy fruitiness associated with basicCôtes du Rhône Villages.Other regions with sizable plantings of Grenache include theAppellation d'origine contrôlée(AOC) regions ofMinervois,FitouandCorbières.[6]



In Spain, Grenache is known asGarnacha(GarnatxainBasqueandCatalan) and given the likely history of the grape this is most likely the grape's original name (although theRAEgives Italianvernacciaas the etymology[11]). There are several clonal varieties of Garnacha with the thin-skinned, dark coloredGarnacha Tinta(sometimes spelledTinto) being the most common. Another variety, known asGarnacha Peludaor "Hairy Grenache" due to the soft hairy texture on the underside of the vine's leaves is also found in Spain, mostly in Borja and Cariñena (Aragón). Compared to its more widely planted cousin, it produces wines lower in alcohol and higher in acidity that show spicy and savory notes more readily as they age.[8]Widely planted in northeastern and central Spain, Garnacha was long considered a "workhorse" grape of low quality suitable for blending. In the late 20th century, the success of the Garnacha-based wines fromPrioratinCatalonia(as well as the emerging international attention given to theNew WorldRhone Rangers) sparked a re-evaluation of this "workhorse" variety. Today it is the third most widely planted red grape variety in Spain (behindTempranilloand Bobal) with more than 57,907 hectares (143,091 acres) and is seen in both varietal wines and blends.

Garnacha plays a major role in thedenominación de origen protegida(DOP) wines in Aragon, Catalonia, and Navarre and thedenominación de origen calificada(DOC/DOQ) wines ofRiojaand Priorat, plus the mountainous areas just southwest ofMadrid:MéntridaandCebreros.OtherSpanish wine regionswith sizable Garnacha plantings includeCosters del Segre,Empordà,La Mancha,Madrid,Penedès,Somontano,TarragonaandTerra Alta.[3]



Aragon, believed to be the probable origin of the grape, concentrates the largest surface of Grenache (or Garnacha as it is called locally) in Spain, with 40,034 acres (16,201 ha) planted. Garnacha is the dominant variety in the region and is typically used to produce single variety wines. Even though in the mid-20th century Garnacha was considered a "workhorse" variety for large volume wines, in the last 20 years a new generation of winemakers have taken a new approach, by controlling yields, taking advantage of the old vines (from 30 to more than 100 years), and applying modern techniques in combination with old traditions to increase concentration. TheDOP of Calatayud(91% of its production is Grenache) holds the highest altitude Garnacha vineyards and is the only DOP to legally define "old vines" (35 years minimum). In theCampo de Borja DOP,30+-years-old Garnacha bush trained vines and manual harvest are common; the grapes are typically slightly raisined, jammy fruit that generates alcohol of 14-14.5%. TheCariñena DOPhas the largest surface of Garnacha vineyards in the region with 11,120 acres (4,500 ha), many of them old vines. Although many ofSomontanoDOP wines are now produced with international grape varieties, some of the oldest high altitude vineyards are still traditional Garnacha.



In Rioja the grape is planted mostly in the warmer Rioja Baja region located in the eastern expanse of the wine region. Usually blended with Tempranillo, Garnacha provides juicy fruitiness and added body. In recent years, modern Rioja producers have been increasing the amount of Garnacha used in the blend in order to produce earlier maturing and more approachable Riojas in their youth. Garnacha is also used in the pale coloredrosadosof Rioja.[3]The vine has a long history in the Navarre region where it has been the dominant red grape variety with nearly 54% of the region's vineyard planted with Garnacha.


Compared to neighboring Rioja, the Garnacha-based blends of Navarre are lighter and fruitier, meant for earlier consumption.[6]

The steep terraced hillside vineyards of Priorat are planted to nearly 40% Garnacha.



Ampelographers believe Garnacha has had a presence in thePrioratregion of Catalonia for several hundred years (possibly nearly 800 years) but since the 1990s the region's old Garnacha have garnered much attention. A wave of ambitious young winemakers rediscovered the low-yield, bush-vine trained Garnacha planted throughout thellicorella(brown schist) based soils of Priorat. This unique combination of extremely old vines (the average age in most vineyards is between 35 and 60 years) planted on steep terraces and soil produces very low yields (around 5-6 hectoliters per hectare) which makes Priorat a dense, rich concentrated and dark colored wine with noticeable tannins. The traditional Priorat wine would be almost black in color and require years ofagingbefore it would be approachable to drink. Nearly 40% of all the vineyard land in the Priorat region is planted to Garnacha, and most of the rest isCarignanbut the acreage ofCabernet Sauvignon,SyrahandMerlotincreased before 2000 as modernist producers sought to blend those varieties to add complexity. Some of these new modern style Priorats tend to show softer,blackberryfruit in their youth and over time develop notes offigsandtar.[6]



Grenache is most commonly found asCannonauin the island ofSardiniawhere it is one of the principal grapes in the isle's deeply colored, full bodied red wines that routinely maintain alcohol levels around 15%. The Sardinian D.O.C. wineCannonau di Sardegnais by law at least 90% local Grenache (Cannonau).

