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Electric currentfromsourcetodrainin ap-channel JFETis restricted when avoltageis applied to thegate.
Pin configurationdrain, gate, source
Electronic symbol

Thejunction field-effect transistor(JFET) is one of the simplest types offield-effect transistor.[1]JFETs are three-terminalsemiconductordevices that can be used aselectronicallycontrolledswitchesorresistors,or to buildamplifiers.

Unlikebipolar junction transistors,JFETs are exclusivelyvoltage-controlled in that they do not need abiasing current.Electric chargeflows through asemiconductingchannel betweensourceanddrainterminals.By applying a reverse biasvoltageto agateterminal, the channel ispinched,so that theelectric currentis impeded or switched off completely. A JFET is usually conducting when there is zero voltage between its gate and source terminals. If a potential difference of the properpolarityis applied between its gate and source terminals, the JFET will be moreresistiveto current flow, which means less current would flow in the channel between the source and drain terminals.

JFETs are sometimes referred to asdepletion-modedevices, as they rely on the principle of adepletion region,which is devoid of majoritycharge carriers.The depletion region has to be closed to enable current to flow.

JFETs can have ann-typeorp-typechannel. In the n-type, if the voltage applied to the gate is negative with respect to the source, the current will be reduced (similarly in the p-type, if the voltage applied to the gate is positive with respect to the source). Because a JFET in acommon sourceorcommon drainconfiguration has a largeinput impedance[2](sometimes on the order of 1010ohms), little current is drawn from circuits used as input to the gate.



A succession of FET-like devices was patented byJulius Lilienfeldin the 1920s and 1930s. However,materials scienceand fabrication technology would require decades of advances before FETs could actually be manufactured.

JFET was first patented byHeinrich Welkerin 1945.[3]During the 1940s, researchersJohn Bardeen,Walter Houser Brattain,andWilliam Shockleywere trying to build a FET, but failed in their repeated attempts. They discovered thepoint-contact transistorin the course of trying to diagnose the reasons for their failures. Following Shockley's theoretical treatment on JFET in 1952, a working practical JFET was made in 1953 byGeorge C. DaceyandIan M. Ross.[4]Japanese engineersJun-ichi Nishizawaand Y. Watanabe applied for a patent for a similar device in 1950 termedstatic induction transistor(SIT). The SIT is a type of JFET with a short channel.[4]

High-speed, high-voltage switching with JFETs became technically feasible following the commercial introduction ofSilicon carbide(SiC)wide-bandgapdevices in 2008. Due to early difficulties in manufacturing — in particular, inconsistencies and low yield — SiC JFETs remained a niche product at first, with correspondingly high costs. By 2018, these manufacturing issues had been mostly resolved. By then, SiC JFETs were also commonly used in conjunction with conventional low-voltage Silicon MOSFETs.[5]In this combination, SiC JFET + Si MOSFET devices have the advantages of wide band-gap devices as well as the easy gate drive of MOSFETs.[5]



The JFET is a long channel ofsemiconductormaterial,dopedto contain an abundance of positivechargecarriers orholes(p-type), or of negative carriers orelectrons(n-type).Ohmic contactsat each end form the source (S) and the drain (D). Apn-junctionis formed on one or both sides of the channel, or surrounding it using a region with doping opposite to that of the channel, and biased using an ohmic gate contact (G).


I–V characteristics and output plot of an n-channel JFET

JFET operation can be compared to that of agarden hose.The flow of water through a hose can be controlled by squeezing it to reduce thecross sectionand the flow ofelectric chargethrough a JFET is controlled by constricting the current-carrying channel. The current also depends on the electric field between source and drain (analogous to the difference inpressureon either end of the hose). This current dependency is not supported by the characteristics shown in the diagram above a certain applied voltage. This is thesaturation region,and the JFET is normally operated in this constant-current region where device current is virtually unaffected by drain-source voltage. The JFET shares this constant-current characteristic with junction transistors and with thermionic tube (valve) tetrodes and pentodes.

