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Ishfaq Ahmad Khan

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Ishfaq Ahmad Khan
Ishfaq Ahmad (1930–2018)c.1990s
Born(1930-11-03)3 November 1930
Died18 January 2018(2018-01-18)(aged 87)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Alma mater
Known for
Scientific career
FieldsNuclear physics
ThesisStructure et identification des trajectoires dans les emulsions ionographiques à grain fin(1959)
Doctoral advisorPierre Demers
Other academic advisorsR.M. Chaudhry
Notable studentsSamar Mubarakmand

Ishfaq Ahmad Khan(3 November 1930 – 18 January 2018)SI,HI,NI,FPAS,was aPakistaninuclear physicist,emeritus professorofhigh-energy physicsat theNational Centre for Physics,and formerscience advisorto theGovernment of Pakistan.[1]

A versatiletheoretical physicist,[2]Ahmad made significant contributions in the theoretical development of the applications and concepts involving theparticle physics,and its relative extension to thequantum electrodynamics,while working as senior research scientist at theCERNin the 1960s and 1970s. Joining thePAECin the late 1950s, Ahmad served as the director of the Nuclear Physics Division at the secretPinstech Institutewhich developed the first designs ofatomic bombs,a clandestine project during thepost-1971 war.[3]There, he played an influential role in leading the physics and mathematical calculations in thecritical massof the weapons, and did theoretical work on the implosion method used in the weapons.[4]

Since the 1960s and onwards, he was a high-ranking official at theIAEAas part of the Pakistan Government's official mission, working to make the peaceful use ofnuclear powerfor the industrial development. Having chaired the PAEC from 1991 until 2001, he was affiliated with thePakistan Governmentas a science adviser to theprime ministeronstrategicandscientific programs,with the status ofMinister of State.A vehement supporter for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, he earned public and international fame in May 1998 when he oversaw and directed PAEC to perform country's first publicatomic tests(seeChagai-IandChagai-II) in a secretweapon-testing laboratoriesinBalochistan Provinceof Pakistan.[5]He died on 18 January 2018, aged 87 in Lahore.[6][7]



Early life and education


Ahmad was born inGurdaspur,PunjabinIndiaon 3 November 1930 into aKakazaifamily that had long been settled in Punjab.[8][9][10]Ahmad obtained his early education inJalandhar,later schooling inLyallpur,andLahorebefore enrolling in thePunjab UniversityinLahoreto studyPhysics,and earned his undergraduate,BScdegree, inPhysicsin 1949.[9]

After entering in the post graduate school at the Punjab University, Ahmad obtained hisMScdegree, in 1951, after submitting his master's thesis on nuclear physics, which was supervised byR. M. Chaudhry.[11]With his master's degree, he obtainedHonours diplomaand secured agold medallionfor the recognition of his work in physics.[9]He taught various undergraduate physics laboratory courses at theGovernment College Universitywhile working on fundamental concepts in nuclear physics with his university mentor. In 1954, he won the scholarship under theColombo Planfellowship program and went toQuebec,Canada for his doctorate studies.[12]

Ahmad attended the doctorate school at theUniversité de Montréaland did a two-year-long course inParticle physicsand engaged his research on theoretical physics. In 1959, Ahmad obtainedD.Sc.inphysicsafter submitting his doctoral works on concepts on advancing on particle physics.[12]His theses were written in fluentFrenchand English language, and he reluctantly returned to Pakistan under the terms of Colombo Plan contract. HisDSctheses were supervised byPierre Demers[13]and covered a wide range of research in the study ofelementary particlesby using the deployment of special fine grain nuclear emulsion (AgBr).[13]During his long doctoral studies, Ahmad studied nuclear reaction at theMontreal Laboratorywith supervisors and scientists role in theManhattan Project.Upon his return to Pakistan, he joined thePakistan Atomic Energy Commission(PAEC) as a senior scientist.[12]

Academia and CERN


In 1952, Ahmad served as avisiting professorof mathematics at theGovernment College University,before accepting the professorship of mathematics at theUniversity of Parisin 1959.[14]He engaged his research in theoretical physics and obtained a one-year-long research fellowship at theNiels Bohr Institute for Theoretical Physics.[15]In 1962–64, he accepted the professorship in physics at theUniversity of Montrealand theUniversity of Ottawa.In Ottawa, he carried out pioneering research inparticle resonanceand published important publications in theoretical physics.[16]

