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Regions with significant populations
Hispanic America·United States·Spain·Hispanic Africa
PredominantlyRoman Catholic

The termHispanic(Spanish:hispano) refers to people,cultures,or countries related toSpain,theSpanish language,orHispanidadbroadly.[1][2]In some contexts,especially within the United States,"Hispanic" is used as anethnicormeta-ethnicterm.[3][4]

The term commonly applies toSpaniardsand Spanish-speaking (Hispanophone) populations and countries inHispanic America(the continent) andHispanic Africa(Equatorial Guineaand thedisputed territoryofWestern Sahara), which were formerly part of theSpanish Empiredue to colonization mainly between the 16th and 20th centuries. The cultures of Hispanophone countries outside Spain have been influenced as well by the localpre-Hispanic culturesor other foreign influences.

There was also Spanish influence in the formerSpanish East Indies,including thePhilippines,Marianas,and other nations. However, Spanish is not a predominant language in these regions and, as a result, their inhabitants are not usually considered Hispanic.

Hispanic culture is a set of customs, traditions, beliefs, and art forms in music, literature, dress, architecture, cuisine, and other cultural fields that are generally shared by peoples in Hispanic regions, but which can vary considerably from one country or territory to another. TheSpanish languageis the main cultural element shared by Hispanic peoples.[5][6]



The term Hispanic derives from theLatinwordHispanicus,the adjectival derivation ofHispania,which means of theIberian Peninsulaand possiblyCeltiberianorigin.[7]In English the word is attested from the 16th century (and in the late 19th century in American English).[8]

The wordsSpain,Spanish,andSpaniardare of the same etymology asHispanus,ultimately.[7]

Bustof a youngHispano-Romanman,2nd century.

Hispanuswas the Latin name given to a person from Hispania duringRoman rule.The ancient RomanHispania,which roughly comprised what is currently called theIberian Peninsula,included the contemporary states ofSpain,Portugal,parts ofFrance,Andorra,and theBritish Overseas TerritoryofGibraltar.[9][10][11]In English, the termHispano-Romanis sometimes used.[12]The Hispano-Romans were composed of people from many differentIndigenous tribes,in addition to colonists fromItalia.[13][14]Some famousHispani(plural ofHispanus) andHispaniensiswere the emperorsTrajan,Marcus Aurelius,Hadrian,Theodosius IandMagnus Maximus,the poetsMarcus Annaeus Lucanus,MartialandPrudentius,the philosophersSeneca the ElderandSeneca the Younger,and the usurperMaximus of Hispania.A number of these men, such as Trajan, Hadrian and others, were in fact descended from Roman colonial families.[15][16][17]

Here follows a comparison of several terms related toHispanic:

  • Hispaniawas the name of theIberian Peninsula/Iberia from the 3rd century BC to the 8th AD, both as aRoman Empireprovince and immediately thereafter as aVisigothic kingdom,5th–8th century.
  • Hispano-Romanis used to refer to the culture and people of Hispania, both during the Roman period and subsequent Visigothic period.[18][19][20]
  • Hispanicis used to refer to modern Spain, to the Spanish language, and to the Spanish-speaking nations of the world, particularly theAmericas.[20][21]
  • Spanishis used to refer to the people, nationality, culture, language and other things of Spain.
  • Spaniardis used to refer to the people of Spain.

Hispaniawas divided into two provinces:Hispania CiteriorandHispania Ulterior.In 27 BC, Hispania Ulterior was divided into two new provinces,Hispania BaeticaandHispania Lusitania,while Hispania Citerior was renamedHispania Tarraconensis.This division of Hispania explains the usage of the singular and plural forms (Spain, and The Spains) used to refer to the peninsula and its kingdoms in the Middle Ages.[22]

Before the marriage of QueenIsabella I of Castileand KingFerdinand II of Aragonin 1469, the four Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula—the Kingdom ofPortugal,theCrown of Aragon,theCrown of Castile,and theKingdom of Navarre—were collectively called The Spains. This revival of the old Roman concept in theMiddle Agesappears to have originated inProvençal,and was first documented at the end of the 11th century. In theCouncil of Constance,the four kingdoms shared one vote.

