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History of economic thought

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Thehistory of economic thoughtis the study of the philosophies of the different thinkers and theories in the subjects that later becamepolitical economyandeconomics,from theancient worldto the present day.

This field encompasses many disparateschools of economic thought.Ancient Greek writers such as the philosopherAristotleexamined ideas about the art of wealth acquisition, and questioned whether property is best left in private or public hands. In theMiddle Ages,Thomas Aquinasargued that it was amoralobligation of businesses to sell goods at ajust price.[1]

In the Western world, economics was not a separate discipline, but part ofphilosophyuntil the 18th–19th centuryIndustrial Revolutionand the 19th centuryGreat Divergence,which accelerated economic growth.[2]

Ancient economic thought (before 500 AD)


Ancient Greece


Hesiodactive 750 to 650 BC, aBoeotianwho wrote the earliest known work concerning the basic origins of economic thought, contemporary withHomer.[3]Of the 828 verses in his poemWorks and Days,the first 383 centered on the fundamental economic problem of scarce resources for the pursuit of numerous and abundant human ends and desires.



Fan Li(also known as Tao Zhu Gong) (born 517 BC),[4]an adviser to KingGoujianof Yue, wrote on economic issues and developed a set of "golden" business rules.[5]Discourses on Salt and Ironwas one of the first recorded debates ofstate interventionandlaissez faire.[6]

Ancient India


Hindu textsVedas(1700–1100 BC) contain economic ideas butAtharvaveda(1200 BC) is most vocal about such ideas.[7]

Chanakya(born 350 BC) of theMaurya Empire,authored theArthashastraalong with several Indian sages, a treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy.[8]

The Arthashastra posits the theory that there are four necessary fields of knowledge: the Vedas, theAnvikshaki(philosophy of Samkhya, Yoga andLokayata), the science of government, and the science of economics (Varta of agriculture, cattle, and trade). It is from these four that all other knowledge, wealth, and human prosperity is derived.[9]

Greco-Roman world

Platoand his pupilAristotlehad an enduring effect onWestern philosophy.

Ancient Athens,an advanced city-state civilisation and progressive society, developed an embryonic model of democracy.[10]

Xenophon's (c. 430–354 BC)Oeconomicus(c. 360 BC) is adialogueprincipally about household management and agriculture.

Plato's dialogueThe Republic(c. 380–360 BC) describing an idealcity-staterun by philosopher-kings contained references tospecialization of laborand toproduction.According toJoseph Schumpeter,Platowas the first known advocate of acredit theory of moneythat is, money as a unit of account for debt.[11]Plato also argued that collective ownership was necessary to promote common pursuit of the common interest, and to avoid the social divisiveness that would occur "when some grieve exceedingly and others rejoice at the same happenings."[12]

Aristotle'sPolitics(c. 350 BC) analyzed different forms of the state (monarchy,aristocracy,constitutional government,tyranny,oligarchy,anddemocracy) as a critique of Plato's model of a philosopher-kings. Of particular interest for economists, Plato provided a blueprint of a society based on common ownership of resources. Aristotle viewed this model as an oligarchicalanathema.Though Aristotle did certainly advocate holding many things in common, he argued that not everything could be, simply because of the "wickedness of human nature".[13]

"It is clearly better that property should be private", wrote Aristotle, "but the use of it common; and the special business of the legislator is to create in men this benevolent disposition." InPoliticsBook I, Aristotle discusses the general nature of households and market exchanges. For him there is a certain "art of acquisition" or "wealth-getting", which is necessary and honourable for one's household, while exchange on the retail trade for simply accumulation is "justly censured, for it is dishonorable".[14]Writing of the people, Aristotle stated that they as a whole thought acquisition of wealth (chrematistike) as being either the same as, or a principle ofoikonomia( "household management" –oikonomos),[15][16]withoikosmeaning "house" and with (themismeaning "custom" )nomosmeaning "law".[17]Aristotle himself highly disapproved ofusuryand cast scorn on making money through amonopoly.[18]

Aristotle discarded Plato's credit theory of money formetallism,the theory that money derives its value from the purchasing power of the commodity upon which it is based:

Indeed, riches is assumed by many to be only a quantity of coin, because the arts of getting wealth and retail trade are concerned with coin. Others maintain that coined money is a mere sham, a thing not natural, but conventional only, because, if the users substitute another commodity for it, it is worthless, and because it is not useful as a means to any of the necessities of life, and, indeed, he who is rich in coin may often be in want of necessary food. But how can that be wealth of which a man may have a great abundance and yet perish with hunger, likeMidasin the fable, whose insatiable prayer turned everything that was set before him into gold?.

— Aristotle[19]

Middle Ages


Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas(1225–1274) taught that high prices in response to highdemandis theft.

Thomas Aquinas(1225–74) was an Italian theologian and economic writer. He taught in bothCologneand Paris, and was part of a group of Catholic scholars known as theSchoolmen,who moved their enquiries beyond theology to philosophical and scientific debates. In the treatiseSumma TheologicaAquinas dealt with the concept of ajust price,which he considered necessary for the reproduction of the social order. Similar in many ways to the modern concept oflong-run equilibrium,a just price was just sufficient to cover thecosts of production,including the maintenance of a worker and his family. Aquinas argued it was immoral for sellers to raise their prices simply because buyers had a pressing need for a product.

Aquinas discusses a number of topics in the format of questions and replies, substantial tracts dealing with Aristotle's theory. Questions 77 and 78 concern economic issues, primarily what ajust pricemight be, and the fairness of a seller dispensing faulty goods. Aquinas argued against any form of cheating and recommended always paying compensation in lieu of service obtained as it utilized resources. Whilst human laws might not impose sanctions for unfair dealing,divine lawdid, in his opinion.

Duns Scotus


One of Aquinas' main critics[20]wasDuns Scotus(1265–1308), originally fromDunsScotland, who taught in Oxford, Cologne, and Paris. In his workSententiae(1295), he thought it possible to be more precise than Aquinas in calculating a just price, emphasizing the costs of labor and expenses, although he recognized that the latter might be inflated by exaggeration, because buyer and seller usually have different ideas of a just price. If people did not benefit from a transaction, in Scotus' view, they would not trade. Scotus said merchants perform a necessary and useful social role by transporting goods and making them available to the public.[20]

Jean Buridan


Jean Buridan(French:[byʁidɑ̃];LatinJohannes Buridanus;c. 1300 – after 1358) was aFrenchpriest.Buridanus looked at money from two angles: its metal value and its purchasing power, which he acknowledged can vary. He argued that aggregated, not individual,demandandsupplydetermine market prices. Hence, for him a just price was what the society collectively and not just one individual is willing to pay.

Ibn Khaldun

Ibn Khaldun(1332–1406)
It should be known that at the beginning of a dynasty, taxation yields a large revenue from small assessments. At the end of the dynasty, taxation yields a small revenue from large assessments.[21]
Ibn Khaldun ontaxesand the ideals ofGovernance

UntilJoseph J. Spengler's 1964 work "Economic Thought of Islam: Ibn Khaldun",[22]Adam Smith(1723–1790) was considered the "Father of Economics". Spengler highlighted the work of Arab scholarIbn Khaldun(1332–1406) of Tunisia, though what influence Khaldun had in the West is unclear.Arnold Toynbeecalled Ibn Khaldun a "genius" who "appears to have been inspired by no predecessors and to have found no kindred souls among his contemporaries...and yet, in the Prolegomena (Muqaddimat) to his Universal History he has conceived and formulated a philosophy of history which is undoubtedly the greatest work of its kind that has ever yet been created by any mind in any time or place. "[23]Ibn Khaldoun expressed a theory of thelifecycleof civilizations, thespecializationof labor, and the value of money as a means of exchange rather than as a store of inherent value. His ideas on taxes were similar tosupply-side economics'Laffer curve,which posits that beyond a certain point highertaxesdiscourageproductionand actually cause revenues to fall.[24]

Nicole Oresme

Nicolas d'Oresme(1320–1382)

French philosopher and priestNicolas d'Oresme(1320–1382) wroteDe origine, natura, jure et mutationibus monetarum,about the origin, nature, law, and alterations of money. It is one of the earliest manuscripts on the concept of money. His treatise argues how money or currency belongs to the public, and that the government or sovereign of the economy has no right to control the value of the currency just so that they can profit from it.

Antonin of Florence


SaintAntoninus of Florence(1389–1459),O.P.,was anItalianDominicanfriar,who becameArchbishop of Florence.Antoninus' writings address social and economic development and argued that the state has a duty to intervene in mercantile affairs for the common good, and an obligation to help the poor and needy. In his primary work, "summa theologica" he was mainly concerned about price, justice andcapitaltheory. LikeDuns Scotus,he distinguishes between the natural value of agoodand its practical value. The latter is determined by its suitability to satisfy needs (virtuositas), its rarity (raritas) and its subjective value (complacibilitas). Due to this subjective component, there cannot only be one just price, but a bandwidth of more or less just prices.

Mercantilism and international trade (16th to 18th century)

Marquis de Mirabeau(1715–1789)

Mercantilismdominated Europe from the 16th to the 18th century.[25]Despite thelocalismof the Middle Ages, the waning offeudalismsaw new national economic frameworks begin to strengthen. After the 15th century voyages ofChristopher Columbusand other explorers opened up new opportunities for trade with theNew Worldand Asia, newly-powerful monarchies wanted a more powerful military state to boost their status.Mercantilismwas a political movement and an economic theory that advocated the use of the state's military power to ensure that local markets and supply sources were protected, spawningprotectionism.

French seaport during the heyday of mercantilism

Mercantile theorists held thatinternational tradecould not benefit all countries at the same time. Money and precious metals were the only source of riches in their view, and limited resources must be allocated between countries, thereforetariffsshould be used to encourage exports, which bring money into the country, and discourage imports which send it abroad. In other words, a positivebalance of tradeought to be maintained through a surplus of exports, often backed by military might. Despite the prevalence of the model, the termmercantilismwas not coined until 1763, byVictor de Riqueti, marquis de Mirabeau(1715–1789), and popularized byAdam Smithin 1776, who vigorously opposed it.

School of Salamanca


In the 16th and 17th centuries theSchool of Salamancain Spain developed economic theory, one of the earliest forms of a study in the economic tradition of the field of economics. Even if his doctrin was influenced by thephilosophy of Thomas Aquinas,it sometimes renew the economic thought as such an extent[26]that it was defined as "pro-market, pro-hard money, anti-state in many ways, pro-property, and pro-merchant to a surprising extent."[27][28]There was also the development of an early form of monetarism in response to the introduction of New World gold into the Spanish economy

With their reflexions on Contract law and fairness in exchange,[29]the members of the School of Salamanca were often confronted with the concept of value. Thus observing the effect of American silver and gold arrivals in Spain, namely lessening of their values and augmentation of prices,Martín de Azpilcuetaestablished the idea of a value-scarcity, first form of thequantity theory of money.[30]

They also renewed the aquilian concept ofjust price,which respects the principle of commutative justice but depends on many factors. The just price have a certain latitude[31]because it's not the result of God's will or oflaborbut of the common estimation of the people (communis aestimatio hominum).[32]On thisLuis Saravia de la Callewrote in 1544:

Those who measure the just price by the labour, costs, and risk incurred by the person who deals in the merchandise or produces it, or by the cost of transport or the expense of traveling...or by what he has to pay the factors for their industry, risk, and labour, are greatly in error.... For the just price arises from the abundance or scarcity of goods, merchants, and money...and not from costs, labour, and risk.... Why should a bale of linen brought overland from Brittany at great expense be worth more than one which is transported cheaply by sea?... Why should a book written out by hand be worth more than one which is printed, when the latter is better though it costs less to produce?... The just price is found not by counting the cost but by the common estimation.

