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IBM Enterprise Systems Architecture

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IBM Enterprise Systems Architectureis aninstruction set architectureintroduced by IBM as ESA/370 in 1988. It is based on theIBM System/370-XAarchitecture.

It extended the dual-address-space mechanism introduced in laterIBM System/370models by adding a new mode in which general-purpose registers 1-15 are each associated with anaccess registerreferring to an address space, with instruction operands whose address is computed with a given general-purpose register as a base register will be in the address space referred to by the corresponding address register.

The later ESA/390, introduced in 1990, added a facility to allow device descriptions to be read using channel commands and, in later models, added instructions to performIEEE 754floating-pointoperations and increased the number of floating-point registers from 4 to 16.

Enterprise Systems Architecture is essentially a32-bitarchitecture; as with System/360, System/370, and 370-XA, the general-purpose registers are 32 bits long, and the arithmetic instructions support 32-bit arithmetic. Only byte-addressable real memory (Central Storage) and Virtual Storage addressing is limited to 31 bits, as is the case with 370-XA. (IBM reserved themost significant bitto easily support applications expecting 24-bit addressing, as well as to sidestep a problem with extending two instructions to handle 32-bit unsigned addresses.) It maintains problem statebackward compatibilitydating back to 1964 with the24-bit-address/32-bit-data (System/360andSystem/370) and subsequent 24/31-bit-address/32-bit-data architecture (System/370-XA). However, the I/O subsystem is based on System/370 Extended Architecture (S/370-XA), not on the original S/370 I/O instructions.

ESA/370 architecture

Introduced1988;36 years ago(1988)
EncodingVariable(2, 4 or 6 bytes long)
BranchingCondition code,indexing, counting
Floating point4 64-bit
IBM S/370-ESA and S/390-ESA registers
General Registers 0-15

Two's complement value
0 31
Access Registers 0-15[1]

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P ALESN ALEN
0 6 7 8 15 16 31
ESA Access register abbreviations
Bits Field Meaning
0-6 0000000
7 P Primary
0=use dispatchable-unit access list
1=use primary-space access list
8-15 ALESN access-list-entry sequence number
16-31 ALEN access-list-entry number
Control Registers0-15

See Principles of Operation[2][3]orControl Registers
0 31
Floating Point Control (FPC) Register
Interrupt Masks
Status Flags
Data Exception Code
Rounding Mode
i z o u x 0 0 0 i z o u x 0 0 0 i z o u x y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RM
0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 31
Floating Point Registers (hexadecimal) 0-6/0-15[a]

S Biased exponent Mantissa
0 1 7 8 31

Mantissa (continued)
32 63
Floating Point Registers (binary, single precision) 0-15[b]

S Biased exponent Mantissa
0 1 8 9 31
Floating Point Registers (binary, double precision) 0-15[c]

S Biased exponent Mantissa
0 1 11 12 31

Mantissa (continued)
32 63
Enterprise Systems ArchitectureExtendedControl mode PSW [4] [5]

0 R 0 0 0 T I
Key 1 M W P AS CC Program
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 31

A Instruction Address
32 33 63
ESA EC mode PSW abbreviations
Bits Field Meaning
1 R PER Mask
5 T DAT mode
6 IO I/O Mask; subject to channel mask in CR2
7 EX External Mask; subject to external subclass mask in CR0
8-11 Key PSW key
12 E=1 ExtendedControl mode
13 M Machine-check mask
14 W Wait state
15 P Problem state
16-17 AS Address-Space Control
00=primary-space mode
01=Access-register mode
10=Secondary-space mode
11=Home-space mode
18-19 CC Condition Code
20-23 PM
Program Mask
Bit Meaning
20 Fixed-point overflow
21 Decimal overflow
22 Exponent underflow[d]
23 Significance[e]
32 A Addressing mode
0=24 bit; 1=31 bit
33-63 IA Instruction Address

On February 15, 1988, IBM announced[6][7] Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 (ESA/370) for 3090 enhanced ( "E" ) models and for 4381 model groups 91E and 92E.

In addition to the primary-space and secondary-space addressing modes that later System/370 models, and System/370 Extended Architecture (S/370-XA) models, support, ESA has anaccess registermode in which each use of general register 1-15 as a base register uses an associated access register to select an address space.[8]In addition to the normal address spaces that machines with the dual-address-space facility support, ESA also allows data spaces, which contain no executable code.

A machine may be divided into Logical Partitions (LPARs), each with its own virtual system memory so that multiple operating systems may run concurrently on one machine.

ESA/390 architecture

Introduced1990;34 years ago(1990)
EncodingVariable(2, 4 or 6 bytes long)
BranchingCondition code,indexing, counting
Access 16× 32, Control 16×32, Floating Point Control (FPC) 32-bit, Prefix 32 bit, PSW 64-bit
Floating point4 64-bit up to the G4; 16 64-bit starting with the G5[9][10]

An important capability to form aParallel Sysplexwas added to the architecture in 1994.

