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Hungarian pop

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Hungarian popis the pop music scene ofHungary.It is often associated withRezső Seress's song "Gloomy Sunday"which was covered by numerous artists. The most notable artists includeZsuzsa Koncz,Kati Kovács,János Bródy,Zorán,Péter Mátéand famous bands likeIllés,Quimby,Republic,Locomotiv GT,Omega,Neoton Família.Among the new talents are Azariah, Krúbi, and Dzsúdló.





One of the early acts is associated withRezső Seresswho composed the worldwide hitGloomy Sundaywhile living in Paris, in an attempt to become established as a songwriter in late 1932.[1]Seress composed the song at the time of theGreat Depressionand increasingfascistinfluence in Hungary, although sources differ as to the degree to which his song was inspired by personal melancholy rather than concerns about the future of the world.

In the 1930s and 1940sPál Kalmárwas one of the most celebrated singers in Hungary. He was also noted for singing the songGloomy Sunday.He also appeared in the 1935 filmSt. Peter's Umbrella,directed byGéza von Cziffra.


Vali Rácz,actress and singer during the '30s and '40s

In the late 1930sVali Ráczbecame a popular Hungarian singer and actress reaching her zenith in the 1940s. She was a regular nightclub performer and a recording artist. Rácz also appeared in approximately 20 Hungarian feature films. Due to her glamorous looks and sex appeal she gained reputation as the ‘HungarianMarlene Dietrich’. Vali Rácz finished theFranz Liszt Academy of MusicinBudapest1932. From 1933 to 1934 she played at City Theatre and then at Hungarian Theatre. From 1936 she sang at 'Terézkörúti Színpad' and at City Theatre for three years. After 1945 she was a member of Royal Revue-theatre, Medgyaszay Theatre, then Kamara Varieté. She acted in twenty films, but was primarily achanteuse,giving solo concerts at the Music Academy andVigadó Concert Hall,as well as appearing regularly at the Hangli Kioszk nightclub.[2][3]



In the late 1950sÉva Mikesrose to fame in Hungary with her characteristic voice and tender style. Mikes started her music career at the late 1950s at the studio of theMagyar Rádió.She was best known for her lyrical, romantic songs, she scored the first place in the very first Hungarian Top Hit Chart – published inIfjúsági Magazin(Youth Magazine) in 1965 with her songTe szeress legalább.She became also popular in otherEastern Europeancountries, such as theSoviet UnionandPoland.She also appeared at theSopot International Song Festival.After the local success ofbeat musicclassical pop lost popularity, she decided to retire permanently. In 1973 – after her daughter's birth – she left the stage and worked as a music teacher. Her notable singles includeAhogy mentem az utcán(1961),Ami szívemen a számon(1964),Egy kicsi szerencse(1965),Első szerelem(1965),Engem nem lehet elfelejteni(1965),Esős vasárnap délután(1965) and many more.

Erzsi Kovács's first major success was with the songRégi óra halkan jár( "The Old Clock Ticks Softly" ) in 1957, but she already had aplatinum recordin 1955, with two and a half million of her records sold. In 1964 her record company dropped her, and she moved abroad. In the next 14 years she sang in Germany, Sweden, and on cruise ships. After her return she toured mainly in the countryside. She also had several concerts at the Royal Park Stage, the Budapest Concert Hall and the Operetta Theatre in Budapest as well. On her albumMosolyogva búcsúzomshe sings aDalidacoverQuand S'arrêtent les violons.Her singles includeVeled is megtörténhet egyszer/Megszerettelek(1960),Szeretlek Budapest/Rejtély(1960),Ha könnyezni látom a két szemed/Bámulom az eget(1962),Szóba sem jöhet más tánc/Kék öböl(1964),[4]Hová tűnt a sok virág/Ki emlékszik rá(1964) and many more.


Kati Kovács performing atSziget Festivalin 2012

In 1962 the firstKi mit tud?was held byNational Televisionspanning 10 seasons between 1962 and 1996. Achieving great popularity in the 60s, Ki Mit Tud? helped to launch the career of many artists who later becamehousehold namesin the country, including actors likeJános GálvölgyiorAndrás Kern,singers likeKati Kovács,Zsuzsa KonczorZorán Sztevanovity,and bands like Hungária,MetroorPokolgép.