Ahmad also performed experiments on nuclear physics at theMeuse Underground LaboratoriesofFrance.[17]In 1965, Ahmad published a research report on absorption of Pion'scross sectionsand the range of complex atom's energy of the pion particle.[18]He recalled his Cern experience in 1994:

In 1994, I visitedCERNas chairman ofPAEC.The visit took place on the initiative of Pakistani (theoretical)physicistAhmed Ali, who works atDESY.It brought back good memories of my earlier visits, which date back to 1962 when I came to CERN as a young post-doctoral fellow working at the University Institute of Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen (now theNiels Bohr Institute) to perform anuclear emulsionexperiment. During my visit in 1994, I was fascinated to see the exciting developments inphysicsthat were taking place at CERN, and I had only one wish— that my own country,Pakistan— should somehow become involved in scientific collaboration with CERN, and that ourphysicistsandengineerscould also become part of the most advanced, challenging and rewarding scientific endeavour: theLarge Hadron Collider(LHC).

— Ishfaq Ahmad, 1994, source[19]

In the 1990s, Ahmad played a pivotal role in building closer relations with theCERN,and lobbied tirelessly for PAEC to reach an agreement with CERN.[19][20]In 1997, Ahmad, as chair of PAEC, signed an agreement with CERN in the up gradation of theCMSdetector and the financial contribution worth one millionSFrfor the construction of eight magnetic rings for the detector.[19]This was followed by in 1998, Ishfaq Ahmad, as PAEC chairman, reached another contract with CERN.[19]The signing of the agreement was followed by the state visit of CERN's directorChristopher Llewellyn Smithwith whom Ahmad signed a collaborative agreement that provided an entry point for Pakistani's scientist (respectively PAEC) into the CMS collaboration.[19]

In 2000, another treaty between PAEC and CERN was signed that covered the construction of the resistive plate chambers required for the CMS muon system. In Press Conference withLuciano Maiani,Ahmad quoted: "I very much hope and wish that these developments may eventually lead to Pakistan becoming an associate member of CERN."[21]

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission


In 1960, Ahmad joined thePakistan Atomic Energy Commission(PAEC) as senior scientist and was allowed to proceed abroad for post-doctoral work at several of the world's most renowned research institutions. Ahmad published papers in physics at theNiels Bohr InstituteatCopenhagen;also at theUniversity of MontrealinCanadaas well as theUniversity of Paris – SorbonneinFrance.Finally, he settled down for work at the Lahore Centre of thePAEC(PAEC) in 1965. Ahmad held the post of Senior Scientific Officer until 1966.[22]From 1969 until 1971, Ahmad was the director of the Atomic Energy Centre inLahore;and then served as secretary ofPAECfrom 1967 till 1969.[22]In 1971, Ahmad became director of theInstitute of Nuclear Science and TechnologyinNiloreuntil 1976.[22]In 1976, he became a Science Member of PAEC, raised to the position of Senior Member in 1988. He became Chairman of the Commission in 1991 and remained its Chairman from 13 March 1991 to 19 December 2001.[22]

While he was Chairman PAEC, Ahmad has been heading the country's delegation at theInternational Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) inVienna,Austria.[23] At IAEA, he was always very keen for getting technical support and the breaking of the isololation of scientists from third world. On his persuasion IAEA's technical assistance program was adapted to cater for special needs of the developing countries.[23]In this regard a Standing Advisory Group on Technical Assistance and Cooperation (SAGTAC) was established; Ahmad served as the first Chairman of the Group.[23]

1971 war and atomic bomb project


After the1971 warwith India, the government sent Ishfaq Ahmad to thePakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology(PINSTECH).[22]WhenMunir Ahmad Khanbecame the chairman of PAEC and was put in charge of secret atomic bomb project, Munir Khan appointed Ahmad as the director of PINSTECH, where he remained up to 1976. Ahmad served as the director of the Nuclear Physics Division at the secretPinstech Institutewhich developed the first designs ofatomic bombs,a clandestine project during thepost-1971 war.[3]There, he played an influential role in leading the physics and mathematical calculations in thecritical massof the weapons, and did preliminary theoretical work on the implosion method used in the weapons.[4]

