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James III of Scotland

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James III
James III depicted in theTrinity AltarpiecebyHugo van der Goes,c.1480
King of Scots
Reign3 August 1460 –11 June 1488
Coronation10 August 1460
PredecessorJames II
SuccessorJames IV
Born10 July 1451 or May 1452
Stirling Castle
orSt Andrews Castle
Died(1488-06-11)11 June 1488 (aged 36)
FatherJames II of Scotland
MotherMary of Guelders

James III(10 July 1451/May 1452 – 11 June 1488) wasKing of Scotsfrom 1460 until his death at theBattle of Sauchieburnin 1488. He inherited the throne as a child following the death of his father,King James II,at the siege ofRoxburgh Castle.James III's reign began with a minority that lasted almost a decade, during whichScotlandwas governed by a series ofregentsand factions who struggled for possession of the young king before his personal rule began in 1469.

James III was an unpopular and ineffective king and was confronted with two major rebellions during his reign. He was much criticised by contemporaries and later chroniclers for his promotion of unrealistic schemes to invade or take possession ofBrittany,GueldersandSaintongeat the expense of his regular duties as king. While his reign saw Scotland reach its greatest territorial extent with the acquisition ofOrkneyandShetlandthrough his marriage toMargaret of Denmark,James was accused ofdebasingthecoinage,hoarding money, failing to resolve feuds and enforce criminal justice, and pursuing an unpopular policy of alliance withEngland.His preference for his own "low-born" favourites at court and in government alienated many of his bishops and nobles, as well as members of his own family, leading to tense relationships with his brothers, his wife, and his heir. In 1482, James's brother,Alexander, Duke of Albany,attempted to usurp the throne with the aid of aninvading English army,which led to the loss ofBerwick-upon-Tweedand a coup by a group of nobles which saw the king imprisoned for a time, before being restored to power.

James's reputation as Scotland's firstRenaissancemonarch has sometimes been exaggerated. The artistic legacy of his reign was slight when compared to that of his two immediate successors, and consists of the patronage of painters and musicians, coins that display realistic portraits of the king, theTrinity Altarpiece,and the King's Chapel atRestalrig.James III was killed at the Battle of Sauchieburn, following a rebellion in which his heir was the figurehead of the rebels, and succeeded him asJames IV.

Early life[edit]

St Andrews Castle,James III's probable birthplace

James was the first surviving son born toKing James IIand his wife,Mary of Guelders,the daughter ofArnold, Duke of Guelders,and a great-niece ofPhilip the Good,Duke of Burgundy.The exact date and place of James's birth have been a matter of debate. Claims have been made that he was born in May 1452, or on 10 or 20 July 1451. The place of birth was eitherStirling Castle,orSt Andrews Castle(the seat of theBishop of St Andrews), depending on the year. His most recent biographer,Norman Macdougall,argued strongly for late May 1452 at St Andrews. The infantDuke of Rothesaywas born during the crisis which had seen his father stabWilliam, Earl of Douglasto death inStirling Castle.This murder did not end the power of theDouglases,but created a state of intermittentcivil waruntil James II struck a decisive blow against the Douglases in 1455 at theBattle of ArkinholmandParliamentdeclared the extensive Douglas lands forfeit and permanently annexed them to the Crown.[1]James III ascended the throne following the death of his father at thesiegeofRoxburgh Castleon 3 August 1460, and the new king was brought toKelsofromEdinburghwith his mother. It was not considered possible to have the king journey toPerthshirefor a coronation atScone Abbey,so James III wascrownedatKelso Abbey,a week after James II's death, and two days after the fall of Roxburgh.[2]

Early reign[edit]

The Queen Regent[edit]

During the early years of James III's reign, the government was led by thequeen mother,Mary of Guelders, asregent,while James was educated by Archibald Whitelaw, theSecretary of Stateand aclassicalscholar who had taught atSt AndrewsandCologne.[3]In March 1461 the first parliament of the reign appointed a council of regency consisting of theBishop of St Andrews,theBishop of Glasgow,and theearlsofAngus,Huntly,Argyll,andOrkney.[4]

