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Coordinates:53°50′N0°11′W/ 53.84°N 0.18°W/53.84; -0.18
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Holderness from space.

Holdernessis an area of theEast Riding of Yorkshire,on the north-east coast of England. An area of rich agricultural land, Holderness wasmarshlanduntil it was drained in theMiddle Ages.Topographically,Holderness has more in common with theNetherlandsthan with other parts of Yorkshire. To the north and west are theYorkshire Wolds.Holderness generally refers to the area between theRiver Hull[citation needed]and theNorth Sea.ThePrime Meridianpasses through Holderness just to the east ofPatringtonand through Tunstall to the north.

Between 1974 and 1996, Holderness lay within theBorough of HoldernessinHumberside.It gave its name to awapentakeuntil the 19th century, when its functions were replaced by other local government bodies, particularly after theLocal Government Act 1888.The city ofKingston upon Hulllies in the south-west corner of Holderness andBridlingtonborders the north-east but both are usually considered separately. The main towns includeWithernsea,HornseaandHedon.The Holderness coast stretches fromFlamborough HeadtoSpurn Head.The ancient market town ofBeverleylies just to the west of the Holderness area, on the eastern slopes of theYorkshire Wolds.

Because of its soft soil, the coastline is vulnerable to erosion, on average losing six feet (1.8 m) a year.[1]The coast and surrounding communities have had to implementmanaged retreat.[1][2]

Location and transport


The area has boundaries which are clearly defined by the rising land of theYorkshire Woldsto the north and west, theNorth Seato the east and theHumber Estuaryto the south.

There are no motorways in the area, however there is access to the national motorway network via theA63from Hull. Links to the continent are also via Hull, from where a daily ferry service toRotterdamdeparts . A-class roads centre upon Hull and the coastal resort of Bridlington. Otherwise theA1033 roadwhich connectsWithernseaon the south-east coast to inland areas is the only main route in the area.

The only remaining rail link is theYorkshire Coast Linethat runs between Hull in the south and Bridlington and it tends to skirt the area towards the west. Until the 1960s there were lines fromHullto bothHornseaandWithernsea,but these were closed by theBeeching cuts.Furthermore, in 1901 there was a proposal to construct theNorth Holderness Light RailwayfromBeverleytoNorth Frodingham railway station,but this came to nothing.

Physical geography




As part of the United Kingdom, the Holderness area generally has cool summers and relatively mild winters. Weather conditions vary from day to day as well as from season to season. The latitude of the area means that it is influenced by predominantly westerly winds with depressions and their associated fronts, bringing with them unsettled and windy weather, particularly in winter. The wind sometimes causes depositions to happen. Between depressions there are often small mobileanticyclonesthat bring periods of fair weather. In winter anticyclones bring cold dry weather. In summer the anticyclones tend to bring dry settled conditions which can lead to drought. For its latitude this area is mild in winter and cooler in summer due to the influence of theGulf Streamin the northern Atlantic Ocean. Air temperature varies on a daily and seasonal basis. The temperature is usually lower at night and January is the coldest time of the year. The two dominant influences on the climate of the Holderness are the shelter against the worst of the moist westerly winds provided firstly by thePenninesand then the Yorkshire Wolds and the proximity of the North Sea. Generally, rainfall is 600 to 700 mm per year which is low compared with the national average rainfall of 1125 mm.

Geology and topography


Geologically, Holderness is underlain byCretaceouschalk but in most places it is so deeply buried beneath glacial deposits that it has no influence on the landscape. The landscape is dominated by deposits of till, boulder clays and glacial lake clays. These were deposited during theDevensianglaciation. The glacial deposits form a more or less continuous lowland plain which has some peat filled depressions (known locally as meres) which mark the presence of former lake beds. There are other glacial landscape features such asdrumlinmounds, ridges and kettle holes scattered throughout the area.

The well-drained glacial deposits provide fertile soils that can support intensive arable cultivation. Fields are generally large and bounded by drainage ditches. There is very little woodland in the area and this leads to a landscape that is essentially rural but very flat and exposed. The coast is subject to rapid marine erosion.[3]



The Holderness coastline suffers the highest rate ofcoastal erosionin Europe: 5 feet (1.5 m) a year on average or 2 million tonnes of material a year.[4]Some of this is transported bylongshore driftwith about three percent of material being deposited atSpurnPoint spit, to the south. The growth of Spurn Point is demonstrated by a series oflighthousesthat have been built on the point. It is thought that approximately 3 miles (5 km) of land has been lost since theRoman era,including at least 23 towns/villages, includingRavenspurn.

