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Ji Sang

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Ji Sang
Cấp tang
Grand General ( đại tương quân ) (Self-appointed)
In office
MonarchEmperor Hui of Jin
Personal details
Died11 January 308

Ji Sang(died 11 January 308) was a Chinese rebel of theWestern Jin dynasty.During his days as a shepherd, he befriended aJieslave whom he would nameShi Le(the future Emperor Ming ofLater Zhao). The two raised a personal army and later joinedSima Ying'sretainer, Gongshi Fan ( công sư phiên ), who rose up to avenge the prince after his removal. Following Gongshi Fan's death, Ji Sang and Shi Le continued on their own, sacking the city ofYein the process. They were finally defeated by the Jin generalGou Xi,and Ji Sang was assassinated by theQihuoin 308.



Ji Sang was either from Beiqiu County (southeast of present-dayBoxing County,Shandong) inQinghe Commanderyor Yangping Commandery ( dương bình; present-dayQingfeng County,Henan). He was widely admired at the time for his strengths, as it was said he was capable of lifting extremely heavy weights and his breathing could be heard from great distances.[1]

He worked in a group of horse shepherds that were operating next to the household of Shi Huan ( sư hoàn ) inChiping County.In 304, he befriended one of Shi Huan's slave, Bei (㔨) (or Fule ( bặc lặc )), a Jie man who later went on to establish one of the most pivotal states of theSixteen Kingdoms,Later Zhao.After Bei was released in 305, the two men agreed to become bandits, recruiting hundreds of men under their wing. Ji Sang also gave Bei his more commonly known name,Shi Le.[2]

That same year, the Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying, was removed from his position of crown prince. His general Gongshi Fan, rose up against the Prince of Donghai,Sima Yue,so Ji Sang and Shi Le joined him. Gongshi Fan was killed the following year in 306, after he was defeated by Sima Yue's general Gou Xi. Ji Sang fled back to the pasture he once worked at together with Shi Le, assembling new men to fight for their cause and plundering the region. He declared himself Grand General, stating his intentions to avenge the now deceased Sima Ying. He also made Shi Le his General Who Routs the Caitiffs.[3]

Ji Sang resumed his fight with Jin in early 307, when he attacked the city of Ye. Ji Sang first defeated the general Feng Song ( phùng tung ) before continuing to advance to the city. The Prince of Xincai and commander of Ye,Sima Teng,fled the city, but was killed by Ji Sang's general, Li Feng ( lý phong ). After entering the city, Ji Sang dug up the coffin of Sima Ying and placed it in a cart. It is said that after acquiring the coffin, Ji Sang would talk to it as if he was consulting Sima Ying for advice. Ji Sang sacked the city and left it to burn for ten days before leaving.[4]

Ji Sang marched south of theYellow Riverand began threateningYanzhou.Sima Yue, now regent toEmperor Hui of Jin,worried greatly and sent his generals, Gou Xi and Wang Zan ( vương tán ) to subdue Ji Sang. Ji Sang and Shi Le were locked in a stalemate with Gou Xi for months atPingyuanand Yangping ( dương bình; in present-dayShen County,Shandong). On 14 September, Gou Xi routed Ji Sang at Dongwuyang ( đông võ dương; in present-day Shen County, Shandong), forcing him to retreat to Qingyuan ( thanh uyên; in present-dayLinxi County,Hebei). Gou Xi pursued him and defeated him again, killing many of his followers. Ji Sang and Shi Le took the decision to flee toLiu Yuan'sstate ofHan-Zhao,but along the way, they were intercepted and beaten by Ding Shao ( đinh thiệu ).[5]

After their defeat to Ding Shao, Ji Sang and Shi Le were separated from each other. Ji Sang fled to his pasture while Shi Le fled to Leping ( nhạc bình; in present-dayJinzhong,Shanxi) to join Liu Yuan. Although Shi Le managed to reach Liu Yuan, Ji Sang was not so lucky. A group of loyalists to Sima Teng called the Qihuo were angry about Ji Sang's killing of their late master. They raised their troops and killed Ji Sang at Leling ( nhạc lăng; present-dayYangxin County, Shandong) on 11 January 308, finally ending the conflict between Sima Yue and Sima Ying's retainers.[6]



A story tells that on a hot summer in one year, Ji Sang wrapped himself in pelts and asked someone to fan him. When he no longer felt cool, he had the fanner executed. A song titled "Song of Bingzhou( tịnh châu ca ) "was composed and sung by soldiers following his death which referenced this event:[7]

Sĩ vi tương quân hà khả tu,

An infantryman made himself a general, how shameful!