Mary of Guelders emerged as an astute and capable ruler, pursuing a pragmatic foreign policy during theWars of the Rosestaking place inEngland.Following the defeat of theLancastriansby theYorkistsat theBattle of Towtonin March 1461,Henry VI of England,Margaret of Anjou,andEdward, Prince of Walesfled north across the border seeking refuge. They were received by Mary of Guelders and lodged atLinlithgow Palaceand the Dominican friary inEdinburgh.[5]

The Lancastrians expected Mary to provide them with Scottish troops to help Henry VI recover the throne, but she had no intention of becoming involved in a war on their behalf. Mary sought to gain as much as she could from the Lancastrian fugitives while opening negotiations with the victorious Yorkists to explore the possibility of a truce.[6]In return for a year's refuge in Scotland and loans that Mary of Guelders granted them, the Lancastrians surrenderedBerwickto the Scots in April 1461.

This period also saw disputes between Mary andJames Kennedy,Bishop of St Andrewsover who had control over the person of James III, and over foreign policy, with the bishop favouring an alliance with the Lancastrians, while Mary initially wanted to continue playing off the warring parties in England against each other, before eventually supporting the Yorkists.[7]

Although the sources for the period are vague, it is believed that Kennedy and his supporters mounted a coup in the autumn of 1462 by taking possession of the 10-year-old James III following an armed confrontation with Mary's supporters inEdinburgh.[8]Mary of Guelders died in December 1463, leaving Bishop Kennedy in undisputed control of government.

Kennedys and Boyds[edit]

Bishop Kennedy died at St Andrews in May 1465, and his elder brother,Gilbert Kennedy, Lord Kennedy,assumed custody of James III. Lord Kennedy's guardianship lacked the sanction of Parliament, and his advancement of the Kennedy kin, such as the appointment of his half-brother,Patrick Graham,as the new bishop of St Andrews, made his regime increasingly unpopular.[9]

In July 1466, James III was seized while hunting atLinlithgow Palaceby a large armed group led byRobert, Lord Boydand his son,Thomas,and was taken toEdinburgh Castleas theBoydsand their supporters mounted a coup to seize control of the government by gaining possession of the king during his minority.[10]Gilbert Kennedy was then imprisoned in Stirling Castle for a period.

The 14-year-old king was forced to declare beforeParliamentin October that he had not been offended by being taken from Linlithgow, and that it was his intention to appoint Lord Boyd as his governor, to serve until his twenty-first year.[11]The Boyd faction made itself unpopular, especially with the king, through self-aggrandizement such as the creation of Lord Boyd's son,Thomas,asearl of Arran,and Arran's marriage to the king's 13-year-old sister,Maryin 1467, which antagonised the king and considerable sections of thethree estates.[12]

James III and Margaret of Denmark

The Boyds sought to maintain power by gaining diplomatic success, and in August 1468 an embassy was sent toDenmarkto secure a royal marriage. The ambassadors' negotiations resulted in a treaty which provided for an alliance between Scotland and Denmark, and James III's marriage toMargaret,the only daughter of KingChristian I of Denmark and Norway.[13]Margaret'sdowrywas 60,000Rhenish guilders,10,000 of which were to be paid before the Scottish embassy left Denmark.

However, Christian I was unable to raise more than 2,000 of the promised 10,000 guilders, and in May 1469,OrkneyandShetlandwerepledgedby him, as king of Norway, to James III as security until the outstanding amount of Margaret's dowry.[14]However, James had no intention of allowing the Danes to redeem their rights in Orkney and Shetland, and would quickly acquire full sovereignty over the islands.[15]

The Boyds' misuse of power to enrich themselves with lands and offices had made them many enemies, and in April 1468 there was an attempt by the king's half-uncles, theEarl of AthollandJames Stewart of Auchterhouse,and his younger brother, the Duke of Albany, to seize Edinburgh Castle and free the king from the Boyds.[16]