During the 1960s and 1970s, Ki Mit Tud? became the most-popular and most-viewed show on the Magyar Television. According to rudimentary statistics of the time, the finals were viewed by 88% of the whole population. Using regional quarter- and semi-finals, the contest moved a large number of participants. The 1965's show attracted 28.642 registered contestants performing in 7842 shows, watched by a live audience totaling to 180.000.[5]

Zsuzsa Koncz(2011)

In 1962Zsuzsa Konczwon theKi mit tud?songcontest with her song.[6]She was performing with various bands and musicians over the years, most notablyIllésandJános Bródy.In the 1970s, she made several successful tours abroad, mainly in Eastern Bloc countries as well as inWest Germany(sometimes with the pseudonym, Shusha Koncz and Jana Koncz inGerman-speaking countries), but also in France, the United States and Japan.

Kati Kovácsbecame the first famous nationally in 1965 when she won the seminal TV talent show in Hungary "Who Knows What?". A year later, she achieved some even greater successes with her performance of the song I Won't Be Your Plaything (Nem leszek a játékszered) which won the TV Dance Song Festivals in Hungary in 1966. The psychedelic spiritual Lord Send Us Rain (Add már, uram, az esőt!) won the Hungarian Dance Song Festival and the German Song Contest in 1972. In 1974 she won the Castlebar Song Contest in Ireland with the song Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue. In the 1970s, she made several successful tours abroad, West and East – Germany, United Kingdom, the United States, Cuba and Japan. German, English and Japanese albums appeared. Hungarian musical critics have praised her brown, raspy and very strong voice, and they've called her: "The Best Female Voice of Hungary". She can sing opera, rock, jazz, pop, dance, blues and rock and roll.

Gábor Presser

In 1965Zsuzsi Maryappeared for the first time on stage, later she finished on the first place in theHungarian Television's song contest, theTáncdalfesztivál,with the song "Mama" in 1968. The songwriter was Attila Dobos, who became her first husband. She became successful also in theEastern Bloccountries too. In 1969, she married György Klapka, and soon after emigrated with her husband. They divorced in 1987, but maintained a good relationship. She returned to Hungary after theend of Communism.Marycame outasbisexualin 2008.[7]

Klári Katona performing atSziget Festivalin 2008

In 1966 a thirteen-year-girl appeared on the Hungarian pop scene calledKlári Katona.Her career started after she sang her songBővízű Forráson the Táncdalfesztivál of 1972. She won an award for this song. Later, she provided vocals forKék CsillagandNeoton,then pursued a solo career. In 1976 she gave concert inIstanbul,Palma de Mallorca,and the musical festival ofSopot.1977 marked the release of her first album,Savanyú A Csokoládébacked byFerenc Demjénand Bergendy. Her real success came in the eighties with composer backing of Gábor Presser and Dusán Sztevanovity. She appeared as a host on several Hungarian television channels.

György Korda

In 1967Pál Szécsifinished second at theTáncdalfesztiválwith his songCsak Egy Tánc.Although he died at an early age (aged 30 in 1974), he became one of the biggest icons of the Hungarian pop history. his songs includeEgy szál harangvirág,Gedeon bácsi,Karolina,Kék csillag,Két összeillő ember,andTalán sok év után.On 30 April 1974 he was found dead in his home in Budapest.

In 1967Sarolta Zalatnayfinished first at the Táncdalfesztivál winning the golden microphone award as well. Her first record wasHa Fiú Lehetnékwhich was followed by many other records. Among her famous songs areHol jár az eszem?,Túl szép volt,Nem várok holnapig,Oh, ha milliomos lennék,Nem vagyok én apáca,János bácsi pipájaand many more.

In 1968 the bandIlléswon the Táncdalfesztivál, whileNeoton Famíliawon the Ki Mit Tud? with their songNekem Eddig Bach Volt Mindenem.

In 1969 György Korda won the songcontest, Made in Hungary. Later, in 1972 and 1973 he won the same competition as the best performer. His first album was released in 1970 with theeponymousname followed by several other records. Among his famous songs areAki melletted él,Bocsánat, hogyha kérdem,Haver a nőkkel jól vigyázz,Rozsda lepi már az emlékeimet,Fehér galamb,Szeress úgy is, ha rossz vagyokand many more. In the 1980s he married Balázs Klári who was also a popular singer of the 1980s.


