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Hōne Heke

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Hōne Heke and his wife Hariata, circa 1845

Hōne Wiremu Heke Pōkai(c.1807/1808 – 7 August 1850), bornHeke Pōkaiand later often referred to asHōne Heke,was a highly influentialMāorirangatira(chief) of theNgāpuhiiwi(tribe) and a war leader in northernNew Zealand;he was affiliated with the Ngati Rahiri, Ngai Tawake, Ngati Tautahi, Te Matarahurahu and Te Uri-o-Huahapū(subtribes) of Ngāpuhi.[1]Hōne Heke fought withHongi Hika,an earlier war leader of the Ngāpuhi, in theMusket Wars.Hōne Heke is considered the principal instigator of theFlagstaff Warin 1845–46.



Heke was born atPakaraka,south ofKerikeriin theBay of Islands,in 1807 or 1808. His father was Tupanapana and his mother Te Kona. He was named Heke Pōkai, after his mother's brotherPokaia.He grew up in theKaikohearea. As a youth, he attended theChurch Missionary Societyschool atKerikeriin 1824 and 1825 and came under the influence of the missionaryHenry Williams.Subsequently, he, his first wife Ono (daughter ofTe Pahi) and their two infant children were converted toChristianity.He and his wife were baptised on 9 August 1835, Heke Pōkai taking the Christian names Hoani or Hōne and Wiremu, and Ono taking the name Riria (Lydia). Hōne Heke became alay preacherin theAnglican church.Riria and the children died soon after and Heke married Hariata (Harriet) Rongo, daughter of Hongi Hika, in the Kerikeri chapel on 30 March 1837.[1]

Despite becoming a Christian, it was as a warrior and as a leader of a Māori rebellion that Hōne Heke is best known. He took part in the fighting on the beach atKororarekain 1830 that is known as theGirls' War.After that fighting he participated inTītore's expeditions to Tauranga in 1832 & 1833, and he fought with Tītore against Whiria (Pōmare II)[2]in 1837.[1]

Treaty of Waitangi


Conflicting reports survive as to when Heke signed theTreaty of Waitangi.He may have signed with the other chiefs on 6 February 1840, but in any event, he soon found the agreement not to his liking. Among other things, Heke objected to the relocation of the capital to Auckland; moreover theGovernor-in-Councilimposed a customs tariff on staple articles of trade that resulted in a dramatic fall in the number of whaling ships that visitedKororāreka(over 20 whaling ships could anchor in the bay at any time);[3]a reduction in the number of visiting ships caused a serious loss of revenue toNgāpuhi.[3]Heke and his cousin Tītore also collected and divided a levy of £5 on each ship entering the bay.[3]Pōmare IIalso felt aggrieved that he could no longer collect payment from American whaling and sealing ships that called at Otuihu across from Opua.[4]

The British representative became concerned that Heke and the Ngāpuhi chief Pōmare II flew the American Ensign.[3][5]Heke and Pomare II had listened toCaptain William Mayhew,[6]the Acting-Consul for theUnited Statessince 1840, and to other Americans talking about the successful revolt of the American colonies against England over the issue of taxation. Heke obtained anAmerican ensignfrom Henry Green Smith, a storekeeper at Wahapu who had succeeded Mayhew as Acting-Consul. After the flagstaff was cut down for a second time theStars and Stripesflew from the carved sternpost of Heke's war-canoe.[3]Letters fromWilliam Williamsrecord talks he had with Heke, and refer to American traders attempting to undermine the British both before and especially after the signing of the treaty. William Mayhew left New Zealand and Green Smith and Charles Berry Waetford then acted as unofficial American Consuls. They continued in anti-British activities, selling muskets and powder to the disaffected Māori. Waetford was later convicted and imprisoned for gunrunning, but Green Smith successfully escaped New Zealand before the Crown could arrest him.[7]

Bishop Pompallier,who led the Roman Catholic missionaries, had advised several of the leading Catholic chiefs (such as Rewa and Te Kemara) to be very wary in signing the treaty, so it is not surprising that they had spoken out against the treaty.William Colenso,theCMSmissionary printer, in his record of the events of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi commented that "After some little time Te Kemara came towards the table and affixed his sign to the parchment, stating that the Roman Catholic bishop (who had left the meeting before any of the chiefs had signed) had told him not to "write on the paper, for if he did he would be made a slave. "[8]

Following the signing of the treaty theBritishregarded the authority of the chiefs as subservient to that ofthe Crown;an interpretation which is not actually written in the Treaty of Waitangi[9]and has not born out in the courts since,[10][11]as the governor asserted the rule of law, the presence of government officials and troops had resulted in an end to the free-wheeling lawless situation that had prevailed in the North since the 1820s.