The impending marriage of the now seventeen-year-old James III signalled an appropriate moment for him to bring his minority to an end, and the king began to plot his revenge against the Boyds in the summer of 1469, while Lord Boyd was on an embassy to the English court, and the earl of Arran was one of the ambassadors in Denmark.[17]

Personal rule[edit]

When the fleet bearing Margaret of Denmark and the Scottish ambassadors arrived inLeith,the king's sister, Mary, wife of the Earl of Arran, informed her husband that the king was planning to have him arrested, and the couple fled together to Denmark by sea, and then toBruges,where they were soon joined by Lord Boyd, who fled there from England. At a Parliament held in November, Lord Boyd, his brother, Sir Alexander, and the Earl of Arran, were all found guilty oftreasonand their peerages were forfeited. Sir Alexander was condemned to death and beheaded.[18]James III married 13-year-old Margaret of Denmark in July 1469 atHolyrood Abbey,Edinburgh,in a service overseen by Archibald Crawford, theAbbot of Holyrood.The marriage produced three sons:James, Duke of Rothesay,James, Duke of Ross,andJohn, Earl of Mar.

James III began his personal rule in 1469, yet his exercise of royal power was affected by the fact that he was one of the few Stewart monarchs who had to contend with the problem of an adult, legitimate brother. In 1469 James had two surviving younger brothers,Alexander, Duke of AlbanyandJohn, Earl of Mar,then aged fourteen and about twelve, and three Stewart half-uncles (the earls ofAthollandBuchan,and theBishop of Moray), and each of them would complicate the politics of the reign. From the positive beginnings after his assumption of active control of government in 1469, James III's relationship with Parliament would lead to opposition, criticism, and outright confrontation over his foreign and domestic policies. The failure of the king to listen to the grievances raised by the three estates, or to abide by the concessions he made to them, were significant causes of the two major rebellions in 1482–1483 and 1488.[19]

Foreign schemes and alliance with England[edit]

James's policies during the early 1470s revolved primarily around ambitious continental schemes to emphasize the prestige of the king and the Stewart dynasty, expand the territory under James's rule, and agree to an alliance with England. The main business of the parliament James III called in 1471 was the granting of a tax to fund an embassy to the continent to allow him to act as arbitrator betweenCharles the Bold,Duke of Burgundy,andLouis XI of France.The embassy would also seek aBurgundianor French marriage for the king's sister,Margaret.[20]In February 1472, James's second continental scheme saw him ask Parliament to fund his plan to lead an army of 6,000 men to assert his tenuous claim to theDuchy of Brittany,which derived from his aunt,Isabella.Parliament granted a tax of £5,000 to fund the sending of this army to the continent as part of a Franco-Scottish invasion againstFrancis II, Duke of Brittany,though protests by the clergy about the king leading an army abroad while he had no issue to succeed him eventually led to James abandoning his plans for an invasion of Brittany.[21]That same year James also acted as an intermediary in negotiations between Denmark and France.[22]

In April 1473, the battle of succession forGueldersbetween James's grandfather,Arnold, Duke of Guelders,and his sonAdolf,provided the king with another continental scheme. The deposition of Arnold by his son in 1465, and his reinstatement at the hands of Charles the Bold in 1471, had left Arnold wishing to alter the succession to prevent the duchy falling to either his son or the Duke of Burgundy, and in 1472 he asked James or one of his brothers to travel to Guelders and take possession of the duchy.[23]Duke Arnold died in February 1473, and with him, any serious likelihood of putting his succession plans into effect, but James III was undaunted and sent an ambassador to Charles the Bold to press his claim. James also sent ambassadors to France offering military aid to Louis XI against England in return for a pension of 60,000 crowns a year and to reassert the claim James's father had made to the French province ofSaintonge,a claim which dated back to the Treaty of Perth-Chinon betweenJames I of ScotlandandCharles VII of Francewhen the province was offered to the Scottish king in return for an army of Scottish troops which were never sent.[24]These unrealistic schemes resulted in parliamentary criticism, especially since the king was reluctant to deal with the more mundane business of administering justice at home. Parliament opposed James's plans to leave the country and, in refusing to condone the king's requests, also attempted to persuade the king to turn to the administration of justice. The king's failure to take an active and personal role in the same, and his use of remissions and respites as a source of money, would prove one of the most frequently occurring themes in Parliament for the rest of the reign.[25]