As early as in 1976, Ahmad, in a seismic team led by geophysicist Ahsan Mubarak conducted athree-dimensionalgeometrical surveyand made severalreconnaissancetours of the suitable areas inBalochistan.After a one-year-long survey, the team found a mountain which matched their specifications.[24]The 185-meter high-risegranitemountain was founded in theRas Kohregion of theChagai Divisionof Balochistan, which at theirhighest pointrise to a height of 3,009 metres.[24]Ahmad had long noted that the underground weapon-testing laboratories in the mountain should be "bone dry" and capable of withstanding a ~20 kilotonnenuclear forcefrom the inside.[24]Within a week, further test experiments were conducted to measure the water content of the mountains and the surrounding area and to measure the capability of the mountain's rock to withstand anuclear test.[24]Once this was confirmed, Ishfaq Ahmed finalised the work on a three-dimensional survey of the area.[24]

In 1976, PAEC succeeded in producing the first local 10kgofYellowcake[25]and later on produced the239Pu,theweapon grade plutoniumin 1983, which was later tested with the nuclear device.[26][27]

At PINSTECH, Ahmad produced the firstPhotographic plateto identify the fissile matter in natural uranium when it is explored.[28]However, due to its classified research, the knowledge of such detector is completely classified.[28]The NPD developed theThermoluminescent Dosimeterto measure the detection of alpha particles emitted in the decay of radon and thoron gases. Ahmad collaborating with Hameed Ahmad Khan —director of Radiation Physics Division – in the development ofCR-39,a type of particle detector.[29]Ahmad gained expertise in nuclear emulsion and developed a first classified nuclear emulsion that provided information about the mass, charge and velocity of the particles producing the track.[30]

A firstdevicewas physically manufactured by 1983, and transported toSargodha air force basefor a first test.[citation needed]On 11 March 1983, a first cold test, codenameKirana-I,of a device was secretly carried out at the weapon-testing laboratories built inside the Central Ammunition Depot (CAD) of Sargodha AFB. The test was overseen and conducted by a small team of scientists led by Ahmad, while calculations on quantumoscillatorwas conducted by Theoretical physics group.[31]Other invitees and attendees included theMunir Ahmad Khan,Samar Mubarakmand, and Masud Ahmad ofPAECwhilst others were high-ranking civilians officials of elitecivil bureaucracyand the active-duty officer of thePakistan military.

Chagai tests


In 1991, Ahmad was officially approved as the chairman of PAEC by theprime minister of Pakistanafter Munir Khan retired. During this time, he had been a senior scientist and acted as official science advisor to the government of Pakistan on many occasions. In 1998, Ahmad visitedCanadato deliver lecture on quantum physics at the Montreal Laboratory when the news of surprise nuclear tests, codenamePokhran-II,of India reached to him. On 16 May 1998, Ahmad cut short his trip and returned to Pakistan to attend meeting with Prime ministerNawaz Sharif,and arranged his meeting with Prime minister on 17 May 1998. The message was bestowed to him by theJoint Headquartersat Rawalpindi, informing him to remain on stand-by a meeting with the Prime Minister.[citation needed]After commencing the meeting with the Prime minister, Ahmad received green signal from the government of Pakistan to conduct country's first test as a suitable reply to Indian nuclear aggression.

Ahmad personally supervised the test preparations as he also suggests the codenames of the tests. On 28 May 1998, the PAEC, sided byKRLandcorps of engineers,performed the first nuclear tests, codenameChagai-Iwhich was followed byChagai-IItwo days later, in May 1998.[32]Evidently, the fission devices were had contained the boosted-fissionHEUnuclear process, that came from theKRL.But, on 30 May, the second test, codenameChagai-II,was performed completely under thecommand and controlmanagement of the PAEC. The fission devices, on a second test, were reportedly had contained the weapon grade plutonium, producing around at ~20kt of nuclear force. All together, thesuperpositionof sum of the forces and the total blastyieldwas ranged at the nearly ~40ktofnuclear force,according to the PAEC scientific data.[33]

Later work and activism


Earthquake studies and climate change


After retiring from the PAEC in 2001, Ahmad developed interests inseismologyand theclimate change,and helped founded the Global Change Impact Studies Centre and theCentre for Earthquake Studies(CES), both initially attached to theNational Centre for Physics(NCP) inIslamabad.Ahmad served as elected President of thePakistan Academy of Sciencesand is the lifetime Chairman of the Board of Governors of the National Centre for Physics (NCP)— a research institute established on the pattern ofInternational Centre for Theoretical Physics(ICTP) atTrieste,Italy.[citation needed]

He also put Pakistan on the governing Council of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria, which conducts policy related research using mathematical modeling and simulation tools.[34]

Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC)