Grenache is also found in the regions ofSicily,Umbria(specifically inTrasimeno lakearea),MarcheandCalabria.Grenache is known under various name in Italy, likeAlicante,Tocai rosso,Guarnaccia,Bordò,andVernaccia Nera.

Other Old World regions


Grenache has been grown inIsraelsince the 19th century and was once an important grape in theAlgerian wineindustry. Today there are still some producers inMoroccoproducing Grenacherosés.[3]Sizable plantings of Grenache are also found inCyprusand scattered among theGreekislands.[6]


Grenache was one of many grape varieties introduced to Australia by James Busby.

A clone fromPerpignanarrived in Australia withJames Busbyin his 1832 collection. More significant was the introduction intoSouth Australiaof new cuttings from the South of France, by DrChristopher Rawson Penfoldin 1844. Plantings in South Australia boomed, particularly inMcLaren Vale,theBarossa ValleyandClare Valley.[4]Until the mid 20th century, Grenache was Australia's most widely planted red wine grape variety with significant plantings in the vastRiverlandregion where it was vital component in the fortified "port-style" wines of the early Australian industry. As Australian winemakers started to focus more on premium still wines, Grenache gradually fell out of favor being supplanted by Shiraz and later Cabernet Sauvignon in Australian vineyards. The late 20th and early 21st centuries saw a revival of interest in Grenache with old vine plantings in South Australia being used to produce varietal Grenache as well as a "GSM"-Grenache, Syrah and Mouvedre-blends becoming popular.[3]Varietal Grenache from the McLaren Vale is characterized by luscious richness and spicy notes while Barossa Valley Grenache is characterized by jammy, intense fruitiness.[6]

United States

A "Rhone-style" Grenache based blend from Washington State

In the early California wine industry, Grenache's high yields and alcohol level made it an ideal blending component for jug wine production. Early plantings centered in the hot central San Joaquin Valley, where the grape benefitted from its tolerance to heat and drought. It was first used to produce sweet, pale colored "white Grenache" wines similar in quality and substance toWhite Zinfandel.The late 20th century saw a revival of interest in the variety spearheaded by theRhone Rangersmovement. These producers imported newcuttingsfrom the Rhone valley for planting in the coolerCentral Coastregion for use in the production of premium varietal Grenache and Rhone style blends. Some historic old vine plantings of Grenache inMendocino Countyhas also garnered interest in recent years.[3]In the early 20th century, Grenache was one of the firstVitis viniferagrapes to be successfully vinified during the early development of theWashington wineindustry with a 1966Yakima Valleyroséearning mention in wine historianLeon Adams's treatiseThe Wines of America.Despite its long history, Grenache has been a minor grape variety in Washington but has seen an increase in plantings in recent years due to the "Rhone Ranger" movement in the state. Older plantings in theHorse Heaven HillsandColumbia GorgeAmerican Viticultural Areas(AVAs) have also begun to attract interest.[7]

South Africa


Grenache Noir came to the Cape in the 19th century but was only confirmed as such in the early 1900s by a Stellenbosch University professor. While there isn't a lot of Grenache Noir planted in South Africa at only 305 hectares in 2014, many of the 100+ Grenache based blends are proving to be very fashionable with winemakers due to South Africa's warm climate, dry land and granitic soils.[12]

Other New World wine regions


Despite being one of the world's most widely planted red grape varieties, Grenache's colonization of the New World has been limited apart from strongholds in Australia and California. The rising popularity and success of the Rhone Ranger's movement has brought greater attention to the variety and more plantings of Grenache are popping up every year in places likeMexico,Chile,Argentina,UruguayandSouth Africa.[6]


Grenache grapes
A vin doux naturel made from Grenache

Though Grenache is most often encountered in blended wines (such as the Rhone wines orGSMblends), varietal examples of Grenache do exist. As a blending component, Grenache is valued for the added body and fruitiness that it brings without added tannins. As a varietal, the grape's naturally low concentration of phenolics contribute to its pale color and lack of extract but viticultural practices and low yields can increase the concentrations of phenolic compounds. Grenache-based wines tend to be made for early consumption with its propensity for oxidation make it a poor candidate for long-termaging.However, producers (such as some examples from Châteauneuf-du-Pape and Priorat) who use low yields grown on poor soils can produce dense, concentrated wines that can benefit from cellaring.[3]The fortifiedvin doux naturelsof France and Australian "port-style" wines are protected from Grenache's propensity for oxidation by the fortification process and can usually be drinkable for two or three decades.[6]