In October 1474, James III concluded a truce withEdward IV of Englandwhich was intended to (but did not) last for forty-five years, and was to be accompanied by a marriage alliance between James's heir, the infantDuke of Rothesay,and Edward's daughter,Cecily of York,when both of them reached marriageable age. The prospective bride's dowry was 20,000 marks sterling, which would be paid in advance in annual instalment of 2,000 marks over a period of seventeen years. On 20 February 1472, Parliament brought the negotiations[clarification needed],which had begun with the Treaty of Copenhagen, to an end by annexing and uniting theearldom of Orkneyand the lordship of Shetland to the Scottish Crown.[26]In theory, Christian I of Denmark or his successors could still redeem the islands by paying the balance of Queen Margaret's dowry; but in practice, with Christian's continuing financial difficulties and the strong control the Scottish Crown exercised over Orkney and Shetland, this was highly unlikely.[27]This Anglo-Scottish treaty, the first alliance between the two kingdoms in the fifteenth century, preserved the peace between Scotland and England and provided James III with a substantial financial gain. By 1479, he had amassed 8,000 marks in English dowry payments - roughly the equivalent of his annual income from regular sources.[28]James would continue to press for English alliances for the rest of his reign, although he also sought a marriage alliance withMary of Burgundyfor his brother Albany in 1477, and renewed the Franco-Scottish alliance withCharles VIII of Francein 1484.[29]However, the peace policy was unpopular in Scotland and went against the traditional enmity between the two kingdoms. Opposition was particularly associated with Albany and was one of the causes of his estrangement from the king and James's unpopularity by 1479.

Lord of the Isles[edit]

James III turned to unfinished business from his father's reign in 1475: the destruction ofJohn MacDonald,Lord of the IslesandEarl of Ross.[30]The greatest lord inGaelic Scotland,John ruled over sprawling territories in theHebrides,thewestern Highlandsand the north-east. In 1462 John had agreed to theTreaty of Westminsterwith Edward IV of England, a treaty which proposed that if Scotland was conquered by Edward, the kingdom would be partitioned, with the lands north of theFirth of Forthto be divided between the Lord of the Isles and theEarl of Douglas,and held from the English crown.[31]The confrontation began in September 1475, when John was accused of a number of offences against the Crown, including treasonable dealings with England and the Earl of Douglas, and besiegingRothesay Castle.When John did not appear for trial before Parliament in December, he was declared forfeit.[32]The earls ofLennox,Argyll,AthollandHuntlywere ordered to pursue John MacDonald and invade his territories.[33]The Lord of the Isles appeared before the king in Edinburgh in July 1476 and the forfeiture was rescinded. The earldom of Ross was annexed to the Crown,Kintyre,Knapdale,and the offices ofsheriffofInvernessandNairnwere lost, and the Lord of the Isles was reduced to a mereLord of Parliament.[34]On the day of the forfeiture of the Lord of the Isles, James III had Parliament approve hisact of revocation.The king stood at the height of his power, having removed the Boyds, annexed Orkney and Shetland, humbled the Archbishop of St Andrews, agreed to peace and an alliance with England, and forfeited the Lord of the Isles.[35]His authority now extended from the Northern Isles to Berwick-upon-Tweed, and across the Lordship of the Isles.

