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IC 3528

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IC 3528
SDSSimage of IC 3528. Below the image isNGC 4540
Observation data (J2000epoch)
ConstellationComa Berenices
Right ascension12h 34m 55.90s
Declination+15d 33m 56.20s
Redshift0.04582 0.00004
Heliocentric radial velocity13,773 km/s
Apparent magnitude(V)14.6
Apparent magnitude(B)15.4
TypeSAB(r)b, Sy 1.5
Size0.40' x 0.4'
Notable featuresSeyfert Galaxy
Other designations
PGC41882, GSC 01446-00639,2MASXJ12345592+1533561, VCC 1593, Z 99-95,NVSSB123244+155026, ALFALFA 1-358, AGC 220811,SDSSJ123455.90+153356.2, FAUST 3256, [HB91] 1232+158,LEDA41882

IC 3528isspiral galaxylocated 660 millionlight-years[1]away in the constellation ofComa Berenices.[2]It lies near to another spiral galaxyNGC 4540,although the two of them are quite far.[3][4]The object was discovered byRoyal Harwood Froston May 7, 1904.[5]Although listed as a member in the Virgo Cluster Catalogue[6]as VCC 1593, it is not a member of theVirgo clusterbut a background galaxy.[7]

Physical characteristics


IC 3528 is classified a narrow-lineSeyfert 1.5 type galaxy.[8][9]ContainingX-rayemission,[10]the galaxy shows strong evidence of non-gravitational outflowkinematicsin its [O III] λ5007 emission feature.[11]In addition, IC 4528 contains broademission lineswithwidthsmeasuring HβFWHM≤ 2000 km s-1and is a type-1active galactic nucleus(AGN) hosted inside a lower-luminosity galaxy that is found having a higher incidence of pseudo-bulges, withbarredmorphology, and considered less disturbed. This suggests narrow-line Type 1 AGNs like in the case of IC 3528, experiences a more quiescentevolutionary historythat is driven primarily by internal secular evolution rather than external dynamicalperturbations.[12]

Starburst activity


IC 3528 has an estimatedstar formationrate of ≳6 M⊙ yr-1[13]It is a dustystarburst galaxyexhibiting a strongline in absorption and modest [O II] emission, whom researchers found the galaxy is affected byreddening.Based on star formation rates derived from the FIR luminosities with the estimates based on theline, they found the values obtained from these opticalemission linesin IC 3528 are a factor of 10-70 (Hα) and 20-140 ([O II]) lower than the FIR estimates (50-300 Msolaryr-1).[14]



IC 3528 has a lowgasfraction and higheroxygenabundance, making a it gas-poor galaxy andmetal-rich,which demonstrates the idea that removal of gas from the outskirts of spirals increases the observed averagemetallicityby ~0.1 dex.[15]



SN 2001Z, aType II supernovawas discovered in IC 3528[16][17]by astronomers Modjaz and Li, whom they saw it on an unfiltered image taken with KAIT on Mar. 3.5 UT. The supernova was located at R.A. = 12h34m55s.87, Decl. = +15o34'07 ".5 (equinox 2000.0), which was located 0".5 west and 11 ".2 north of the nucleus.[18]SN 2001Z was also captured by other astronomers named Phillips, Martin and Valladares who obtained its spectrum on Mar. 5.37 UT with theBaade telescope.They found the spectrum has a weak, relatively narrowH-alphaandH-betaemission lines on a strong, blue continuum and consistent with a type-II supernova caught at a very early epoch. The redshift of theemission linesis z = 0.045.[19]

Black hole


Initially having an estimated range between 105.1- 1010.3{M}⊙ with anEddingtonratio varying from -3.3 to 1.3 inlogarithmic scale,[20]IC 3528 has a low-massblack hole(BH) of BH masses MBH~ 106-108M,powered by accretion matter.[21]Similar to IC 750, the budge-mass and stellar mass is found to be (7.3 ± 2.7) × 108M⊙ and 1.4 × 1010M⊙ respectively, which the massupper limitof the BH decreses by two orders ofmagnitudebelow the MBH-σ* relation and roughly one order of magnitude below the MBH-MBulge and MBH-M* relations. This is found larger than the relations' intrinsic scatters of 0.58 ± 0.09 dex, 0.69 dex, and 0.65 ± 0.09 dex.[22]


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  2. ^"Revised IC Data for IC 3528".spider.seds.org.Retrieved2024-04-21.
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  11. ^Sexton, Remington O.; Matzko, William; Darden, Nicholas; Canalizo, Gabriela; Gorjian, Varoujan (2021-01-01)."Bayesian AGN Decomposition Analysis for SDSS spectra: a correlation analysis of [O III] λ5007 outflow kinematics with AGN and host galaxy properties".Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.500(3): 2871–2895.arXiv:2010.09748.Bibcode:2021MNRAS.500.2871S.doi:10.1093/mnras/staa3278.ISSN0035-8711.
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  17. ^Hakobyan, A. A.; Adibekyan, V. Zh.; Aramyan, L. S.; Petrosian, A. R.; Gomes, J. M.; Mamon, G. A.; Kunth, D.; Turatto, M. (2012-08-01)."Supernovae and their host galaxies. I. The SDSS DR8 database and statistics".Astronomy and Astrophysics.544:A81.arXiv:1206.5016.Bibcode:2012A&A...544A..81H.doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201219541.ISSN0004-6361.
  18. ^Li, W. D.; Modjaz, M.; Schwartz, M. (2001-03-01)."Supernova 2001Z in IC 3528".International Astronomical Union Circular(7592): 2.Bibcode:2001IAUC.7592....2L.ISSN0081-0304.
  19. ^Phillips, M.; Martin, G.; Valladares, G. (2001-03-01)."Supernova 2001Z in IC 3528".International Astronomical Union Circular(7593): 4.Bibcode:2001IAUC.7593....4P.ISSN0081-0304.
  20. ^Liu, He-Yang; Liu, Wen-Juan; Dong, Xiao-Bo; Zhou, Hongyan; Wang, Tinggui; Lu, Honglin; Yuan, Weimin (2019-08-01)."A Comprehensive and Uniform Sample of Broad-line Active Galactic Nuclei from the SDSS DR7".The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.243(2): 21.arXiv:1906.05597.Bibcode:2019ApJS..243...21L.doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ab298b.ISSN0067-0049.
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