Events leading to the outbreak of the Flagstaff War


Other matters also caused dissatisfaction among the Ngāpuhi. One item involved the shifting of the capital of the new colony fromOkiatotoAucklandin 1841. Auckland had experienced a significant economic boom with the discovery of copper at Kawau island. In 1844/45 the copper was worth 7000 pounds, about a third of Auckland's total exports for that period of time. This resulted in a loss of revenue for the people of the Bay of Islands.[3]Furthermore, the imposition of government customs duties, the temporary ban on the felling ofkauritrees, and thegovernmentcontrol over the sale of land all contributed to an economic depression for the northern Māori.

The trial and execution ofWiremu Kīngi Maketūin 1842 for murder was, in the opinion ofArchdeaconHenry Williams,the beginning of Heke's antagonism to the colonial administration, as Heke began gathering support among theNgāpuhifor a rebellion against the colonial administration.[12]However it was not until 1844 that Heke sought the support ofTe Ruki Kawitiand other leaders of theNgāpuhiiwiby the conveying of ‘te ngākau’,[13]the custom observed by those who sought help to settle a tribal grievance.[14]

On 8 July 1844 the flagstaff onMaiki Hillat the north end ofKororarekawas cut down for the first time by Heke's ally Te Haratua, the chief ofPakaraka.[15]Heke himself had set out to cut down the flagstaff, but had been persuaded by ArchdeaconWilliam Williamsnot to do so.[16]As a signal of his unhappiness with the British, and encouraged by the American traders, in the space of six months Hōne Heke returned to chop the flagpole down three times.[3][15]Heke had been strongly influenced by stories of the American War of Independence.[3][17]

Battle of Kororāreka

Hōne Heke Wanted Poster (1845)

The uprising began when the flagpole was cut down for the fourth time at dawn on Tuesday 11 March 1845. A force of about 600 Māori armed with muskets, double-barrelled guns and tomahawks attackedKororareka.[18]Heke's warriors attacked the guard post, killing all the defenders, and Heke cut down the flagstaff. At the same time, possibly as a diversion,Te Ruki Kawitiand his men attacked the town ofKororareka.[19]The survivors from the 250 soldiers and settlers abandoned the town asHMSHazardbombarded Heke's warriors with cannon.[20]Heke's men then raided the town taking anything useful they could find. Heke's order that the southern part of Korororeka remain untouched resulted in the Anglican and Catholic churches being undamaged.[19]

Many Māori under the mana of the leading northern rangitira,Tāmati Wāka Nene,stayed loyal to the British government. They took an active part in the fight against Heke and tried to maintain a dialogue with the rebels in an effort to bring peace.

Heke and Nene skirmishes


After the attack on Kororareka, Heke and Kawiti and the warriors travelled inland toLake Ōmāperenear toKaikohesome 20 miles (32 km), or two days travel, from theBay of Islands.[14]Nene built a pā close to Lake Ōmāpere. Heke's pā named Puketutu,[21]was 2 miles (3.2 km) away, while it is sometimes named as "Te Mawhe" however the hill of that name is some distance to the north-east.[22]In April 1845, during the time that the colonial forces were gathering in the Bay of Islands, the warriors of Heke and Nene fought many skirmishes on the small hill named Taumata-Karamu that was between the two pās,[23]and on open country betweenOkaihauandTe Ahuahu.Heke's force numbered about three hundred men; Kawiti joined Heke towards the end of April with another hundred and fifty warriors. Opposing Heke and Kawiti were about four hundred warriors that supportedTamati Waka Neneincluding the chiefs, Makoare Te Taonui and his sonAperahama Taonui,Mohi Tawhai, Arama Karaka Pi andNōpera Panakareao.[24]

