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Hervey M. Cleckley

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Hervey Milton Cleckley
Born(1903-09-07)September 7, 1903
DiedJanuary 28, 1984(1984-01-28)(aged 80)
EducationUniversity of Georgia(BS,MD)
University of Oxford(BA)
Known forPioneer in the field ofpsychopathy
Notable workThe Mask of Sanity

Hervey Milton Cleckley(September 7, 1903 – January 28, 1984) was an Americanpsychiatristand pioneer in the field ofpsychopathy.His book,The Mask of Sanity,originally published in 1941 and revised in new editions until the 1980s, provided the first clinical description of psychopathy. He defined the term somewhat more broadly than it is understood today, as referring to somebody who behaves in a destructive manner despite lacking overt signs of psychosis or neurosis; this is reflected in the term "mask of sanity", derived from Cleckley's belief that a psychopath can appear normal and even engaging, but that the "mask" conceals amental disorder.[1] By the time of his death, Cleckley was better remembered for a vivid case study of a female patient, published as a book in 1956 and turned into a movie,The Three Faces of Eve,in 1957. His report of the case (re)popularized the diagnosis ofmultiple personality disorderin America.[2]The concept of psychopathy continues to be influential through forming parts of the diagnosis ofantisocial personality disorder,thePsychopathy Checklist,and public perception.

FilmmakerErrol Morris,who tried unsuccessfully to interview Cleckley, said in 2012/13: "He's one of the unsung 20th-century figures. He created two of the enduring myths – I would call them – of the 20th century...These ideas don't originate with Cleckley, but Cleckley popularized them, he built them up, he sold them – almost as a brand."[3][4]

Life and career


Cleckley was born inAugusta, Georgia,in the Southeastern United States.[5]His parents were William and Cora Cleckley. His younger sister, Connor Cleckley, was schooled for some time in England (e.g.Headington School, Oxford) and later married and widowed byAquilla J. Dyess,the only person ever to be granted America's highest awards for both civilian and militaryheroism(theCarnegie medaland, posthumously afterWorld War II,theMedal of Honor).[6]

Cleckley graduated from theAcademy of Richmond Countyhigh school in 1921, then graduated in 1924summa cum laudewith aBachelor of Sciencedegree from theUniversity of Georgia(UGA) inAthens,where he was a member of the varsityfootballand track and field teams.[7]Cleckley won aRhodes Scholarshipto study atOxford University,England, graduating in 1926 with aBachelor of Arts.

Cleckley then earned hisM.D.from the University of Georgia Medical School (now known as theMedical College of Georgia) in Augusta in 1929. After several years of psychiatric practice in theVeterans Administration,he became professor of psychiatry and neurology at the Medical College of Georgia and, in 1937, the chief of psychiatry and neurology at University Hospital in Augusta. In 1955, Cleckley was appointed clinical professor of psychiatry and neurology at the medical college and became founding chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior. He served as a psychiatric consultant to the Veterans Administration Hospital in Augusta and the US Army Hospital atCamp Gordon.He was a member of the forensic committee of theGroup for the Advancement of Psychiatryand a fellow of theAmerican Board of Psychiatry and Neurologyand the Society forBiological Psychiatry.He also worked in the private practice of psychiatry along with Corbett Thigpen and later also Benjamin Moss, Jere Chambers, and Seaborn McGarity.[8]His first wife was Louise Martin; after her death, he married Emily Sheftall.[9][10]



In 1941, Cleckley authored his magnum opusThe Mask of Sanity: An Attempt to Clarify Some Issues About the So-Called Psychopathic Personality.This became a landmark in psychiatriccase studiesand was repeatedly reprinted in subsequent editions. Cleckley revised and expanded the work with each edition published; the second American edition published in 1950 he described as effectively a new book (Cleckley 1988, p.vii).[11]

