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Jacob Tirado

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Jacob Tirado(born ca. 1540; died inJerusalem1620) was one of the founders of theSpanish-Portuguese community of Amsterdam.

With severalMarranoshe sailed from Portugal in a vessel which was driven out of its course toEmdenin East Friesland. Following the advice of RabbiMoses Uri ha-Levi,he continued his travels with his companions toAmsterdam,c. 1593. After his arrival there, he confessed the Jewish faith openly, and afterwards, though advanced in years, underwent the rite of circumcision.

Together withJacob Israel BelmonteandSamuel Pallache,Tirado founded the Spanish-Portuguese community of Amsterdam, being its first president.

Having acquired a house on theHoutgracht,he transformed it into Amsterdam's first synagogue, which was called after himBet Ya'akob(Hebrew) orCasa de Jacob(Ladino), i.e., Beth Jacob, consecrated at the Jewish New Year's festival (September 1597).[1]

Annually onYom Kippura special prayer in his behalf is recited as an acknowledgment of his important services to the community. In his old age Tirado traveled to Jerusalem, where he died.

See also



  1. ^ García-Arenal, Mercedes; Wiegers, Gerard (2007).A Man of Three Worlds: Samuel Pallache, a Moroccan Jew in Catholic and Protestant Europe.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 58.doi:10.1353/book.14092.ISBN9780801895838.

Further reading

  • Uri Phoebus Halevi:Narração da vinda dos judeos espanhoes a Amsterdam.Amsterdam, 1711. (new edition: Jacob S. da Silva Rosa, Amsterdam 1933)
  • Odette Vlessing:New Light on the Earliest History of the Amsterdam Portuguese Jews.In: Jozeph Michman (ed.):Dutch Jewish History;3. Jerusalem 1993, pp. 43–75.ISBN965-222-319-0
  • Marc Saperstein:Exile in Amsterdam. Saul Levi Morteira's sermons to a congregation of "new Jews".Cincinnati 2005, pp. 149–154.ISBN0-87820-457-1
  • Robert Cohen:"Memoria Para Os Siglos Futuros": Myth and Memory on the Beginnings of the Amsterdam Sephardi Community.In:Jewish History,2/1 (1987), pp. 67–72
  • Miriam Bodian:Hebrews of the Portuguese nation. Conversos and community in early modern Amsterdam.Bloomington 1997.
  • Ludwig Philippson:Jakob Tirado. Geschichtlicher Roman aus der zweiten Hälfte des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts.Leipzig 1867.