Attack on Heke's Pā at Puketutu

Storming of Hone Heke’s pā,New Zealand, on 8 May 1845

On 8 May 1845 Heke's Pā at Puketutu (Te Mawhe) was attacked by troops from the 58th, 96th and 99th Regiments with marines and aCongreve rocketunit, under the command of Lt ColWilliam Hulme.[25]

The British troops had no heavy guns but they had brought with them a dozenCongreve rockets.The Māori had never seen rockets used and were anticipating a formidable display. The first two missed their target completely; the third hit the palisade, duly exploded and was seen to have done no damage. This display gave considerable encouragement to the Māori. Soon all the rockets had been expended leaving the palisade intact.[25]

The storming parties began to advance, first crossing a narrow gulley between the lake and the pā. Kawiti and his warriors arrived at the battle and engaged with the Colonial forces in the scrub and gullies around the pā.[26]There followed a savage and confused battle. Eventually the discipline and cohesiveness of the British troops began to prevail and the Māori were driven back inside the pā. But they were by no means beaten, far from it, as withoutartillerythe British had no way to overcome the defences of the pā. Hulme decided to disengage and retreat back to the Bay of Islands.

In the battle, the British suffered 14 killed and 38 wounded. The Māori losses were 47 killed and about 80 wounded.[27]

Battle of Te Ahuahu


After the successful defence of Puketutu (Te Mawhe) Pā on the shores ofLake Omapere,in accordance with Māori custom, the pā was abandoned as blood had been spilt there, so that the place becametapu.[14][16]Hōne Heke returned to the pā he had built atTe Ahuahu.Tāmati Wāka Nenebuilt a pā atOkaihauin the days that followed that battle at Puketutu (Te Mawhe) Pā. The warriors of Heke Tāmati Wāka Nene fought several minor skirmishes with the warriors of Heke and Kawiti.[28]

The hostilities disrupted the food production and in order to obtain provisions for his warriors, in early June 1845 Heke went toKaikoheand on toPakarakato gather food supplies.[29][Note 1]During his absence one of Tāmati Wāka Nene's allies, theHokiangachief,Makoare Te Taonui,attacked and captured Te Ahuahu. This was a tremendous blow to Heke's mana or prestige, obviously it had to be recaptured as soon as possible.

Until the 1980s, histories of theNorthern Wartend to ignore the poorly documented Battle of Te Ahuahu yet it was the most significant fight of the entire war as it is the only engagement that can be described as a clear victory – not for the British forces – but for Tāmati Wāka Nene and his warriors. However, there are no detailed accounts of the action. It was fought entirely between the Māori warriors on 12 June 1845 near by Te Ahuahu at Pukenui – Hōne Heke and his warriors against Tāmati Wāka Nene and his warriors.[25]As there was no official British involvement in the action there is little mention of the event in contemporary British accounts.Hugh Carleton(1874) mentions

Heke committed the error (against the advice of Pene Taui) of attacking Walker [Tāmati Wāka Nene], who had advanced to Pukenui. With four hundred men, he attacked about one hundred and fifty of Walker's party, taking them also by surprise; but was beaten back with loss. Kahakaha was killed, Haratua was shot through the lungs.[30][Note 2]

Richard Davis also recorded that

a sharp battle was fought on the 12th inst. between the loyal and disaffected natives. The disaffected, although consisting of 500 men, were kept at bay all day, and ultimately driven off the field by the loyalists, although their force did not exceed 100. Three of our people fell, two on the side of the disaffected, and one on the side of the loyalists. When the bodies were brought home, as one of them was a principal chief of great note and bravery, he was laid in state, about a hundred yards from our fence, before he was buried. The troops were in the Bay at the time, and were sent for by Walker, the conquering chief; but they were so tardy in their movements that they did not arrive at the seat of war to commence operations until the 24th inst.![31][Note 3]

At the Battle of Te Ahuahu on 12 June 1845 Nene's warriors carried the day.[1]Heke lost at least 30 warriors and was driven from Te Ahuahu leaving Tāmati Wāka Nene in control of Heke's pā.[21]Haratua recovered from his wound. Heke was severely wounded and did not rejoin the conflict until some months later, at the closing phase of the Battle ofRuapekapeka.[16]After the battle of Te Ahuahu Heke went toKaikoheto recover from his wounds. He was visited byHenry Williamsand Robert Burrows, who hoped to persuade Heke to end the fighting.[21]In a letter to Lieutenant Colonel Despard the battle was described by Tāmati Wāka Nene as a "most complete victory over Heke".[32]

