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International Force East Timor

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International Force East Timor
Part of theIndonesian invasion of East Timorand the1999 East Timorese crisis

Date20 September 1999 – 28 February 2000
  • Defeat of pro-Indonesian militia
  • Stabilisation of East Timor
  • Succeeded by United Nations peacekeeping missionUNTAET

International Force:


Commanders and leaders
11,500 personnel (at the peak of deployment) unknown

TheInternational Force East Timor(INTERFET) was a multinational non-United Nationspeacemakingtask force, organised and led byAustraliain accordance withUnited Nations resolutionsto address the humanitarian and security crisis that took place inEast Timorfrom 1999–2000 until the arrival ofUN peacekeepers.[1]INTERFET was commanded by an Australianmilitary officer,Major GeneralPeter Cosgrove.


Indonesia invaded East Timor in 1975and annexed the former Portuguese colony. The annexation was recognised by few nations (including Australia and the United States) and was resisted by many East Timorese.Cold Warsecurity concerns were emphasised,[2]while foreign powers also placed high importance on good relations with Indonesia and were largely reluctant to assist a push for independence as a result. However, followingthe fall of long-serving Indonesian President Suharto,the new president,B. J. Habibie,was prepared to grant East Timor special autonomy.[3]

In late 1998, the Australian prime minister,John Howard,with his foreign minister,Alexander Downer,drafted a letter to Habibie supporting the idea of autonomy but incorporating a suggestion that the long-term issue of East Timoreseself-determinationcould best be defused by providing the East Timorese with an opportunity for aplebisciteafter a substantial period of autonomy. The explicit comparison was with theMatignon Accordsinvolving France andNew Caledonia.[4]The letter upset Habibie, who saw it as implying Indonesia was a "colonial power",and he decided in response to announce asnap referendumto be conducted within six months.[3]

News of the proposal provoked a violent reaction from pro-Indonesian militia in East Timor. The Indonesian army did not intervene to restore order. At a summit inBali,Howard told Habibie that a United Nations peacekeeping force should oversee the process. Habibie rejected the proposal, believing it would have insulted the Indonesian military.[3]

East Timor Special Autonomy Referendum[edit]

TheUnited Nations Mission in East Timor(UNAMET) was established to organise and conduct a referendum on the question of independence. It was composed of police and observers rather than military personnel. The UN-sponsoredreferendumheld on 30 August 1999 showed overwhelming approval for East TimoreseindependencefromIndonesia.After the result was announced on 4 September, violent clashes, instigated by a suspected anti-independencemilitia,sparked a humanitarian and security crisis in the region, withXanana Gusmãocalling for a UN peacekeeping force the same day.[5]Many East Timorese were killed, with as many as 500,000 displaced and around half fleeing the territory.[1]

On 6 September, Operation Spitfire commenced withRoyal Australian Air Force(RAAF)C-130 Herculesaircraft evacuating UNAMET staff, foreign nationals and refugees, includingBishop Belo,toDarwinfrom Dili andBaucauairfields with protection provided by unarmedSpecial Air Service Regiment(SASR) soldiers.[6]

United Nations resolution[edit]

The violence was met with widespread public anger in Australia, Portugal and elsewhere, and activists in Portugal, Australia, the United States and other nations pressured their governments to take action. Australia's Opposition Spokesman on Foreign Affairs,Laurie Brereton,was vocal in highlighting evidence of the Indonesian military's involvement in pro-integrationist violence and advocated United Nations peacekeeping to support the East Timor's ballot.[7]TheCatholic Church in Australiaurged the Australian Government to send an armed peacekeeping force toEast Timorto end the violence.[8]Protests occurred outside the Indonesia Consulate in Darwin and the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra.[9][10]

TheAustralian prime minister,John Howard,gained the support ofUnited Nations Secretary-GeneralKofi AnnanandU.S. PresidentBill Clintonfor an Australian-led international peacekeeping force to enter East Timor to end the violence. On 12 September, Clinton announced:[11]

[T]he Indonesian military has aided and abetted militia violence in East Timor, in violation of the commitment of its leaders to the international community. This has allowed the militias to murder innocent people, to send thousands fleeing for their lives, to attack the United Nations compound. The United States has suspended all military cooperation, assistance, and sales to Indonesia... The Indonesian Government and military must not only stop what they are doing but reverse course. They must halt the violence not just in Dili but throughout the nation. They must permit humanitarian assistance and let the U.N. mission do its job... We are ready to support an effort led by Australia to mobilize a multinational force to help to bring security to East Timor under U.N. auspice... the eyes of the world are on that tiny place and on those poor innocent, suffering people.

