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Joachim a Burck

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Joachim von Burck,alsoJoachim a BurgkorJoachim Moller(Burg,1546-Mühlhausen,24 May 1610) was a German composer, notable for an early German Passion setting.[1][2][3] AsJohann Sebastian Bach's predecessor at the church of St Blasius, he pioneered the musical life in post-Reformation Mühlhausen, bringing it to early fruition.[4]Influenced by the tradition of Flemish polyphony and the Italian madrigal, he developed his own style, focusing on clarity of expression. Considering himself a servant to the word of God, he discovered the German language as the foundation of his work, pragmatically addressing the congregation: "for I have aimed to set the words to the music in a manner that almost each syllable has its own note and that the four parts sing the words simultaneously in order that the listener can hear the words clearly."[5] Burck's compositions were widely disseminated and acclaimed for their suitability for common use.


  1. ^Walter Dietrich, Hubert Herkommer König David, biblische Schlüsselfigur und europäische Leitgestalt: 2003... - Page 644 "... nach dem Tod Luthers (1574) veröffentlichte Joachim a Burgk (Burck) (1546-1610) eine «Passion Jesu Christi,"
  2. ^Nouvelle revue du XVIe siècleSociété française des seiziémistes - 1990 - Numéro 8 - Page 122 "Passions, Von Burck, Herold, Demantius. ERATO 2292 45463-2. L'ensemble vocal Sagittarius, dirigé par Michel Laplénie, a enregistré une partie du programme donné dans le cadre des «Pâques Musicales d'Aix-Les- Bains», le Vendredi..."
  3. ^Howard E. SmitherA History of the Oratorio: Vol. 2: The Oratorio in the Baroque1977 Page 8 "... of the Passion and Suffering of Our One Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ," 1594).:1 Other through-composed historiae are those by Joachim a Burck (1568),11Johann Steurlin(1576),Johann Machold(1593),Johannes Herold(1594), 13 andChristoph Demantius(1631)... "
  4. ^A Pioneer's Passion, in: Vienna Vocal Consort PASSION, klanglogo KL1403 (booklet)
  5. ^Radecke, Thomas: 450 - Meister Joachim, Festschrift, Burg und Mühlhausen 1996