Battle of Ruapekapeka Pā


The siege ofRuapekapekabegan on 27 December 1845 and continued until 11 January 1846. This pā had been constructed byTe Ruki Kawitito apply, and improve on, the defensive design used atOhaeawai Pā;the external palisades atRuapekapekaPā provided a defence against cannon and musket fire and a barrier to attempted assaults on the pā.[16]

Over two weeks, the British bombarded the pā with cannon fire until the external palisades were breached on 10 January 1846. On Sunday, 11 January William Walker Turau, the brother ofEruera Maihi Patuone,discovered that the pā appeared to have been abandoned;[33]althoughTe Ruki Kawitiand a few of his followers remained behind, and appeared to have been caught unaware by the British assault.[34]An assaulting force drove Kawiti and his warriors out of the pā. Fighting took place behind the pā and most casualties occurred in this phase of the battle.

It was later suggested that most of the Māori had been at church as many of them were devout Christians.[25]Knowing that their enemy, the British, were also Christians they had not expected an attack on a Sunday.[14][35]The Revd. Richard Davis noted in his diary of 14 January 1846

Yesterday the news came that the Pa was taken on Sunday by the sailors, and that twelve Europeans were killed and thirty wounded. The native loss uncertain. It appears the natives did not expect fighting on the Sabbath, and were, the great part of them, out of the Pa, smoking and playing. It is also reported that the troops were assembling for service. The tars, having made a tolerable breach with their cannon on Saturday, took the opportunity of the careless position of the natives, and went into the Pa, but did not get possession without much hard fighting, hand to hand.[36]

However, later commentators cast doubt as to this explanation of the events of Sunday, 11 January as fighting continued on Sunday at theBattle of Ohaeawai.Another explanation provided by later commentators is that Heke deliberately abandoned the pā to lay a trap in the surrounding bush as this would provide cover and give Heke a considerable advantage.[37]If this is the correct explanation, then the Heke's ambush was only partially successful, as Kawiti's men, fearing their chief had fallen, returned towards the pā and the British forces engaged in battle with the Māori rebels immediately behind the pā.

In any event after four hours of battle, the Māori rebels withdrew.[34]The British forces, left in occupation of the pā, proclaimed a victory.[38]

End of the Flagstaff War


Shortly after Ruapekapeka, Heke and Kawiti met their principal Māori opponent, the loyalist chief,Tāmati Wāka Nene,and agreed upon peace. Nene went to Auckland to tell the governor that peace had been won; with Nene insisting that the British accept the terms of Kawiti and Heke that they were to be unconditionally pardoned for their rebellion.[39]

Thegovernor,George Greypresented the end of the rebellion as a British victory. Grey had no respect for the political stance that Heke assumed, saying "I cannot discover that the rebels have a single grievance to complain of which would in any degree extenuate their present conduct and... I believe that it arises from an irrational contempt of the powers of Great Britain."[40]Not withstanding this opinion, Heke and George Grey were reconciled at a meeting in May 1848 atTe Waimate mission.[41]

Legacy of Hōne Heke


The ingenious design of theOhaeawai Pāand theRuapekapekaPā became known to other Māori tribes.[42]These designs were the basis of what is now called thegunfighter pāthat were built during the laterNew Zealand Wars.[43][44][45]The capture of Ruapekapeka Pā can be considered a British tactical victory, but it was purpose-built as a target for the British, and its loss was not damaging; Heke and Kawiti managed to escape with their forces intact.[46]

Monument to Hōne Heke atKaikohe

It is clear that Kawiti and Heke made considerable gains from the war, despite the British victory at Ruapekapeka. After the war's conclusion, Heke enjoyed a considerable surge in prestige and authority. The missionary Richard Davis, writing on 28 August 1846, stated that "amongst his countrymen, as a patriot, he has raised himself to the very pinnacle of honour, and is much respected wherever he goes".[47]