Neoton Famíliaperforming at VOLT Festival, Hungary in 2006

In 1971Neoton Família's first studio album was released entitledBolond Város.Later the band became one of the most popular pop bands in the 1980s' Hungary releasing more than 20 albums. Among their most famous songs there are:Don Quijote(1980),Marathon(1980),220 fellett(1981),Monte Carlo(1982),Holnap Hajnalig(1983),I Love You(1986) and many more.

Leslie Mándokimade a career withDschinghis Khan

In 1972, Judith Szűcs won two victories in the national competition "Ki mit tud?" (Literally: "Who knows what?" ). The singer's first album was called Táncolj még (1978) and in a few days this album became a gold plate. Her other albums from the turn of the 70's and 80's were similarly successful. In those years, audiences in Europe considered her the "Disco Queen" of Eastern Europe. Her songs were played on all radiosand and on Hungarian television they did excellent show-programs with the singer. At the Neewollah Festival (USA) in 1983, she won the 1st Prize and the Grand Jury Prize. She sangSzeverevetlevekandUnsent Lettersongs here. Her biggest hits are:Táncolj még!(1977),Ha táncolsz velem(1978),Gyere a diszkó klub elé(1978),Járd el a Zorba dalát(1979),A tanítás után(1980),Száguldás(1980),Meleg az éjszaka(1980),Didididididididergek(1982),Itt a karácsony(1983),Elkéstem(1988),Mondd, mit tegyek, hogy érezd(1998),Elvarázsoltál(2007).

In 1972Zsuzsa Cserhátiperformed the songsNem volt ő festőandRepülj, Kismadárat the Táncdalfesztivál. Six years later in 1976 her first studio album was released, followed by several other records such asTöbbé Nincs Megállás,Édes Kisfiam,Rácsaim Ledőltek Márand many more. Her famous songs includeKicsi Gyere Velem Rózsát Szedni(1973),Árva Fiú(1973),Boldogság, gyere haza(1979),A Boldogság és Én(1981),Száguldás, Porsche, Szerelem(1984) andHamu és Gyémánt(1996).

In 1973Péter Mátéwon the Hungarian songcontest, Made in Hungary with the songHull Az Elsárgult levél.

In 1973 Judit Halász's first studio album was released entitledKép A Tükörben.Later she became popular as the singer of children songs. She is also noted for singing the poems of famous Hungarian poets such asFerenc Móra,Mihály Babits,Attila József,Sándor Weöresand many more.

Ferenc Demjénsinging at a concert at theKisstadion

In 1975Leslie Mándokifled from Hungary toWest Germany.In 1979 he joined the West-German band,Dschinghis Khan.One of the greatest successes of the band was the songMoskau,Dschinghis KhanandHadschi Halef Omar.Later Mandoki rented the Park Studios nearLake Starnberg,Germany. He has worked as a producer for many German and international acts, includingNo Angels,Phil Collins,Engelbert,Joshua Kadison,Lionel RichieandJennifer Rush.He also worked as a musical director for commercials, with clientsAudi,DaimlerandDisney.

In 1977Ferenc Demjén's first studio album was released entitledFújom A Dalt.Later he released more than 20 records and became a pop-icon in Hungary. He also worked withKlári KatonaandKati Kovácson their first albums. His song for the filmSzerelem első vérig(1987) topped the Hungarian charts for 8 months. His notable songs includeHogyan Tudnék Élni Nélküled?,Szerelemvonat,Honfoglalás,Jégszív,Ne sírj,Féktelen Éjand many more.


Péter Máté's tomb at theFarkasréti Cemetery

In 1980 formerIllésand Fongráf singer-songwriterJános Bródy's first solo album was released entitledHungarian Blues.Later he started writing lyrics for Zsuzsa Koncz and for the musicalIstván, a király.

In 1981 Klári Balázs's first studio album was released. She became popular as the singer of the bands Periszkóp and Skála. Later she married György Korda, who was also a popular singer at that time, and released several albums with her husband.

Klári Balázs

In 1983 the Szikora-Környei-led band R-GO's first studio album was released with theeponymoustitle. Later the band released several other records and became one of the leading bands of the 1980s pop scene. Their most famous songs includeBallag A Katona,Szeretlek Is, Meg Nem Is,Ne Félj, Te Kis BolondandSzerelmes Vagyok, Mint Egy Nagyágyú.

In 1983 Neoton Famila won a special award for their songHolnap Hajnaligwhich was performed in English (Time Goes By) at theWorld Popular Song Festival.

In 1984Első Emelet's eponymous first studio album was released, followed by several other albums.

