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Incircle and excircles

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Incircle and excircles of a triangle.
Extended sidesof triangleABC
Incircle (incenteratI)
Excircles (excenters atJA,JB,JC)
External angle bisectors (forming the excentral triangle)

Ingeometry,theincircleorinscribed circleof atriangleis the largestcirclethat can be contained in the triangle; it touches (istangentto) the three sides. The center of the incircle is atriangle centercalled the triangle'sincenter.[1]

Anexcircleorescribed circle[2]of the triangle is a circle lying outside the triangle, tangent to one of its sides and tangent to theextensions of the other two.Every triangle has three distinct excircles, each tangent to one of the triangle's sides.[3]

The center of the incircle, called theincenter,can be found as the intersection of the threeinternalangle bisectors.[3][4]The center of an excircle is the intersection of the internal bisector of one angle (at vertexA,for example) and theexternalbisectors of the other two. The center of this excircle is called theexcenterrelative to the vertexA,or theexcenterofA.[3]Because the internal bisector of an angle is perpendicular to its external bisector, it follows that the center of the incircle together with the three excircle centers form anorthocentric system.[5]

Incircle and Incenter


Supposehas an incircle with radiusand center. Letbe the length of,the length of,andthe length of. Also let,,andbe the touchpoints where the incircle touches,,and.



The incenter is the point where the internalangle bisectorsofmeet.

The distance from vertexto the incenteris:[citation needed]

Trilinear coordinates


Thetrilinear coordinatesfor a point in the triangle is the ratio of all the distances to the triangle sides. Because the incenter is the same distance from all sides of the triangle, the trilinear coordinates for the incenter are[6]

Barycentric coordinates


Thebarycentric coordinatesfor a point in a triangle give weights such that the point is the weighted average of the triangle vertex positions. Barycentric coordinates for the incenter are given by

where,,andare the lengths of the sides of the triangle, or equivalently (using thelaw of sines) by

where,,andare the angles at the three vertices.

Cartesian coordinates


TheCartesian coordinatesof the incenter are a weighted average of the coordinates of the three vertices using the side lengths of the triangle relative to the perimeter (that is, using the barycentric coordinates given above, normalized to sum to unity) as weights. The weights are positive so the incenter lies inside the triangle as stated above. If the three vertices are located at,,and,and the sides opposite these vertices have corresponding lengths,,and,then the incenter is at[citation needed]



The inradiusof the incircle in a triangle with sides of length,,is given by[7]

whereis the semiperimeter.

The tangency points of the incircle divide the sides into segments of lengthsfrom,from,andfrom.[8]

SeeHeron's formula.

Distances to the vertices


Denoting the incenter ofas,the distances from the incenter to the vertices combined with the lengths of the triangle sides obey the equation[9]


whereandare the triangle'scircumradiusandinradiusrespectively.

Other properties


The collection of triangle centers may be given the structure of agroupunder coordinate-wise multiplication of trilinear coordinates; in this group, the incenter forms theidentity element.[6]

Incircle and its radius properties


Distances between vertex and nearest touchpoints


The distances from a vertex to the two nearest touchpoints are equal; for example:[11]

Other properties


If thealtitudesfrom sides of lengths,,andare,,and,then the inradiusis one-third of theharmonic meanof these altitudes; that is,[12]

The product of the incircle radiusand thecircumcircleradiusof a triangle with sides,,andis[13]

Some relations among the sides, incircle radius, and circumcircle radius are:[14]

Any line through a triangle that splits both the triangle's area and its perimeter in half goes through the triangle's incenter (the center of its incircle). There are either one, two, or three of these for any given triangle.[15]

Denoting the center of the incircle ofas,we have[16]

and[17]: 121, #84 

The incircle radius is no greater than one-ninth the sum of the altitudes.[18]: 289 

The squared distance from the incenterto the circumcenteris given by[19]: 232 

and the distance from the incenter to the centerof thenine point circleis[19]: 232 