Ishfaq Ahmad's efforts led to the creation of the Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC) in Islamabad where, for the first time, research on policy issues related toclimate changeis being undertaken in Pakistan. The centre, an autonomous organisation under the federal govt, works in collaboration with national institutions such as Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), WAPDA and PCRWR etc. The centre has also established collaborative relationship with international institutions, most importantly The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. GCISC, with Arshad M Khan as its executive director, also serves as the secretariat of theprime minister's Committee on Climate Change.[35]

Centre for Earthquake Studies (CES)


After 8 October 2005,Kashmir earthquake,the Government has decided to establish a Centre for Earthquake studies in Islamabad, under the technical direction of Ishfaq Ahmad. The centre under the directorship of Mr. Shahid Ashraf and Ahsan Mubarak started work in collaboration with world leading scientists such as Elchin Khalilov of Azerbaijan. The centre conducts research using a Gravitational Wave Recorder housed at the National Centre for Physics, Islamabad.

Advocacy for Nuclear power


Ishfaq Ahmad is internationally known for his long-standing public advocacy for thenuclear power plantsfor the industrial and socio-economic growth.[36][37]On international forums, Ahmad deterred the international pressure mounted on Pakistan after conducting its tests, instead highlighted the achievements gained by Pakistan on itsnuclear powerinfrastructure in the country as well as the need of Pakistan's usage of nuclear power for its economical growth.[38]In 2012, Ahmad lobbied for the HMC-3 consortium to be listed as first commercial nuclear power corporation and helped the consortium to acquire its first license to manufacture nuclear materials for industrial power plants.[39]

State honours, awards and recognition


In 1989, Ishfaq Ahmad was bestowed with first state honour,Sitara-e-ImtiazbyBenazir Bhutto;andHilal-e-Imtiazin 1995.[9]In 1998, Ahmad received the highest state honour,Nishan-e-Imtiaz,given to any national of Pakistan, for his services to the country in a graceful state ceremony.[9]The same year, he was awarded gold medallion by theInstitute of Leadership and Managementin Lahore.







D.Sc. Thesis (UQAM):Structure and Identification of trajectories in fine grain ionographic emulsions, under the direction of Pierre Demers, Faculty of Science, University of Montreal, Canada, 1958.

Research papers

  • Trajectories structure in fine-grained emulsions, Ann. ACFAS, 23, 111–112, 1957. (http://er.uqam.ca/nobel/c3410/PierreDemersBibl1950-9.html)
  • Structure des trajectoires dans les émulsions à grain fin, avec Ishfaq Ahmad, 1er Colloque International de Photographie Corpusculaire. Strasbourg, 1957
  • Identification of particles in the fine grain emulsions with Ishfaq Ahmad and Jean-Louis Meunier, 1er Colloque International de Photographie Corpusculaire. Strasbourg, 1957
  • Photometric analysis of the trajectories in ionographic detectors, 25th ACFAS, Univ. Laval, Quebec, Nov.3,1957.Ann.ACFAS,24, 119, 1958.
  • An optical model of the granular structure of trajectories, 2nd Symposium photography corpuscular Montreal 1958. ACFAS, 26th Congress, University of Ottawa, 31 Oct.- 2 Nov. 1958.

6. L'INFLUENCE DU DÉVELOPPEMENT SUR LA STRUCTURE DES TRAJECTOIRES ET SUR LE VOILE DANS LES ÉMULSIONS À GRAINS FINS, Canadian Journal of Physics, 1959, 37(12). pp. 1548–1552. (http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/p59-171)

  • The ionographic detector considered a pulse source, PC II, PUM, 314- 316, 1959.
  • Influence du diamètre moyen des grains vierges dans une émulsion

nucléaire sur la structure des lacunes. Ahmad Ishfaq and Max Morand. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, France, 1959, Vol. 1–3 (T248, part 1), pp. 1798–1800 (http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k32002/f1836.image).

  • Influence of the gelatin on the granular size distribution of silver bromide during the production of ionographic emulsions, PC III, PUM, 128–134, 1964. (http://er.uqam.ca/nobel/c3410/PierreDemersBibl1960-9.html)
  • Ionographic emulsion made with a mixture of polyvinyl alcohol and albumin, ACFAS, 32nd Congress, Univ. Ottawa, Ontario, 6–8 Nov. 1964.

1964, Ann. ACFAS, 31, 76–7, 1965.