The Holderness coastline is susceptible to erosion due to the long north-easterly fetch, allowing for powerful waves, and the softness of the geology that make up the cliffs. Holderness is also a former bay that was filled in during theice ageand is now made up ofchalk/glacialcompounds that are easily eroded such asboulder clay.

Aldbrough, Holderness. Coastal erosion.

All the villages affected by the erosion are located on the north side of theHumber estuary.The area stretches fromFlamborough Head(high chalk cliffs, just north of Bridlington) down toSpurn Point(sand spit, on above map). Villages such as Ravenser, which sent representatives to the parliament ofEdward I,have totally disappeared.

The local authorities are endeavouring to prevent the effects of erosion.Hard defencesin the form of a concrete seawall and timber groynes have given some protection. It has been suggested that a large underwater reef made oftyrescould be built off the Holderness coast to mitigate this erosion, but it would be costly to build.

Other defences include sea walls,groynes,andgabionsbut business people say that if the erosion is not stopped then there will be millions of pounds of damage. However, one or more such groynes has had a detrimental effect further along the coast, in some areas resulting in erosion of up to 66 feet (20 m) per year initially, though over the long term erosion rates have been seen to revert to their original yearly average of closer to 6 feet 7 inches (2 m) a year.



The Holderness area is drained by theRiver Hulland its tributaries and a number of coastal streams. The valley of the River Hull is broad and shallow and in its lower reaches the river is contained within flood banks. The River Hull Tidal Surge Barrier at the mouth of the river can be used to prevent surge tides overwhelming the flood defences. Large areas of Holderness are too flat and low to drain naturally so in these areas a low level drainage system operates to collect the water. In the middle and lower reaches of the River Hull water is pumped from the low level drains into a high level system. This system consists of elevated water courses bounded by embankments. It drains by gravity into the sea. The main drain is theHolderness Drain,begun in 1764 by the engineerJohn Grundy Jr.[5]

In the east and south-east of Holderness there is a complex network of drains and streams that flow south into the Humber or east into the North Sea. To mitigate the effects of high tides stopping the water flow from these outlets, several have had pumping stations constructed at their outfalls. [6]

Natural history


For the purpose of describing the natural history the area can be divided into three parts:-

  • The valley of the River Hull

The River Hull valley dominates the western landscape of Holderness. The river and its associated wetland habitats support a diverse range of plants and animals. The upper tributaries of the river originate on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds before entering the area of glacial and alluvial deposits of Holderness. The river bed varies in composition reflecting the underlying geology. In the upper reaches of theriver water crowfoot,lesser water parsnip,mare's-tailandspiked water-milfoilmay be found in the main channel whilst the marginal vegetation is composed ofbranched bur-reed,common reedandreed sweetgrass.

Ottershave recently recolonised the upper reaches of the river, yet theEuropean water voleis now confined to a few isolated populations. Notable species of invertebrates include uncommonmayflies.There is a diverse breeding bird community includinglapwing,snipeandcommon redshank.Wildfowl such asmallardandmute swansmay also be seen, along withyellow wagtail,sedge warbler,reed warblerandreed bunting.

Further south towards Hull the river becomes tidal and saline. In the lower reaches it is enclosed by flood banks with little associated natural habitat remaining. The majority of the formerly extensive wetlands have been subject to drainage schemes and agricultural improvement. However some small remnants remain along the Hull valley betweenDriffieldandWansford.Plants that are typical of these habitats including a variety of reeds, rushes and sedges as well asyellow flag,valerianandmeadowsweetmay be found.

There are few surviving areas of woodland among the open farmland which supportsgolden ploverand lapwing and a flora of arable weeds.

  • The Coast

The coast from Bridlington in the north to Spurn Point is an interesting complex of coastal processes. The soft cliffs of Holderness are subject to rapid erosion whilst the eroded material is being deposited on the Spurn peninsula. The speed of erosion along the glacial till cliffs prohibits colonisation of anything but sparse ruderal vegetation.Coltsfootis particularly common andsand martincolonies have become established in places.

Hornsea Mereis the largest natural lake inYorkshireat 120 hectares. It has, besides the open fresh water habitat, marginal habitats of reed swamp, species-rich fen and carr woodland. It regularly supports populations of wintering wildfowl and the reed beds provide breeding sites for reed warblers. Characteristic plants includemilk parsley,greater water parsnipandlesser reedmace.