Return ofXanana Gusmãofrom Indonesian prison (1999)

Indonesia, indire economic straits,relented. Under international pressure to allow an international peacekeeping force, PresidentB.J. Habibieannounced on 12 September that he would do so.[12]He told a press conference:[3]

A couple of minutes ago I called the United Nations Secretary General, Mr Kofi Annan, to inform about our readiness to accept international peacekeeping forces through the United Nations, from friendly nations, to restore peace and security in East Timor.

On 15 September 1999, theUnited Nations Security Councilexpressed concern at the deteriorating situation in East Timor and issued itsResolution 1264calling for a multinational force to restore peace and security to East Timor, to protect and support the United Nations mission there, and to facilitate humanitarian assistance operations until such time as a United Nations peacekeeping force could be approved and deployed in the area.[13]The resolution also welcomed Australia's letter to accept the leadership of a proposed multinational force in East Timor and to make a substantial contribution to the force itself.[14]

Military operations[edit]

The lead-up to the operation remained politically and militarily tense. TheRoyal Australian Air Force(RAAF) re-deployed frontline combat aircraft—F/A-18sandF-111s—northward toTindalin theNorthern Territoryto act as a deterrent against escalation of the conflict by the Indonesian military and provide close air support and air defence in support of the landing if required.P-3C Orionmaritime patrol aircraft were also deployed.[15]At peak strength the RAAF aerial support assets available to INTERFET included 10 F-111s, 12 F/A-18s, five P-3C Orions, threeB707aerial refuelling tankers, twoB200 King Airs,threePC-9Aforward control aircraft, and aFalcon F900VIP jet.[16]Also in support was a significant airlift group, with Australian transport aircraft including thirteenC-130 Herculesand threeDHC-4 Caribou.New Zealand deployedC-130 Hercules,Bell UH-1HHueys, andA-4K Skyhawksto RAAF Base Tindal to support RAAF F-111s. In addition, a number of British, United States, Canadian, French and Thai aircraft were also deployed.[17][18]On at least one occasion Australian P-3C aircraft were intercepted by Indonesian aircraft,[19]while an Indonesian submarine was also detected by Coalition surveillance within the vicinity of Dili Harbour as INTERFET forces approached. Ultimately no serious incidents occurred and the intervention was successful; however,Australia–Indonesia relationswould take several years to recover.[3]

HMASJervis Bayin Dili in October 1999

Of the 22 nations involved in INTERFET, 10 provided naval assets. Australia was the single largest provider, with 14 ships deployed with INTERFET between 19 September 1999 and 23 February 2000: the frigatesAdelaide,Anzac,Darwin,Sydney,Newcastle,andMelbourne;the landing shipTobruk,the landing craftBalikpapan,Brunei,Labuan,Tarakan,andBetano;the fast transportJervis Bay;and the replenishment vesselSuccess.The United States contributed seven ships: the cruiserMobile Bay;the amphibious assault shipsBelleau Wood,Peleliu,andJuneau;and the replenishment shipsKilauea,San Jose,andTippecanoe.France supplied four vessels: the frigatesVendémiaireandPrairialplus the landing shipsSirocoandJacques Cartier.Singapore contributed the amphibious landing shipsExcellence,Intrepid,andPerseverance.New Zealand deployed the frigatesTe KahaandCanterburyand the replenishment shipEndeavour.Other naval vessels deployed during the operation included the Canadian replenishment shipProtecteur,the Italian amphibious assault shipSan Giusto,the Portuguese frigateVasco da Gama,the Thai landing shipSurin,and the British destroyerGlasgow.[20]