ESA/390 also extends the Sense ID command to provide additional information about a device, and additional device-dependent channel commands, the command codes for which are provided in the Sense ID information, to allow device description information to be fetched from a device.[11][12]

Starting with theSystem/390 G5,[9][10]IBM introduced:[13]

  • the basic floating-point extensions facility, which increases the number of floating-point registers from 4 (0, 2, 4, 6) to 16 (0-15);
  • the binary floating-point (BFP) extensions facility, which supportsIEEE 754binary floating-point numbers, with an additional floating-point control (FPC) register to support IEEE 754 modes and errors;
  • the floating-point support (FPS) extensions facility, which adds instructions to load and store floating-point numbers regardless of whether they're inhexadecimalor IEEE 754 format and to convert between those formats;
  • the hexadecimal floating-point (HFP) extensions facility, which adds new hexadecimal floating-point instructions corresponding to some binary floating-point instructions.

SomePC-based IBM-compatible mainframeswhich provide ESA/390 processors in smaller machines have been released over time, but are only intended for software development.

New facilities


ESA/390 adds the following[14]facilities

All models
  • Access-list-controlled protection
Some models
  • Concurrent sense
  • PER 2
  • Storage-protection override
  • Move-page facility 2
  • Square root
  • String instruction
  • Suppression on protection with virtual-address enhancement
  • Set address space control fast
  • Subspace group
  • Called-space identification
  • Checksum
  • Compare and move extended
  • Immediate and relative instruction
  • Branch and set authority
  • Perform locked operation
  • Additional floating-point
  • Program call fast
  • Resume program
  • Trap
  • Extended TOD clock
  • TOD-clock-control override
  • Store system information
  • Extended translation 1
  • Extended translation 2
  • z/Architecture (certain instructions)
  • Enhanced input/output

New channel commands


The following channel commands[f]are new, or have their functionality changed, in ESA/390:[12]

ESA/390 I/O-Device Commands
Command Bit Position
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Read configuration data D D D D D D D 0
Read node identifier D D D D D D D 0
Sense ID 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
Set interface identifier D D D D D D D 1
D Device dependent. The command code, if any, recognized by an I/O device may be obtained by using a sense-ID command.


  1. ^The number and format of floating-point registers depends on the installed features:
    ESA/390 without the new floating-point facilities
    Only thehexadecimal floating point(HFP) registers FP0, FP2, FP4 and FP6 exist
    ESA/390 with the new floating-point facilities
    FP0_FP15 may be HFP orIEEEfloating point
  2. ^ESA/390 with the new floating-point facilities
  3. ^ESA/390 with the new floating-point facilities
  4. ^Bit 22 is renamed asHFP exponent underflowin ESA/390
  5. ^Bit 23 is renamed asHFP significancein ESA/390
  6. ^The data returned by Sense ID include the command codes for Read configuration data, Read node identifier and Set interface identifier.


IBM Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 Principles of Operation(PDF)(First ed.). IBM. August 1988. SA22-7200-0.
IBM Enterprise Systems Architecture/390 Principles of Operation(PDF)(Ninth ed.). IBM. June 2003. SA22-7201-08.
  1. ^S370-ESA,p. 5-30,Access-list-Entry Token.
  2. ^S370-ESA,pp. 4-7–4-9,Figure 4-3 Assignment of Control-Register Fields.
  3. ^S390-ESA,pp. 4-8–4-10,Figure 4-3 Assignment of Control-Register Fields.
  4. ^S370-ESA,p. 4-5,Program-Status-Word Format.
  5. ^S390-ESA,p. 4-5,Program-Status-Word Format.
  6. ^"IBM 3090 PROCESSOR UNIT MODELS 280E AND 500E AND IBM 3090 PROCESSOR UNIT MODEL 300E TO 400E UPGRADE".Announcement Letters.IBM. February 15, 1988. 188-038.
  7. ^"ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE/370 (TM) AND MVS/SYSTEM PRODUCT VERSION 3".Announcement Letters.IBM. February 15, 1988. 288-059.
  8. ^S370-ESA.
  9. ^abSlegel, Timothy J. (August 17, 1998)."IBM S/390 G5 Microprocessor"(PDF).Hot Chips.
  10. ^abSchwarz, E. M.; Krygowski, C. A. (September 1, 1999). "The S/390 G5 floating-point unit".IBM Journal of Research and Development.43(5): 707–721.doi:10.1147/rd.435.0707.
  11. ^S390-ESA,pp. 1–8.
  12. ^abEnterprise Systems Architecture/390 Common I/O-Device Commands,Second Edition, IBM, April 1992, SA22-7204-01
  13. ^S390-ESA,pp. 1-3–1-4,Highlights of ESA/390.
  14. ^S390-ESA,pp. D-1–D-7, Appendix D. Comparison between ESA/370 and ESA/390.