The termsSpainandthe Spainswere not interchangeable.[23]Spain was ageographic territory,home to several kingdoms (Christian and Muslim), with separate governments, laws, languages, religions, and customs, and was the historical remnant of the Hispano-Gothic unity.[24]Spain was not a political entity until much later, and when referring to the Middle Ages, one should not be confounded with the nation-state of today.[25]The termThe Spainsreferred specifically to a collective of juridico-political units, first the Christian kingdoms, and then the different kingdoms ruled by the same king. Illustrative of this fact is the historical ecclesiastical title ofPrimate of the Spains,traditionally claimed by theArchbishop of Braga,a Portuguese prelate.

With theDecretos de Nueva Planta,Philip Vstarted to organize the fusion of his kingdoms that until then were ruled as distinct and independent, but this unification process lacked a formal and juridic proclamation.[26][27]

Although colloquially and literally the expression "King of Spain" or "King of the Spains" was already widespread,[28]it did not refer to a unified nation-state. It was only inthe constitution of 1812that was adopted the nameEspañas(Spains) for the Spanish nation and the use of the title of "king of the Spains".[29]The constitution of 1876adopts for the first time the name "Spain" for the Spanish nation and from then on the kings would use the title of "king of Spain".[30]

1770 painting of a mixed-race family fromSpanish America.As a result of the significant mixing of populations during this time, the term "Hispanic" is often considered independent of racial background.

The expansion of theSpanish Empirebetween 1492 and 1898 brought thousands of Spanish migrants to the conquered lands, who established settlements, mainly in the Americas, but also in other distant parts of the world (as in the Philippines, the lone Spanish territory in Asia), producing a number of multiracial populations. Today, the varied populations of these places, including those with Spanish ancestry, are also designated as Hispanic.

Definitions in ancient Rome


The Latin gentile adjectives that belong to Hispania areHispanus, Hispanicus,andHispaniensis.A Hispanus is someone who is a native of Hispania with no foreign parents, while children born in Hispania of Roman parents wereHispanienses.Hispaniensismeans 'connected in some way to Hispania', as in "Exercitus Hispaniensis" ('the Spanish army') or "mercatores Hispanienses" ('Spanish merchants').Hispanicusimplies 'of' or 'belonging to' Hispania or the Hispanus or of their fashion as in "gladius Hispanicus".[31]The gentile adjectives were not ethnolinguistic but derived primarily on a geographic basis, from the toponym Hispania as the people of Hispania spoke different languages, although Titus Livius (Livy) said they could all understand each other, not making clear if they spoke dialects of the same language or were polyglots.[32] The first recorded use of ananthroponymderived from the toponym Hispania is attested in one of the five fragments, ofEnniusin 236 BC who wrote "Hispane, non Romane memoretis loqui me" ( "Remember that I speak like a Hispanic not a Roman" ) as having been said by a native of Hispania.[33][34]

Definitions in Portugal, Spain, the rest of Europe


In Portugal, Hispanic refers to something historical related to ancient Hispania (especially the terms Hispano-Roman and Hispania) or the Spanish language and cultures shared by all the Spanish-speaking countries.[35]Although sharing the etymology for the word (pt:hispânico,es:hispánico), the definition for Hispanic is different between Portugal and Spain. TheRoyal Spanish Academy(Spanish: Real Academia Española, RAE), the official royal institution responsible for regulating the Spanish language defines the terms "hispano"and"hispánico"(which in Spain have slightly different meanings) as:[36][37]


  • 1. A native ofHispania[Roman region]
  • 2. Belonging or relating toHispania
  • 3. Spanish, as applied to a person
  • 4. Of or pertaining toHispanic America
  • 5. Of or pertaining to the population of Hispanic American origin who live in the United States of America
  • 6. A person of this origin who lives in the United States of America


  • 1. Belonging or relating to ancientHispaniaor the people inhabiting the region
  • 2. Belonging or relating to Spain and Spanish-speaking countries

The modern term to identify Portuguese and Spanish territories under a single nomenclature is "Iberian", and the one to refer to cultures derived from both countries in the Americas is "Iberian-American". These designations can be mutually recognized by people in Portugal andBrazil."Hispanic" is totally void of any self-identification in Brazil, and quite to the contrary, serves the purpose of marking a clear distinction in relation to neighboring countries' culture. Brazilians may identify as Latin Americans, but refute being considered Hispanics because their language and culture are neither part of the Hispanic cultural sphere, nor Spanish-speaking world.