However, asFriedrich Hayekhas written,[33]the school rarely followed this idea through systematically. His members thought that authories were sometimes required to intervene and tocontrol prices,[31]especially in monopoly cases[34]or for staples.[35]The opportunity of aneconomic interventionnism,calledarbitrism,wasn't unanimously accepted: if somes thought that the prince concerned of public interest is more trustable that greedy merchants, likeDomingo de SotoandTomás de Mercado,others likeLuis de Molina,Leonardus LessiusorJuan de Lugoconsidered that any intervention of the authorities is inopportune owing to the corruption and the clientelism that it'll created.[35]

Notable contributors


Sir Thomas More

In 1516 English humanist SirThomas More(1478–1535) publishedUtopia,which describes an ideal society where land is owned in common and there is universal education and religious tolerance, inspiring theEnglish Poor Laws(1587) and the communism-socialism movement.[citation needed]

Nicolaus Copernicus

In 1517 Polish astronomerNicolaus Copernicus(1473–1543) published the first known argument for thequantity theory of money.In 1519 he also published the first known form ofGresham's law:"Bad money drives out good".

Jean Bodin

In 1568Jean Bodin(1530–1596) ofFrancepublishedReply to Malestroit,containing the first known analysis ofinflation,which he claimed was caused by importation ofgoldandsilverfromSouth America,backing thequantity theory of money.

Barthélemy de Laffemas

Barthélemy de Laffemas(1545–1612)

In 1598 French mercantilist economistBarthélemy de Laffemas(1545–1612) publishedLes Trésors et richesses pour mettre l'Estat en splendeur,which blasted those who frowned on French silks because the industry created employment for the poor, the first known mention ofunderconsumption theory,which was later refined byJohn Maynard Keynes.

Leonardus Lessius

In 1605 FlemishJesuittheologianLeonardus Lessius(1554–1623) publishedOn Justice and Law,the deepest moral-theological study of economics since Aquinas, whose just price approach he claimed was no longer workable. After comparing money's growth via avarice to the propagation of hares, he made the first statement of the price of insurance as being based on risk.

Edward Misselden and Gerard Malynes

In 1622 English merchantsEdward MisseldenandGerard Malynesbegan a dispute overfree tradeand the desirability ofgovernment regulationof companies, with Malynes arguing againstforeign exchangeas under the control of bankers[clarification needed],and Misselden arguing that international money exchange and fluctuations in the exchange rate depend uponinternational tradeand not bankers, and that the state should regulate trade to insure export surpluses.

Thomas Mun

English economistThomas Mun(1571–1641) describes early mercantilist policy in his bookEngland's Treasure by Foreign Trade,which was not published until 1664, although it was widely circulated in manuscript form during his lifetime. A member of theEast India Company,he wrote about his experiences inA Discourse of Trade from England unto the East Indies(1621).

Sir William Petty

In 1662 English economistSir William Petty(1623–1687) began publishing short works applying the rational scientific tradition ofFrancis Baconto economics, requiring that it only use measurable phenomena and seek quantitative precision, coining the term "political arithmetic", introducing statistical mathematics, and becoming the first scientific economist.

Philipp von Hörnigk

The title page toPhilipp von Hörnigk's statement of mercantilist philosophy

Philipp von Hörnigk(1640–1712, sometimes speltHornickorHorneck) was born inFrankfurtand became an Austrian civil servant writing in a time when his country was constantly threatened byOttoman invasion.InÖsterreich Über Alles, Wann es Nur Will(1684,Austria Over All, If She Only Will) he laid out one of the clearest statements of mercantile policy, listing nine principal rules of national economy:

To inspect the country's soil with the greatest care, and not to leave the agricultural possibilities of a single corner or clod of earth unconsidered... All commodities found in a country, which cannot be used in their natural state, should be worked up within the country... Attention should be given to the population, that it may be as large as the country can support... gold and silver once in the country are under no circumstances to be taken out for any purpose... The inhabitants should make every effort to get along with their domestic products... [Foreign commodities] should be obtained not for gold or silver, but in exchange for other domestic wares... and should be imported in unfinished form, and worked up within the country... Opportunities should be sought night and day for selling the country's superfluous goods to these foreigners in manufactured form... No importation should be allowed under any circumstances of which there is a sufficient supply of suitable quality at home.

Nationalism,self-sufficiency and national power were the basic policies proposed.[36]

Jean-Baptiste Colbert and Pierre Le Pesant, Sieur de Boisguilbert

Pierre Le Pesant, sieur de Boisguilbert(1646–1714)

In 1665–1683Jean-Baptiste Colbert(1619–1683) was minister of finance under KingLouis XIV of France,and set up nationalguildsto regulate major industries.Silk,linen,tapestry,furnituremanufacture andwinewere examples of thecraftsin which France specialized, all of which came to require membership in a guild to operate in until theFrench Revolution.According to Colbert, "It is simply and solely the abundance of money within a state [which] makes the difference in its grandeur and power."[citation needed]

In 1695 French economistPierre Le Pesant, sieur de Boisguilbert(1646–1714) wrote a plea to Louis XIV to end Colbert's mercantilist program, containing the first notion of an economicalmarket,becoming the first economist to question mercantileeconomic policyand value the wealth of a country by itsproductionand exchange of goods instead of its assets.

Charles Davenant

In 1696 British mercantilistToryMember of parliamentCharles Davenant(1656–1714) publishedEssay on the East India Trade,displaying the first understanding ofconsumerdemandand perfectcompetition.

Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb

EmperorAurangzeb(r. 1658–1707), ruler of theMughal India,compiled theshariabasedFatawa-e-Alamgirialong several Muslim scholars which includeIslamic economics,[37][38]whose policies eventually led to the period ofProto-industrialization.[39][40]It lasted as South Asia's principal regulating body until the beginning of the 18th century.[41]

Sir James Steuart

Sir James Steuart(1713–1780)

In 1767 Scottish mercantilist economistSir James Steuart(1713–1780) publishedAn Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,the first book in English with the term "political economy" in the title, and the first completeeconomicstreatise.

Pre-Classical (17th and 18th century)


The British Enlightenment


In the 17th century Britain went through troubling times, enduring not only political and religious division in theEnglish Civil War,KingCharles I'sexecution, and theCromwellian dictatorship,but also theGreat Plague of LondonandGreat Fire of London.The restoration of the monarchy underCharles II,who hadRoman Catholicsympathies, led to turmoil and strife, and his Catholic-leaning successorKing James IIwas swiftly ousted. Invited in his place were ProtestantWilliam of OrangeandMary,who assented to theBill of Rights 1689,ensuring that theParliamentwas dominant in what became known as theGlorious Revolution.

The upheaval was accompanied by a number of major scientific advances, includingRobert Boyle's discovery of thegas pressure constant(1660) and SirIsaac Newton's publication ofPhilosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica(1687), which describedNewton's laws of motionand hisuniversal law of gravitation.

All these factors spurred the advancement of economic thought. For instance,Richard Cantillon(1680–1734) consciously imitated Newton's forces ofinertiaandgravityin the natural world with human reason andmarket competitionin the economic world.[42]In hisEssay on the Nature of Commerce in General,he argued rational self-interest in a system of freely-adjusting markets would lead to order and mutually-compatible prices. Unlike the mercantilist thinkers however, wealth was found not in trade but in humanlabor.The first person to tie these ideas into a political framework wasJohn Locke.

John Locke

John Locke(1632–1704) combinedphilosophy,politicsandeconomicsintoonecoherent framework.

John Locke(1632–1704) was born nearBristol,and educated inLondonandOxford.He is considered one of the most significant philosophers of his era mainly for his critique ofThomas Hobbes' defense ofabsolutisminLeviathan(1651) and of hissocial contracttheory. Locke believed that people contracted into society, which was bound to protect their property rights.[43]He defined property broadly to include people's lives and liberties, as well as their wealth. When people combined their labor with their surroundings, that created property rights. In his words from hisSecond Treatise on Civil Government(1689):

"God hath given the world to men in common... Yet every man has a property in his own person. The labour of his body and the work of his hands we may say are properly his. Whatsoever, then, he removes out of the state that nature hath provided and left it in, he hath mixed his labour with, and joined to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his property."[44]

Locke argued that not only should the government cease interference with people's property (or their "lives, liberties and estates" ), but also that it should positively work to ensure their protection. His views onpriceandmoneywere laid out in a letter to aMember of Parliamentin 1691 entitledSome Considerations on the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and the Raising of the Value of Money(1691), arguing that the "price of anycommodityrises or falls, by the proportion of the number of buyers and sellers ", a rule which" holds universally in all things that are to be bought and sold. "[45]

Dudley North

Dudley North(1641–1691) argued that the results of mercantile policy are undesirable.

Dudley North(1641–1691) was a wealthymerchantand landowner who worked forHer Majesty's Treasuryand opposed most mercantile policy. HisDiscourses upon trade(1691), published anonymously, argued against assuming a need for a favorablebalance of trade.Trade,he argued, benefits both sides, promotes specialization,division of laborand wealth for everyone.Regulationof trade interferes with these benefits, he said.

David Hume

David Hume (1711–1776)

David Hume(1711–1776) agreed with North's philosophy and denouncedmercantilistassumptions. His contributions were set down inPolitical Discourses(1752), and later consolidated in hisEssays, Moral, Political, Literary(1777). Adding to the argument that it was undesirable to strive for a favourablebalance of trade,Hume argued that it is, in any case, impossible.

Hume held that any surplus ofexportswould be paid for by imports of gold and silver. This would increase themoney supply,causing prices to rise. That in turn would cause a decline in exports until the balance with imports is restored.

Bernard Mandeville


Bernard Mandeville(1670–1733) was an Anglo-Dutch philosopher, political economist and satirist. His main thesis is that the actions of men cannot be divided into lower and higher. The higher life of man is a mere fiction introduced by philosophers and rulers to simplify government and the relations of society. In fact,virtue(which he defined as "every performance by which man, contrary to the impulse of nature, should endeavour the benefit of others, or the conquest of his own passions, out of arationalambition of being good ") is actually detrimental to thestatein its commercial and intellectual progress. This is because it is thevices(i.e., the self-regarding actions of men) which alone, by means of inventions and the circulation ofcapital (economics)in connection with luxurious living, stimulate society into action and progress.

