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Involutory matrix

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Inmathematics,aninvolutory matrixis asquare matrixthat is its owninverse.That is, multiplication by the matrixis aninvolutionif and only ifwhereis theidentity matrix.Involutory matrices are allsquare rootsof the identity matrix. This is a consequence of the fact that anyinvertible matrixmultiplied by its inverse is the identity.[1]



Therealmatrixis involutory provided that[2]

ThePauli matricesinare involutory:

One of the three classes ofelementary matrixis involutory, namely the row-interchange elementary matrix. A special case of another class of elementary matrix, that which represents multiplication of a row or column by −1, is also involutory; it is in fact a trivial example of asignature matrix,all of which are involutory.

Some simple examples of involutory matrices are shown below.


  • Iis the 3 × 3 identity matrix (which is trivially involutory);
  • Ris the 3 × 3 identity matrix with a pair of interchanged rows;
  • Sis asignature matrix.

Anyblock-diagonal matricesconstructed from involutory matrices will also be involutory, as a consequence of the linear independence of the blocks.



An involutory matrix which is alsosymmetricis anorthogonal matrix,and thus represents anisometry(alinear transformationwhich preservesEuclidean distance). Conversely every orthogonal involutory matrix is symmetric.[3] As a special case of this, everyreflectionand 180°rotation matrixis involutory.



An involution isnon-defective,and eacheigenvalueequals,so an involutiondiagonalizesto a signature matrix.

Anormalinvolution isHermitian(complex) or symmetric (real) and alsounitary(complex) or orthogonal (real).

Thedeterminantof an involutory matrix over anyfieldis ±1.[4]

IfAis ann × nmatrix, thenAis involutory if and only ifisidempotent.This relation gives abijectionbetween involutory matrices and idempotent matrices.[4]Similarly,Ais involutory if and only ifisidempotent.These two operators form the symmetric and antisymmetric projectionsof a vectorwith respect to the involutionA,in the sense that,or.The same construct applies to anyinvolutory function,such as thecomplex conjugate(real and imaginary parts),transpose(symmetric and antisymmetric matrices), andHermitian adjoint(Hermitianandskew-Hermitianmatrices).

IfAis an involutory matrix inwhich is amatrix algebraover thereal numbers,andAis not a scalar multiple ofI,then thesubalgebragenerated byAisisomorphicto thesplit-complex numbers.

IfAandBare two involutory matrices whichcommutewith each other (i.e.AB=BA) thenABis also involutory.

IfAis an involutory matrix then everyintegerpowerofAis involutory. In fact,Anwill be equal toAifnisoddandIifniseven.

See also



  1. ^Higham, Nicholas J.(2008), "6.11 Involutory Matrices",Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation,Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), pp. 165–166,doi:10.1137/1.9780898717778,ISBN978-0-89871-646-7,MR2396439.
  2. ^Peter Lancaster& Miron Tismenetsky (1985)The Theory of Matrices,2nd edition, pp 12,13Academic PressISBN0-12-435560-9
  3. ^Govaerts, Willy J. F. (2000),Numerical methods for bifurcations of dynamical equilibria,Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), p. 292,doi:10.1137/1.9780898719543,ISBN0-89871-442-7,MR1736704.
  4. ^abBernstein, Dennis S. (2009), "3.15 Facts on Involutory Matrices",Matrix Mathematics(2nd ed.), Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 230–231,ISBN978-0-691-14039-1,MR2513751.