The Mask of Sanityis distinguished by its central thesis, that thepsychopathexhibits normal function according to standard psychiatric criteria, yet privately engages in destructive behavior. The book was intended to assist with the detection and diagnosis of the elusivepsychopathfor purposes ofpalliationand offered no cure for the condition itself. The idea of a master deceiver secretly possessed of no moral or ethical restraints, yet behaving in public with excellent function, electrified American society and led to heightened interest in both psychological introspection and the detection of hidden psychopaths in society at large, leading to a refinement of the word itself into what was perceived to be a less stigmatizing term, "sociopath".[citation needed]

Military application


In the same year as he publishedThe Mask of SanityduringWorld War II,Cleckley wrote an address warning: "In our present efforts to prepare for national defense no problem which confronts the examining boards for selective service is more pressing or more subtle than that of the so-called psychopathic personality". He argued such soldiers were likely to fail, be disorganized, and be a drain on time and resources. He recommended routinely checking for past encounters withlaw enforcementor drinking alcohol until incapacitated.[12][13]InThe Mask of Sanity,under a subsection entitled "Not as single spies but in battalions", and further detailed in the appendix, Cleckley describes a survey he and others conducted between 1937 and 1939 at a largefederalVeterans Administration (VA) hospital on the southeastern seaboard, where he worked as one of the psychiatrists for the ex-servicemen who were mainly veterans of World War I. Cleckley critiques the "benign policy" of the VA of not diagnosing more psychopathic personalities due to giving the benefit of the doubt to issues such asneurasthenia,hysteria,psychasthenia,posttraumatic neuroses,orcerebral traumafrom skull injuries andconcussions.He concludes that psychopathic personalities have "records of the utmost folly and misery and idleness over many years" and if considering also the number in every community who are protected by relatives, "theprevalenceof this disorder is seen to be appalling. "

Semantic theory


Cleckley consistently described the hypothesized central deficit in psychopathy as "semantic" (the 'meaning' of things), early on referring to it as a "semanticdementia"or" dysergasia "(a term ofAdolf Meyer's, implying a physiological basis) and later "disorder". He explained that this did not refer to the meaning of life in an abstract sense but to the emotional substrate from which the purposes and loyalties of everyday life are formed and experienced. In using the termsemanticin this broad psychosocial sense, he referred toAlfred Korzybski's theory ofgeneral semantics.[14]However Cleckley also separately employed ananalogyto alanguage disordercalled "semanticaphasia"in explaining the distinction between the appearance of correct functioning on the surface despite an underlying deficit in meaning. This has repeatedly led to the belief that he had suggested the core abnormality is in the use of language, which he has said is a misinterpretation. Today the termsemantic dementiarefers to a specific neurodegenerative disorder involving loss ofsemantic memory,whilesemantic disordercommonly refers tosemantic pragmatic disorderassociated withautism.



Cleckley states inThe Mask Of Sanitythat "Dr. Corbett H. Thigpen,my medical associate of many years, has played a major part in the development and the revision of this work ". He also credits his and Thigpen's wives, both called" Louise ", as well as the" constant encouragement, generous help, and the major inspiration that have come from Dr. Sydenstricker to the Department of Neuropsychiatry. "Cleckley also mentions taking inspiration for the structure of his book from a work calledThe Psychology of InsanitybyBernard Hart,an English physician who also published a case study of a multiple personality.[15]

Based on Cleckley's work, but with fundamental changes, from the 1970s the psychologistRobert D. Haredevised an influential "psychopathy checklist"to assess psychopathy primarily in the criminal justice system.



