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Hippias ofElis(/ˈhɪpiəs/;Greek:Ἱππίας ὁ Ἠλεῖος;late 5th century BC) was aGreeksophist,and a contemporary ofSocrates.With an assurance characteristic of the later sophists, he claimed to be regarded as an authority on all subjects, and lectured onpoetry,grammar,history,politics,mathematics,and much else.[1]Most current knowledge of him is derived fromPlato,who characterizes him as vain and arrogant.



Hippias was born atElisin the mid 5th-century BC (c. 460 BC) and was thus a younger contemporary ofProtagorasandSocrates.He lived at least as late as Socrates (399 BC). He was a disciple of Hegesidamus.[2]Owing to his talent and skill, his fellow-citizens availed themselves of his services in political matters, and in a diplomatic mission toSparta.[3]But he was in every respect like the other sophists of the time: he travelled about in various towns and districts ofGreecefor the purpose of teaching and public speaking. The two dialogues ofPlato,theHippias majorand theHippias minorcharacterize him as vain and arrogant. TheHippias major(the authorship of this work by Plato is sometimes doubted) concerns the question about thebeautiful,and purposely puts the knowledge and presumption of Hippias in a ludicrous light. TheHippias minordiscusses the deficiency of humanknowledge,and characterizes Hippias as ridiculously vain.[1]



Hippias was a man of very extensive knowledge, and he occupied himself not only withrhetorical,philosophical,andpoliticalstudies, but was also well versed inpoetry,music,mathematics,paintingandsculpture,and he claimed some practical skill in the ordinary arts of life, for he used to boast of wearing on his body nothing that he had not made himself with his own hands, such as hisseal-ring,hiscloak,andshoes.[4]He was credited with a lost work known as theOlympionikō̂n Anagraphḗ(Ὀλυμπιονικῶν Ἀναγραφή) which computedCoroebus's victory as occurring in 776BCand became the basis of all later lists of theOlympiadsand their victors.[5]On the other hand, his knowledge always appears superficial, he does not enter into the details of any particular art or science, and is satisfied with certain generalities, which enabled him to speak on everything without a thorough knowledge of any. This arrogance, combined with ignorance, is the main cause which provoked Plato to his severe criticism of Hippias, as the sophist enjoyed a very extensive reputation, and thus had a large influence upon the education of the youths of the higher classes.Plutarchalso criticized Hippias inTheLife of NumainParallel Liveswhen writing about the chronology of Numa's relationship withPythagoras,mentioning that the chronology was based on theOlympionikō̂n Anagraphḗand stating that Hippias had no authoritative basis on his work.[6]A mathematical discovery ascribed to Hippias is sometimes called thequadratrixof Hippias.

His great skill seems to have consisted in delivering grand show speeches; and Plato has him arrogantly declaring that he would travel toOlympia,and there deliver before the assembled Greeks anorationon any subject that might be proposed to him;[7]andPhilostratusin fact speaks of several such orations delivered at Olympia, and which created great sensation. If such speeches were published by Hippias, then no specimen has come down to us. Plato claims he wroteepic poetry,tragedies,dithyrambs,and various orations,[8]as well as works ongrammar,music,rhythm,harmony,and a variety of other subjects.[9]He seems to have been especially fond of choosing antiquarian and mythical subjects for his show speeches.Athenaeusmentions a work of Hippias under the titleSynagogewhich is otherwise unknown.[10]An epigram of his is preserved inPausanias.[11]

Natural law


Hippias is credited with originating the idea of natural law. This ideal began at first during the fifth century B.C. According to Hippias, natural law was never to be superseded as it was universal.[12]Hippias saw natural law as a habitual entity that humans take part in without pre-meditation. He regarded the elite in states as indistinguishable from one another and thus they should perceive each other as so. Because of this, he reasons, they should consider and treat each other as a society of a unanimous state. These ideas were passed on through Cynicism and Stoicism, later being the foundation for turning Roman law in legislation.[13]Along with natural law, Hippias also wrote about self-sufficiency as a binding principle. He used this principle in his teachings as he gathered knowledge in numerous subjects, so as to be never outwitted or have his reputation questioned.[14]

See also



  1. ^abChisholm 1911.
  2. ^Suda,Hippias
  3. ^Plato,Hippias major,281a, 286a; Philostratus,Vit. Soph.i. 11.
  4. ^Plato,Hippias major,285c,Hippias minor,368b,Protagoras,315c; Philostratus,Vit. Soph.i. 11.; Themistius,Orat.xxix. p. 345. d.
  5. ^Christesen, Paul (2012),"Imagining Olympia: Hippias of Elis and the First Olympic Victor List",A Tall Order: Writing the Social History of the Ancient World,Berlin: B.G. Teubner, pp. 319–356,doi:10.1515/9783110931419.319.
  6. ^"Plutarch • Life of Numa".penelope.uchicago.edu.Retrieved2023-11-25.
  7. ^Plat.Hippias minor,363
  8. ^PlatoHippias minor,368
  9. ^Plato,Hippias major,285ff; comp. Philostratus,Vit. Soph.i. 11.; Plutarch,Num.1, 23; Dio Chrysostom,Orat.lxxi.
  10. ^Athenaeus, xiii. 609
  11. ^Pausanias, v. 25
  12. ^Kainz, Howard P. (2004).Natural Law: An Introduction and Re-examination.Chicago: Open Court.ISBN0812694546.
  13. ^"Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy".Retrieved17 February2014.
  14. ^Diels, Hermann; Sprague, Rosamond Kent (1972).The Older Sophists: A Complete Translation by Several Hands of the Fragments in Die Fragmente Der Vorsokratiker.Columbia: University of South Carolina.ISBN0872205568.