Constriction of the conducting channel is accomplished using thefield effect:a voltage between the gate and the source is applied to reverse bias the gate-source pn-junction, thereby widening thedepletion layerof this junction (see top figure), encroaching upon the conducting channel and restricting its cross-sectional area. The depletion layer is so-called because it is depleted of mobile carriers and so is electrically non-conducting for practical purposes.[6]

When the depletion layer spans the width of the conduction channel,pinch-offis achieved and drain-to-source conduction stops. Pinch-off occurs at a particular reverse bias (VGS) of the gate–source junction. Thepinch-off voltage(Vp) (also known asthreshold voltage[7][8]orcut-off voltage[9][10][11]) varies considerably, even among devices of the same type. For example,VGS(off)for the Temic J202 device varies from−0.8 Vto−4 V.[12]Typical values vary from−0.3 Vto−10 V.(Confusingly, the termpinch-off voltageis also used to refer to theVDSvalue that separates the linear and saturation regions.[10][11])

To switch off ann-channel device requires anegative gate–source voltage (VGS). Conversely, to switch off ap-channel device requirespositiveVGS.

In normal operation, the electric field developed by the gate blocks source–drain conduction to some extent.

Some JFET devices are symmetrical with respect to the source and drain.

Schematic symbols

Circuit symbolfor an n-channel JFET
Circuit symbol for a p-channel JFET

The JFET gate is sometimes drawn in the middle of the channel (instead of at the drain or source electrode as in these examples). This symmetry suggests that "drain" and "source" are interchangeable, so the symbol should be used only for those JFETs where they are indeed interchangeable.

The symbol may be drawn inside a circle (representing the envelope of a discrete device) if the enclosure is important to circuit function, such as dual matched components in the same package.[13]

In every case the arrow head shows the polarity of the P–N junction formed between the channel and the gate. As with an ordinarydiode,the arrow points from P to N, the direction ofconventional currentwhen forward-biased. An Englishmnemonicis that the arrow of an N-channel device "points in".

Comparison with other transistors


At room temperature, JFET gate current (the reverse leakage of the gate-to-channeljunction) is comparable to that of aMOSFET(which has insulating oxide between gate and channel), but much less than the base current of abipolar junction transistor.The JFET has higher gain (transconductance) than the MOSFET, as well as lowerflicker noise,and is therefore used in some low-noise,high input-impedanceop-amps.Additionally the JFET is less susceptible to damage from static charge buildup.[14]

Mathematical model


Linear ohmic region


The current in N-JFET due to a small voltageVDS(that is, in thelinearorohmic[15]ortriode region[7]) is given by treating the channel as a rectangular bar of material ofelectrical conductivity:[16]


ID= drain–source current,
b= channel thickness for a given gate voltage,
W= channel width,
L= channel length,
q= electron charge = 1.6×10−19C,
μn=electron mobility,
Nd= n-type doping (donor) concentration,
VP= pinch-off voltage.

Then the drain current in thelinear regioncan be approximated as

In terms of,the drain current can be expressed as[citation needed]

Constant-current region


The drain current in thesaturationoractive[17][7]orpinch-off region[18]is often approximated in terms of gate bias as[16]

whereIDSSis the saturation current at zero gate–source voltage, i.e. the maximum current that can flow through the FET from drain to source at any (permissible) drain-to-source voltage (see, e. g., theIVcharacteristics diagram above).

In thesaturation region,the JFET drain current is most significantly affected by the gate–source voltage and barely affected by the drain–source voltage.

If the channel doping is uniform, such that the depletion region thickness will grow in proportion to the square root of the absolute value of the gate–source voltage, then the channel thicknessbcan be expressed in terms of the zero-bias channel thicknessaas[19][failed verification]


VPis the pinch-off voltage – the gate–source voltage at which the channel thickness goes to zero,
ais the channel thickness at zero gate–source voltage.