Also in 1984, Csepregi Éva, lead singer ofNeoton Família,launched her solo career. She released more than 20 albums, becoming a star in Hungary, USSR, Korea and Japan. She performedKorea,the official song of the1988 Seoul Olympics,with fellow HungarianLeslie Mándoki.

On 9 September 1984 singer-songwriter Péter Máté was found dead. With only three full-length studio albums, he managed to become one of the most prominent and popular singer of Hungary. His song Elmegyek became a worldwide hit with the titleNicolassung bySylvie Vartanin 1979.

On 5 February 1986,Éva Mikesdied in Budapest after a long battle with cancer.

In late 1986, new wave/pop band Z'Zi Labor had a big hit with a cover ofthe Rolling Stone's song "Honky Tonk Woman",which featured the female folk choir of Veresegyháza. They would once also be the starter band forQueenat a concert at theNational Stadiumin July 1986.

1986 also saw the release of the first album by Napoleon Boulevard, a project started by former members of prog-rock band Solaris, in collaboration with vocalistLilla Vincze.Their virtuoso music with operatic vocals helped nearly all of their albumsgo platinumbetween 1986 and 1993.



On 8 February 1990,Katalin Karádydied in New York City and she was buried on 19 February 1990 at theFarkasréti Cemetery.She was posthumously awarded theRighteous Among the Nationsby theKnessetin 2004. Although she was mainly an actress, she was also noted for her songs.

Record producer Peter Erdos also died in 1990. He had effectively been the head of the entire Hungarian music industry for decades, responsible for many of the greatest bands but also widely criticised for his numerous controversies and his ability toblacklistany band that was unwilling to obey him. His death, combined withthe collapse of the communist regime,ushered in a new era of freedom for Hungarian pop music.

In 1995János Bródywas awarded with theOrder of Merit of the Republic of Hungaryfor his contribution toHungarian music

In 1991Jimmy Zámbóreleased his first album entitledCsak Egy Vallomás.Later he became the most romantic singer of the country with his songs such asValahol Bús Dal Szól,Még Nem Veszíthetek,Szeress úgy, ahogy itt vagyok,Ugye nem bántad meg,Fogadj Örökbeand many other. His success can be attributed to the tastes of the Hungarian music listeners who immediately took to Zámbó'smelancholicsongs.

In 1993Ákos Kovácsdisbanded Bonanza Banzai and released his first pop album entitledKarcolatok.Later he released several albums even in English language as well.

In 1993 Andrea Szulák represented Hungary at theEurovision Song Contest 1993with her songÁrva Reggel.

In 1995János Bródywas awarded with theOrder of Merit of the Republic of Hungaryfor his contribution toHungarian music,whileKlári Katonareceived the Order of the Hungarian Republic Small Cross.

In 1996 the Dobrády-Zuber-led T.N.T.'s first album was released byWarner Music Group.The band became one of the most successful pop bands in the late 1990s and the early 2000s. Their most famous songs includeLakatlan Sziget(1999),Sírni Tudnék, Holnap Hazautazom(1999),Bolond Aki Sír(2000),Tiltott Perc(2001),Nem Jön Álom A Szememre(2001),Kicsi Gesztenye(2002),Hova Visz A Hajó(2003), andEgyetlen Szó(2003). The T.N.T. were disbanded in 2005.

In 1997 the bandV.I.P.represented Hungary at theEurovision Song Contest 1997with theirMiért Kell Hogy Elmenj?.


Csézyat theEurovision Song Contest 2008
Fool Moon

In 2000 the bandIlléswere awarded with theKossuth Prize.

On 1 January 2001,Jimmy Zámbówas found dead in his home inCsepel,Budapest.He is considered as one of the most popular singers of the 1990s in Hungary.

In 2003Megasztár,a voice talent television series started onTV2.The jury includedPierrot,Péter Novák, Gyöngyi Spitzer (a.k.a. Soma), Gábor Presser, Tamás Mester and many others. New talents emerged from the six seasons includingIbolya Oláh,Veronika Tóth, László Gáspár,Vera Schmidt,Ferenc Molnár, Gabriella Tóth, Tamás Palcsó,Magdolna Rúzsa,Péter Puskás,Nguyen Thanh Hien,Viktor Király,Renáta Tolvaiand many others.

In 2006 the firstBudapest Fringe Festivalwas held in the capital city on the model of theEdinburgh Festival Fringe.The festival brings more than 500 artists in about 50 shows to produce a wide range of interesting works inalternative theatre,dance, music and comedy outside the mainstream.