Virgil P. Sydenstricker was a professor of medicine and an internationally recognized specialist inhematologyandnutrition.Articles published with Cleckley were among the first to describe an atypical form ofpellagra(now known as "niacin deficiency" ) which was then endemic in southern states.[16]In 1939 and 1941 they published on the use of nicotinic acid (niacinor vitamin B3) as a treatment for abnormal mental states and psychiatric disorders.[17][18]The studies have been erroneously used to justify the use ofmegavitamin therapyin psychiatric disorders such asschizophrenia.[19]

Coma shock therapy


Cleckley practiced the controversial "coma therapy",where psychiatric patients would be repeatedly put intocomasover several weeks through overdoses ofinsulin,metrazolor other drugs. In the wake of sometimes fatal complications, Cleckley published in 1939 and 1941 advising on theoretical grounds theprophylacticadministration of various vitamins,saltsandhormones.[20][21]In 1951, he also co-published case study research suggesting the use of electronarcosis for various conditions, a form ofdeep sleep therapyinitiated by passing an electric current through the brain, without causing seizures as inelectroconvulsive therapywhich he also used.[22][23][24]

Criminal responsibility


In 1952 Cleckley, along with Walter Bromberg a senior psychiatrist andpsychoanalyst[1],published an article on theinsanity defense.They suggested changing the wording of it to: "In your opinion, was the defendant suffering from disease of the mind and if so, was it sufficient to render him unaccountable under the law for the crime charged?" The concept of 'accountability' was intended as an alternative to a narrow definition of 'responsibility' under theM'Naghten ruleswhich requires an absence of moral knowledge of right and wrong, in effect only coveringpsychosis(delusions,hallucinations). They argued that mental illness can involve any part of the mind and that the insanity test should focus on the extent to which the accused's mind overall, due to some inner pathology 'whether obvious or masked', was unable to operate in accord with the law.[25]However, 10 years later, a chapter by Cleckley on "Psychiatry: Science, Art, and Scientism" cautioned others against a common exaggeration of the abilities of psychiatry to diagnose or treat, including in regard to criminal responsibility.[26]In that regard Cleckley expressed his agreement with a critique by Hakeem, yet Hakeem had quoted Cleckley's claims about psychopathy as an example of psychiatrists exaggerating how clear their diagnostic terms are to each other.[27]

Cleckley was a psychiatrist for the prosecution in the 1979 trial of serial killerTed Bundy,the first to be televised nationally in the United States. After interviewing Bundy and reviewing two prior reports, he diagnosed him as a psychopath. At thecompetency hearinga defense psychiatrist also argued that Bundy was a psychopath, however, he concluded that Bundy was not competent to stand trial or represent himself, while Cleckley argued that he was competent.[28][29]

Multiple personality


In 1956, Cleckley co-authored a bookThe Three Faces of EvewithCorbett H. Thigpen,his partner in private practice and colleague at the Department of Psychiatry at Georgia University. It was based on their patientChris Costner Sizemorewho Thigpen especially had treated over several years. They published a research article on the case in 1954, documenting the sessions and how they came to view it as a case of 'multiple personalities', referencingMorton Prince's earlier controversial case study ofChristine Beauchamp (pseudonym).They also discussed what is meant by 'personality' and identity, noting how it can change even in everyday senses (becoming 'a new person' or 'not himself' etc.).[30]Such a diagnosis had fallen into relative disuse in psychiatry but Thigpen and Cleckley felt they had identified a rare case, though others have questioned the use ofhypnosisand suggestion in creating some if not all of the characterization, and the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder (nowdissociative identity disorder) remains controversial despite, or because of, upsurges in diagnoses in America.[31]

