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Index of linguistics articles

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Linguisticsisthescientificstudy of humanlanguage.Someone who engages in this study is called alinguist.See also theOutline of linguistics,theList of phonetics topics,theList of linguists,and theList of cognitive science topics.Articles related to linguistics include:



Abbreviation- Abessive case- Ablaut- Absolutive case- Abugida- Accusative case- Acute accent- Accent (phonetics)- Accent (sociolinguistics)- Acronym- Adessive case- Adjective- Adjunct- Adposition- Adpositional phrase- Adverb- Adverbial- Adverbial phrase- Affix- Affricate consonant- Agglutination- Agglutinative language- Allative case- Allomorph- Allophone- Alphabet- Analytic language- Anaphora- Animacy- Anthropological linguistics- Alveolar consonant- Antonym- Aorist- Applied linguistics- Approximant- Areal feature- Article- Articulatory gestures- Articulatory phonetics- Aspect- Asterisk- Attrition- Attraction- Augment (Bantu languages)- Augment (Indo-European)- Auxiliary verb



Back-formation- Backronym- Bilabial consonant- Breathy voice- Breve



Calque- Capitalization- Capitonym- Cardinal vowel- Case- Case in tiers- Cedilla- Chiasmus- Circumfix- Circumflex- Clefting- Click consonant- Closed-class word- Cognate- Cognitive science- Coherence- Colloquialism- Comitative case- Comparative- Comparative linguistics- Comparative method- Compound noun and adjective- Compound verb- Computer-assisted language learning- Computational linguistics- Conjugation- Conjunct- Conjunction- Consonant- Constructed language- Context- Contrastive analysis- Contrastive linguistics- Conversation analysis- Copula- Corpus linguistics- Cranberry morpheme- Creaky voice- Creole language- Cryptanalysis- Cuneiform



Dangling modifier- Dative case- Decipherment- Declension- Defective verb- Descriptive linguistics- Dental consonant- Derivation- Determiner- Diacritic- Diaeresis- Dialect- Dictionary- Diphthong- Diplomatics- Discourse- Disjunct- Dislocation- Double acute accent- Dual grammatical number



Eggcorn- Ecolinguistics- Elative case- Endangered language- English pronunciation- Entailment- Ergative case- Error- Essive case- Ethnologue- Etymology- Etymologist- Eurolinguistics- Evolution of languages- Evolutionary linguistics- Example-based machine translation- Exegesis- Expletive- Expletive attributive



False cognate- False friend- Figleaf- Formal language- Fricative consonant- Function word- Fusional language- Future perfect- Future tense



Gender- General semantics- Genitive case- Germanic umlaut- Gerund- Glottal consonant- Glottal stop- Glottochronology- Government- Grammar- Grammatical gender- Grammatical mood- Grammatical number- Grammatical voice- Grave accent- Great consonant shift- Great Vowel Shift- Grimm's law- Guttural consonant



Hacek- Heaps' law- Hermeneutics- Hiatus (linguistics)- High rising terminal- Historical-comparative linguistics- Historical linguistics- History of linguistics- Homonym- Hypernym- Hyponym



I-mutation- Ideogram- Idiolect- Idiom- Illative case- Impersonal pronoun- Impersonal verb- Implication (pragmatics)- Indo-European languages- Inessive case- Infinitive- Infix- Inflected language- Inflection- Initialism- Initial-stress-derived noun- Instructive case- Interjection- Interactional linguistics- International Phonetic Alphabet- IPA chart for English- Irregular verb







Labiodental consonant- Langue and parole- Language- Language acquisition- Language attrition- Language education- Language families and languages- Language game- The Language Instinct- Language isolate- Laryngeal theory- Lateral consonant- Lemma- Lexeme- Lexical semantics- Lexicography- Lexicology- Lexicon- Linguist- Linguistic anthropology- Linguistic ecology- Linguistic layers- Linguistic relativity- Linguistics- Linguistics basic topics- Liquid consonant- List of linguists- Loanword- Locative case



Machine translation- macron- Manner of articulation-Mass noun- Meaning- Meronymy- Metathesis- Minimal pair- Mispronunciation- Modality- Mood- Mora- Morpheme- Morphology- Mutual intelligibility



Nasal consonant- Nasal stop- Natural language- Natural language processing- Natural language understanding- Negative raising- Neologism- Neurolinguistics- Nomenclature- Nominative case- Noun- Noun phrase- Null morpheme



Onomasiology- Onomatopoeia- Open class word- Optimality theory- Origin of language- Orthography- Object–subject–verb- Object–verb–subject- Oxytone



Palatal consonant- Paradigm- Paroxytone- Part of speech- Participle- Particle- Partitive case- Past tense- Perfect (grammar)- Persuasion- Pharyngeal consonant- Philology- Philosophy of language- Phonation- Phone- Phonetics- Phonetic complement- Phonetic transcription- Phonology- Phoneme- Phonemics- Phrase- Phrase structure rules- Pidgin- Place of articulation- Pleonasm- Pluperfect- Polysemy- Polysynthetic language- Portmanteau- Possessive case- Postalveolar consonant- Postposition- Pragmatics- Prefix- Preposition- Prepositional phrase- Prescription and description- Present tense- Presupposition- Preterite- Principles of interpretation- Profanity- Prolative case- Pronoun- Pronunciation- Prosody (linguistics)- Proparoxytone- Pseudo-acronym- Pseudo-Anglicism- Psycholinguistics- Punctuation



Quirky subject



Radical- Retroflex consonant- Retronym- Rhetoric- Rhotics- Romanization- Rounded vowel



SAMPA- Schwa- Second language- Semantics- Semantic class- Semantic feature- Semantic property- Semiotics- Semivowel- Sentence- Sentence function- Shall- Sign- Sign language- Sociolinguistics- Sociolect- Sociophonetics- Slack voice- Slang- Sound change- Sound pattern of English- SOV- Speaker recognition- Specialised lexicography- Speech communication- Speech act- Speech disorder- Speech processing- Speech recognition- Speech synthesis- Speech therapy- Spiritus asper- Split infinitive- Standard language- Stop consonant- Stratificational linguistics- String grammar- Structuralism- Stylistics- Subcategorization- Superlative- Suppletion- Subject- SVO- Supine- Syllabary- Syllable- Synonym- Syntactic ambiguity- Syntactic categories- Syntax- Synthetic language



Tagmemics- Telicity- Tense- Tense–aspect–mood- Terminology- Text linguistics- Text types- Thematic role- Theoretical linguistics- Thesaurus- Thou- Time–manner–place- Tonal language- Tone (linguistics)- Tongue-twister- Transcription- Transformational-generative grammar- Translation- Translative case- Truth condition- T–V distinction- Typology



Uninflected word- Universal grammar- Uvular consonant



V2 word order- Variety- Velar consonant- Verb- Verb–object–subject- Verb phrase- Verb–subject–object- Verbal noun- Verner's law- Vocative case- Vowel- Vowel harmony- Vowel stems-



Weak suppletion- Will (verb)- Word- Word-sense disambiguation- Writing- Writing systems- Wug test



X-bar theory





Zipf's law