Parliament, Mar and Albany[edit]

James III's pursuit of unpopular and arbitrary policies saw increasing opposition in Parliament, with the most criticism directed towards the king's failure to go out onJustice Ayres,his making money from granting remissions for serious crimes, and his frequent recourse to taxation.[36]Complaints from Parliament that royal justice was not being actively administered by the king in person occurred throughout his reign, partly due to his practice of delegating responsibility to appointed justices and allowing Ayres to be held without his presence.[37]

James III's "low-born" favourites at court and in government began to alienate many of his bishops and nobles. The most high-profile royal favourites wasWilliam Scheves,who began his career in royal service in 1471 as a court physician, before his rapid promotion asArchdeacon of St Andrews,deanofDunkeld,andcoadjutorofSt Andrews,before being appointed asArchbishop of St Andrews.Other unpopular favourites includedJohn Ramsay, 1st Lord BothwellandRobert Cochrane.In 1479 conflict developed between the king and his two brothersJohn, Earl of MarandAlexander, Duke of Albany.The Earl of Mar was imprisoned atCraigmillar Castlefor unspecified reasons, and died there in mysterious circumstances. The reasons behind James III's assault on Albany have been difficult to understand. Albany had helped James to power in 1469, and was an effectiveWarden of the Marches,having resisted an incursion byRichard, Duke of Gloucesterin 1474. It has been suggested that the most likely causes of the rift between James and Albany were the latter's opposition to the Anglo-Scottish alliance, his being responsible for serious violations of the truce, and his abuse of his position and challenge to royal authority by the ruthless enforcement of justice in theMarches.[38]

In May 1479, Albany was accused oftreasonfor arming and provisioningDunbar Castleagainst the king, assisting known rebels and deliberately causing trouble on theAnglo-Scottish border,in violation of the truce between Scotland and England.[39]Albany fled by sea toParis,where in September 1479 he was welcomed byKing Louis XI,and received royal favour by his marriage toAnne de La Tour d'Auvergne.[40]

War with England[edit]

Since the treaty of October 1474, relations between Scotland and England had remained generally peaceful. Edward IV continued to pay the annual instalments of the dowry for his daughter's future marriage to James III's heir, and both kingdoms avoided any significant breaches of the truce.[41]In 1478 James proposed strengthening the alliance with England still further by offering his sister Margaret as a bride for Edward IV's brother-in-law,Anthony Woodville, 2nd Earl Rivers.Soon afterwards, however, the truce began to break down, with several instances of Scottish cross-border raiding and pillaging. In 1480 Edward IV sent an envoy to Edinburgh with what was essentially adeclaration of war,informing James that the English king intended to wage war against the Scots unless his demands were met: that the Scots make reparations for breaches of the truce; that James return Berwick, Roxburgh and Coldingham to English dominion; and that James do homage to Edward for the Scottish Crown. However, Edward was prepared to maintain the peace if James would surrender Berwick and hand over his son and heir as a guarantee of his intention to carry through with the marriage of the Duke of Rothesay and Cecily of York.[42]Richard, Duke of Gloucesterwas appointedlieutenant-general,and commissions for the defence of the border were issued inYorkshire,Cumberland,andNorthumberland.But during the summer of 1480, theEarl of Anguscarried out a large-scale raid into Northumberland, culminating in the burning ofBamburgh Castle.[43]By October, James III had written toLouis XI of Franceasking for guns and artillerymen to repulse further attacks.[44]The spring and autumn of 1481 saw English ships raid theForth,attackingBlackness Castleand harassing shipping. There does not seem to have been a land-based invasion of Scotland, but there were three raids into England by a Scottish army in that year. Edward IV had made invasion preparations and began to travel north, but went no further thanNottingham.[45]In 1482, Edward IV launched a full-scale invasion led by the Duke of Gloucester, the futureRichard III.James's brother Alexander, styled "Alexander IV", was included as part of the invasion party. James, in attempting to lead his subjects against the invasion, was arrested by a group of disaffected nobles atLauderBridge in July 1482. It has been suggested that the nobles were already in league with Alexander. The king was imprisoned inEdinburgh Castleand a new regime, led by "lieutenant-general" Alexander, became established during the autumn of 1482. Meanwhile, the English army, unable to takeEdinburgh Castle,ran out of money and returned to England, havingtaken Berwick-upon-Tweedfor the last time.