In Spanish, the term "hispano",as in"hispanoamericano",refers to the people of Spanish origin who live in the Americas and to a relationship to Spain or to the Spanish language. There are people in Hispanic America that are not of Spanish origin, such as Amerindians- the original people of these areas, as well as Africans and people with origins from other parts of Europe.

Like in Portugal, in the rest of Europe (and wider world) the concept of 'Hispanic' refers to historical ancient Hispania (especially the term Hispano-Roman and Hispania during the Roman Empire) or the Spanish language and cultures shared by all the Spanish-speaking countries.[38][39][40][41]

Definitions in the United States

Hispanic boy fromNew Mexico,1940 photograph.

BothHispanicandLatinoare widely used in American English for Spanish-speaking people and their descendants in the United States. WhileHispanicrefers to Spanish speakers overall,Latinorefers specifically to people ofLatin Americandescent.Hispaniccan also be used for the people and culture of Spain as well as Latin America.[42]While originally the termHispanicreferred primarily to theHispanos of New Mexicowithin theUnited States,[43]today, organizations in the country use the term as a broad catchall to refer to persons with a historical and cultural relationship with Spain regardless of race and ethnicity.[5][6]The United States Census Bureau usesHispanic or Latinoto refer toa person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race[44]and states that Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race and any ancestry.[45]

Because of the technical distinctions involved in defining "race" vs. "ethnicity", there is confusion among the general population about the designation of Hispanic identity. Currently, the United States Census Bureau defines six race categories:[46]

  • White or Caucasian
  • Black or African American
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Some Other Race

A 1997 notice by the U.S.Office of Management and BudgetdefinedHispanic or Latinopersons as being "persons who trace their origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures."[47]TheUnited States Censususes theethnonymsHispanic or Latinoto refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Hispanic culture or origin regardless of race."[44]

The2010 censusasked if the person was "Spanish/Hispanic/Latino". TheUnited States censususes theHispanic or Latinoto refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race."[44]The Census Bureau also explains that "[o]rigin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person's ancestors before their arrival in the United States. People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino or Spanish may be of any race."[48]

TheU.S. Department of TransportationdefinesHispanicas, "persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race."[5]This definition has been adopted by theSmall Business Administrationas well as by many federal, state, and municipal agencies for the purposes of awarding government contracts to minority owned businesses.[6] TheCongressional Hispanic Caucusand theCongressional Hispanic Conferenceinclude representatives of Spanish and Portuguese, Puerto Rican and Mexican descent. TheHispanic Society of Americais dedicated to the study of the arts and cultures of the Hispanic andLusitanic world.[49]TheHispanic Association of Colleges and Universities,proclaimed champions of Hispanic success in higher education, is committed to Hispanic educational success in the United States, and the Hispanic and Lusitanic world.

The U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Commissionencourages any individual who believes that he or she is Hispanic to self-identify as Hispanic.[50]TheUnited States Department of LaborOffice of Federal Contract Compliance Programsencourages the same self-identification. As a result, individuals with origins to part of theSpanish Empiremay self-identify as Hispanic, because an employer may not override an individual's self-identification.[51]

The1970 censuswas the first time that a "Hispanic" identifier was used and data collected with the question. The definition of "Hispanic" has been modified in each successive census.[52]

In a recent study, most Spanish speakers of Spanish or Hispanic American descent do not prefer the termHispanicorLatinowhen it comes to describing their identity. Instead, they prefer to be identified by their country of origin. When asked if they have a preference for either being identified asHispanicorLatino,the Pew study finds that "half (51%) say they have no preference for either term."[53]Among those who do express a preference, "'Hispanic' is preferred over 'Latino' by more than a two-to-one margin—33% versus 14%." 21% prefer to be referred to simply as "Americans". A majority (51%) say they most often identify themselves by their family's country of origin, while 24% say they prefer a pan-ethnic label such as Hispanic or Latino.[54]



TheMiguel de Cervantes Prizeis awarded to Hispanic writers, whereas theLatin Grammy Awardrecognizes Hispanic musicians, and the Platino Awards as given to outstanding Hispanic films.