The International Forces East Timor (INTERFET) coalition began deploying to East Timor on 20 September 1999, as a non-UN force operating in accordance with UN Resolutions. Led by Australia, who contributed 5,500 personnel and the force commander, Major GeneralPeter Cosgrove,it was tasked with restoring peace and security, protecting and supporting UNAMET, and facilitating humanitarian assistance.[1]Commander of the Thai Task Force Major General Sonkitti Jaggabattra was INTERFET's deputy commander.[21]The AustralianDeployable Joint Force Headquartersprovided overall command and control.[22]The main Australian combat element included infantry and cavalry provided by the3rd Brigade.[22]Due to the nature of the operation the force deployed without its artillery and other heavy weapons and equipment; however, 105 mm and 155 mm guns andLeopard tankswere available and on standby in Darwin for rapid deployment if required.[23]It was supported by the 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment, 103rd Signals Squadron, 110th Signals Squadron, and elements of the 3rd Brigade Administrative Support Battalion.[22]TwelveBlack Hawkhelicopters from the5th Aviation Regimentwere also deployed. Other force level troops included military police, an intelligence company, an electronic warfare squadron, elements of an artillery locating battery, and topographic survey personnel.[22]

Special forces played a key role, with an Australian squadron from theSpecial Air Service Regiment(SASR), a troop from theNew Zealand Special Air Service(NZSAS) and a troop from the BritishSpecial Boat Service(SBS) forming Response Force (RESPFOR).[24]The SASR flew into Dili by RAAF C-130H Hercules securing Komoro Airport followed by NZSAS and SBS. With the airhead secured, infantry from the2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment(2 RAR) then flew in from Darwin supported by twoM-113armoured personnel carriers fromB Squadron, 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment.RESPFOR began vehicle patrols into Dili, including reconnaissance of Dili port, after which a rifle company from 2 RAR—borrowing Indonesian military trucks for transport—secured the port prior to the arrival of follow-on forces the next day, while the remainder of the battalion consolidated the position at Komoro. Meanwhile, an advance party of Gurkhas from the2nd Battalion, The Royal Gurkha Rifles(2 RGR) and British Royal Marines Commandos from theFleet Standby Rifle Troop(FSRT) secured the foothills and areas to the south of the city.3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment(3 RAR) began landing the next day at the port, along with the2nd Cavalry Regimentequipped withASLAVlight armoured vehicles and the remainder of the Company Group from 2 RGR arrived.No. 2 Airfield Defence Squadron(2AFDS) arrived the following day to permanently secure Komoro airport replacing 2 RAR. Additional Australian forces and support personnel arrived in the days that followed as INTERFET continued to grow, as did forces from a number of other countries, in particular from New Zealand.[25]

USAF C-130 taking off from Darwin for a mission to East Timor

MostUnited Nations Mission in East Timor(UNAMET) personnel had already been evacuated from the region in the preceding months by theRoyal Australian Air Force,although a small number had remained behind.[26]With the withdrawal of the Indonesian forces and officials, UNAMET re-established its headquarters inDilion 28 September and on 19 October 1999, Indonesia formally recognised the result of the independence referendum. Soon after, theUnited Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor(UNTAET) was established as a peacekeeping operation which was also fully responsible for the administration of East Timor to oversee its transition to independence.[1]With only limited forces available, Cosgrove adopted the 'oil spot' concept of dominating key areas from which the surrounding areas could be influenced and then secured, moving quickly by helicopter to keep the militia off balance. The large airfield atBaucauwas secured by two platoons from 2 RAR on 22 September, who were relieved by thePhilippine Armynon-combat contingent known as the Philippine Humanitarian Support Mission to East Timor (PhilHSMET) three days later.[27]

On 26 September D Company, 2 RAR conducted an air-mobile insertion intoLiquica,approximately 30 kilometres (19 mi) returning to Dili about 30 hours later.[28][27]On 29 September, the first New Zealand infantry arrived in Dili with V Company from the 1st Battalion,Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment(1 RNZIR) together with four M-113 APCs from theQueen Alexandra's Mounted Rifles.With Dili secured INTERFET began moving into the western regencies.[25]On 1 October 2 RAR flew in to simultaneously secureBaliboand Batugade, near the western border. Mounted in APCs, elements of the battalion then securedMaliana,before clearing the remainder of the Bobonaro Regency.[29]