Restoration to power[edit]

Whilst imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle, James was politically sidelined from July 1482 to early 1483, and his two half-uncles (includingAndrew Stewart) managed to form a brief replacement government with his brother Alexander, Duke of Albany, in place as acting lieutenant-general of the realm.[46]He was eventually freed by late September 1482.[46]After having been freed, James was able to regain power by buying off members of Albany's government, such that by December 1482, Albany's government was collapsing. From 1483, he was able to "steadily reduce any remaining support for Albany".[46]In particular, Albany's attempt to claim the vacantearldom of Marled to the intervention of the powerfulGeorge Gordon, 2nd Earl of Huntly,on the king's side.

In January 1483, Albany fled to his estates atDunbar.The death of his patron, Edward IV, on 9 April left Albany in an untenable position and he fled to England, letting an English garrison into his stronghold ofDunbar Castle.A year later he return for another attempted invasion with the long-exiled 9th Earl of Douglas. Following theBattle of Lochmaben,he was forced to flee back to England a second time. His titles and estates were forfeited to the crown.[46]Following this, recent research has suggested he may have returned again to Scotland in 1485 but was caught and imprisoned in the same castle where James had been incarcerated.[46]Chronicler Adam Abell's account of Albany escaping from Edinburgh castle after killing his guard and climbing down the castle walls using a rope made of bedsheets has some circumstantial corroborating evidence.[46]This was Albany's final incursion, after which he returned to France where accounts claim he was killed in a joust.

James III, meanwhile, returned to his policies for the 1470s, above all of alliance with England. In August 1484 James III proposed a truce and alliance withRichard IIIand a marriage between the Duke of Rothesay and Anne de la Pole, Richard's niece.

OnLaetare Sunday,5 March 1486,Pope Innocent VIIIblessed aGolden Roseand sent it to James III. It was an annual custom to send the rose to a deserving prince. Giacomo Passarelli,Bishop of Imola,brought the rose to Scotland and returned to London to complete the dispensation for the marriage ofHenry VII of England.[47]In 1486 and 1487 James proposed a truce with England and the marriage of his second son, James,Marquess of Ormond,toCatherine of York,the sister-in-law ofHenry VII of England.In April 1487 the Pope granted James III anindultwhich strengthened the power of the Scottish Crown over ecclesiastical appointments, allowing the king and his successors to effectively appoint their own candidates when vacancies occurred in cathedrals and monasteries.[48]

Despite a lucky escape in 1482, when he easily could have been murdered or executed in an attempt to bring his son to the throne, James did not reform his behaviour during the 1480s. Obsessive attempts to secure alliance with England continued, although they made little sense given the prevailing politics. He continued to favour a group of "familiars" unpopular with the more powerful magnates. He refused to travel for the implementation of justice and remained invariably resident in Edinburgh. He was also estranged from his wife,Margaret of Denmark,who lived at Stirling Castle with her sons.

Rebellion and death at Sauchieburn[edit]

The tomb of King James III and Queen Margaret,Cambuskenneth Abbey

In January 1488, James III used a meeting of Parliament to publicly reward those who had been loyal to him in the past and tried to gain supporters by creating four newLords of Parliament.He also raised his second son,James, Marquess of Ormond,to the dignity ofDuke of Ross.Coming after the king's negotiations in 1486 and 1487 for a marriage alliance for his second son, it was clearly designed to enhance his status and make him a more attractive prospect as a bridegroom, and only furthered the perception amongst the king's opponents that he was favouring his second son at the expense of the heir to the throne.[49]But opposition to James was led by the Earls ofAngusandArgyll,and theHomeand Hepburn families. James's heir, the fifteen-year-oldJames, Duke of Rothesay,leftStirling Castlewithout his father's knowledge on 2 February 1488, marking the beginning of a four-month rebellion against James III.