In 2007 theHungarian indie-pop bandThe Moogbecame the first artist from the country to sign a record contract with an American label, Musick Records.[8][9]Since then the band have released three full-length studio albums,Sold for Tomorrow,Razzmatazz Orfeum,[10]andSeasons in the Underground.[11]

Magdolna Rúzsaperforming atAprócska bluesat the2007 Eurovision Song Contest

In 2007 Veronika Harcsa was awarded as theBest Voice of the Fringeat theBudapest Fringe Festival.

In 2009Zoli Ádokrepresented Hungary at the2009 Eurovision Song Contestwith his songDance With Me.He finished 15th in the semi-final. His first album,Tánclépéswas released in 2008, while his secondHárom álomin 2011.


Kati Wolfat theEurovision Song Contest 2011

In 2010 the HungarianX-Faktorwas aired for the first time onRTL Klubto rival their counterpartTV2.The jury enlistedFeró Nagy,Péter Geszti,Miklós Malek,andIldikó Keresztes.The talents of the first series includedCsaba Vastag,Tibor Kocsis,Kati WolfandVeca Janicsák.

Kati WolfrepresentedHungaryat theEurovision Song Contest 2011with the song "What About My Dreams?".[12]

In 2011 the bandCompact Disco's sophomore record was released entitledIIfollowing the debut albumStereoidincluding the hit songFeel The Rain.[13]

On 24 December 2011,Zsuzsi Marywas found dead in her home in Budapest. She committed suicide on Christmas Eve, aged 64.[14][15][16]According toMagyar Távirati Iroda(MTI) her body was found the next day, 25 December 2011.[17]Her suicide was confirmed by her second husband, György Klapka.[18]

In 2012Compact Discowon theDal 2012therefore they represented Hungary at the Eurovision. Their own song,Sound of Our Heartsfinished 24th receiving only 19 points. The band became one of the most prominent electro-pop bands in the country along with others such as Carbonfools, Colorstar and Anima Sound System.

The Hungarian Eurovision Song Contest, theA Dal 2013was won byByeAlexwith his own song,Kedvesem,therefore he represented Hungary at theEurovision Song Contest 2013where he placed tenth.[19]

On 11 March 2013, László Bódi, the singer of the pop-rock bandRepublic,died of heart failure.[20]

András Kállay-SaunderswonA Dal 2014with the song "Running"and represented Hungary in theEurovision Song Contest 2014where he placed fifth.

Hungarian pop bands and artists


Notable musicians of Hungarian descent


Hungarian producers


Hungarian pop records

Date Band Record Reviews Label/Release Producer(s)
1967 Illés Ezek A Fiatalok
1969 Omega 10 000 lépés
1970 Omega Éjszakai országút
1971 Lokomotiv GT Locomotiv GT
1972 Lokomotiv GT Ringasd el magad
1973 Lokomotiv GT Bummm!
1971 Lokomotiv GT Mindig magasabbra
1976 Lokomotiv GT Locomotiv GT V.
1977 Lokomotiv GT Zene - Mindenki másképp csinálja
1978 Lokomotiv GT Mindenki
2003 Linda Király Number 1 King Music Management Linda Király
2006 Magdolna Rúzsa Ördögi angyal CLS Records Gábor Závodi & Gábor Presser
2007 The Moog Sold for Tomorrow [21][22] MuSick Records Jack Endino
2007 EZ Basic Hocus Focus [23][24] self-released Szabolcs Puha
2007 Žagar Cannot Walk Fly Instead [25]
2008 Zoli Ádok Tánclépés Zoli Ádok
2009 Compact Disco Stereoid CLS Music Compact Disco
2009 The Moog Razzmatazz Orfeum [26][27][28][29][30][31][32] MuSick Records Geoff Ott
2010 EZ Basic Hello Heavy [33][34] Twelvetones Records George Schilling
2011 Zoli Ádok Három álom Zoli Ádok
2011 Compact Disco II CLS Music Compact Disco
2012 The Moog Seasons in the Underground [35][36][37][38][39]
  • Ki kicsoda a magyar zeneéletben? Szerk. Székely András. Bp., Zeneműkiadó, 1979, 1988.
  • Kiss István Zoltán: Magyar könnyűzenei lexikon 1962-től. Bp., Zaj-Zone, 1998.
  • Könnyűzenei lexikon. Szerk. Sebők János-Szabó Béla. Bp., Idegenforgalmi Propaganda és Kiadó Vállalat, 1987.
  • Tardos Péter: Rock lexikon. 2. jav., bőv. kiad. Zeneműkiadó, Bp., 1982.
  • Zoltán János: Képes pop-rock enciklopédia. [Bp.], Yellow & Blue Kft., 1999.
MuSick Records Ken Scott