Irish Army Ranger Wing (ARW) on patrol in East Timor

On 6 October, an armoured column of Gurkhas and RESPFOR enteredSuaitogether with RESPFOR in Black Hawks, capturing 116 militia; however, a number of SASR personnel were later ambushed, resulting in two Australians wounded. In the counter-attack two militia were killed, while two escaped but were later found to have died of wounds.[27][30][31]Meanwhile, a third Australian battalion—the5th/7th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment(5/7 RAR)—had arrived in Dili relieving 3 RAR. On 10 October, 3 RAR was inserted into Bobonaro and Maliana by helicopter and V Company, 1 RNZIR was inserted in Suai also by Black Hawks relieving the Gurkhas/RESPFOR. The same day a platoon from 2 RAR was fired on by Indonesian police nearMota'ainon the border, and in the ensuing clash one Indonesian was killed.[27]

On 13 October, a major amphibious operation was launched at Suai with the bulk of Headquarters 3rd Brigade (renamed Headquarters West Force) logistic and support units landed.[32]West Force (WESTFOR) consisting of 2RAR, 3RAR, and 1RNZIR, in addition to supporting aviation, engineer and armoured units, was tasked with securing the border region.[33]By 22 October, the 1 RNZIR Battalion Group was fully deployed which included a Canadian infantry company from3rd Battalion, Royal 22 Regimentand a platoon of Irish special forces from theArmy Ranger Wingsupported byNo. 3 Squadron RNZAFIroquois helicopters.[34]From mid-October contingents from a number of other countries began to arrive, including battalions from Thailand and South Korea, which were deployed in the eastern part of the country.[34]

The arrival of thousands of international troops in East Timor caused the militia to flee across the border into Indonesia. Amajor contact at Aidabasalala,15 kilometres (9.3 mi) from the West Timor border, occurred on 16 October 1999. The action, involving an Australian covert reconnaissance patrol from the SASR, saw the Australians repeatedly attacked in a series of fire-fights by a group of more than 20 militia. The SASR patrol had been detected whilst establishing an observation post and were forced to fight their way to a landing zone, being attacked a further three times over a one-and-a-half hour period, killing a number of their attackers before they were successfully extracted by Black Hawk helicopter. Five militia were killed and three wounded, whilst there were no Australian casualties.[35]Later, intelligence reports speculated on the involvement ofIndonesian militarypersonnel in the attempt to cut off and destroy the Australians, whilst conjecture as to the identity of the pro-Indonesian militias and the source of their arms and training increased in the media.[36][Note 1]

New Zealand Special Air Service (SAS) escorting a port survey team in East Timor

INTERFET then launched an operation to secure the last part of the country theOecussi Enclave.[40]On 22 October 1999, the SASR conducted an air insertion in Black Hawk helicopters atPort Makasain the enclave together with an hour later an amphibious landing from a Navy landing craft with their vehicles.[41][40][42]The night before Australian NavyClearance diversfromHMASSuccesshad conducted a clandestine beach reconnaissance of the amphibious landing area.[43][42]A day after the SASR landed, a platoon from 5/7 RAR with four APCs and a platoon ofGurkhasfrom2 RGRwere landed from the landing craft.[44][45]Forty militia were captured while the remainder were believed to have fled to West Timor.[46]In mid-November, 3 RAR took over responsibility for the Oecussi Enclave.[47]

On 28 February 2000, INTERFET handed over command of military operations toUnited Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor(UNTAET).[32]A New Zealand soldier, Private Leonard Manning, was shot dead during a contact on 24 July 2000, becoming the first combat fatality since the United Nations-backed forces had arrived in September.[48]Manning was killed in the south-west town of Suai when his patrol was attacked by a group of militia.[49]Grenades andclaymore mineshad been withdrawn from New Zealand's forces after the UN took over, a change which was rescinded after Manning's death.[50]Two Australian soldiers also died in East Timor in 2000—Lance Corporal Russell Eisenhuth through illness on 17 January and Corporal Stuart Jones after a weapon accidentally discharged on 10 August 2000.[51]

Countries contributing to INTERFET[edit]

Commander INTERFET, Major General Cosgrove, joins hands with the new East Timor leadership during a celebration to mark the official handover to UNTAET.