  • Ionographic emulsions loaded with diamond powder, ACFAS, 32nd Congress, Univ. Ottawa, Ontario, 6 to 8 November,
  • (3,3) Resonance in the Nucleus – Progress of Theoretical Physics, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Vol 35 (3), 1966 (http://ptp.oxfordjournals.org/content/35/3/566.full.pdf).

13. The role of pre-irradiation annealing in changing the track development characteristics of glass track detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Vol.131(1), 1975, pp. 89–92.

  • 'Seasoning' of latent damage trails in lunar samples, Nature 254, 1975, pp 126–127.
  • Anisotropy in the track development properties of various crystallographic planes of natural quartz crystals, Radiation Effects, Vol. 30(3), 1976, pp 159–165.
  • The use of Alpha Sensitive Plastic Films (ASPF) for uranium/thorium exploration and prospecting. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 11(6), 1978, pp 295–297.
  • The measurement of radon and thoron by solid state nuclear track detectors, Radiation Effects, Vol. 35 (1–2), 1978, pp 35–43.
  • Track structure and identification of particles in nuclear emulsions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Vol. 173(1), 1980, pp 15–20.
  • Some important considerations in the use of solid state nuclear track detectors for radon gas concentration measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Volume 173 (1), 1980, pp 183–189.
  • Field experience about the use of alpha sensitive plastic films for uranium exploration. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Volume 173(1), 1980, Pages 191–196
  • CERN and Pakistan: a personal perspective, 2003 (http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/28934).
  • Managing nuclear knowledge in a developing country: Pakistan's perspective. Int. J. Nuclear Knowledge Management. Vol 1(1–2), 2004, pp 90–97.
  • MANAGING NUCLEAR KNOWLEDGE: ROLE OF IAEA AND ITS TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME, International Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management Strategies, Information Management and Human Resource Development, 7–10 September 2004, Sacley, France. (http://www.iaea.org/km/cnkm/presentations/ahmadpakistan.pdf)
  • DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND THE CHALLENGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE, International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability.

19–24 February 2007, Cyprus (https://www.springer.com/environment/sustainable+development/book/978-3-540-95990-8).


  • Ahmad, Ishfaq D.Sc. (2002).Water and New Technologies(in English and French). Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory: Global Change Impact Studies Centre. p. 168.ISBN978-969-8500-00-9.