  • The Humber Estuary
The silt flows at the Humber Estuary

The intertidal system of the Humber estuary has local seagrass beds that provide feeding and wintering areas for over 133,000 waders and wildfowl. It is rich in invertebrate communities. The estuary also provides for breeding birds,grey sealsandnatterjack toads.

Spurn Point at the tip of the Spurn peninsula is made of hard glacial moraine so is less liable to erosion than areas further north on the Holderness coast. The Spurn peninsula is a beach with dunes which moves in response to the action of the waves. The wave action removes sand from the east of the beach and deposits it on the western side. The coast is influenced mainly by wave action but in the estuary the processes are driven by the power of the tides. The incoming tidal currents carry more sediment into the estuary than the ebb tides carry out.

The estuary is shallow because of this constant deposition. Isostatic recoil is, however, causing the area to sink at the rate of 3 mm annually and global warming is making the sea level rise.[7]The combined effects of these processes mean that the sea in the estuary may be half a metre higher by the year 2050. A large area around the estuary consists of land which lies below the present high-water mark. Flood defences offer only a short-term and local answer and may actually increase the long-term risks. Managed realignment of the coast by setting back the coastal defences will provide new intertidal habitats and harness natural equalising processes and is the preferred long-term solution.[7]





There is archaeological evidence to suggest that the first settlers in Holderness arrived in theNeolithicera when the plain was still very wet and most likely consisted of a mixture of marshes, lakes, islands and woodland. As the sea level changed and the area became drier it was progressively cleared of trees and the higher drier parts were initially favoured for settlement.[8]



TheDomesday surveyreveals that in the reign ofEdward the Confessorthere were 45 different freeholders having land in Holderness. The name of Holderness may be derived from the Danish "hold" which was the name given in that language to a nobleman with considerable territorial possessions. The "ness" part generally refers to a promontory, or nose-shape, either in a river or jutting from a coastline.[9]



After theNorman Conquest of Englandthe extensive Lordship of Holderness was given byKing William ItoDrogo de la Beuvrière,aFlemishsupporter. This Drogo built a castle atSkipseabefore 1087 when his estates were confiscated by the king.

The area was then given toAdelaide of Normandy,and the title to her husband,Odo,but this was taken from him when he rebelled against theKing William IIin 1095. It was returned to her sonStephen of Aumalein 1102.[10]TheHonouror Lordship of Holderness then descended to successiveEarls (or Counts) of Aumale:

William de Forz, 4th Earl, was survived by his widowIsabella de Forz.She was given custody of her children Thomas and William, but outlived them and also her daughterAveline,who marriedEdmund Crouchback, 1st Earl of Lancaster(son ofHenry III), but died aged 15.[11]The Honour of Holderness then escheated to the crown.

The coastal trading town ofRavenser Odd,represented in the 13th century model parliament, was lost to the sea through storm and coastal erosion. Its seaport role was eventually taken over by the new town ofKingston upon Hullbut until about 1400 by Hedon and Beverley as Hull was isolated by the surrounding marshes.

Robin of Redesdale was responsible for raising the northern shires againstKing Edward IVin the spring of 1469. The uprising led by Robin of Redesdale provided the opportunity for Robin of Holderness to lead a separate rebellion relating to a corn tax. Both men submitted to Edward IV <genealogy.com user 1998> in March 1470 following the failure of Warwick's rebellion.

Large estates in Holderness were held by theBishop of Durhamand theArchbishop of York.Other large landowners in the area included the abbeys ofMeauxand Thornton and the priories of Swine,Nunkeelingand Bridlington. This land was confiscated and became crown property whenHenry VIIIordered theDissolution of the Monasteriesin the 16th century.

Tudor and Stuart


The Aumale lordship had also passed to the crown and was obtained along with some former monastic lands by the Constable family ofBurton Constablein the 16th century. Other large estates created from former monastic holdings were sold by the crown to private landowners in the 17th and 18th centuries. Piecemeal attempts were made to improve the poor drainage of the area and with the formation of drainage boards in the later 18th century flooding began to be controlled. The remaining wastes were added to farm land and the meres, fluctuating lakes, disappeared.

19th and 20th centuries


The opening of railways from Hull accelerated the growth of first Withernsea in 1854 and Hornsea in 1864 as coastal resorts and commuter towns of Hull. Many of the other settlements grew and changed their character from agricultural villages to becomedormitory settlementsof Hull, Beverley, Bridlington and Driffield. Sales of large landed estates have reduced many of the large agricultural holdings that were in private ownership but some still remain and some have been used to create large farming agri-businesses which manage considerable areas with few farms. The rail links to both Withernsea and Hornsea closed to passengers in 1964 and closed completely in 1965.[12]



Administratively and politically the Holderness area now lies within a number of different divisions. TheBeverley and Holderness parliamentary constituencystatistics have been used to provide a representative picture of the area.