Australiaprovided the largest contingent of troops, hardware and equipment for the INTERFET operation—5,500 personnel at its peak—followed byNew Zealand.[52]New Zealand's contribution peaked at 1,200 personnel.[53]It was New Zealand's largest overseas military deployment since the Korean War.[54]Eventually 22 nations contributed to INTERFET which grew to over 11,500 strong.[55][22]Other countries to contribute include (in alphabetical order),Bangladesh,Brazil,Canada,Denmark,Egypt,Fiji,France,Germany,Ireland,Italy,Jordan,Kenya,Malaysia,Norway,Philippines,Portugal,Singapore,South Korea,Thailand,theUnited Kingdom,and theUnited States of America.[56]Australia was refused US ground troops but was able to secure vital support for airlift, logistics, specialised intelligence, over the horizon deterrence, and "diplomatic muscle".[3][55]Japan who was prevented by law from sending troops provided significant financial funding of a US$100 million.[57][21]Participants were awarded theInternational Force East Timor Medalby the Australian Government.[58]

As lead nation Australia provided logistic support for a number of other nations in addition to its own requirements.[59]A Force Logistic Support Group was deployed during October and November based on the10th Force Support Battalion(10 FSB), which included supply, transport, port operators, water transport and maintenance personnel, while a forward surgical team, preventative medical section, signals squadron, and engineers from the17th Construction Squadronand a section of the 19th Chief Engineer Works were also attached. Meanwhile, the9th Force Support Battalionwas deployed to Darwin to provide additional support, and later rotated with 10 FSB in East Timor.[60]

Despite the proximity of considerable civilian and military infrastructure in Darwin, the provision of this support proved a major challenge for Australia, which had not been required to provide full logistic support for a deployed force since the Second World War. Reductions in defence spending over the previous decade had led to the run down of its logistic support force, resulting in the requirement to quickly implement a range of ad hoc measures to overcome these shortfalls.[61]Despite relatively short lines of communication, low expenditure of ammunition, fuel and other consumables, and limited personnel and equipment casualties, the operation strained the ADF's limited logistic capability and it was questionable whether it could have sustained a more high intensity deployment.[62]

See also[edit]



  1. ^Sporadic cross-border raids by the militia in 2000 following the hand-over to UNTAET led to further suspicion that the militia had the tacit support of elements of the Indonesian military, or that at the least their actions were being tolerated by them.[37]Heightened activity occurred between July and September 2000, particularly in the southern border held by theNew Zealand Army,which resulted in the death of one New Zealand soldier and one from Nepal, as well as the wounding of three others. Several militia were later killed in action in a series of ambushes initiated by the New Zealanders.[38][39]