See also



  1. ^"Gloomy Sunday" at Feel The Blues With All That Jazz.Accessed 7 November 2011
  2. ^[1][dead link]
  3. ^"Rácz Vali".mek.oszk.hu.
  4. ^"Hits of the World: Hungary".Billboard.22 August 1964. p. 34.
  5. ^"Nepp Józsefre emlékeztek az Országos Rajzfilmünnepen".
  6. ^"Koncz Zsuzsa – Biography".konczzsuzsa.hu. Archived fromthe originalon 7 January 2010.Retrieved24 January2010.
  7. ^"Mary Zsuzsi: a lányokat is szeretem".BORS Online.20 June 2008. Archived fromthe originalon 20 April 2012.Retrieved9 March2013.
  8. ^"The Moog at Musick Records".Musick Records. 20 February 2007.
  9. ^"The Moog at Pop Matters".Pop Matters. 20 February 2007.
  10. ^"The Moog – Razzmatazz Orfeum".Washington Post.2 June 2009.
  11. ^"The Moog – Seasons In The Underground".Pop Matters. 28 March 2012.
  12. ^Kati Wolf to represent HungaryEurovision
  13. ^"Compact Disco – II".Discogs. 12 December 2011.
  14. ^"HajduPress".HajduPress.5 June 2020.
  15. ^"HajduPress".HajduPress.5 June 2020.
  16. ^"Teste miatt lett öngyilkos Mary Zsuzsi".Blikk.hu.5 November 2015.
  17. ^Márton, Gergely (25 December 2011)."Elhunyt Mary Zsuzsi táncdalénekesnő".NOL.hu.
  18. ^"Meghalt Mary Zsuzsi – fotók legemlékezetesebb fellépéséről".Archived fromthe originalon 7 January 2012.
  19. ^"It's ByeAlex for Hungary!".Eurovision TV. 2 March 2013.
  20. ^"Meghalt Cipő".ATV.hu.
  21. ^The Moog – Sold for Tomorrow – Allmusic review
  22. ^"The Moog – Sold for Tomorrow – PopMatters review".
  23. ^"EZ Basic – Discography".EZ Basic's Official Website. 21 January 2013. Archived fromthe originalon 29 October 2013.Retrieved5 March2013.
  24. ^"EZ Basic – Hocus Focus".Est. 15 November 2007. Archived fromthe originalon 29 October 2013.
  25. ^"Zagar – Cannot Walk Fly Instead".Mole Listening Pearls. 21 February 2012. Archived fromthe originalon 15 April 2012.
  26. ^"The Moog – Razzmatazz Orfeum".The Red Alert. 15 May 2009.Retrieved22 May2009.
  27. ^"The Moog – Razzmatazz Orfeum".Indieball. 2 June 2009. Archived fromthe originalon 27 February 2012.Retrieved2 June2009.
  28. ^"CD review: The Moog's 'Razzmatazz Orfeum'".7 May 2010 – via www.washingtonpost.com.
  29. ^"Razzmatazz Orfeum – The Moog | Songs, Reviews, Credits".AllMusic.
  30. ^"chorus.fm".chorus.fm.
  31. ^"Wonkavision Magazine".www.wonkavisionmagazine.com.
  32. ^"The Moog: Razzmatazz Orfeum".est.hu.
  33. ^ EZ Basic(March 2010)
  34. ^"EZ Basic – Hello Heavy".Discogs. 29 March 2010.
  35. ^The Moog – Seasons in the Underground – PopMatters review
  36. ^"The Moog – Seasons in the Underground – L.A. Record review".Archived fromthe originalon 2 January 2015.Retrieved5 March2013.
  37. ^"The Moog – Seasons in the Underground – Blog Critics review".Archived fromthe originalon 30 July 2012.Retrieved5 March2013.
  38. ^"The Moog – Seasons in the Underground – Blurt review".Archived fromthe originalon 18 January 2013.Retrieved5 March2013.
  39. ^"Seasons In the Underground – The Moog | Songs, Reviews, Credits".AllMusic.