Francis Hutcheson


Francis Hutcheson(1694–1746), the teacher ofAdam Smithfrom 1737 to 1740[46] is considered the end of a long tradition of thought on economics as "household or family (οἶκος) management ",[47][48][49] stemming from Xenophon's workOeconomicus.[50][51]

The Physiocrats and the circular flow


Similarly disenchanted with regulation on trade inspired by mercantilism, the FrenchmanVincent de Gournay(1712–1759) reputedly asked why it was so hard tolaissez faire( "let it be" ), laissez passer( "let it pass" ), advocatingfree enterpriseandfree trade.He was one of the earlyphysiocrats,who regardedagricultureas the source of wealth. As historianDavid B. Danbomwrote, the Physiocrats "damned cities for their artificiality and praised more natural styles of living. They celebrated farmers."[52] Over the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century major advances innatural scienceandanatomyincluded the discovery ofblood circulationthrough the human body - documented byWilliam Harveyin 1628. This concept was mirrored in the physiocrats' economic theory, with the notion of acircular flow of incomethroughout aneconomy.

Anne Robert Jacques Turgot(1727–1781)

François Quesnay(1694–1774) served as the court physician to KingLouis XV of France.He believed that trade andindustrywere not sources of wealth, and instead in his bookTableau économique(1758, Economic Table) argued that agricultural surpluses, by flowing through the economy in the form ofrent,wages,andpurchases,were the real economic movers.[53]Firstly, wrote Quesnay,regulationimpedes the flow ofincomethroughout allsocial classesand thereforeeconomic development.Secondly,taxeson the productiveclasses,such asfarmers,should be reduced in favour of rises for unproductive classes, such aslandowners,since their luxurious way of life distorts the income flow. (Later, in the early 19th century,David Ricardoshowed that taxes on land are non-transferable totenantsaccording to hisLaw of Rent.[citation needed])

Jacques Turgot(1727–1781) was born in Paris to an oldNormanfamily. His best-known work,Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses(Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth) (1766) developed Quesnay's theory thatlandis the only source ofwealth.Turgot viewed society in terms of three classes: the productive agricultural class, the salariedartisanclass (classe stipendice) and the landowning class (classe disponible). He argued that only the net product of land should be taxed and advocated complete freedom ofcommerceandindustry.

In August 1774 KingLouis XVIappointed Turgot asminister of finance,and in the space of two years he introduced many anti-mercantile and anti-feudal measures, supported by the king. His guiding principles, as given to the king, were "nobankruptcy,notaxincreases, noborrowing".Turgot's ultimate wish was to have a single tax on land and to abolish all other indirect taxes, but measures he introduced before that met with overwhelming opposition from landed interests. Twoedictsin particular, one suppressingcorvées(forced-labour obligations due by peasants to landlords) and another renouncing privileges given toguilds,inflamed influential opinion. He was forced from office in 1776.

Classical (18th and 19th century)


Ferdinando Galiani andOn Money


In 1751,NeapolitanphilosopherFerdinando Galianipublished a nearly exhaustive treatise on money calledDella Moneta(On Money), 25 years before Adam Smith'sThe Wealth of Nations,and therefore is seen as possibly the first truly modern economic analysis. In its five sections,Della Monetacovered all modern aspects ofmonetary theory,including the value and origin of money, its regulation, and inflation. This text remained cited by various economists for centuries, as wide-ranging a list asKarl MarxandAustrian economistJoseph Schumpeter.

Adam Smith andThe Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith (1723–1790), father of modernpolitical economy

Adam Smith (1723–1790) is popularly seen as the father of modern political economy. His 1776 publicationAn Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nationshappened to coincide not only with theAmerican Revolution,shortly before the Europe-wide upheavals of theFrench Revolution,but also the dawn of a newindustrial revolutionthat allowed more wealth to be created on a larger scale than ever before.

Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, whose first book wasThe Theory of Moral Sentiments(1759). He argued in it that people's ethical systems develop through personal relations with other individuals, that right and wrong are sensed through others' reactions to one's behaviour. This gained Smith more popularity than his next work,The Wealth of Nations,which the general public initially ignored.[54]Yet Smith'spolitical economicmagnum opuswas successful in circles that mattered.

Adam Smith's Invisible Hand

"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages."[55]
Adam Smith's famous statement on self-interest

Smith argued for a "system of natural liberty"[56]where individual effort was the producer of social good. Smith believed even the selfish within society were kept under restraint and worked for the good of all when acting in a competitive market. Prices are often unrepresentative of the true value of goods and services. FollowingJohn Locke,Smith thought true value of things derived from the amount of labour invested in them.

Every man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessaries, conveniencies, and amusements of human life. But after the division of labour has once thoroughly taken place, it is but a very small part of these with which a man's own labour can supply him. The far greater part of them he must derive from the labour of other people, and he must be rich or poor according to the quantity of that labour which he can command, or which he can afford to purchase. The value of any commodity, therefore, to the person who possesses it, and who means not to use or consume it himself, but to exchange it for other commodities, is equal to the quantity of labour which it enables him to purchase or command. Labour, therefore, is the real measure of the exchangeable value of all commodities. The real price of every thing, what every thing really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it.

— [57]

When the butchers, the brewers and the bakers acted under the restraint of an open market economy, their pursuit of self-interest, thought Smith, paradoxically drives the process to correct real lifepricesto their just values. His classic statement on competition goes as follows.

When the quantity of any commodity which is brought to market falls short of the effectual demand, all those who are willing to pay... cannot be supplied with the quantity which they want... Some of them will be willing to give more. A competition will begin among them, and the market price will rise... When the quantity brought to market exceeds the effectual demand, it cannot be all sold to those who are willing to pay the whole value of the rent, wages and profit, which must be paid to bring it thither... The market price will sink...[58]


Adam Smith's title page ofThe Wealth of Nations

Smith's vision of a free market economy, based on secure property,capital accumulation,widening markets and a division of labour contrasted with the mercantilist tendency to attempt to "regulate all evil human actions."[56]Smith believed there were precisely three legitimate functions of government. The third function was...

...erecting and maintaining certain public works and certain public institutions, which it can never be for the interest of any individual or small number of individuals, to erect and maintain... Every system which endeavours... to draw towards a particular species of industry a greater share of the capital of the society than what would naturally go to it... retards, instead of accelerating, the progress of the society toward real wealth and greatness.

In addition to the necessity of public leadership in certain sectors Smith argued, secondly, thatcartelswere undesirable because of their potential to limit production and quality of goods and services.[59]Thirdly, Smith criticised government support of any kind ofmonopolywhich always charges the highest price "which can be squeezed out of the buyers".[60]The existence ofmonopolyand the potential forcartels,which would later form the core ofcompetition lawpolicy, could distort the benefits of free markets to the advantage of businesses at the expense ofconsumer sovereignty.

William Pitt the Younger


William Pitt the Younger(1759–1806),ToryPrime Ministerin 1783–1801 based his tax proposals on Smith's ideas, and advocatedfree tradeas a devout disciple ofThe Wealth of Nations.[61]Smith was appointed a commissioner ofcustomsand within twenty years Smith had a following of new generation writers who were intent on building thescienceof political economy.[54]

Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke (1729–1797)

Adam Smith expressed an affinity to the opinions of Irish MPEdmund Burke(1729–1797), known widely as a political philosopher:

"Burke is the only man I ever knew who thinks on economic subjects exactly as I do without any previous communication having passed between us."[62]

Burke was an established political economist himself, known for his bookThoughts and Details on Scarcity.He was widely critical of liberal politics, and condemned theFrench Revolutionwhich began in 1789. InReflections on the Revolution in France(1790) he wrote that the "age of chivalry is dead, that of sophisters, economists and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever." Smith's contemporary influences includedFrançois QuesnayandJacques Turgotwhom he met on a visit to Paris, andDavid Hume,his Scottish compatriot. The times produced a common need among thinkers to explain social upheavals of theIndustrial Revolutiontaking place, and in the seeming chaos without the feudal and monarchical structures of Europe, show there was order still.

Jeremy Bentham

Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) believed in "the greatest good for the greatest number".

Jeremy Bentham(1748–1832) was perhaps the most radical thinker of his time, and developed the concept ofutilitarianism.Bentham was anatheist,aprison reformer,animal rightsactivist, believer inuniversal suffrage,freedom of speech,free tradeandhealth insuranceat a time when few dared to argue for any of these ideas. He was schooled rigorously from an early age, finishing university and being called to the bar at 18. His first book,A Fragment on Government(1776), published anonymously, was a trenchant critique ofWilliam Blackstone'sCommentaries on the Laws of England.This gained wide success until it was found that the young Bentham, and not a revered Professor had penned it. InAn Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation(1789) Bentham set out his theory ofutility.[63][64]

Jean-Baptiste Say


Jean-Baptiste Say(1767–1832) was a Frenchman born inLyonwho helped popularize Adam Smith's work in France.[65]His bookA Treatise on Political Economy(1803) contained a brief passage, which later became orthodoxy in political economics until theGreat Depression,now known asSay's Lawof markets. Say argued that there could never be a general deficiency ofdemandor ageneral glutof commodities in the wholeeconomy.People produce things, to fulfill their own wants rather than those of others, thereforeproductionis not a question ofsupplybut an indication of producersdemandinggoods.

Say agreed that a part ofincomeis saved by households, but in the long term,savingsare invested.Investmentandconsumptionare the two elements ofdemand,so that productionisdemand, therefore it is impossible for production to outrun demand, or for there to be a "general glut" of supply. Say also argued thatmoneywas neutral, because its sole role is to facilitate exchanges, therefore, people demand money only to buy commodities; "money is a veil".[66]

David Ricardo

David Ricardo (1772–1823) is renowned for his law ofcomparative advantage.

David Ricardo(1772–1823) was born in London. By the age of 26, he had become a wealthy stock market trader, and bought himself a constituency seat in Ireland to gain a platform in theBritish parliament'sHouse of Commons.[67]Ricardo's best known work isOn the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation(1817), which contains his critique of barriers to international trade and a description of the manner in which income is distributed in the population. Ricardo made a distinction between workers, who received a wage fixed to a level at which they could survive, the landowners, who earn a rent, and capitalists, who own capital and receive a profit, a residual part of the income.[68]

If population grows, it becomes necessary to cultivate additional land, whose fertility is lower than that of already cultivated fields, because of the law of decreasing productivity. Therefore, the cost of the production of the wheat increases, as well as the price of the wheat: The rents increase also, the wages, indexed to inflation (because they must allow workers to survive) as well. Profits decrease, until the capitalists can no longer invest. The economy, Ricardo concluded, is bound to tend towards asteady state.[66]

Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi


Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi(1773–1842) was the earliest author of systemicCrisis theory.

John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), educated in the philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, wrote the most authoritative economics text of his time.