Prince James became, perhaps reluctantly, the figurehead of the rebels, whose aim seems to have been the establishment of a council of regency, with the Prince as its figurehead and the king in protective custody.[50]The rebels claimed that they had removed Prince James from Stirling to protect him from his vindictive father, who had surrounded himself with wicked Anglophile counsellors.[51]Like the Prince, many of the rebels also feared for their safety if James III continued to rule.[52]The king made more enemies among his nobles by dismissing the Earl of Argyll from theChancellorship,for reasons which remain a mystery, and replacing him withWilliam Elphinstone,theBishop of Aberdeen.[53]

James III sought armed assistance fromHenry VII of Englandand moved north from Edinburgh toAberdeenin March, probably realising that his position in Edinburgh was becoming precarious, with the Duke of Rothesay and the rebel army nearby, either at Linlithgow or Stirling.[54]The king failed to raise support for the royal cause in the north-east and then made the mistake of agreeing to negotiate a settlement with the rebels, before promptly breaking his word and, on the advice of his half-uncle theEarl of Buchan,marching south from Aberdeen to settle the rebellion by force, which lost him the support of several more nobles.[55]Following an inconclusive skirmish between the royal and rebel forces atBlackness Castle,James III retreated to the safety of Edinburgh Castle, where he rewarded his supporters and attempted to gain new ones by distributing cash, jewels and land.[56]Matters came to a head in June 1488 when James III left Edinburgh Castle and led his army towards Stirling. The royal and rebel armies joined battle south of Stirling on 11 June 1488 at theBattle of Sauchieburn,on what contemporaries described as the "field of Stirling".[57][58]

James III was killed at some stage during the course of the battle, although the circumstances of the king's death are unclear, and it took some time to establish with certainty that the king had been killed. The 16th century chroniclersAdam AbellandJohn Lesleyalleged that James III was slain in Milton mill on theBannock Burn.[59]Each new account added unflattering, but probably invented, details.Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie,writing in 1576, states that the king fled to Stirling, but was thrown from his horse and fainted near Milton mill, where he was cared for by the miller and his wife. As the retreat of the royal forces to Stirling was taking place, the king came to and called for a priest to make his confession. A priest (possibly a servant of Lord Gray, one of the rebel lords) who was passing by asked where the king was and, on being led to the king, stabbed him to death.George Buchanansays that James fell from his horse whilst fleeing to one of his ships, stationed in the Forth, rather than to Stirling. He took refuge in some mills but being overtaken, he was slain there, with a few attendants. There is no evidence available to corroborate any of the sixteenth century allegations of cowardly behaviour, and the subsequent parliamentary account stated only the king "happened to be slain" as a result of his own poor decisions. In effect, it argued, the king killed himself, a convenient conclusion for the new regime to reach. Yet Norman Macdougall's modern biography notes the indictment of John Ross of Montgrenan at the same parliament alleged the king left the field on Ross's advice and was then killed by unknown vile persons.[60]

James III was buried beside his queen in front of the high altar ofCambuskenneth Abbey.His son and successor, James IV, attended the ceremony and in atonement for his involvement in his father's death, from 1496 appointed a chaplain to sing for the salvation of their souls; records of this continued until theScottish Reformation.[61]The remains of James and Margaret were re-interred under a new stone monument atQueen Victoria's expense in 1865.[62]

Marriage and issue[edit]

James married Margaret of Denmark atHolyrood Abbey,Edinburgh, in July 1469. They had three children:

Name Birth Death Notes
James IV 17 March 1473 9 September 1513 James's successor as King of Scots
James, Duke of Ross March 1476 January 1504 Archbishop of St Andrews(1497–1504)
Lord Chancellor of Scotland(1502–1504)
John, Earl of Mar December 1479 11 March 1503

Fictional portrayals[edit]

James III has been depicted in plays, historical novels and short stories. They include the following:

  • Lord in Waiting(1994) by Nigel Tranter. The book takes place in the years 1474–1488. It covers events of the reign of James III as seen from the perspective of "Sir John Douglas", brother ofArchibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus.[citation needed]James III is depicted as influenced byWilliam Sheves,the court astrologer and alchemist, later Archbishop of St Andrews. Douglas would rather have Mary Stewart (see above) on the throne.[citation needed]
  • "Sunset at Noon" by Jane Oliver (1955), a fictional account of the life of James IV and the Battle of Flodden.