The incenter lies in themedial triangle(whose vertices are the midpoints of the sides).[19]: 233, Lemma 1 

Relation to area of the triangle


The radius of the incircle is related to theareaof the triangle.[20]The ratio of the area of the incircle to the area of the triangle is less than or equal to , with equality holding only forequilateral triangles.[21]

Suppose has an incircle with radiusand center.Letbe the length of,the length of,andthe length of.Now, the incircle is tangent toat some point,and so is right. Thus, the radiusis analtitudeof . Therefore, has base lengthand height,and so has area . Similarly, has area and has area . Since these three triangles decompose ,we see that the area is: and

whereis the area ofandis itssemiperimeter.

For an alternative formula, consider.This is a right-angled triangle with one side equal toand the other side equal to.The same is true for.The large triangle is composed of six such triangles and the total area is:[citation needed]

Gergonne triangle and point

Incircle (incenteratI)
Contact triangleTATBTC
Lines between opposite vertices ofABCandTATBTC(concur at Gergonne pointGe)

TheGergonne triangle(of) is defined by the three touchpoints of the incircle on the three sides. The touchpoint oppositeis denoted,etc.

This Gergonne triangle,,is also known as thecontact triangleorintouch triangleof.Its area is

where,,andare the area, radius of theincircle,and semiperimeter of the original triangle, and,,andare the side lengths of the original triangle. This is the same area as that of theextouch triangle.[22]

The three lines,andintersect in a single point called theGergonne point,denoted as(ortriangle centerX7). The Gergonne point lies in the openorthocentroidal diskpunctured at its own center, and can be any point therein.[23]

The Gergonne point of a triangle has a number of properties, including that it is thesymmedian pointof the Gergonne triangle.[24]

Trilinear coordinatesfor the vertices of the intouch triangle are given by[citation needed]

Trilinear coordinates for the Gergonne point are given by[citation needed]

or, equivalently, by theLaw of Sines,

Excircles and excenters

Incircle (incenteratI)
Excircles (excenters atJA,JB,JC)
External angle bisectors (forming the excentral triangle)

Anexcircleorescribed circle[2]of the triangle is a circle lying outside the triangle, tangent to one of its sides and tangent to theextensions of the other two.Every triangle has three distinct excircles, each tangent to one of the triangle's sides.[3]

The center of an excircle is the intersection of the internal bisector of one angle (at vertex,for example) and theexternalbisectors of the other two. The center of this excircle is called theexcenterrelative to the vertex,or theexcenterof.[3]Because the internal bisector of an angle is perpendicular to its external bisector, it follows that the center of the incircle together with the three excircle centers form anorthocentric system.[5]

Trilinear coordinates of excenters


While theincenterofhastrilinear coordinates,the excenters have trilinears[citation needed]



The radii of the excircles are called theexradii.

The exradius of the excircle opposite(so touching,centered at) is[25][26] where

SeeHeron's formula.

Derivation of exradii formula



Let the excircle at sidetouch at sideextended at,and let this excircle's radius beand its center be.Thenis an altitude of,sohas area.By a similar argument,has areaandhas area.Thus the areaof triangleis .

So, by symmetry, denotingas the radius of the incircle, .

By theLaw of Cosines,we have

Combining this with the identity,we have

But,and so

which isHeron's formula.

Combining this with,we have


Other properties


From the formulas above one can see that the excircles are always larger than the incircle and that the largest excircle is the one tangent to the longest side and the smallest excircle is tangent to the shortest side. Further, combining these formulas yields:[27]

Other excircle properties


The circularhullof the excircles is internally tangent to each of the excircles and is thus anApollonius circle.[28]The radius of this Apollonius circle iswhereis the incircle radius andis the semiperimeter of the triangle.[29]

The following relations hold among the inradius,the circumradius,the semiperimeter,and the excircle radii,,:[14]

The circle through the centers of the three excircles has radius.[14]