The book also served as the basis for a blockbuster 1957 filmThe Three Faces of EvestarringJoanne Woodward,in whichLee J. Cobbplayed the initial treating psychiatrist and Edwin Jerome the consultant. Both Thigpen and Cleckley received writing credits and reportedly over a million dollars. In the book and film 'Eve' is cured of her alternate personalities, but Sizemore states that she was not free of them until many years later. She also alleges that she was not aware the session reports would be published outside of medical circles, or that she was signing over rights to her life story forever (for $3 for the book rights toMcGraw-Hillwhich sold 2 million copies and $5000 for the visual rights[32](relatives received $2000)). She fought unsuccessfully to stop the publication of videos of her treatment sessions, but in 1989 successfully sued the film studio20th Century Foxwhen it wanted to make aparodyremake of its film and tried to use a 1956 contract she had signed, without legal representation via Thigpen, to preventSissy SpacekoptioningSizemore's own published book on her life.[31][33]When Sizemore returned to Augusta for a speaking tour in 1982, neither Thigpen nor Cleckley attended and she did not visit them, though in 2008 she described the diagnosis and treatment of her as courageous.[34]In 1984 Thigpen and Cleckley published a brief communication in an international hypnosis journal cautioning against over-use of the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder.[35]

Pathological sexuality


Cleckley also authored the 1957 bookThe Caricature of Love: A Discussion of Social, Psychiatric, and Literary Manifestations of Pathologic Sexuality.[36]Shortly after it was described by one medical reviewer as "a diatribe againsthomosexualinfluences in our culture and the Freudian doctrines that he believes support these influences. "[37]