Lục nguyệt trọng nhân bị nạp cừu,

In the sixth month layering on clothing and donning leopard hide,

Bất thức hàn thử đoạn tha đầu.

Unable to distinguish cold from heat he severed a man's head.

Hùng nhi điền lan vi báo cừu, The heroic lad Tian Lan enacted retribution on the foe,

Trung dạ trảm thủ tạ tịnh châu.

In the middle of the night [he] beheaded [him] to recompense. Bingzhou!”


  1. ^( cấp tang, bình dương nhân, nhất vân thanh hà bối khâu nhân. Niên nhị thập dư, lực năng giang bách quân, hô văn sổ lí, thời nhân phục chi, thường sự thành đô vương tư mã dĩnh. )Spring and Autumn Annals of the Sixteen Kingdoms(Shiliu Guo Chunqiu), Volume 22
  2. ^( sư gia lân ô mã mục, lặc dữ mục soái cấp tang vãng lai tương thác, toại chiêu tập vương dương, quỳ an, chi hùng, ký bảo, ngô dự, lưu ưng, diêu báo, lục minh, quách ngao, lưu trưng, lưu bảo, trương ê phó, hô diên mạc, quách hắc lược, trương việt, khổng đồn, triệu lộc, chi khuất lục đẳng, đông như xích long, lục ký chư uyển, thừa uyển mã hoàn lược tăng bảo dĩ lộ cấp tang. Thành đô vương dĩnh chi phế dã, dĩnh cố tương dương bình nhân công sư phiên đẳng tự xưng tương quân, khởi binh triệu ngụy, chúng chí sổ vạn, lặc dữ cấp tang suất mục nhân, thừa uyển mã sổ bách kỵ dĩ phó chi. Ô thị tang thủy mệnh lặc dĩ thạch vi tính, dĩ lặc vi danh. Phiên bái vi tiền đội đốc. )Book of (Northern) Wei(Wei Shu), Volume 95
  3. ^( phiên chiến bại thân tử, lặc dữ cấp tang vong tiềm uyển trung. Dĩnh chi tương như hà bắc dã, cấp tang dĩ lặc vi phục dạ nha môn, suất mục nhân kiếp lược quận huyện hệ tù, hợp quân dĩ ứng chi, truân vu bình thạch. Tang tự hào đại tương quân, tiến quân công nghiệp, dĩ lặc vi tiền phong đô úy. Công nghiệp, khắc chi. )Book of (Northern) Wei,95
  4. ^( công sư phiên ký tử, cấp tang đào hoàn uyển trung, canh tụ chúng kiếp lược quận huyện, tự xưng đại tương quân, thanh ngôn vi thành đô vương báo cừu; dĩ thạch lặc vi tiền khu, sở hướng triếp khắc, thự lặc thảo lỗ tương quân, toại tiến công nghiệp. Thời nghiệp trung phủ khố không kiệt, nhi tân thái võ ai vương đằng tư dụng thậm nhiêu. Đằng tính lận sắc, vô sở chấn huệ, lâm cấp, nãi tứ tương sĩ mễ các sổ thăng, bạch các trượng xích, dĩ thị nhân bất vi dụng. Hạ, ngũ nguyệt, tang đại phá ngụy quận thái thủ phùng tung, trường khu nhập nghiệp, đằng khinh kỵ xuất bôn, vi tang tương lý phong sở sát. Tang xuất thành đô vương dĩnh quan, tái chi xa trung, mỗi sự khải nhi hậu hành. Toại thiêu nghiệp cung, hỏa tuần nhật bất diệt; sát sĩ dân vạn dư nhân, đại lược nhi khứ. Tế tự diên tân, nam kích duyện châu. Thái phó việt đại cụ, sử cẩu hi cập tương quân vương tán thảo chi. )Zizhi Tongjian,Volume 86
  5. ^( phá chi. Việt hoàn vu hứa. ) Book of Jin, Volume 59
  6. ^([ vĩnh gia nguyên niên ] thập nhị nguyệt, mậu dần, khất hoạt điền chân, điền lan, bạc thịnh đẳng khởi binh, vi tân thái vương đằng báo thù, trảm cấp tang vu nhạc lăng. Khí thành đô vương dĩnh quan ô cố tỉnh trung, dĩnh cố thần thu táng chi. )Zizhi Tongjian,Volume 86
  7. ^M. Davis, Timothy (2015).Entombed Epigraphy and Commemorative Culture in Early Medieval China: A Brief History of Early Muzhiming.Brill.ISBN9004306420.