Following the conflict Hōne Heke retired to Kaikohe. There, two years later, he died of tuberculosis on 7 August 1850.[48][49]The Revd. Richard Davis performed a Christian ceremony and then his second wife Hariata Rongo (a daughter of Hongi Hika)[49]and other followers who had been his bodyguards for many years, took his body to a cave nearPakaraka,called Umakitera.[50]In April 2011 it was announced by David Rankin, (of Te Matarahurahuhapū(subtribe) of the Ngāpuhi and the Hōne Heke Foundation), that the bones of Hōne Heke would be moved and buried at a public cemetery, as the land near the cave was being developed,[51]and in May 2011 he supervised the move;[52]although some Ngāpuhi questioned his right to do so.[53]

A relief sculpture of Heke can be found on theAuckland High Courtbuilding walls, and which was sculpted byAnton Teutenbergand unveiled in 1866.[54]




  1. ^Letter of Archdeacon Henry Williams to the Reverend E. G. Marsh. 18 April 1845 (p 115); Letter Mrs. Williams to Mrs. Heathcote, 5 & 8 July 1845 (p. 116) describe Heke's warriors eating the potatoes and other stores at the farm at Pakaraka.[29]
  2. ^Thomas Walker was a name adopted by Tāmati Wāka Nene.[30]
  3. ^The comment by the Revd. Richard Davis that ‘Three of our people fell’ can be assumed to be a reference to Ngāpuhi that had been baptised as Christians by the CMS mission.


