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Guido delle Colonne

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A Venetian copy of theHistoria destructionis Troiae,ca. 1325

Guido delle Colonne(inLatinGuido de Columnisorde Columna) was a 13th-centuryItalianjudge and writer,[1]who lived inMessina.He is the author of a prose narrative of theTrojan WarentitledHistoria destructionis Troiae( "History of the destruction of Troy," 1287), that was based onDe excidio Trojae historiawritten byDares PhrygiusandEphemeridos belli Trojaniwritten byDictys Cretensis.[2]

Dante(De vulgari eloquentia2.5) named Guido as a poet in the vernacular, and five poems by him inItaliansurvive.

Further reading

  • Guido delle Colonne,Historia destructionis Troiae,edited by Nathaniel Edward Griffin, Mediaeval Academy of America Publication 26, Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1936.
  • Benson, C. David,The History of Troy in Middle English Literature: Guido delle Colonne's Historia Destructionis Troiae in Medieval England,Rowman & Littlefield (1980),ISBN0-8476-6289-6
  • Carlesso, Giuliana, “La fortuna dellaHistoria destructionis Troiaedi Guido delle Colonne e un volgarizzamento finora ignoto,”Giornale storico della letteratura italiana157 (1980): 230–51.
  • Chiàntera, Raffaele,Guido delle Colonne: Poeta e storico latino del sec. XIII e il problema della lingua della nostra primitiva lirica d'arte,Napoli: Casa Editrice ‘Federico & Adria' di P. Federico, 1956.
  • Keller, Wolfram R.,Selves and Nations: The Troy Story from Sicily to England in the Middle Ages,Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2008.
  • Lumiansky, R. M., “The Story of Troilus and Briseida according to Benoit and Guido,”Speculum29.4 (1954): 727–33.


  1. ^Kleinhenz 2004,p. 474.
  2. ^Tolkien, J. R. R.; E. V. Gordon; Norman Davis, eds. (1967).Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford UP. p. 70.ISBN9780198114864.


  • Kleinhenz, Christopher (2004).Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia.Routledge.
  • Guido de Columnisvs Heinrich Schliemann – water courses in Aegean prehistory, article online at Luwian Studies (access date: 2 February 2017)