John Stuart Mill(1806–1873) was the dominant figure of political economic thought of his time, as well as aMember of parliamentfor the seat ofWestminster,and a leading political philosopher. Mill was a child prodigy, reading Ancient Greek from the age of 3, and being vigorously schooled by his fatherJames Mill.[69]Jeremy Benthamwas a close mentor and family friend, and Mill was heavily influenced byDavid Ricardo.Mill's textbook, first published in 1848 and titledPrinciples of Political Economywas essentially a summary of the economic thought of the mid-nineteenth century.[70]

Principles of Political Economy(1848) was used as the standard text by most universities well into the beginning of the twentieth century.[citation needed]On the question ofeconomic growthMill tried to find a middle ground between Adam Smith's view of ever-expanding opportunities for trade and technological innovation andThomas Malthus' view of the inherent limits of population. In his fourth book Mill set out a number of possible future outcomes, rather than predicting one in particular.[66]

Classical political economy


The classical economists were referred to as a group for the first time byKarl Marx.[71]One unifying part of their theories was thelabour theory of value,contrasting to value deriving from ageneral equilibrium theoryof supply and demand. These economists had seen the first economic and social transformation brought by the Industrial Revolution: ruraldepopulation,precariousness, poverty, apparition of aworking class.

They wondered aboutpopulation growth,becausedemographic transitionhad begun in Great Britain at that time. They also asked many fundamental questions, about the source of value, the causes ofeconomic growthand the role ofmoneyin theeconomy.They supported a free-market economy,arguing it was a natural system based upon freedom andproperty.However, these economists were divided and did not make up a unified current of thought.

A notable current within classical economics wasunderconsumptiontheory, as advanced by theBirmingham SchoolandThomas Robert Malthusin the early 19th century. These argued for government action to mitigateunemploymentand economic downturns, and were an intellectual predecessor of what later becameKeynesian economicsin the 1930s. Another notable school wasManchester capitalism,which advocatedfree trade,against the previous policy ofmercantilism.

Marxian critique of political economy

Karl Marx (1818–1883) published a critique of political economy.

Marx wrote his magnum opusDas Kapital(Capital: A Critique of Political Economy)(1867) at theBritish Museum's library in London. Karl Marx begins with the concept ofcommodities,which he views as a historically specific phenomenon.[72]He hence looks to history to state that before capital, production was based onslavery– inancient Romefor example – thenserfdomin thefeudalsocieties ofmedieval Europe.Marx viewed the current mode of production as one which would ultimately produce an erratic and unstable situation allowing the conditions forrevolutionin the long term.

Marx uses the word commodity in an extensivemetaphysicaldiscussion of the nature of material wealth, how the objects of wealth are perceived and how they can be used.[73]A commodity contrasts to objects of the natural world. When people mix their labor with an object it becomes acommodity.In the natural world there are trees,diamonds,iron oreand people. In the world of the economists they become chairs,rings,factoriesand workers. However, says Marx, commodities have a dual nature. He distinguishes theuse valueof a thing from itsexchange value.[73]If commodities are considered absolutely isolated from their useful qualities the common property ishuman labor in the abstract.A phenomenon unique to a specific historical configuration, which is dependent on certain social practices, most dominantlywaged work,executed en masse.[72]Marx argued for critique by linking his ideas ofsurplus valueandsocially necessary labor timewith the classicallabor theory of valueandtheories of rent.

Marx believed that areserve army of the unemployedwould grow and grow, fueling a downward pressure on wages as desperate people accepted work for less. But this would produce a deficit ofdemandas the people'spower to purchaseproducts lagged. A glut of unsold products would result, production would be cut back, and profits decline until capital accumulation halted in aneconomic depression.When the glut cleared, the economy would again start to boom before the next cyclical bust begins. With everyboom and bust,with every capitalist crisis, thought Marx, tension andconflictbetween the increasingly polarized classes of capitalists and workers would heighten due tothe tendency of the rate of profit to fall.

Henry George and Georgism

In 1879, Henry George published an explosively popular treatise on why poverty accompanies progress and boom follows bust.

Henry George (1839–1897) is popularly recognized as the intellectual inspiration for the economic philosophy now known asGeorgism.George is said to be the last classical economist. During his life, George was one of the three most famous Americans, along withHenry FordandThomas Edison.George's first book,Progress and Poverty,was one of the most widely printed books in English, selling between 3 and 6 million copies by the early 1900s.Progress and Povertysparked a worldwide reform movement and is sometimes marked as the beginning of theProgressive Era.Georgism declined in the second half of the 20th century as theMarxistandAustrianandKeynesianneoclassical schools gained popularity. However, there are still active Georgist organizations and land reform movements around the world. George's ideas have been incorporated into the philosophies ofsocialism,libertarianism,andecological economics.Paul Samuelsonlisted Henry George as one of only six "American saints" in classical economics.[74]

The London School of Economics

Beatrice Webb (1858–1943)

In 1895 the London School of Economics (LSE) was founded byFabian SocietymembersSidney Webb(1859–1947),Beatrice Webb(1858–1943), andGeorge Bernard Shaw(1856–1950), joining theUniversity of Londonin 1900.

In the 1930s LSE memberSir Roy G.D. Allen(1906–1983) popularized the use of mathematics in economics.

Neoclassical (19th and early 20th century)


Neoclassical economics developed in the 1870s. There were three main independent schools. TheCambridge Schoolwas founded with the 1871 publication of Jevons'Theory of Political Economy,developing theories of partial equilibrium and focusing on market failures. Its main representatives wereStanley Jevons,Alfred Marshall,andArthur Pigou.TheAustrian School of Economicswas made up of Austrian economistsCarl Menger,Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk,andFriedrich von Wieser,who developed the theory ofcapitaland tried to explain economic crises. It was founded with the 1871 publication of Menger'sPrinciples of Economics.TheLausanne School,led byLéon WalrasandVilfredo Pareto,developed the theories ofgeneral equilibriumandPareto efficiency.It was founded with the 1874 publication of Walras'Elements of Pure Economics.

Anglo-American neoclassical

John Bates Clark (1847–1938)

American economistJohn Bates Clark(1847–1938) promoted themarginalist revolution,publishingThe Distribution of Wealth(1899), which proposed Clark's Law of Capitalism: "Given competition and homogeneous factors of production labor and capital, the repartition of the social product will be according to the productivity of the last physical input of units of labor and capital", also expressed as "What a social class gets is, under natural law, what it contributes to the general output of industry." In 1947 theJohn Bates Clark Medalwas established in his honor.[64]

William Stanley Jevons

William Stanley Jevons (1835–1882) helped popularizemarginal utilitytheory.

In 1871 Menger's English counterpartStanley Jevons(1835–1882) independently publishedTheory of Political Economy(1871), stating that at the margin the satisfaction of goods and services decreases. An example of theTheory of Diminishing Marginal Utilityis that for every orange one eats, one gets less pleasure until one stops eating oranges completely.[64]

Alfred Marshall

Alfred Marshall (1842–1924) wrote the main alternative textbook to John Stuart Mill of the day,Principles of Economics(1890).

Alfred Marshall(1842–1924) is also credited with an attempt to put economics on a more mathematical footing. The first professor of economics at theUniversity of Cambridge,his 1890 workPrinciples of Economics[75]abandoned the term "political economy"for his favorite"economics".He viewed math as a way to simplify economic reasoning, although he had reservations as revealed in a letter to his studentArthur Cecil Pigou:[64][76]

(1) Use mathematics as shorthand language, rather than as an engine of inquiry. (2) Keep to them till you have done. (3) Translate into English. (4) Then illustrate by examples that are important in real life. (5) Burn the mathematics. (6) If you can't succeed in 4, burn 3. This I do often.

New institutional schools


In 1972 American economistsHarold Demsetz(1930–2019) andArmen Alchian(1914–2013) publishedProduction, Information Costs and Economic Organization,foundingNew Institutional Economics,an updating of the works ofRonald Coase(1910–2013) with mainstream economics.[64]

Continental neoclassical


Léon Walras


In 1874 again working independently, French economistLéon Walras(1834–1910) generalized marginal theory across the economy inElements of Pure Economics:Small changes in people's preferences, for instance shifting from beef to mushrooms, would lead to a mushroom price rise, and beef price fall; this stimulates producers to shift production, increasing mushrooming investment, which would increase market supply and a new price equilibrium between the products, e.g. lowering the price of mushrooms to a level between the two first levels. For many products across the economy the same would happen if one assumes markets are competitive, people choose on the basis of self-interest, and there is no cost for shifting production.[64]

The Austrian school of economics


While economics at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth was dominated increasingly by mathematical analysis, the followers ofCarl Menger(1840–1921) and his disciplesEugen von Böhm-Bawerk(1851–1914) andFriedrich von Wieser(1851–1926) (coiner of the term "marginal utility" ) followed a different route, advocating the use of deductive logic instead. This group became known as theAustrian School of Economics,reflecting the Austrian origin of many of the early adherents.Thorstein VebleninThe Preconceptions of Economic Science(1900) contrasted neoclassicalmarginalistsin the tradition ofAlfred Marshallwith the philosophies of the Austrian School.[77][78]

Carl Menger

In 1871 Austrian School economistCarl Menger(1840–1921) restated the basic principles ofmarginal utilityinGrundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre[79](Principles of Economics): Consumers act rationally by seeking to maximize satisfaction of all their preferences; people allocate their spending so that the last unit of a commodity bought creates no more satisfaction than a last unit bought of something else.[64]

Francis Ysidro Edgeworth

Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845–1926)

In 1881 Irish economistFrancis Ysidro Edgeworth(1845–1926) publishedMathematical Psychics: An Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences,which introduced indifference curves and the generalized utility function, along withEdgeworth's Limit Theorem,extending the Bertrand Model to handle capacity constraints, and proposingEdgeworth's Paradoxfor when there is no limit to what the firms can sell.[64]

Friedrich Hayek

Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992)

In echoes of Smith's "system of natural liberty", Hayek argued that the market is a "spontaneous order" and actively disparaged the concept of "social justice".[80]Ludwig von Mises's outspokencriticisms of socialismhad a large influence on the economic thinking of Austrian School economistFriedrich Hayek(1899–1992), who, while initially sympathetic, became one of the leading academic critics ofcollectivismin the 20th century.[81]Hayek believed that all forms of collectivism (even those theoretically based on voluntary cooperation) could only be maintained by a central authority. But he argued that centralizing economic decision-making would lead not only to infringements of liberty but also to depressed standards of living because centralized experts could not gather and assess the knowledge required to allocate scarce resources efficiently or productively. In his book,The Road to Serfdom(1944) and in subsequent works, Hayek claimed that socialism required central economic planning and that such planning in turn would lead towardstotalitarianism.Hayek attributed the birth of civilization toprivate propertyin his bookThe Fatal Conceit(1988). According to him,price signalsare the only means of enabling each economic decision maker to communicatetacit knowledgeordispersed knowledgeto each other, to solve theeconomic calculation problem.Along with his Socialist Swedish contemporary and opponentGunnar Myrdal(1898–1987), Hayek was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974.[82]

Alternative schools (19th century)


Business cycle theory

Nikolai Kondratiev (1892–1938)

In the early 19th century German-born English astronomer SirWilliam Herschel(1738–1822) noted a connection between 11-yearsunspot cyclesand wheat prices. In 1860 French economistClément Juglar(1819–1905) positedbusiness cyclesseven to eleven years long. In 1925 the Soviet economistNikolai Kondratiev(1892–1938) proposed the existence ofKondratiev wavesin Western capitalist economies fifty to sixty years long.