Ifis theorthocenterof,then[14]

Nagel triangle and Nagel point

Extended sidesof triangleABC
Excircles ofABC(tangent atTA.TB,TC)
Nagel/Extouch triangleTATBTC
Splitters:lines connecting opposite vertices ofABCandTATBTC(concur atNagel pointN)

TheNagel triangleorextouch triangleofis denoted by the vertices,,andthat are the three points where the excircles touch the referenceand whereis opposite of,etc. Thisis also known as theextouch triangleof.Thecircumcircleof the extouchis called theMandart circle.[citation needed]

The three line segments,andare called thesplittersof the triangle; they each bisect the perimeter of the triangle,[citation needed]

The splitters intersect in a single point, the triangle'sNagel point(ortriangle centerX8).

Trilinear coordinates for the vertices of the extouch triangle are given by[citation needed]

Trilinear coordinates for the Nagel point are given by[citation needed]

or, equivalently, by theLaw of Sines,

The Nagel point is theisotomic conjugateof the Gergonne point.[citation needed]


Nine-point circle and Feuerbach point

The nine-point circle is tangent to the incircle and excircles

Ingeometry,thenine-point circleis acirclethat can be constructed for any giventriangle.It is so named because it passes through nine significantconcyclic pointsdefined from the triangle. These ninepointsare:[30][31]

In 1822, Karl Feuerbach discovered that any triangle's nine-point circle is externallytangentto that triangle's threeexcirclesand internally tangent to itsincircle;this result is known asFeuerbach's theorem.He proved that:[32]

... the circle which passes through the feet of the altitudes of a triangle is tangent to all four circles which in turn are tangent to the three sides of the triangle... (Feuerbach 1822)

Thetriangle centerat which the incircle and the nine-point circle touch is called theFeuerbach point.

Incentral and excentral triangles


The points of intersection of the interior angle bisectors ofwith the segments,,andare the vertices of theincentral triangle.Trilinear coordinates for the vertices of the incentral triangleare given by[citation needed]

Theexcentral triangleof a reference triangle has vertices at the centers of the reference triangle's excircles. Its sides are on the external angle bisectors of the reference triangle (see figure attop of page). Trilinear coordinates for the vertices of the excentral triangleare given by[citation needed]

Equations for four circles


Letbe a variable point intrilinear coordinates,and let,,.The four circles described above are given equivalently by either of the two given equations:[33]: 210–215 

  • Incircle:
  • -excircle:
  • -excircle:
  • -excircle:

Euler's theorem


Euler's theoremstates that in a triangle:

whereandare the circumradius and inradius respectively, andis the distance between thecircumcenterand the incenter.

For excircles the equation is similar:

whereis the radius of one of the excircles, andis the distance between the circumcenter and that excircle's center.[34][35][36]

Generalization to other polygons


Some (but not all)quadrilateralshave an incircle. These are calledtangential quadrilaterals.Among their many properties perhaps the most important is that their two pairs of opposite sides have equal sums. This is called thePitot theorem.[37]

More generally, a polygon with any number of sides that has an inscribed circle (that is, one that is tangent to each side) is called atangential polygon.[citation needed]