  1. ^abcdRankin Kawharu, Freda (1 September 2010)."Heke Pokai, Hone Wiremu".Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand.Retrieved17 April2017.
  2. ^Ballara, Angela (30 October 2012)."Pomare II".Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand.Retrieved4 March2014.
  3. ^abcdefghCowan, James (1922)."Volume I: 1845–1864".The New Zealand Wars: a history of the Maori campaigns and the pioneering period.Wellington: R.E. Owen. pp.73–144.
  4. ^Kawiti, Tawai (October 1956)."Heke's War in the North".Te Ao Hou / The New World.p. 46.Retrieved10 October2012.
  5. ^(Moon 2001,p. 43)
  6. ^Williams, William (1974).The Turanga journals, 1840–1850.F. Porter (Ed). p. 291.
  7. ^(Moon 2001,p. 44)
  8. ^ Colenso, William(1890).The Authentic and Genuine History of the Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.Wellington: By Authority of George Didsbury, Government Printer.Retrieved2 February2013.
  9. ^"Translation of the te reo Māori text | Waitangi Tribunal".waitangitribunal.govt.nz.Retrieved5 June2020.
  10. ^Tribunal, Waitangi. "He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti The Declaration and the Treaty: The report on stage 1 of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki inquiry."Lower Hutt, New Zealand: Legislation Direct(2014).
  11. ^"Maori did not give up sovereignty: Waitangi Tribunal".Stuff.14 November 2014.Retrieved5 June2020.
  12. ^Carleton, Hugh (1874)."Vol. II".The Life of Henry Williams.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. pp. 35–43.
  13. ^"Māori Dictionary Online".John C Moorfield. 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 12 January 2013.Retrieved19 October2012.
  14. ^abcdKawiti, Tawai (October 1956)."Heke's War in the North".Te Ao Hou / The New World.pp. 38–43.Retrieved10 October2012.
  15. ^ab"...Te Haratua, Heke's second in command, led his men to cut down the flagstaff...",Te Ara
  16. ^abcdCarleton, Hugh (1874)."Vol. II".The Life of Henry Williams.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library.
  17. ^(Moon 2001,p. 42)
  18. ^Carleton, Hugh (1874)."Appendix to Vol. II.".The Life of Henry Williams.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library.
  19. ^ab"The sacking of Kororareka".Ministry for Culture and Heritage – NZ History online. 3 April 2009.Retrieved16 September2011.
  20. ^Nga Iwi o te Motu. M King. Reed (2001) p.38
  21. ^abc"Puketutu and Te Ahuahu – Northern War".Ministry for Culture and Heritage – NZ History online. 3 April 2009.Retrieved17 September2011.
  22. ^Cowan, James (1922)."Chapter 5: The First British March Inland".The New Zealand Wars: a history of the Maori campaigns and the pioneering period, Volume I: 1845–1864.Wellington: R.E. Owen. p. 42.
  23. ^Cowan, James (1922)."Chapter 5: The First British March Inland".The New Zealand Wars: a history of the Maori campaigns and the pioneering period, Volume I: 1845–1864.Wellington: R.E. Owen. p. 38.
  24. ^Cowan, James (1922)."Chapter 6: The Fighting at Omapere".The New Zealand Wars: a history of the Maori campaigns and the pioneering period, Volume I: 1845–1864.Wellington: R.E. Owen. p. 39.
  25. ^abcdRaugh, Harold E. (2004).The Victorians at war, 1815–1914: an encyclopedia of British military history.ABC-CLIO. pp.225–226.ISBN978-1-57607-925-6.
  26. ^Reeves, William Pember (1895)."F. E. Maning" Heke's War… told by an Old Chief "".The New Zealand Reader.Samuel Costall, Wellington. pp. 173–179.
  27. ^King, Marie (1992)."A Most Noble Anchorage – The Story of Russell & The Bay of Islands".The Northland Publications Society, Inc., The Northlander No 14 (1974). Archived fromthe originalon 5 October 2012.Retrieved9 October2012.
  28. ^A. H. McLintock (1966)."HEKE POKAI, Hone".An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand.Retrieved19 September2011.
  29. ^abCarleton, Hugh (1877)."Vol. II".The Life of Henry Williams.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. pp. 76–135.
  30. ^abCarleton, Hugh (1874)."Appendix to Vol. II.".The Life of Henry Williams.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. pp. 110–111.
  31. ^Coleman, John Noble (1865)."IX".Memoir of the Revd. Richard Davis.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. p. 293.
  32. ^Belich, James (2013). "I – Te Ahuahu: The Forgotten Battle".The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict.Auckland University Press.
  33. ^Carleton, Hugh (1874)."Vol. I".The Life of Henry Williams.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. p. 243.
  34. ^abTim Ryan; Bill Parham (2003).The Colonial New Zealand Wars.Grantham House, Wellington NZ.
  35. ^Kawiti, Tawai (October 1956)."Heke's War in the North".Te Ao Hou / The New World.pp. 45–46.Retrieved10 October2012.
  36. ^Coleman, John Noble (1865)."IX".Memoir of the Rev. Richard Davis.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. pp. 308–309.
  37. ^Tom Brooking (1988).Milestones – Turning Points in New Zealand History.Mills Publications. p. 69.
  38. ^"OFFICIAL DESPATCHES. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, January 17, 1846".New Zealander, Volume 1, Issue 34.24 January 1846. p. 4.Retrieved17 September2011.
  39. ^King, Michael (2003).The Penguin History of New Zealand.Penguin Books. pp. 161, 164, 184–186.ISBN978-0-14-301867-4.
  40. ^(Moon 2001,p. 157)
  41. ^"The Missionary Register".Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. 1849. p. 364.Retrieved9 March2019.
  42. ^"The Battle for Kawiti's Ohaeawai Pa",James Graham, HistoryOrb.com
  43. ^"The Modern Gun-Fighter's Pa (From notes supplied by the late Tuta Nihoniho)".New Zealand Electronic Text Collection.Retrieved28 January2015.
  44. ^"Gunfighter pā, c1845".New Zealand history online.Retrieved28 January2015.
  45. ^"Gunfighter Pa" (Tolaga Bay),Historic Places Trust website
  46. ^Ian McGibbon, The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Military History, p.373
  47. ^Coleman, John Noble (1865)."IX".Memoir of the Revd. Richard Davis.Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. p. 314.
  48. ^"The Missionary Register".Early New Zealand Books(ENZB), University of Auckland Library. 1852. pp. 279–282.Retrieved9 March2019.
  49. ^ab"The Church Missionary Gleaner, June 1851".Heke.Adam Matthew Digital.Retrieved18 October2015.
  50. ^(Moon 2001,p. 161)
  51. ^"Threat to chief's secret grave",Peter de Graaf, 6 April 2011, The Northern Advocate
  52. ^"Remains of Hone Heke moved to new plot".The New Zealand Herald.11 May 2011.Retrieved3 October2011.
  53. ^Sarah Harvey; Marika Hill (11 May 2011)."Maori chief Hone Heke's bones moved".Stuff.co.nz.Retrieved3 October2011.
  54. ^"High Court Building".Heritage New Zealand.Retrieved26 January2024.



Further reading

  • Maning, F.E.(1862).A History of the War in the North of New Zealand against the Chief Heke.(A near-contemporaneous account by aPākehā Māori,although written primarily with an aim to entertain rather than with an eye to historical accuracy)