German historical school of economics


In the mid-1840s German economistWilhelm Roscher(1817–1894) founded the Germanhistorical school of economics,which promoted the cyclical theory of nations—economies passing through youth, manhood, and senility—and spread through academia in Britain and the U.S., dominating it for the rest of the 19th century.[64]

Thorstein Veblen and the American Way

Thorstein Veblen (1857–1929)

Thorstein Veblen(1857–1929), who came from rural midwestern America and worked at theUniversity of Chicagois one of the best-known early critics of the "American Way". InThe Theory of the Leisure Class(1899) he scornedmaterialisticculture and wealthy people whoconspicuously consumedtheir riches as a way of demonstrating success. InThe Theory of Business Enterprise(1904) Veblen distinguished production for people to use things and production for pure profit, arguing that the former is often hindered because businesses pursue the latter. Output and technological advance are restricted by business practices and the creation of monopolies. Businesses protect their existing capital investments and employ excessive credit, leading to depressions and increasing military expenditure and war through business control of political power. These two books, focusing on criticism ofconsumerismandprofiteeringdid not advocate change. However, in 1918 he moved to New York to begin work as an editor of a magazine calledThe Dial,and then in 1919, along withCharles A. Beard,James Harvey Robinson,andJohn Deweyhe helped found the New School for Social Research (known today asThe New School). He was also part of theTechnical Alliance,[83]created in 1919 byHoward Scott.From 1919 through 1926 Veblen continued to write and to be involved in various activities at The New School. During this period he wroteThe Engineers and the Price System(1921).[64][84]

The World Wars, Russian and German Revolutions, and Great Depression (early to mid 20th century)


At the outbreak ofWorld War I(1914 –1918),Alfred Marshallwas still working on his last revisions of hisPrinciples of Economics.The 20th century's initial climate of optimism was soon violently dismembered in the trenches of the Western Front. During the war, production in Britain, Germany, and France was switched to the military. In 1917 Russia crumbled into revolution led byVladimir Leninand who promoted Marxist theory and collectivized the means of production. Also in 1917 the United States of America entered the warAllies (France and Britain),with PresidentWoodrow Wilsonclaiming to be "making the world safe for democracy", devising a peace plan ofFourteen Points.In 1918 Germany launched a spring offensive which failed, and as the allies counterattacked and more millions were slaughtered, Germany slid into theGerman Revolution,its interim government suing for peace on the basis of Wilson's Fourteen Points. After the war, Europe lay in ruins, financially, physically, psychologically, and its future was dependent on the dictates of theVersailles Conferencein 1919.

After World War I, Europe and the Soviet Union lay in ruins, and theBritish Empirewas nearing its end, leaving the United States as the preeminent global economic power. Before World War II, American economists had played a minor role. During this timeinstitutional economistshad been largely critical of the "American Way" of life, especially theconspicuous consumptionof theRoaring Twentiesbefore theWall Street Crash of 1929.The most important development in economic thought during theGreat Depressionwas theKeynesian revolution,including the publication in 1936 of TheGeneral Theory of Employment, Interest, and MoneybyJohn Maynard Keynes.(See the discussion ofKeynesianismbelow.) Subsequently, a more orthodox body of thought took root, reacting against the lucid debating style of Keynes, and remathematizing the profession. The orthodox center was also challenged by a more radical group of scholars based at the University of Chicago, who advocated "liberty" and "freedom", looking back to 19th century-style non-interventionist governments.[citation needed]


Jan Tinbergen (1903–1994)
Trygve Haavelmo (1911–1999)

In the 1930s Norwegian economistRagnar Frisch(1895–1973) and Dutch economistJan Tinbergen(1903–1994) pioneeredEconometrics,receiving the first-ever Nobel Prize in Economics in 1969. In 1936 Russian-American economistWassily Leontief(1905–1999) proposed theInput-Output Modelof economics, which uses linear algebra and is ideally suited to computers, receiving the 1973 Nobel Economics Prize. After World War II,Lawrence Klein(1920–2013) pioneered the use of computers in econometric modeling, receiving the 1980 Nobel Economics Prize. In 1963–1964 asJohn Tukeyof Princeton University was developing the revolutionaryfast Fourier transform,which greatly speed up the calculation of Fourier Transforms, his British assistant SirClive Granger(1934–2009) pioneered the use of Fourier Transforms in economics, receiving the 2003 Nobel Economics Prize. Ragnar Frisch's assistantTrygve Haavelmo(1911–1999) received the 1989 Nobel Economics Prize for clarifying the probability foundations of econometrics and for analysis of simultaneous economic structures.

Means and corporate governance

Adolf Augustus Berle, Jr. (1895–1971) withGardiner Meanswas a foundational figure of moderncorporate governance.

TheGreat Depressionwas a time of significant upheaval in the world economy. One of the most original contributions to understanding what went wrong came fromHarvard UniversitylawyerAdolf Berle(1895–1971), who likeJohn Maynard Keyneshad resigned from his diplomatic job at theParis Peace Conference, 1919and was deeply disillusioned by theVersailles Treaty.In his book with American economistGardiner C. Means(1896–1988)The Modern Corporation and Private Property(1932) he detailed the evolution in the contemporary economy of big business and argued that those who controlled big firms should be better held to account.Directorsof companies are held to account to theshareholdersof companies, or not, by the rules found incompany lawstatutes. This might include rights to elect and fire the management, require for regular general meetings, accounting standards, and so on. In 1930s America the typical company laws (e.g. inDelaware) did not clearly mandate such rights. Berle argued that the unaccountable directors of companies were therefore apt to funnel the fruits of enterprise profits into their own pockets, as well as manage in their own interests. The ability to do this was supported by the fact that the majority of shareholders in bigpublic companieswere single individuals, with scant means of communication, in short, divided and conquered. Berle served in PresidentFranklin Delano Roosevelt's administration through the Great Depression as a key member of hisBrain Trust,developing manyNew Dealpolicies.

In 1967 Berle and Means issued a revised edition of their work, in which the preface added a new dimension. It was not only the separation of controllers of companies from the owners as shareholders at stake. They posed the question of what the corporate structure was really meant to achieve:

"Stockholders toil not, neither do they spin, to earn [dividends and share price increases]. They are beneficiaries by position only. Justification for their inheritance... can be founded only upon social grounds... that justification turns on the distribution as well as the existence of wealth. Its force exists only in direct ratio to the number of individuals who hold such wealth. Justification for the stockholder's existence thus depends on increasing distribution within the American population. Ideally, the stockholder's position will be impregnable only when every American family has its fragment of that position and of the wealth by which the opportunity to develop individuality becomes fully actualized."[85]

Industrial organization economics


In 1933 American economistEdward Chamberlin(1899–1967) publishedThe Theory of Monopolistic Competition.The same year British economistJoan Robinson(1903–1983) publishedThe Economics of Imperfect Competition.Together they founded Industrial Organization Economics. Chamberlin also foundedExperimental Economics.

Linear programming

Leonid Kantorovich (1912–1986)

In 1939 Russian economistLeonid Kantorovich(1912–1986) developedLinear Programmingfor the optimal allocation of resources, receiving the 1975 Nobel Economics Prize.

Ecology and energy


By the twentieth century, the Industrial Revolution had led to an exponential increase in the human consumption of resources. The increase in health, wealth and population was perceived as a simple path of progress. However, in the 1930s economists began developing models ofnon-renewable resourcemanagement (seeHotelling's rule) and the sustainability of welfare in an economy that uses non-renewable resources.

Concerns about the environmental and social impacts of industry had been expressed by someEnlightenmentpolitical economists and in theRomanticmovement of the 1800s. Overpopulation had been discussed in an essay byThomas Malthus(seeMalthusian catastrophe), whileJohn Stuart Millforesaw thedesirability of astationary stateeconomy,thus anticipating concerns of the modern discipline ofecological economics.[86][87][88][89][90]

Ecological economics


Ecological economics was founded in the works ofKenneth E. Boulding,Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen,Herman Dalyand others. The disciplinary field of ecological economics also bears some similarity to the topic of green economics.[91]

According to ecological economist Malte Faber, ecological economics is defined by its focus on nature, justice, and time. Issues ofintergenerational equity,irreversibilityofhuman impact on the environment,uncertaintyof long-term outcomes, thermodynamics limits to growth, andsustainable developmentguide ecological economic analysis and valuation.[92]

Energy accounting


Energy accountingwas proposed in the early 1930s as a scientific alternative to aprice system,or money method of regulating society.[93][94]Joseph Tainter[95]suggests that a diminishing ratio ofenergy returned on energy investedis a chief cause of the collapse of complex societies. Falling EROEI due to the depletion of non-renewable resources also poses a difficult challenge for industrial economies.Sustainabilitybecomes an issue as survival is threatened due to climate change.

Institutional economics


In 1919 Yale economistWalton H. Hamiltoncoined the term "Institutional economics". In 1934John R. Commons(1862–1945), another economist from midwestern America publishedInstitutional Economics(1934), based on the concept that the economy is a web of relationships between people with diverging interests, including monopolies, large corporations, labor disputes, and fluctuating business cycles. They do however have an interest in resolving these disputes. Government, thought Commons, ought to be the mediator between the conflicting groups. Commons himself devoted much of his time to advisory and mediation work on government boards and industrial commissions.

Arthur Cecil Pigou

Arthur Cecil Pigou(1877–1959)

In 1920 Alfred Marshall's studentArthur Cecil Pigou(1877–1959) publishedWealth and Welfare,which insisted on the possibility ofmarket failures,claiming that markets are inefficient in the case ofeconomic externalities,and the state must interfere to prevent them. However, Pigou retained free market beliefs, and in 1933, in the face of the economic crisis, he explained inThe Theory of Unemploymentthat the excessive intervention of the state in the labor market was the real cause of massiveunemploymentbecause the governments had established a minimal wage, which prevented wages from adjusting automatically. This was to be the focus of attack from Keynes. In 1943 Pigou published the paperThe Classical Stationary State,which popularized thePigou (Real Balance) Effect,the stimulation of output and employment during deflation by increasing consumption due to a rise in wealth

Market socialism


In response to theEconomic Calculation Problemproposed by the Austrian School of Economics that disputes the efficiency of a state-run economy, the theory ofMarket Socialismwas developed in the late 1920s and 1930s by economistsFred M. Taylor(1855–1932),Oskar R. Lange(1904–1965),Abba Lerner(1903–1982) et al., combining Marxian economics with neoclassical economics after dumping the labor theory of value. In 1938Abram Bergson(1914–2003) defined theSocial Welfare Function.