The characteristic notes of Grenache are berry fruit such asraspberriesandstrawberries.When yields are kept in check, Grenache-based wines can develop complex and intense notes ofblackcurrants,black cherries,black olives,coffee,gingerbread,honey,leather,black pepper,tar,spices,and roasted nuts. When yields are increased, more overtly earthy and herbal notes emerge that tend to quickly fade on the palate. The very low-yielding old vines of Priorat can impart dark black fruits and notes of figs and tar with many traits similar to theItalian wineAmarone.Rosado orroséGrenaches are often characterized by their strawberry and cream notes while fortifiedvin doux nautrelsand Australian "port style" wines exhibits coffee and nuttytawny-like notes.[6]



Grenache is known under a variety of synonyms across the globe. These include: Abundante, Aleante, Aleantedi Rivalto, Aleante Poggiarelli, Alicant Blau, Alicante, Alicante Grenache, Aragones, Bois Jaune, Bordò, Cannonaddu, Cannonadu Nieddu, Cannonau, Cannonau Selvaggio, Canonazo, Carignane rosso, Elegante, Francese, Gamay del Trasimeno, Gamay Perugino, Garnaccho negro, Garnacha Comun, Garnacha negra, Garnacha Roja, Garnacha tinta, Garnatxa negra, Garnatxa Pais, Gironet, Granaccia, Granaxa, Grenache noir, Grenache rouge, Kek Grenache, Lladoner, Mencida, Navaro, Navarre, Navarre de la Dordogne, Navarro, Negru Calvese, Ranconnat, Red Grenache, Redondal, Retagliadu Nieddu,Rivesaltes,Roussillon Tinto, Roussillon, Rouvaillard, Sans Pareil, Santa Maria de Alcantara, Tentillo, Tintella, Tintilla, Tinto Menudo, Tinto Navalcarnero, Tai rosso, Toledana, Uva di Spagna,[13]and Vernatxa.[14]

See also



  1. ^abNiels Lillelund:Rhône-Vinenep. 25, JP Bøger – JP/Politikens Forlagshus A/S, 2004.ISBN87-567-7140-1.
  2. ^Wine & Spirits Education Trust (2012).Wine and Spirits: Understanding Wine QualitySecond Revised Edition, pp. 6–9. London: Wine & Spirits Education Trust.ISBN9781905819157.
  3. ^abcdefghijklmnopRobinson, Jancis, ed. (October 1, 2006).The Oxford Companion to Wine(3rd ed.).Oxford University Press.pp.297-298,333-334.ISBN978-0-1986-0990-2.
  4. ^abRadden, Rosemary."Grapes and Wines of the World".The State Library of South Australia, GPO Box 419, Adelaide SA 5001. Archived fromthe originalon August 7, 2007.RetrievedMay 5,2007.
  5. ^"È il vino sardo il più antico del mondo, prove di una specie di Cannonau di quasi tremila anni fa".December 10, 2016.
  6. ^abcdefghijklmnopqClarke, Oz; Rand, Margaret (May 7, 2007).Grapes and Wines: The Definitive Guide to the World's Great Grapes and the Wines They Make.Harvest Books. pp.91-100.ISBN978-0-1560-3291-9.
  7. ^abGregutt, Paul (October 10, 2010).Washington Wines and Wineries: The Essential Guide.University of California Press. pp.67-68.ISBN978-05-2-026138-9.
  8. ^abcRobinson, Jancis. "Garnacha Peluda".Wine Grapesp. 403, New York: HarperCollins, 2012.
  9. ^Alley, Lynn (September 30, 2007)."New French Wine Grape Arrives in US Market".The Wine Spectator.
  10. ^MacNeil, Karen (February 1, 2000).The Wine Bible.Workman Publishing. p.250.ISBN978-1-56305-434-1.
  11. ^Entry in DRAE
  12. ^"Higgo Jacobs' Top 20 South African Grenache Noirs".Explore Sideways.June 27, 2017.RetrievedJuly 19,2017.
  13. ^Maul, E.; Eibach, R. (1999)."Vitis International Variety Catalogue".Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV) of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Deichmanns Aue 29, 53179 Bonn, Germany. Archived fromthe originalon April 11, 2007.RetrievedMay 5,2007.
  14. ^Puiggròs, Josep M. (September 2013)."DE LA VERNATXA A LA GARNATXA BLANCA, EVOLUCIÓ HISTÒRICA".Dossiers Agraris(15 · La varietat garnatxa blanca). Institució Catalana d’Estudis Agraris: 7–16.doi:10.2436/20.1503.02.32.RetrievedJanuary 4,2020.