  1. ^abcd"Australians and Peacekeeping".War History.Australian War Memorial.Retrieved11 January2015.
  2. ^Gunderson 2015,p. 15.
  3. ^abcdef"The Howard Years: Episode 2:" Whatever It Takes "".Program Transcript.Australian Broadcasting Commission. 24 November 2008. Archived fromthe originalon 23 September 2010.Retrieved19 October2014.
  4. ^Connery 2010,pp. 147–148.
  5. ^"Timor chooses independence".BBC News.4 September 1999.
  6. ^Horner 2002,pp. 483–489.
  7. ^Kirk, Alexandra (15 September 1999)."ALP wants commission to gather evidence of war crimes".Transcript - AM Archive.Australian Broadcasting Commission.Retrieved13 September2015.
  8. ^Nelson, Jane (6 September 1999)."Australia churches, unions rally against Indonesia".Reuters. Archived fromthe originalon 16 July 2013.
  9. ^McIntyre 2013,p. 177.
  10. ^Pietsch 2010,p. 17.
  11. ^Clinton, William."Remarks to American and Asian Business Leaders in Auckland".The American Presidency Project.Archived fromthe originalon 9 September 2018.Retrieved9 September2018.
  12. ^"Habibie accepts Timor peacekeepers".BBC News.12 September 1999.
  13. ^"UN approves Timor force".BBC News.15 September 1999.
  14. ^"Security Council authorises multinational force in East Timor".United Nations. 15 September 1999.
  15. ^Wilson 2003,p. 32.
  16. ^Wilson 2003,p. 34.
  17. ^Wilson 2003,pp. 13–15.
  18. ^"RAAF units in East Timor".East Timor, 1999–2000 units.Australian War Memorial.Retrieved19 October2014.
  19. ^Wilson 2003,pp. 32–33.
  20. ^Stevens 2007,pp. 14–15.
  21. ^ab"East Timor/Timor-Leste: Background".Australian Army.Archived fromthe originalon 27 February 2012.
  22. ^abcdeHorner 2001,p. 22.
  23. ^Horner 2001,p. 24.
  24. ^Horner 2001,p. 20.
  25. ^abFarrell 2000,pp. 4–21.
  26. ^Londey 2004,pp. 240–241.
  27. ^abcdHorner 2001,p. 28.
  28. ^Farrell 2000,pp. 21–22.
  29. ^Farrell 2000,pp. 43–46.
  30. ^Breen 2000,p. 70.
  31. ^Londey 2004,p. 250.
  32. ^abHorner 2001,p. 29.
  33. ^Farrell 2000,p. 55.
  34. ^abFarrell 2000,p. 57.
  35. ^Coulthard-Clark 2001,p. 296.
  36. ^Farrell 2000,pp. 56–57.
  37. ^Tanter, Selden & Shalom 2001,pp. 249–250.
  38. ^Londey 2004,p. 259.
  39. ^Crawford & Harper 2001,pp. 136–139.
  40. ^abFarrell 2000,pp. 65.
  41. ^Horner 2002,p. 509.
  42. ^abVice Admiral Peter Jones; Vice Admiral Russ Crane; Commodore Hec Donohue; Commander Pete Tedman (19 August 2019).Clearance Diving the RAN (Part 3) From Vietnam War to 2019.Naval History Podcast Series - Season 4(Podcast). University of New South Wales.
  43. ^Williams, Emma."AUSCDT4 Clears Beaches and Conducts Clandestine Ops in East Timor".Royal Australian Navy.Archived fromthe originalon 28 April 2001.
  44. ^Londey, Peter (Autumn 2000)."UN blue 5/7RAR in East Timor"(PDF).Wartime(10): 15.Retrieved3 April2024.
  45. ^Farrell 2000,pp. 66–67.
  46. ^Farrell 2000,pp. 67.
  47. ^Dennis et al 2008,p. 192.
  48. ^"New Zealand soldier is shot dead in East Timor".The Independent.London. 25 July 2000.Retrieved11 January2015.
  49. ^"The World Today Archive - The UN's first combat casualty in East Timor".abc.net.au.Retrieved16 January2015.
  50. ^Smith 2005,p. 13.
  51. ^Londey 2004,pp. 256 & 259.
  52. ^Horner 2001,p. 9.
  53. ^McGibbon 2000,p. 419.
  54. ^Crawford & Harper 2001,p. 6.
  55. ^abLondey 2004,p. 244.
  56. ^Ryan 2000,pp. 127–129.
  57. ^Richardson, Michael (5 October 1999)."Financial and Diplomatic Costs Mount: Australia Presses UN To Send Timor Force".International Herald Tribune.Retrieved4 April2024.
  58. ^"International Force East Timor Medal".It's an Honour.Government of Australia.29 September 2008. Archived fromthe originalon 5 March 2015.Retrieved11 January2015.
  59. ^Horner 2001,p. 32.
  60. ^Horner 2001,p. 23.
  61. ^Horner 2001,pp. 32–33.
  62. ^Horner 2001,p. 38.


Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]