The Stockholm school of economics

Eli Heckscher (1879–1952)
Gunnar Myrdal (1898–1987)

In the 1930s theStockholm School of Economicswas founded byEli Heckscher(1879–1952),Bertil Ohlin(1899–1977),Gunnar Myrdal(1898–1987) et al. based on the works ofJohn Maynard KeynesandKnut Wicksell(1851–1926), advising the founders of the Swedish Socialist welfare state.

In 1933 Ohlin and Heckscher proposed theHeckscher-Ohlin Model of International Trade,which claims that countries will export products that use their abundant and cheap factors of production and import products that use their scarce factors of production. In 1977 Ohlin was awarded a share of the Nobel Economics Prize.

In 1957 Myrdal published his theory ofCircular Cumulative Causation,in which a change in one institution ripples through others. In 1974 he received a share of the Nobel Economics Prize.

French Regulation school


This school includes economists likeMichel Aglietta(1938),André Orléan(1950),Robert Boyer[fr](1943),Benjamin Coriat(1948) andAlain Lipietz(1947). It is one of the two heterodox schools in France, the other beingl'école des conventions.Their interests revolves around accounting for the regime of regulation of specific historic stage of capitalism. They have mainly analysed the fordist mode of regulation, who corresponds to the after war period. Production as organised scientifically and products were not diversified. This corresponds with a homogenous consumption of goods. The economy was production led, where firms first produce the optimal amount of a type of good in the cheapest manner possible, destined to be mass consumed. Their inquiry consists of explaining how a stable mode of regulation can emerge in a capitalist economy, which inherently contains crises. Whereas orthodox economists tend to explain the causes of crises and disequilibriums in a supposedly self-regulating economy.

The American Economic Association


In 1885 theAmerican Economic Association(AEA) was founded byRichard T. Ely(1854–1943) et al., publishing theAmerican Economic Reviewstarting in 1911. In 1918 Ely publishedPrivate Colonization of Land,founding Lambda Alpha International in 1930 to promoteLand Economics.[64]

Keynesianism (20th century)

John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946) at theBretton Woods conference

John Maynard Keynes(1883–1946) was born in Cambridge, educated atEton,and supervised by bothA. C. PigouandAlfred MarshallatCambridge University.He began his career as a lecturer before working for the British government during the Great War, rising to be the British government's financial representative at theVersailles Conference,where he profoundly disagreed with the decisions made. His observations were laid out in his bookThe Economic Consequences of the Peace[96](1919), where he documented his outrage at the collapse of American adherence to theFourteen Points[97]and the mood of vindictiveness that prevailed towards Germany.[98]He resigned from the conference, using extensive economic data provided by the conference records to argue that if the victors forcedwar reparationsto be paid by the defeatedCentral Powers,then a world financial crisis would ensue, leading to asecond world war.[99]Keynes finished his treatise by advocating, first, a reduction in reparation payments by Germany to a realistically manageable level, increased intra-governmental management of continental coal production and a free trade union through theLeague of Nations;[100]second, an arrangement to set off debt repayments between the Allied countries;[101]third, complete reform of international currency exchange and an international loan fund;[102]and fourth, a reconciliation of trade relations with Russia and Eastern Europe.[103]

The book was an enormous success, and though it was criticized for false predictions by a number of people,[104]without the changes he advocated, Keynes's dark forecasts matched the world's experience through theGreat Depressionwhich began in 1929, and the descent intoWorld War IIin 1939. World War I had been touted as the "war to end all wars", and the absolute failure of the peace settlement generated an even greater determination to not repeat the same mistakes. With the defeat ofFascism,theBretton Woods Conferencewas held in July 1944 to establish a new economic order, in which Keynes was again to play a leading role.[105]

The General Theory


During the Great Depression, Keynes published his most important work,The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money(1936). The Great Depression had been sparked by theWall Street Crash of 1929,leading to massive rises in unemployment in the United States, leading to debts being recalled from European borrowers, and an economic domino effect across the world. Orthodox economics called for a tightening of spending, until business confidence and profit levels could be restored. Keynes by contrast, had argued inA Tract on Monetary Reform(1923) (which argues for a stable currency) that a variety of factors determined economic activity, and that it was not enough to wait for the long run market equilibrium to restore itself. As Keynes famously remarked:

"...this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again."[106]

On top of thesupply of money,Keynes identified thepropensity to consume,inducement to invest, marginal efficiency of capital, liquidity preference, and multiplier effect as variables which determine the level of the economy's output, employment, and price levels. Much of this esoteric terminology was invented by Keynes especially for hisGeneral Theory.Keynes argued that ifsavingswere being withheld frominvestmentinfinancial markets,total spending falls, leading to reduced incomes and unemployment, which reduces savings again. This continues until the desire to save becomes equal to the desire to invest, which means a new "equilibrium" is reached and the spending decline halts. This new "equilibrium" is a depression, where people are investing less, have less to save and less to spend.

Keynes argued that employment depends on total spending, which is composed ofconsumer spendingand business investment in theprivate sector.Consumers only spend "passively", or according to their income fluctuations. Businesses, on the other hand, are induced to invest by the expected rate of return on new investments (the benefit) and the rate of interest paid (the cost). So, said Keynes, if business expectations remained the same, and government reduces interest rates (the costs of borrowing), investment would increase, and would have a multiplied effect on total spending.Interest rates,in turn, depend on the quantity of money and the desire to hold money in bank accounts (as opposed to investing). If not enough money is available to match how much people want to hold, interest rates rise until enough people are put off. So if the quantity of money were increased, while the desire to hold money remained stable, interest rates would fall, leading to increased investment, output and employment. For both these reasons, Keynes therefore advocated low interest rates and easy credit, to combat unemployment.

But Keynes believed in the 1930s, conditions necessitatedpublic sectoraction.Deficit spending,said Keynes, would kick-start economic activity. This he had advocated in an open letter to U.S. PresidentFranklin D. Rooseveltin theNew York Times(1933). TheNew Dealprogramme in the U.S. had been well underway by the publication of theGeneral Theory.It provided conceptual reinforcement for policies already pursued. Keynes also believed in a more egalitarian distribution of income, and taxation onunearned incomearguing that high rates of savings (to which richer folk are prone) are not desirable in a developed economy. Keynes therefore advocated both monetary management and an active fiscal policy.

The Cambridge Circus


During World War II Keynes acted as adviser toHM Treasuryagain, negotiating major loans from the U.S., helping formulate the plans for theInternational Monetary Fund,theWorld Bank,and theInternational Trade Organisation[107]at the 1944Bretton Woods Conference,a package designed to stabilize world economy fluctuations that had occurred in the 1920s and create a level trading field across the globe. Keynes died little more than a year later, but his ideas had already shaped a new global economic order, and all Western governments followed theKeynesian economicsprogram of deficit spending to avert crises and maintain full employment.

Joan Robinson (1903–1983)

One of Keynes's pupils at Cambridge wasJoan Robinson(1903–1983), a member of Keynes'sCambridge Circus,who contributed to the notion thatcompetitionis seldom perfect in a market, an indictment of the theory of markets setting prices. InThe Production Function and the Theory of Capital(1953) Robinson tackled what she saw to be some of the circularity in orthodox economics. Neoclassicists assert that a competitive market forces producers to minimize the costs of production. Robinson said that costs of production are merely the prices of inputs, likecapital.Capital goods get their value from the final products. And if the price of the final products determines the price of capital, then it is, argued Robinson, utterly circular to say that the price of capital determines the price of the final products. Goods cannot be priced until the costs of inputs are determined. This would not matter if everything in the economy happened instantaneously, but in the real world, price setting takes time – goods are priced before they are sold. Since capital cannot be adequately valued in independently measurable units, how can one show that capital earns a return equal to the contribution to production?

Alfred Eichner(1937–1988) was an American post-Keynesian economist who challenged the neoclassical price mechanism and asserted that prices are not set through supply and demand but rather through mark-up pricing. Eichner is one of the founders of the post-Keynesian school of economics and was a professor at Rutgers University at the time of his death. Eichner's writings and advocacy of thought, differed with the theories of John Maynard Keynes, who was an advocate of government intervention in the free market and proponent of public spending to increase employment. Eichner argued that investment was the key to economic expansion. He was considered an advocate of the concept that government incomes policy should prevent inflationary wage and price settlements in connection to the customary fiscal and monetary means of regulating the economy.

Richard Kahn(1905–1989) was a member of the Cambridge Circus who in 1931 proposed theMultiplier.

Piero Sraffa (1898–1983)

Piero Sraffa(1898–1983) came to England fromFascist Italyin the 1920s, and became a member of the Cambridge Circus. In 1960 he published a small book calledProduction of Commodities by Means of Commodities,which explained how technological relationships are the basis for production of goods and services. Prices result from wage-profit tradeoffs, collective bargaining, labour and management conflict and the intervention of government planning. Like Robinson, Sraffa was showing how the major force for price setting in the economy was not necessarily market adjustments.

John Hicks(1904–1989) of England was a Keynesian who in 1937 proposed theInvestment Saving – Liquidity Preference Money Supply Model,which treats the intersection of the IS and LM curves as the general equilibrium in both markets.

New Keynesian macroeconomics

Edmund Phelps, John Taylor, Janet Yellen and Huw Dixon

In 1977Edmund Phelps(1933–) (who was awarded the 2006 Nobel Economics Prize) andJohn B. Taylor(1946–) published a paper proving thatstaggered setting of wages and pricesgives monetary policy a role in stabilizing economic fluctuations if the wages/prices aresticky,even when all workers and firms have rational expectations, which caused Keynesian economics to make a comeback among mainstream economists withNew Keynesian Macroeconomics.Its central theme is the provision of a microeconomic foundation for Keynesian macroeconomics, obtained by identifying minimal deviations from the standard microeconomic assumptions which yield Keynesian macroeconomic conclusions, such as the possibility of significant welfare benefits from macroeconomic stabilization.[108]

In 1985George Akerlof(1940–) andJanet Yellen(1946–) publishedmenu costsarguments showing that, under imperfect competition, small deviations from rationality generate significant (in welfare terms)price stickiness.[109]

In 1987 British economistHuw Dixon(1958–) publishedA simple model of imperfect competition with Walrasian features,[110]the first work to demonstrate in a simple general equilibrium model that the fiscal multiplier could be increasing with the degree of imperfect competition in the output market, helping developNew Keynesian economics.The reason for this is thatimperfect competitionin the output market tends to reduce thereal wage,leading to the household substituting away fromconsumptiontowardsleisure.Whengovernment spendingis increased, the corresponding increase inlump-sum taxationcauses both leisure and consumption to decrease (assuming that they are both a normal good). The greater the degree of imperfect competition in the output market, the lower thereal wageand hence the more the reduction falls on leisure (i.e. households work more) and less on consumption. Hence thefiscal multiplieris less than one, but increasing in the degree of imperfect competition in the output market.[111]

In 1997 American economistMichael Woodford(1955–) and Argentine economistJulio Rotemberg(1953–) published the first paper describing a microfounded DSGE New Keynesian macroeconomic model.

