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Hungarian literature

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The greatest authors and poets in the Hungarian literature of the 19th century

Hungarian literatureis the body of written works primarily produced inHungarian,[1]and may also include works written in other languages (mostly Latin), either produced by Hungarians or having topics which are closely related toHungarian culture.While it was less known in theEnglish-speaking worldfor centuries, Hungary's literature gained renown[2]in the 19th and 20th centuries, thanks to a new wave of internationally accessible writers likeMór Jókai,Antal Szerb,Sándor Márai,Imre KertészandMagda Szabó.

Earliest writings in the10th-14th century[edit]

The oldest surviving poem of Hungarian language,Old Hungarian Laments of Mary
Gesta Hungarorum
Chronicon Pictum,the "Illuminated Chronicle" from the court of KingLouis the Great of Hungaryfrom 1358

The beginning of the history of Hungarian language as such (the proto-Hungarian period) is set at 1000 BC, when according to current theory, the language had become differentiated from its closest relatives, theOb-Ugric languages.No written evidence remains of the earliest Hungarian literature, but throughfolktalesandfolk songs,elements have survived that can be traced back to pagan times. Also extant, although only inLatinand dating from between the 11th and 14th centuries, are shortened versions of some Hungarian legends relating the origins of the Hungarian people and episodes from the conquest of Hungary and from campaigns of the 10th century.[1]

In earliest times the Hungarian language was written in arunic-like script,although it was not used for literary purposes in the modern sense. The country switched to theLatin alphabetafter being Christianized under the reign ofStephen I(1000–1038). There are no existing documents from the pre-11th century era. The Old Hungarian period is reckoned from 896 CE, when Hungarians conquered theCarpathian Basin,settled down and started to build their own state. Creation of the first extant written records followed soon after. The oldest written record in Hungarian is a fragment in theEstablishing charter of the abbey of Tihany(1055) which contains several Hungarian terms, among them the wordsfeheruuaru rea meneh hodu utu rea,( "up the military road toFehérvár,"referring to the place where the abbey was built). This text is probably to be read asFehérü váru reá meneü hodu utu reáwith today's spelling, and it would read asa Fehérvárra menő had[i] útrain today's Hungarian. The rest of the document was written in Latin.

The oldest complete, continuous text in Hungarian isHalotti beszéd és könyörgés,a short funeral oration written in about 1192–1195, moving in its simplicity.[1]The oldest poem isÓmagyar Mária-siralom(theLamentations of Mary), a free translation from Latin of a poem byGodefroy de Breteuil.[1]It is also the oldest survivingUralicpoem. Both the funeral sermon and the Lamentations are hard to read and not quite comprehensible for modern-day Hungarians, mostly because the 26-letter Latin alphabet was not sufficient to represent all the sounds in Hungarian beforediacritic marksand double letters were added.

During the Middle Ages and well into the Renaissance, the language of writing was mostly Latin. Important documents include theAdmonitions of St. Stephen,which includes the king's admonitions to his sonPrince Imre.

Among the first chronicles about Hungarian history wereGesta Hungarorum( "Deeds of the Hungarians" ), by an unknown author, andGesta Hunnorum et Hungarorum( "Deeds of the Huns and the Hungarians" ) by Simon Kézai. Both are in Latin. These chronicles mix history with legends, so historically they are not always authentic. Another chronicle is theChronicon Pictum( "Illustrated Chronicle" ), which was written for KingLouis the GreatbyMark of Kaltin 1358.

Further,Rogerius's 13th-century work was published withThuróczy chroniclein the late 15th century. InSplit(now a part ofCroatia)Thomas of Spalatowrote on local history, with much information on Hungary in the 13th century. At that timeDalmatiaand the city of Split were part of theKingdom of Hungary.

Renaissance and Baroque during the15th-17thcenturies[edit]

The 15th century saw thefirst translationsfrom theBible.TwoTransylvanianpreachers, Thomas and Valentine, followers of theBohemianreligious reformerJan Hus,were responsible for this work, of which the prophetic books, the Psalms, and the Gospels have survived. A great part of the vocabulary created for the purpose is still in use.[1]

Renaissance literature flourished under the reign ofKing Matthias(1458–1490).Janus Pannonius,although he wrote in Latin, counts as one of the most important persons in Hungarian literature, being the only significant Hungarian humanist poet of the period.