Folk and popular dance and music also varies greatly among Hispanics. For instance, the music from Spain is a lot different from theHispanic American,although there is a high grade of exchange between both continents. In addition, due to the high national development of the diversenationalities and regions of Spain,there is a lot of music in thedifferent languages of the Peninsula(Catalan,GalicianandBasque,mainly). See, for instance,Music of CataloniaorRock català,Music of Galicia, Cantabria and Asturias,andBasque music.Flamencois also a very popular music style in Spain, especially inAndalusia.Spanish ballads "romances" can be traced in Argentina as "milongas", same structure but different scenarios.

On the other side of the ocean, Hispanic America is also home to a wide variety of music, even thoughLatinmusic is often erroneously thought of, as a single genre. Hispanic Caribbean music tends to favor complex polyrhythms of African origin.Mexican musicshows combined influences of mostly European and Native American origin, while traditional Northern Mexican music—norteñoandbandapolka,has influence from polka music brought byCentral Europeansettlers toMexicowhich later influenced western music. The music of Hispanic Americans—such astejano music—has influences inrock,jazz,R&B,pop,andcountry musicas well as traditional Mexican music such asMariachi.Meanwhile, nativeAndeansounds and melodies are the backbone of Peruvian and Bolivian music, but also play a significant role in the popular music of most South American countries and are heavily incorporated into the folk music of Ecuador and the tunes of Colombia, and in Chile where they play a fundamental role in the form of the greatly followednueva canción.In U.S. communities of immigrants from these countries it is common to hear these styles.Rock en español,Latin hip-hop,Salsa,Merengue,Bachata,CumbiaandReggaetonstyles tend to appeal to the broader Hispanic population, and varieties of Cuban music are popular with many Hispanics of all backgrounds.


Miguel de Cervantes Prize,most prestigious literary award in the Spanish language

Spanish-language literature and folklore is very rich and is influenced by a variety of countries. There are thousands of writers from many places, and dating from the Middle Ages to the present. Some of the most recognized writers are:



In the majority of the Hispanic countries,association footballis the most popular sport. The men's national teams of Argentina, Uruguay and Spain have won theFIFA World Cupa total six times. The SpanishLa Ligais one of the most popular in the world, known forFC BarcelonaandReal Madrid.Meanwhile, theArgentine Primera Divisiónis one of the strongest leagues in the Americas.

However,baseballis the most popular sport in some Central American and Caribbean countries (especially Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela), as well as in the diaspora in the United States. Notable Hispanic teams in early baseball are theAll Cubans,Cuban StarsandNew York Cubans.TheHispanic Heritage Baseball Museumrecognizes Hispanic baseball personalities. Nearly 30 percent (22 percent foreign-born Hispanics) ofMLBplayers today have Hispanic heritage.

Several Hispanic sportspeople have been successful worldwide, such asDiego Maradona,Alfredo di Stefano,Lionel Messi,Diego Forlán,Fernando Torres,Xavi,Andrés Iniesta,Iker Casillas,Xabi Alonso(association football),Juan Manuel Fangio,Juan Pablo Montoya,Eliseo Salazar,Fernando Alonso,Marc Gené,Carlos Sainz Sr.andCarlos Sainz Jr.(auto racing),Ángel Nieto,Dani Pedrosa,Jorge Lorenzo,Marc Márquez,Marc Coma,Nani Roma(motorcycle racing),Emanuel Ginóbili,Pau Gasol,Marc Gasol(basketball),Julio César Chávez,Saúl Álvarez,Carlos Monzón(boxing),Miguel Indurain,Alberto Contador,Santiago Botero,Rigoberto Urán,Nairo Quintana(cycling),Roberto de Vicenzo,Ángel Cabrera,Sergio García,Severiano Ballesteros,José María Olazábal(golf),Luciana Aymar(field hockey),Rafael Nadal,Marcelo Ríos,Guillermo Vilas,Gabriela Sabatini,Juan Martín del Potro(tennis).