Sidney Weintraub, Paul Davidson and Post-Keynesian economics


In 1975 American economistsSidney Weintraub(1914–1983) andHenry Wallich(1914–1988) publishedA Tax-Based Incomes Policy,promotingTax-Based Incomes Policy (TIP),using the income tax mechanism to implement an anti-inflationary incomes policy. In 1978 Weintraub and American economistPaul Davidson(1930–) founded theJournal of Post Keynesian Economics.This opened the door to many younger economists such as E. Ray Canterbery (1935–). Always Post Keynesian in his style and approach, Canterbery went on to make contributions outside traditional Post Keynesianism. His friend,John Kenneth Galbraith,was a long-time influence.

The credit theory of money


In 1913 English economist-diplomatAlfred Mitchell-Innes(1864–1950) publishedWhat is Money?,which was reviewed favorably byJohn Maynard Keynes,followed in 1914 byThe Credit Theory of Money,advocating theCredit Theory of Money, which economist L. Randall Wray called "The best pair of articles on the nature of money written in the twentieth century."[112]

Chicago school of economics (20th century)

Gary Becker (1930–2014)

The government-interventionist monetary and fiscal policies that the postwar Keynesian economists recommended came under attack by a group of theorists working at theUniversity of Chicago,which came in the 1950s to be known as theChicago School of Economics.Before World War II, the Old Chicago School of strong Keynesians was founded byFrank Knight(1885–1972),Jacob Viner(1892–1970), and Henry Calvert Simons(1899–1946). The second generation was known for a more conservative line of thought, reasserting alibertarianview of market activity that people are best left to themselves to be free to choose how to conduct their own affairs.[64]

Ronald Coase(1910–2013) of the Chicago School of Economics was the most prominent economic analyst of law, and the 1991Nobel Prize in Economicswinner. His first major articleThe Nature of the Firm(1937) argued that the reason for the existence of firms (companies,partnerships, etc.) is the existence oftransaction costs.Homo economicustrades through bilateralcontractson open markets until the costs of transactions make the use of corporations to produce things more cost-effective. His second major articleThe Problem of Social Cost(1960) argued that if we lived in a world without transaction costs, people would bargain with one another to create the same allocation of resources, regardless of the way a court might rule in property disputes. Coase used the example of an oldlegalcase aboutnuisancenamedSturges v Bridgman,where a noisy sweets maker and a quiet doctor were neighbors and went to court to see who should have to move.[113]Coase said that regardless of whether the judge ruled that the sweets maker had to stop using his machinery, or that the doctor had to put up with it, they could strike a mutually beneficialbargainabout who moves house that reaches the same outcome of resource distribution. Only the existence oftransaction costsmay prevent this.[114]So the law ought to preempt whatwouldhappen, and be guided by the mostefficientsolution. The idea is that law and regulation are not as important or effective at helping people as lawyers and government planners believe.[115]Coase and others like him wanted a change of approach, to put the burden of proof for positive effects on a government that was intervening in the market, by analyzing the costs of action.[116]

In the 1960sGary Becker(1930–2014) andJacob Mincer(1922–2006) of the Chicago School of Economics foundedNew Home Economics,which spawnedFamily Economics.

In 1973 Coase discipleRichard Posner(1939–) publishedEconomic Analysis of Law,which became a standard textbook, causing him to become the most cited legal scholar of the 20th century. In 1981 he publishedThe Economics of Justice,which claimed that judges have been interpreting common law as it they were trying to maximize economic welfare.

Milton Friedman (1912–2006)

Milton Friedman(1912–2006) of the Chicago School of Economics is one of the most influential economists of the late 20th century, receiving the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976. He is known forA Monetary History of the United States(1963), in which he argued that theGreat Depressionwas caused by the policies of theFederal Reserve.Friedman argues that laissez-faire government policy is more desirable than government intervention in the economy. Governments should aim for a neutral monetary policy oriented toward long-runeconomic growth,by gradual expansion of the money supply. He advocates thequantity theory of money,that general prices are determined by money. Therefore, active monetary (e.g. easy credit) or fiscal (e.g. tax and spend) policy can have unintended negative effects. InCapitalism and Freedom(1962), Friedman wrote:

"There is likely to be a lag between the need for action and government recognition of the need; a further lag between recognition of the need for action and the taking of action; and a still further lag between the action and its effects."[117]

Friedman was also known for his work on the consumption function, thePermanent Income Hypothesis(1957), which Friedman referred to as his best scientific work.[118]This work contended that rational consumers would spend a proportional amount of what they perceived to be their permanent income. Windfall gains would mostly be saved. Tax reductions likewise, as rational consumers would predict that taxes would have to rise later to balance public finances. Other important contributions include his critique of thePhillips Curve,and the concept of thenatural rate of unemployment(1968).[64]

New classical macroeconomics and synthesis

Robert Lucas giving a lecture in 1996

In the early 1970s American Chicago School economistRobert E. Lucas, Jr.(1937–) foundedNew Classical Macroeconomicsbased onMilton Friedman's monetarist critique of Keynesian macroeconomics, and the idea ofrational expectations,[119]first proposed in 1961 byJohn F. Muth,opposing the idea that government intervention can or should stabilize the economy.[120]ThePolicy-Ineffectiveness Proposition(1975)[121]ofThomas J. Sargent(1943–) andNeil Wallace(1939–), which seemed to refute a basic assumption of Keynesian economics was also adopted. TheLucas aggregate supply functionstates that economic output is a function of money or price "surprise." Lucas was awarded the 1995 Nobel Economics Prize.

Lucas' model was superseded as the standard model of New Classical Macroeconomics by theReal Business Cycle Theory,proposed in 1982 byFinn Kydland(1943–) andEdward C. Prescott(1940–), which seeks to explain observed fluctuations in output and employment in terms of real variables such as changes in technology and tastes. Assuming competitive markets, real business cycle theory implies that cyclical fluctuations are optimal responses to variability in technology and tastes, and that macroeconomic stabilization policies must reduce welfare.[122]

In 1982 Kydland and Prescott also founded the theory ofDynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium(DSGE), large systems of microeconomic equations combined into models of the general economy, which became central to theNew Neoclassical Synthesis,incorporating theoretical elements such as sticky prices from New Keynesian Macroeconomics. They shared the 2004 Nobel Economics Prize.[64]

Efficient market hypothesis


In 1965 Chicago School economistEugene Fama(1939–) publishedThe Behavior of Stock Market Prices,which found that stock market prices follow a random walk, proposing the Efficient Market Hypothesis, that randomness is characteristic of a perfectly functioning financial market. The same yearPaul Samuelsonpublished a paper concluding the same thing with a mathematical proof, sharing the credit. Earlier in 1948Holbrook Working(1895–1985) published a paper saying the same thing, but not in a mathematical form. In 1970 Fama publishedEfficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work,proposing that efficient markets can be strong, semi-strong, or weak, and also proposing theJoint Hypothesis Problem,that the idea of market efficiency can not be rejected without also rejecting the market mechanism.

Games, evolution and growth (20th century)

John von Neumann (1903–1957)
John Forbes Nash Jr. (1928–2015)
Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883–1950)
Robert Solow (1924–2023)

In 1898 Thorstein Veblen publishedWhy is Economics not an Evolutionary Science,which coins the termEvolutionary economics,making use of anthropology to deny that there is a universal human nature, emphasizing the conflict between "industrial" or instrumental and "pecuniary" or ceremonial values, which became known as the Ceremonial/Instrumental Dichotomy.[64]

Joseph Alois Schumpeter(1883–1950) was an Austrian School economist and political scientist best known for his works onbusiness cyclesandinnovation.He insisted on the role of the entrepreneurs in an economy. InBusiness Cycles: A theoretical, historical and statistical analysis of the Capitalist process(1939), Schumpeter synthesized the theories about business cycles, suggesting that they could explain the economic situations. According to Schumpeter, capitalism necessarily goes through long-term cycles because it is entirely based upon scientific inventions and innovations. A phase of expansion is made possible by innovations, because they bringproductivity gainsand encourage entrepreneurs to invest. However, when investors have no more opportunities to invest, the economy goes into recession, several firms collapse, closures and bankruptcy occur. This phase lasts until new innovations bring acreative destructionprocess, i.e. they destroy old products, reduce the employment, but they allow the economy to start a new phase of growth, based upon new products and newfactors of production.[64][123]

In 1944 Hungarian-American mathematicianJohn von NeumannandOskar MorgensternpublishedTheory of Games and Economic Behavior,foundingGame Theory,which was widely adopted by economists. In 1951 Princeton mathematicianJohn Forbes Nash Jr.published the articleNon-Cooperative Games,becoming the first to define aNash Equilibriumfor non-zero-sum games.

In 1956 American economistRobert Solow(1924–2023) and Australian economistTrevor Swan(1918–1989) proposed theSolow–Swan model,based on productivity, capital accumulation, population growth, and technological progress. In 1956 Swan also proposed theSwan diagramof the internal-external balance. In 1987 Solow was awarded the Nobel Economics Prize.[124]: 440–41 

Post World War II and globalization (mid to late 20th century)


The globalization era began with the end of World War II and the rise of the U.S. as the world's leading economic power, along with theUnited Nations.To prevent another global depression, the victorious allies countries forgave Germany its war debts and used its surpluses to rebuild Europe and encourage reindustrialization of Germany and Japan. In the 1960s it changed its role to recycling global surpluses.[125]

John K. Galbraith (1908–2006) worked under the New Deal administration ofFranklin Delano Roosevelt.

After World War II, Canadian-bornJohn Kenneth Galbraith(1908–2006) became one of the standard bearers for pro-active government and liberal-democrat politics. InThe Affluent Society(1958), Galbraith argued that voters reaching a certain material wealth begin to vote against the common good. He also argued that the "conventional wisdom"of the conservative consensus was not enough to solve the problems of social inequality.[126]In an age of big business, he argued, it is unrealistic to think of markets of the classical kind. They set prices and useadvertisingto createartificial demandfor their own products, distorting people's real preferences. Consumer preferences actually come to reflect those of corporations – a "dependence effect" – and the economy as a whole is geared to irrational goals.[127]InThe New Industrial StateGalbraith argued that economic decisions are planned by a private-bureaucracy, atechnostructureof experts who manipulatemarketingandpublic relationschannels. This hierarchy is self-serving, profits are no longer the prime motivator, and even managers are not in control. Because they are the new planners, corporations detest risk, require steady economic and stable markets. They recruit governments to serve their interests with fiscal and monetary policy, for instance adhering to monetarist policies which enrich money-lenders in the City through increases in interest rates. While the goals of an affluent society and complicit government serve the irrational technostructure, public space is simultaneously impoverished. Galbraith paints the picture of stepping from penthouse villas onto unpaved streets, from landscaped gardens to unkempt public parks. InEconomics and the Public Purpose(1973) Galbraith advocates a "new socialism" as the solution,nationalisingmilitary production and public services such ashealth care,introducing disciplined salary and price controls to reduce inequality.[128]

In contrast to Galbraith's linguistic style, the post-war economics profession began to synthesize much ofKeynes' work with mathematical representations. Introductory university economics courses began to present economic theory as a unified whole in what is referred to as theneoclassical synthesis."Positive economics"became the term created to describe certain trends and" laws "of economics that could be objectively observed and described in a value-free way, separate from"normative economic"evaluations and judgments.