See also



  1. ^Kay (1969,p. 140)
  2. ^abAltshiller-Court (1925,p. 74)
  3. ^abcdeAltshiller-Court (1925,p. 73)
  4. ^Kay (1969,p. 117)
  5. ^abJohnson 1929,p. 182.
  6. ^abEncyclopedia of Triangle CentersArchived2012-04-19 at theWayback Machine,accessed 2014-10-28.
  7. ^Kay (1969,p. 201)
  8. ^Chu, Thomas,The Pentagon,Spring 2005, p. 45, problem 584.
  9. ^ Allaire, Patricia R.; Zhou, Junmin; Yao, Haishen (March 2012), "Proving a nineteenth century ellipse identity",Mathematical Gazette,96:161–165,doi:10.1017/S0025557200004277,S2CID124176398.
  10. ^Altshiller-Court, Nathan(1980),College Geometry,Dover Publications.#84, p. 121.
  11. ^Mathematical Gazette,July 2003, 323-324.
  12. ^Kay (1969,p. 203)
  13. ^Johnson 1929,p. 189, #298(d).
  14. ^abcd"Bell, Amy," Hansen's right triangle theorem, its converse and a generalization ",Forum Geometricorum6, 2006, 335–342 "(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2021-08-31.Retrieved2012-05-05.
  15. ^Kodokostas, Dimitrios, "Triangle Equalizers,"Mathematics Magazine83, April 2010, pp. 141-146.
  16. ^Allaire, Patricia R.; Zhou, Junmin; and Yao, Haishen, "Proving a nineteenth century ellipse identity",Mathematical Gazette96, March 2012, 161-165.
  17. ^Altshiller-Court, Nathan.College Geometry,Dover Publications, 1980.
  18. ^Posamentier, Alfred S., and Lehmann, Ingmar.The Secrets of Triangles,Prometheus Books, 2012.
  19. ^abcFranzsen, William N. (2011)."The distance from the incenter to the Euler line"(PDF).Forum Geometricorum.11:231–236.MR2877263.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2020-12-05.Retrieved2012-05-09..
  20. ^Coxeter, H.S.M. "Introduction to Geometry2nd ed. Wiley, 1961.
  21. ^Minda, D., and Phelps, S., "Triangles, ellipses, and cubic polynomials",American Mathematical Monthly115, October 2008, 679-689: Theorem 4.1.
  22. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Contact Triangle." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ContactTriangle.html
  23. ^Christopher J. Bradley and Geoff C. Smith, "The locations of triangle centers",Forum Geometricorum6 (2006), 57–70.http://forumgeom.fau.edu/FG2006volume6/FG200607index.html
  24. ^ Dekov, Deko (2009)."Computer-generated Mathematics: The Gergonne Point"(PDF).Journal of Computer-generated Euclidean Geometry.1:1–14. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2010-11-05.
  25. ^abAltshiller-Court (1925,p. 79)
  26. ^Kay (1969,p. 202)
  27. ^Baker, Marcus, "A collection of formulae for the area of a plane triangle,"Annals of Mathematics,part 1 in vol. 1(6), January 1885, 134-138. (See also part 2 in vol. 2(1), September 1885, 11-18.)
  28. ^Grinberg, Darij, and Yiu, Paul, "The Apollonius Circle as a Tucker Circle",Forum Geometricorum2, 2002: pp. 175-182.
  29. ^Stevanovi´c, Milorad R., "The Apollonius circle and related triangle centers",Forum Geometricorum3, 2003, 187-195.
  30. ^Altshiller-Court (1925,pp. 103–110)
  31. ^Kay (1969,pp. 18, 245)
  32. ^Feuerbach, Karl Wilhelm;Buzengeiger, Carl Heribert Ignatz (1822),Eigenschaften einiger merkwürdigen Punkte des geradlinigen Dreiecks und mehrerer durch sie bestimmten Linien und Figuren. Eine analytisch-trigonometrische Abhandlung(Monograph ed.), Nürnberg: Wiessner.
  33. ^Whitworth, William Allen.Trilinear Coordinates and Other Methods of Modern Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions,Forgotten Books, 2012 (orig. Deighton, Bell, and Co., 1866).http://www.forgottenbooks.com/search?q=Trilinear+coordinates&t=books
  34. ^Nelson, Roger, "Euler's triangle inequality via proof without words,"Mathematics Magazine81(1), February 2008, 58-61.
  35. ^Johnson 1929,p. 187.
  36. ^Emelyanov, Lev, and Emelyanova, Tatiana. "Euler’s formula and Poncelet’s porism",Forum Geometricorum1, 2001: pp. 137–140.
  37. ^Josefsson (2011,See in particular pp. 65–66.)



