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Hormizd (son of Hormizd II)

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Hormizd(Middle Persian;inAncient Greek:ὉρμίσδαςHormisdas,Ormisdas;Persian:هرمز) was aSassanidprince, the third son of KingHormizd IIand brother-in-law of KingShapur II.Imprisoned by him, he was freed by his wife in 323 and escaped toConstantinople,whereRoman EmperorConstantine Ihelped him and gave him a palace near the shore of theMarmara Sea.[1]This palace became an important toponym of the city: its neighborhood (where themosqueofLittle Hagia Sophiastill stands) was known inByzantinetimes asen tois Hormisdou(ἐν τοῖς Ὁρμίσδου), meaning "near the houses of Hormisdas". Later,the palacebecame the private residence ofByzantine EmperorJustinian I,before his accession to the throne.

In 363, Hormizd served against Persia in the army of the EmperorJulian(361–363); in turn, his son, of the same name, later served as proconsul (Ammianus Marcellinus26.8.12).


  1. ^Janin, 333;Zosimus,Historia Nova,II, 27, 1-4;Ammianus Marcellinus,Res Gestae,XVI, 10.16.


  • Janin, Raymond(1950).Constantinople Byzantine(in French). Paris: Institute Français d'Ètudes Byzantines.
  • Wiesehöfer, Josef(2018)."Hormisdas".In Nicholson, Oliver (ed.).The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity.Oxford: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-866277-8.
  • Woods, David (2020). "Hormisdas and the Romano-Persian Treaty of 363".Mnemosyne.73(3): 501–509.doi:10.1163/1568525X-12342811.