Paul Samuelson (1915–2009) wrote the best selling economics texts.

ThePaul Samuelson's (1915–2009)Foundations of Economic Analysispublished in 1947 was an attempt to show that mathematical methods couldrepresenta core of testable economic theory. Samuelson started with two assumptions. First, people and firms will act tomaximizetheir self-interested goals. Second, markets tend towards anequilibriumof prices, where demand matches supply. He extended the mathematics to describe equilibrating behavior ofeconomic systems,including that of the then newmacroeconomic theoryofJohn Maynard Keynes.WhilstRichard Cantillonhad imitatedIsaac Newton's mechanical physics of inertia and gravity in competition and the market,[42]thephysiocratshad copied the body's blood system into circular flow of income models,William Jevonshad found growth cycles to match the periodicity ofsunspots,Samuelson adaptedthermodynamicsformulae to economic theory. Reasserting economics as a hard science was being done in the United Kingdom also, and one celebrated "discovery", ofA. W. Phillips,was of a correlative relationship between inflation and unemployment. The workable policy conclusion was that securing full employment could be traded-off against higher inflation. Samuelson incorporated the idea of thePhillips curveinto his work. His introductory textbookEconomicswas influential and widely adopted. It became the most successful economics text ever. Paul Samuelson was awarded the newNobel Prize in Economicsin 1970 for his merging of mathematics and political economy.

Kenneth Arrow (1921–2017)

American economistKenneth Arrow's (1921–2017) publishedSocial Choice and Individual Valuesin 1951. It consider connections between economics and political theory. It gave rise tosocial choice theorywith the introduction of his "Possibility Theorem".This sparked widespread discussion over how to interpret the different conditions of the theorem and what implications it had for democracy and voting. Most controversial of his four (1963) or five (1950/1951) conditions is theindependence of irrelevant alternatives.[129]

In the 1950s Kenneth Arrow andGérard Debreu(1921–2004) developed theArrow–Debreu modelofgeneral equilibria.In 1963 Arrow published a paper which foundedHealth Economics.[citation needed]

In 1971 Arrow andFrank HahnpublishedGeneral Competitive Analysis(1971), which reasserted a theory of general equilibrium of prices through the economy. In 1971, US PresidentRichard Nixon's had declared that "We are all Keynesians now",announcing wage and price controls. He lifted this from a comment byMilton Friedmanin 1965 which formed aTime.[130]

International economics

Paul Krugman (1953–)

In 1951 English economistJames Meade(1907–1995) publishedThe Balance of Payments,volume 1 of "The Theory of International Economic Policy", which proposed the theory of domestic divergence (internal and external balance), and promoted policy tools for governments. In 1955 he published volume 2Trade and Welfare,which proposed the theory of the "second-best", and promoted protectionism. He shared the 1977 Nobel Economic Prize with Bertil Ohlin.

In 1979 American economistPaul Krugman(1953–) published a paper foundingNew trade theory,which attempts to explain the role of increasing returns to scale and network effects in international trade. In 1991 he published a paper foundingNew economic geography.His textbookInternational Economics(2007) appears on many undergraduate reading lists. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2008.

Development economics

Amartya Sen (1933–)

In 1954 Saint Lucian economistSir Arthur Lewis(1915–1991) proposed theDual Sector ModelofDevelopment Economics,which claims that capitalism expands by making use of an unlimited supply of labor from the backward non-capitalist "subsistence sector" until it reaches the Lewisian breaking point where wages begin to rise, receiving the 1979 Nobel Economics Prize.

In 1955 Russian-born American economistSimon Kuznets(1901–1985), who introduced the concept ofGross domestic product(GDP) in 1934 published an article revealing an inverted U-shaped relation between income inequality and economic growth, meaning that economic growth increases income disparity between rich and poor in poor countries, but decreases it in wealthy countries. In 1971 he received the Nobel Economics Prize.

Indian economistAmartya Sen(1933–) expressed considerable skepticism about the validity of neoclassical assumptions, and was highly critical ofrational expectationstheory, devoting his work toDevelopment Economicsand human rights.

In 1981, Sen publishedPoverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation(1981), a book in which he argued that famine occurs not only from a lack of food, but from inequalities built into mechanisms for distributing food. Sen also argued that the Bengal famine was caused by an urban economic boom that raised food prices, thereby causing millions of rural workers to starve to death when their wages did not keep up.[131]

In addition to his important work on the causes of famines, Sen's work in the field of development economics has had considerable influence in the formulation of the "Human Development Report",[132]published by theUnited Nations Development Programme.[133]This annual publication that ranks countries on a variety of economic and social indicators owes much to the contributions by Sen among other social choice theorists in the area of economic measurement of poverty and inequality. Sen was awarded theNobel Prize in Economicsin 1998.

New Economic History (Cliometrics)


In 1958 American economistsAlfred H. Conrad(1924–1970) andJohn R. Meyer(1927–2009) foundedNew Economic History,which in 1960 was called Cliometrics by American economistStanley Reiter(1925–2014) afterClio,the muse of history. It uses neoclassical economic theory to reinterpret historical data, spreading throughout academia, causing economic historians untrained in economics to disappear from history departments. American cliometric economistsDouglass Cecil North(1920–2015) andRobert William Fogel(1926–2013) were awarded the 1993 Nobel Economics Prize.

Public choice theory and constitutional economics

James Buchanan (1919–2013), Gordon Tullock (1922–2014)

In 1962 American economistsJames M. Buchanan(1919–2013) andGordon Tullock(1922–2014) publishedThe Calculus of Consent,which revivedPublic Choice Theoryby differentiating politics (the rules of the game) from public policy (the strategies to adopt within the rules), foundingConstitutional Economics,the economic analysis of constitutional law. Buchanan was awarded the 1986 Nobel Economics Prize.

Impossible trinity


In 1962–1963 Scottish economistMarcus Fleming(1911–1976) and Canadian economistRobert Mundell(1932–) published theMundell–Fleming Model of the Economy,an extension of the IS–LM Model to an open economy, proposing the Impossible Trinity of fixed exchange rate, free capital movement, and an independent monetary policy, only two of which can be maintained simultaneously. Mundell received the 1999 Nobel Economics Prize.

Market for corporate control


In 1965 American economistHenry G. Manne(1928–2015) publishedMergers and the Market for Corporate ControlinJournal of Political Economy,which claims that changes in the price of a share of stock in the stock market will occur more rapidly when insider trading is prohibited than when it is permitted, founding the theory ofmarket for corporate control.

Information economics

George Akerlof (1940–), Joseph Stiglitz (1943–)

In 1970George Akerlof(1940–) published the paperThe Market for Lemons,founding the theory ofInformation Economics,receiving the 2001 Nobel Economics Prize.

Joseph E. Stiglitz(1943–) also received the Nobel Economics Prize in 2001 for his work inInformation Economics.He has served as chairman of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers, and as chief economist for theWorld Bank.Stiglitz has taught at many universities, including Columbia, Stanford, Oxford, Manchester, Yale, and MIT. In recent years he has become an outspoken critic of global economic institutions. InMaking Globalization Work(2007) he offers an account of his perspectives on issues of international economics:

"The fundamental problem with the neoclassical model and the corresponding model under market socialism is that they fail to take into account a variety of problems that arise from the absence of perfect information and the costs of acquiring information, as well as the absence or imperfections in certain key risk and capital markets. The absence or imperfection can, in turn, to a large extent be explained by problems of information."[134]

Stiglitz talks about his bookMaking Globalization Workhere.[135]

Market design theory

Eric Maskin (1950–), Roger Myerson (1951–)

In 1973 Russian-American mathematician-economistLeonid Hurwicz(1917–2008) foundedMarket (Mechanism) Design Theory,a.k.a. Reverse Game Theory, which allows people to distinguish situations in which markets work well from those in which they do not, aiding the identification of efficient trading mechanisms, regulation schemes, and voting procedures; he developed the theory withEric Maskin(1950–) andRoger Myerson(1951–), sharing the 2007 Nobel Economics Prize with them.

The Laffer curve and Reaganomics


In 1974 American economistArthur Lafferformulated theLaffer curve,which postulates that no tax revenue will be raised at the extreme tax rates of 0% and 100%, and that there must be at least one rate where tax revenue would be a non-zero maximum. This concept was adopted by U.S. PresidentRonald Reaganin the early 1980s, becoming the cornerstone ofReaganomics,which was co-founded by American economistPaul Craig Roberts.

Market regulation


In 1986 French economistJean Tirole(1953–) published "Dynamic Models of Oligopoly", followed by "The Theory of Industrial Organization" (1988), launching his quest to understand market power and regulation, resulting in the 2014 Nobel Economics Prize.

Post 2008 financial crisis (21st century)

Olivier Blanchard (1948–)

The2007–2008 financial crisisled to a global recession. This prompted some Macro economists and Financial Economists to question the current orthodoxy.[136][137]

One response was theKeynesian resurgence.This emerged as a consensus among some policy makers and economists for Keynesian solutions.[further explanation needed]Figures in this school includedDominique Strauss-Kahn,Olivier Blanchard,Gordon Brown,Paul Krugman,andMartin Wolf.[138][139][140] Austeritywas another response, the policy of reducinggovernment budget deficits.Austerity policies may include spending cuts, tax increases, or a mixture of both.[141][142]Two influential academic papers support this position. The first wasLarge Changes in Fiscal Policy: Taxes Versus Spending,published in October 2009 byAlberto Alesinaand Silvia Ardagna. It asserted that fiscal austerity measures did not hurt economies, and actually helped their recovery.[143]The secondGrowth in a Time of Debt,published in 2010 byCarmen ReinhartandKenneth Rogoff.It analyzed public debt and GDP growth among 20 advanced economies and claimed that high debt countries grew at −0.1% since WWII. In April 2013 theIMFand theRoosevelt Instituteexposed basic calculation flaws in the Reinhart-Rogoff paper, claiming that when the flaws were corrected, the growth of the "high debt" countries was +2.2%, much higher than the original paper predicted. Following this, on June 6, 2013,Paul KrugmanpublishedHow the Case for Austerity Has CrumbledinThe New York Review of Books,arguing that the case for austerity was fundamentally flawed, and calling for an end to austerity measures.[144]

See also



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