See also



  1. ^"Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad (N.I, H.I, S.I) Advisor S&T / Minister of State".Government of Pakistan. Archived fromthe originalon 25 October 2012.Retrieved14 August2012.
  2. ^Shabbir, Usman."Munir Ahmad Khan and PAEC's other achievements".The Multan Conference, 20 Jan 1972: The day the bomb was born.Islamabad, Pakistan: Usman Shabbir published as cover story in Defence Journal (May 2004 issue). p. 1. Archived fromthe originalon 24 December 2018.Retrieved10 October2012.Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad (a theoretical physicist) and others involved in critical technologies and projects worked as a team, and gave ultimate security to Pakistan... Quoted by: Pakistan Defence Journal, 2004
  3. ^ab(Rehman 1999,pp. 71–72)
  4. ^ab(Rehman 1999,pp. 78–80)
  5. ^(Rehman 1999,pp. 18–20)
  6. ^"Famed nuclear scientist Ishfaq Ahmed passes away".Samaa TV. 19 January 2018.Retrieved23 January2018.
  7. ^"Renowned nuclear scientist 'Dr Ishfaq Ahmad' laid to the rest".Business Plus.21 January 2018.Retrieved23 January2018.
  8. ^Rahi, Arwin (25 February 2020)."Why Afghanistan should leave Pakistani Pashtuns alone".The Express Tribune.Retrieved26 June2020.
  9. ^abcde(PAS), Pakistan Academy of Sciences(2012)."Fellow: Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad-PAS".The Office of Pakistan Academy of Sciences.Archived fromthe originalon 24 December 2018.Retrieved12 October2012..
  10. ^Sheikh, Majid (22 October 2017)."The history of Lahore's Kakayzais".Dawn.Pakistan.Retrieved28 February2018.
  11. ^"Career of Tahir Hussain".Pride of Pakistan.
  12. ^abcRehman, Mumtazul Haque."Appendix".Montreal Religious Sites Project.McGill University.Retrieved25 April2010.
  13. ^abDemers, Pierre."Decade 1950–59".Demers Group of Physics.Retrieved8 November2014.
  14. ^Friends, The Successful Pakistan in and Around the World."See:Prof. Ishfaq Ahmad".friendskorner.com.
  15. ^Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad."Minister Planning Commission: Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad (N.I, H.I, S.I)".Planning Commission of Pakistan.Jawaid Azfar, Computer Centre of Planning Commission. Archived fromthe originalon 10 April 2010.
  16. ^Ahmad, Ishfaq; et al. (1966)."Resonance in the Nucleus".Progress of Theoretical Physics.35(1–3).Retrieved11 October2012.
  17. ^(NPT), Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust; Khalid Mahmood Asim (2003)."Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad".Prominent Scientists of Pakistan.Archived fromthe originalon 13 January 2010.Retrieved25 April2010.
  19. ^abcdeCERN Courier(5 October 2003)."CERN and Pakistan: a personal perspective"(cws).CERN Courier services.CERN.Retrieved26 March2014.
  20. ^"People".CERN Courier.39(6): 32. July 1999.
  21. ^"CERN and Pakistan strengthen agreement".CERN Courier.40(6): 9. July 2000.
  22. ^abcdeIAS."Prof. Ishfaq Ahmad".Islamic Academy of Sciences.Retrieved11 October2012.
  23. ^abcIAEA archives."Technical cooperation with IAEA".IAEA archives.Retrieved26 March2014.
  24. ^abcdeRAI MUHAMMAD SALEH AZAM."When Mountains Move – The Story of Chagai".RAI MUHAMMAD SALEH AZAM.The Nation, 2000. Archived fromthe originalon 1 April 2012.Retrieved12 October2012.
  25. ^(Rehman 1999,pp. 80–81)
  26. ^(Rehman 1999,pp. 99–100)
  27. ^Azam, Rai Muhammad Saleh (June 2000)."See: Kirana Hills: The Cold Tests".Defense Journal of Pakistan.Archived fromthe originalon 1 April 2012.
  28. ^abAhmad, Ishfaq; Khan, Hameed Ahmad; Akber, Riaz Ahmad (1978). "The use of Alpha Sensitive Plastic Films (ASPF) for uranium/thorium exploration and prospecting".Radiation Physics and Chemistry.11(6): 295–297.Bibcode:1978RaPC...11..295K.doi:10.1016/0146-5724(78)90090-0.
  29. ^Khan, Hameed Ahmad; Ahmad, Ishfaq (1981). "Radon/thoron detection properties of a CR-39 plastic track detector".Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research.185(1–3): 401–405.Bibcode:1981NIMPR.185..401K.doi:10.1016/0029-554X(81)91237-4.
  30. ^Ahmad, Ishfaq (June 1980). "Track structure and identification of particles in nuclear emulsions".Nuclear Instruments and Methods.173(1): 15–20.Bibcode:1980NucIM.173...15A.doi:10.1016/0029-554X(80)90564-9.
  31. ^Sublette, Carey."Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons Program - Development".nuclearweaponarchive.org.
  32. ^(NPT), Ashfaque; Khalid Mahmood Asim (2003)."Dr. Ashfaque Ahmad".Prominent Scientists of Pakistan.Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust. Archived fromthe originalon 13 January 2010.Retrieved25 April2010.
  33. ^Ibid, (Pakistan's Leaders Online),See
  34. ^IIASA, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis(2009)."Council Member: Dr. Ahmad, Ishfaq".IIASA-National Member Organization:Pakistan.Directorate of National Member Organizations and Council Members. Archived fromthe originalon 27 June 2005.
  35. ^(GCISC), Global Change Impact Studies Centre (2006)."GCISC Advisory Committee".Global Change Impact Studies Centre.
  36. ^"The Future Role of Nuclear Power in Member States",Sustainable Development: A Role for Nuclear Power?,IAEA Sustainable Development: A Role for Nuclear Power?, 28–29 September 1999
  37. ^Staff reports."'Nuclear power programme meets ".Daily Times.Retrieved12 October2012.
  38. ^Ahmad, Ishfaq (18–22 September 2000)."Statement by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad. Leader of the Pakistan Delegation to the 44th IAEA General Conference. Vienna"(google docs).IAEA Press Release.Retrieved12 October2012.
  39. ^Anis, Mohammad (3 October 2012)."HMC-3 gets licence to produce parts for N-plants".The News International.Retrieved12 October2012.

Further reading

  • Rehman, Shahidur (1999) [1999], "§Untold story of Pakistan's Nuclear Quest",Long Road to Chagai,vol. 1, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory: Printwise Publications, pp. 70–100,ISBN978-969-8500-00-9
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