  1. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 2.
  2. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 20.
  3. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 20.
  4. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 208.
  5. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 24.
  6. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 26.
  7. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 30.
  8. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 34.
  9. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 51.
  10. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 225.
  11. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 225.
  12. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 227.
  13. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 56.
  14. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 56.
  15. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 58.
  16. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 59.
  17. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 62.
  18. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 63.
  19. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 234.
  20. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 240.
  21. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 240.
  22. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 91.
  23. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 246.
  24. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 246.
  25. ^Tanner, Roland,The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424–1488(John Donald, 2001), p. 249.
  26. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 75.
  27. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 75.
  28. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 135.
  29. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 135.
  30. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 135.
  31. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 136.
  32. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 136.
  33. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 137.
  34. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 138.
  35. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 138.
  36. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 150.
  37. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 150.
  38. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 290.
  39. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 290.
  40. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 290.
  41. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 310.
  42. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 310.
  43. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 311.
  44. ^Calendar State Papers Milan,vol. 1 (London, 1912), p. 245.
  45. ^Ross, Charles,Edward IV(University of California, 1974), pp. 281–323.
  46. ^abcdefStevenson 2014,p. 84.
  47. ^Calendar State Papers Milan,vol. 1 (1912), p. 247: Burns, Charles, "Papal Gifts" inInnes Review,20 (1969), pp. 150–194: Chrimes, Stanley,Henry VII,Yale (1999), 66, 330–331
  48. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009).[page needed]
  49. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 219.
  50. ^Lynch, Michael,Scotland: A New History(Pimlico, 1992), p. 157.
  51. ^Macdougall, Norman,James IV,p. 39.
  52. ^Macdougall, Norman,James IV,p. 40.
  53. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 227.
  54. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 228.
  55. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 229.
  56. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 234.
  57. ^Macdougall, Norman,James III(John Donald, 2009), p. 234.
  58. ^Mackie, R.L.,James IV,(1958), pp. 36–44.
  59. ^Recent archaeological survey of Milton, alleged site of assassinationArchived3 March 2012 at theWayback MachineScotlandsplaces.gov.uk Retrieved on 2011-10-02.
  60. ^Macdougall,James III(John Donald, 2009), pp. 507–508
  61. ^Macdougall, Norman. "James III".Oxford Dictionary of National Biography(online ed.). Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/14589.(Subscription orUK public library membershiprequired.)
  62. ^Grave of James III inscription
  63. ^"Edinburgh International Festival 2014".Archived fromthe originalon 27 January 2017.Retrieved12 October2014.
  64. ^"The Unicorn Hunt by Dorothy Dunnett | PenguinRandomHouse.com".Retrieved11 January2017.


  • Macdougall, Norman,James III, A Political Study,John Donald (1982)
  • Macdougall, Norman,James III,John Donald (2009), a fully revised and updated edition with substantially different conclusions on James III's career compared to the 1982 edition.
  • Stevenson, Katie(2014).Power and Propaganda: Scotland 1306–1488.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.ISBN978-0748694204.
  • Coombs, B. Material Diplomacy: A Continental Manuscript Produced for James III, Edinburgh University Library, MS 195.The Scottish Historical Review(October), 2019

External links[edit]

James III of Scotland
Born:1451/2Died:11 June 1488
Regnal titles
Preceded by King of Scots
3 August 1460 – 11 June 1488
Succeeded by
Peerage of Scotland
Title last held by
James (II)
Duke of Rothesay
Title next held by
James (IV)