TheBuda Chroniclewas published in 1473, it was produced byAndrás HessinBuda,and is the firstincunabulumever printed in Hungary.[3][4][5]Thus, the year 1473 is considered the beginning of Hungarian book printing.[5]TheChronica Hungarorumfrom the Hess printing house in Buda is unprecedented in Europe in the 15th century, because no other country's history of printing begins with the publication of a folk's history. This is the first example, that the printing history of a country begin with the publication of the history of a people.[3][4]The Hungarian book printing preceded England, Spain, and Austria.[6]In fact, the number of printing houses was not too high at that time. At the end of the 1470s, 66 printing houses could operate in Europe, of which two were in theKingdom of Hungary(inBudaand Pozsony (nowBratislava)).[4]

In 1526 most of Hungary fell underOttomanoccupation, from which date the beginning of the Middle Hungarian period is set, in connection with various cultural changes. The most important poets of the period wereBálint Balassi(1554–1594),Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos(c. 1510–1556) andMiklós Zrínyi(1620–1664). Balassi's poetry shows Mediaeval influences. His poems can be divided into three thematic categories: love poems, war poems and religious poems. Zrínyi's most significant work,Szigeti veszedelem( "Peril of Sziget",1648/49) is an epic written in the style of theIliad,and recounts the heroicBattle of Szigetvár,where his great-grandfather died while defending the castle of Szigetvár.

The cover of a Hungarian book from the time:Gáspár Heltai's "Chronicle about the affairs of theMagyars"

Translation of Roman authors produced also some works:János Baranyai DecsitranslatedSallust'sCatalinaandJughurta's war in the late 16th century. A decade later appeared the translation ofCurtius Rufus's life ofAlexanderinDebrecen.

Historical works were even more numerous: the chronicle ofGáspár Heltai,published by him inKolozsvár;Zay Ferenc's unpublished work on the siege ofBelgradefrom the 15th century;Kemény János's Transylvanian Dukes, andMiklós Bethlen's memoirs withJános Szalárdy's voluminous then-unpublished work on Transylvanian history from Bethlen's reign to the 1660s; andMihály Cserei's early 18th-century work are highlights of Hungarian-language literature. Another category is historical verses in Hungarian, like that ofSebestyén Tinódi Lantosfrom the 16th century,Péter Ilosvai Selymes,Mihály SzabatkaiandGergely Bornemissza.

Latin works in the period are more numerous.István Szamosközy,János Baranyai Decsi,Miklós Istvánffy,János Bethlen,andFarkas Bethlen,Ferenc Forgách,György Szerémi,Ambrus Somogyi,Gianmichele BrutoandOláh Miklósare the most important authors of historical works from the 16th to 17th century. In GermanGeorg KrausandGeorg Zeilerwrote on Transylvanian history. In Spanish one may readBernardo de Aldana's apology for the 1552 loss of the castle ofLippato the Turks.

Amongreligious literary worksthe most important is theBibletranslation byGáspár Károli,theProtestantpastor ofGönc,in 1590. The translation is called theBible of Vizsoly,after the town where it was first published. Another important religious work is theLegend of Saint Margaret,copied byLea Ráskaiaround 1510 from an earlier work that did not survive.

Enlightenment and the language reform[edit]

The first Enlightenment writers in Hungary wereMaria Theresia's bodyguards (György Bessenyei,János Batsányiand so on). The greatest poets of the time wereMihály Csokonai VitézandDániel Berzsenyi.

The most prominent figure of Hungarian language reform wasFerenc Kazinczy,who helped make theHungarian languagea useful tool for scientific theorization; many new words were coined for describing new inventions, for example,mozdony(locomotive). Previously, theloanwordlokomotívhad been used.


See also[edit]


  1. ^abcdeHungarian literature,Encyclopædia Britannica,2012 edition
  2. ^ Lóránt Czigány,A History of Hungarian Literature: from the earliest times to the mid-1970s,Clarendon Press, 1984
  3. ^abFarkas, Gábor Farkas; Varga, Bernadett, eds. (2023).Chronica Hungarorum 1473 (Fakszimile kiadás és kísérőkötet)[Chronica Hungarorum 1473 (Facsimile edition and accompanying volume)] (in Latin and Hungarian). Budapest: Országos Széchényi Könyvtár (National Széchény Library).ISBN978-963-200-723-6.
  4. ^abcRegényi, Huba (28 May 2023)."Megjelent a Budai krónika újabb hasonmás kiadása"[Another similar edition of the Buda Chronicle has been published].Magyar Nemzet.
  5. ^ab"1473. június 5-én jelent meg a Budai krónika"[The Buda Chronicle was published on 5 June 1473].József Attila könyvtár, Dunaújváros (Attila József Library, Dunaújváros).30 May 2023.
  6. ^András, Hess (1473). Ranschburg, Gusztáv (ed.).Chronica Hungarorum(PDF)(in Hungarian and Latin) (A Budai Krónika: A legrégibb hazai nyomtatványnak a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Könyvtárában levő példánya után készült lenyomata ed.). Budapest (published 1900).

External links[edit]


Specific sources[edit]

Literary chapters from theEncyclopaedia Humana Hungarica(1–5)[edit]