In 2004 there were 95,077 people living in the area in 41,224 households. Of these people 4.7% were aged below 25 years, 52.6% were aged between 25 and 55 years and 42.8% were 55 years old or more. The population density was in 2001 was 1.25 persons per hectare and 78% of households were privately owned compared with a national average of 68%.

There was a relatively low unemployment rate of 1.7% compared with a national average of 2.3%.[13]



In Holderness the average household income in 2004 was £27,958 compared with a national average of £30,081.[13] The area provides adequate shopping and market facilities for its residents and visitors. The three small towns of Hedon, Hornsea and Withernsea offer a range of facilities and the bigger local centres of Bridlington and Beverley are regularly used by Holderness people. Hull is the largest commercial centre which is regularly used and it provides employment for a significant proportion of the population.

Agricultureis the traditional employment of the area and there is a substantial area of horticultural development on the flat fertile land in the south-west. Animal husbandry, particularly pig rearing, is a major part of the agricultural scene. In 2001 agriculture employed 4.5% of the working population.[14]

Industrial activityranges from small workshop units in Hornsea and Withernsea to theEasingtonand Dimlington gas terminals on the east coast. These terminals process gas from the North Sea gas fields. The British Petroleum chemical works atSaltenduses condensates from the gas refining process and is a major employer in the area.

Tourismmakes a significant contribution to the economy of Hornsea and Withernsea withHornsea Potteryand Freeport attracting around a million visitors each year.



"The Adventure of the Priory School",aSherlock Holmesmystery by SirArthur Conan Doyle,takes place mostly in Holderness. Also one of the main characters is the Duke of Holderness, who resides in the area at the fictional Holderness Hall. Other works of fiction based in, or around, Holderness includeThe Summoner's TalebyGeoffrey ChaucerandSouth RidingbyWinifred Holtby.In "Spurn Head," part three ofWill Self'sWalking to Hollywood,the rapid erosion of the Holderness Coast is used as a metaphor for the effects ofAlzheimer's disease.


  1. ^ab"Coastal management case study: Holderness coastline - Coastal management - AQA - GCSE Geography Revision - AQA".BBC Bitesize.Retrieved10 March2021.
  2. ^Young, Angus (1 August 2019)."'Only option left for some living on crumbling coast is to move'".HullLive.Retrieved10 March2021.
  3. ^English Nature (November 1977)."The Plain of Holderness Natural Area Profile"(PDF).Retrieved16 September2007.
  4. ^"Holderness Coast United Kingdom"(PDF).EUROSION Case Study.Retrieved24 July2007.
  5. ^Skempton, Sir Alec; et al. (2002).A Biographical Dictionary of Civil Engineers in Great Britain and Ireland: Vol 1: 1500 to 1830.Thomas Telford. pp. 280–281.ISBN978-0-7277-2939-2.
  6. ^Hull and Coastal Streams Flood Management Plan. January 2007. UK Environment Agency.
  7. ^abEnglish Nature."The Humber Estuary Natural Area Profile"(PDF).Retrieved16 September2007.
  8. ^"National Character Areas; Holderness"(PDF).natural England. 24 February 2015. p. 11.Retrieved7 November2017.
  9. ^Hey, David (2004).A History of Yorkshire.Lancaster: Carnegie Publishing Ltd.ISBN1-85936-122-6.
  10. ^Dalton, Paul (1994).Conquest, Anarchy and Lordship. Yorkshire 1066–1154.Cambridge: CUP.ISBN0-521-45098-5.
  11. ^"Forz, Isabella de, suo jure countess of Devon, and countess of Aumale (1237–1293)".Oxford Dictionary of National Biography(online ed.). Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/47209.(Subscription orUK public library membershiprequired.)
  12. ^Allison, K J; Baggs, A P; Cooper, T N; Davidson-Cragoe, C; Walker, J (2002). Kent, G H R (ed.)."Holderness Wapentake: Middle and North divisions".A History of the County of York East Riding: Volume 7: Holderness Wapentake, Middle and North Divisions.Institute of Historical Research.Retrieved12 March2014.
  13. ^abYorkshire Forward. East Riding in Brief. October 2005. Yorkshire-Forward.com
  14. ^Office for National Statistics. Neighbourhood Statistics.

53°50′N0°11′W/ 53.84°N 0.18°W/53.84; -0.18