The transconductance for the junction FET is given by

whereis the pinchoff voltage, andIDSSis the maximum drain current. This is also calledor(fortransadmittance).[20]

See also



  1. ^Hall, John."Discrete JFET"(PDF).linearsystems.com.Archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-10-09.
  2. ^"Junction Field Effect Transistor".Electronics Tutorials.Archivedfrom the original on 2022-01-31.Retrieved2022-06-19.
  3. ^Grundmann, Marius (2010).The Physics of Semiconductors.Springer-Verlag.ISBN978-3-642-13884-3.
  4. ^abJunction Field-Effect Devices,Semiconductor Devices for Power Conditioning,1982.
  5. ^abFlaherty, Nick (October 18, 2018),"Third generation SiC JFET adds 1200 V and 650 V options",EeNews Power Management.
  6. ^For a discussion of JFET structure and operation, see for exampleD. Chattopadhyay (2006)."§13.2 Junction field-effect transistor (JFET)".Electronics (fundamentals and applications).New Age International. pp. 269ff.ISBN978-8122417807.
  7. ^abc"Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)"(PDF).ETEE3212 Lecture Notes.Archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-10-09.value ofvGS... for which the channel is completely depleted... is called thethreshold,orpinch-off,voltage and occurs atvGS=VGS(OFF).... This linear region of operation is calledohmic(or sometimes triode)... Beyond the knee of the ohmic region, the curves become essentially flat in theactive(orsaturation)regionof operation.
  8. ^Sedra, Adel S.; Smith, Kenneth C."5.11 THE JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR (JFET)"(PDF).Microelectronic Circuits.Archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-10-09.At this value ofvGSthe channel is completely depleted... For JFETs the threshold voltage is called thepinch-off voltageand is denotedVP.
  9. ^Horowitz, Paul; Hill, Winfield (1989).The art of electronics(2nd ed.). Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press. p. 120.ISBN0-521-37095-7.OCLC19125711.For JFETs the gate-source voltage at which drain current approaches zero is called the "gate-source cutoff voltage",VGS(OFF),or the "pinch-off voltage",VP... For enhancement-mode MOSFETs the analogous quantity is the "threshold voltage"
  10. ^abMehta, V. K.; Mehta, Rohit (2008)."19 Field Effect Transistors"(PDF).Principles of electronics(11th ed.). S. Chand. pp. 513–514.ISBN978-8121924504.OCLC741256429.Archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-10-09.Pinch off Voltage (VP).It is the minimum drain–source voltage at which the drain current essentially becomes constant....Gate–source cut off voltageVGS (off).It is the gate–source voltage where the channel is completely cut off and the drain current becomes zero.
  11. ^abU. A. Bakshi; Atul P. Godse (2008).Electronics Engineering.Technical Publications. p. 10.ISBN978-81-8431-503-5.Do not confuse cutoff with pinch off. Thepinch-off voltageVPis the value of theVDSat which the drain current reaches a constant value for a given value ofVGS.... The cutoff voltageVGS(off)is the value ofVGSat which the drain current is 0.
  12. ^"J201 data sheet"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-10-09.Retrieved2021-01-22.
  13. ^"A4.11 Envelope or Enclosure".ANSI Y32.2-1975(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-10-09.The envelope or enclosure symbol may be omitted from a symbol referencing this paragraph, where confusion would not result
  14. ^Kopp, Emilie (2019-01-16)."What's the difference between a MOSFET and a JFET?".Power Electronic Tips.Archivedfrom the original on 2021-05-17.Retrieved2022-06-16.
  15. ^"What is the Ohmic Region of a FET Transistor".www.learningaboutelectronics.com.Retrieved2020-12-13.ohmic region... also called the linear region
  16. ^abBalbir Kumar and Shail B. Jain (2013).Electronic Devices and Circuits.PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. pp. 342–345.ISBN9788120348448.
  17. ^"Junction Field Effect Transistor".Electronics Tutorials.Saturation or Active Region
  18. ^Scholberg, Kate (2017-03-23)."What is the meaning of" pinch-off region "?".The "pinch-off region" (or "saturation region" ) refers to operation of a FET withmore than a few volts.
  19. ^Storr, Wayne (2013-09-03)."Junction Field Effect Transistor or JFET Tutorial".Basic Electronics Tutorials.Retrieved2022-10-07.
  20. ^Kirt Blattenberger RF Cafe."JFETS: How They Work, How to Use Them, May 1969 Radio-Electronics".Retrieved2021-01-04.yfs– Small-signal, common-source, forward transadmittance (sometimes called gfs-transconductance)