See also



  1. ^ Meloy, J. Read (1988).The Psychopathic Mind: Origins, Dynamics, and Treatment.Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc. p. 9.ISBN978-0-87668-311-8.
  2. ^Seabrook, John (November 10, 2008)."Suffering Souls: The search for the roots of psychopathy".The New Yorker.RetrievedJuly 24,2012.
  3. ^Errol Morris and The Mask of Fatality: An Interview by Julie ClineFebruary 17, 2013.Los Angeles Review of Books.
  4. ^Errol Morris v. Janet Malcolm. The documentary filmmaker takes on the Jeffrey MacDonald murder case.By Emily Bazelon.Slate.September 13, 2012.
  5. ^Hervey Cleckley and Corbett ThigpenThe Augusta Chronicle,01/01/2000
  6. ^Featured obituary: Mrs. Connor Cleckley GoodrichArchived2016-03-04 at theWayback MachineBy Albert Ross Jr.The Augusta Chronicle,May 2002.
  7. ^Stegeman, John F.; Willingham, Robert M. Jr.Touchdown: A Pictorial History of the Georgia Bulldogs.Athens, Georgia:Agee Publishers, Inc. pp. 29–31.LCCN83070625.
  8. ^Obituary: Benjamin F. MossAugusta Chronicle, June 12, 2011.
  9. ^Between the Covers Rare Books, Inc.
  10. ^Georgia Regents University | Historical Collections and Archives, Robert B. Greenblatt, MD Library | Hervey M. Cleckley Collection,July 2014
  11. ^Cleckley, Hervey, M.D.The Mask of Insanity: An Attempt to Clarify Some Issues About the So-Called Psychopathic Personality.1988, The C. V. Mosby Co, fifth edition, p.vii: "In attempting to revise the book for the second edition (1950), I found it was impossible to do justice to the subject by minor additions, deletions, and modifications. It was necessary to write a new and much larger book."
  12. ^International Handbook on Psychopathic Disorders and the LawAlan Felthous, Henning Sass. 14 May 2012. Chapter 7: The Management of Fitness for Duty in the United States Military, Page 120
  13. ^Cleckley, H (1941). "The So-called Psychopathic Personality, With Special Emphasis on his Status in the Selective Service".Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia.30:466–472.
  14. ^Cleckley, Hervey (1942)."Semantic dementia and semi-suicide".The Psychiatric Quarterly.16(3): 521–529.doi:10.1007/BF01573914.As earlier read at the Second American Congress on General Semantics,University of Denver, Denver, Colo., August 1 and 2, 1941.Also a version published inTimemagazine?March 30, 1941
  15. ^Hart, B. (1912)."A Case of Double Personality".The British Journal of Psychiatry.58(241): 236–243.doi:10.1192/bjp.58.241.236.
  16. ^Meador, KJ; Loring, DW; Nichols, FT; Adams, RJ; Feldman, EB (1988). "Virgil Sydenstricker: special reference to niacin deficiency encephalopathy".South Med J.81(8): 1042–6.doi:10.1097/00007611-198808000-00024.PMID3043684.
  17. ^Cleckley, H. M. (1939). "Nicotinic Acid in the Treatment of Atypical Psychotic States Associated with Malnutrition".JAMA.112(21): 2107–2110.doi:10.1001/jama.1939.02800210001001.
  18. ^Sydenstricker, V. P.; Cleckley, H. M. (1941)."The Effect of Nicotinic Acid in Stupor, Lethargy and Various Other Psychiatric Disorders".Am J Psychiatry.98:83–92.doi:10.1176/ajp.98.1.83.Archived fromthe originalon August 12, 2013.
  19. ^Feldman, Elaine B. (2001)."Virgil P. Sydenstricker (1889–1964)".J. Nutr.131(9): 2231–2234.doi:10.1093/jn/131.9.2231.PMID11533259.
  20. ^Hervey, Cleckley (1941). "Prolonged Coma in Insulin Therapy of the Psychoses".Am J Psychiatry.97(4): 844–857.doi:10.1176/ajp.97.4.844.
  21. ^Lawrence, E. Geeslin; Hervey, Cleckley (1939). "Anomalies and Dangers in the Metrazol Therapy of Schizophrenia".Am J Psychiatry.96:183–191.doi:10.1176/ajp.96.1.183.
  22. ^Marion, M. Estes; Hervey, M. Cleckley (1951). "Electronarcosis in a General Hospital".Am J Psychiatry.107(11): 814–820.doi:10.1176/ajp.107.11.814.PMID14829604.
  23. ^Thigpen, CH; Cleckley, HM (1984). "Electroconvulsive therapy with enhancement by pentylenetetrazol".Am J Soc Psychiatry.4:25–27.
  24. ^Thigpen C. H. and Cleckley, H. M. "A Modern Properly Administered Electroconvulsive Treatment, 1979. Presented at the American Psychiatric Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, May 1980.
  25. ^The Medico-Legal Dilemma. A Suggested Solution.Bromberg, Walter, and Hervey M. Cleckley.The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science42.6 (1952): 729-745.
  26. ^Psychiatry and ResponsibilityEdited by Helmut Schoeck and James W. Wiggins. Princeton, N.J., 1962
  27. ^A Critique of the Psychiatric Approach to Crime and CorrectionMichael Hakeem,Law and Contemporary Problems,650-682 (Fall 1958).
  28. ^The Only Living Witness: The True Story of Serial Sex Killer Ted BundyStephen G. Michaud, Hugh Aynesworth. 19 Jul 1999
  29. ^Newspaper article from 1979
  30. ^A case of multiple personality.Thigpen, C.H. & Cleckley, H. (1954)Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,49, 135-51Full Text
  31. ^abOCR Psychology: AS Core Studies and Psychological InvestigationsPsychology Press, 2013
  32. ^15 Years After Recovery, 'Eve' Enjoys the Best of Her 22 PersonalitiesBy Ellen Futterman,St. Louis Post-Dispatch,January 6, 1989.
  33. ^Film's 'Eve' Fights to Tell Her StoryDale White,Wilmington Morning Star,July 10, 1989, Page 1D and 3D
  34. ^The Three Faces of EveOriginal entry by Susan D. Morris, University of Georgia Libraries, 08/03/2007, Last edited by NGE Staff on 03/14/2013
  35. ^Thigpen, Corbett H. (1984). "On the incidence of multiple personality disorder: A brief communication".International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.32(2): 63–66.doi:10.1080/00207148408416004.PMID6332084.
  36. ^"Open Library.org".OL6222881M.RetrievedNovember 19,2008.
  37. ^Allisin, George H. (1958). "The Caricature of Love".Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry.79(6): 735.doi:10.1001/archneurpsyc.1958.02340060133021.

Further reading