Notable Hispanic sports television networks areESPN Deportes,Fox DeportesandTyC Sports.



The Spanish and the Portuguese took theCatholicfaith to their colonies in the Americas, Africa, and Asia; Catholicism remains the predominant religion amongst most Hispanics.[55]A small but growing number of Hispanics belong to aProtestantdenomination. Hispanic Christians form thelargest ethno-linguistic group among Christiansin the world, about 18% of theworld's Christian populationare Hispanic (around 430 millions).[56]

In the United States, some 65% of Hispanics and Latinos report themselves Catholic and 21% Protestant, with 13% having no affiliation.[57]A minority among the Catholics, about one in five, arecharismatics.Among the Protestant, 85% are "Born-again Christians"and belong toEvangelicalorPentecostalchurches. Among the smallest groups, less than 4%, are Jewish.

Countries Population Total Christians % Christian Population Unaffiliated % Unaffiliated Population Other religions % Other religions Population Source
Argentina 43,830,000 85.4% 37,420,000 12.1% 5,320,000 2.5% 1,090,000 [58]
Bolivia 11,830,000 94.0% 11,120,000 4.1% 480,000 1.9% 230,000 [58]
Chile 18,540,000 88.3% 16,380,000 9.7% 1,800,000 2.0% 360,000 [58]
Colombia 52,160,000 92.3% 48,150,000 6.7% 3,510,000 1.0% 500,000 [58]
Costa Rica 5,270,000 90.8% 4,780,000 8.0% 420,000 1.2% 70,000 [58]
Cuba 11,230,000 58.9% 6,610,000 23.2% 2,600,000 17.9% 2,020,000 [58]
Dominican Republic 11,280,000 88.0% 9,930,000 10.9% 1,230,000 1.1% 120,000 [58]
Ecuador 16,480,000 94.0% 15,490,000 5.6% 920,000 0.4% 70,000 [58]
El Salvador 6,670,000 88.0% 5,870,000 11.2% 740,000 0.8% 60,000 [58]
Equatorial Guinea 1,469,000 88.7% 1,303,000 5.0% 73,000 6.3% 93,000 [58]
Guatemala 18,210,000 95.3% 17,360,000 3.9% 720,000 0.8% 130,000 [58]
Honduras 9,090,000 87.5% 7,950,000 10.5% 950,000 2.0% 190,000 [58]
Mexico 126,010,000 94.1% 118,570,000 5.7% 7,240,000 0.2% 200,000 [58]
Nicaragua 6,690,000 85.3% 5,710,000 13.0% 870,000 1.7% 110,000 [58]
Panama 4,020,000 92.7% 3,720,000 5.0% 200,000 2.3% 100,000 [58]
Paraguay 7,630,000 96.9% 7,390,000 1.1% 90,000 2.0% 150,000 [58]
Peru 32,920,000 95.4% 31,420,000 3.1% 1,010,000 1.5% 490,000 [58]
Philippines 118,000,000 84% 85,645,362 0.04043% 43,931 15.3% 18,054,000 [59]
Puerto Rico 3,790,000 90.5% 3,660,000 7.3% 80,000 2.2% 40,000 [58]
Spain 48,400,000 75.2% 34,410,000 21.0% 10,190,000 3.8% 1,800,000 [58]
Uruguay 3,490,000 57.0% 1,990,000 41.5% 1,450,000 1.5% 50,000 [58]
Venezuela 33,010,000 89.5% 29,540,000 9.7% 3,220,000 0.8% 250,000 [58]


The image ofOur Lady of the Pillarwearing her canonical crown

Among the Spanish-speaking Catholics, most communities celebrate their homeland'spatron saint,dedicating a day for this purpose with festivals and religious services. Some Spanish-speakers in Latin America syncretize Roman Catholicism and African or Native American rituals and beliefs. Such is the case ofSantería,popular withAfro-Cubans,which combines old African beliefs in the form of Roman Catholic saints and rituals. Other syncretistic beliefs includeSpiritismandCuranderismo.[60]In Catholic tradition,Our Lady of the Pillaris considered the Patroness of theHispanic peopleand theHispanic world.[61]



While a tiny minority, there are some Muslims in Latin America, in the United States,[62]and in the Philippines. Those in the Philippines live predominantly inBangsamoro.[63]



There are also Spanish-speakingJews,most of whom are the descendants ofAshkenazi Jewswho migrated from Europe (German Jews, Russian Jews, Polish Jews, etc.) to Hispanic America, particularlyArgentina,Uruguay,Peru,andCuba(Argentina is host to the third-largest Jewish population in the Western Hemisphere, after the United States and Canada)[64][65]in the 19th century and following World War II. Many Spanish-speaking Jews also originate from the small communities of reconverted descendants ofanusim—those whose SpanishSephardi Jewishancestors long ago hid their Jewish ancestry and beliefs in fear of persecution by theSpanish Inquisitionin theIberian Peninsulaand Ibero-America. The Spanish Inquisition led to many forced conversions of Spanish Jews.

Genetic studies on the (male)Y-chromosomeconducted by theUniversity of Leedsin 2008 appear to support the idea that the number of forced conversions have been previously underestimated significantly. They found that twenty percent of Spanish males have Y-chromosomes associated with Sephardic Jewish ancestry.[66]This may imply that there were more forced conversions than was previously thought.

There are also thought to be many Catholic-professing descendants ofmarranosand Spanish-speakingcrypto-Jewsin theSouthwestern United Statesand scattered through Hispanic America. Additionally, there are Sephardic Jews who are descendants of those Jews who fled Spain to Turkey,Syria,and North Africa, some of whom have now migrated to Hispanic America, holding on to some Spanish/Sephardic customs, such as theLadinolanguage, which mixes Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic and others, though written with Hebrew and Latin characters.[67]Ladinoswere also African slaves captive in Spain held prior to the colonial period in the Americas. (See alsoHistory of the Jews in Hispanic AmericaandList of Hispanic American Jews.)

See also



  1. ^Lopez, Mark Hugo; Krogstad, Jens Manuel; Passel, Jeffrey S."Who is Hispanic?".Pew Research Center.Retrieved5 January2023.
  2. ^"Hispanidad".www.filosofia.org.Retrieved5 January2023.
  3. ^Lopez, Mark Hugo; Krogstad, Jens Manuel; Passel, Jeffrey S."Who is Hispanic?".Pew Research Center.Retrieved15 October2023.In the eyes of the Census Bureau, Hispanics can be of any race, because "Hispanic" is an ethnicity and not a race.
  4. ^Davis, Mike (1 April 1999)."Magical Urbanism: Latinos Reinvent the US Big City".New Left Review(I/234): 3–43.... 'Hispanic,' with its emphasis on Spanish-language heritage as the foundation of meta-ethnicity...
  5. ^abc"Archived: 49 CFR Part 26".U.S. Department of Transportation.Retrieved19 January2016.'Hispanic Americans,' which includes persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central or South American, or other Spanish or Portuguese culture or origin, regardless of race; "
  6. ^abc"SOP 80 05 3A: Overview of the 8(A) Business Development Program"(PDF).U.S. Small Business Administration.11 April 2008. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 6 October 2016.Retrieved19 January2016.SBA has defined 'Hispanic American' as an individual whose ancestry and culture are rooted in South America, Central America, Mexico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, or the Iberian Peninsula, including Spain and Portugal.
  7. ^abHarper, Douglas."Online Etymology Dictionary; Hispanic".Retrieved10 February2009.Also:etymology of "Spain",on the same site.
  8. ^Herbst, Philip (1997).The Color of Words: An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Ethnic Bias in the United States.Intercultural Press. p. 107.ISBN978-1-877864-97-1.Retrieved19 January2016.
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