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John of Kastav

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John of Kastav. Detail of the painting of the church in Hrastovlje. 1490

John of Kastav(Latin:Johannes de Castua;Croatian:Ivan iz Kastva;Slovene:Janez iz Kastva) was a 15th-centuryIstrianartist, a native ofKastav(Croatia).

He painted the frescoes in theChurch of the Holy Trinity, Hrastovlje,which included a famousDanse Macabre.[1][2]According to the inscription, which identifies the artist asmagister Johannes de Castua,the frescoes were commissioned by Tomić Vrhović, the parish priest ofKubed,and completed in 1490.[3]


  1. ^Norm Longley,The Rough Guide to Slovenia(2004), p. 189.
  2. ^Tomislav Vignjević,Ples smrti: prispevki k ikonografiji mrtvaškega plesa v Bermu in v Hrastovljah.Koper: Založba Annales, 2007. With summaries in Italian and English: "La danza della morte: contributi all'iconografia della danza della morte di Vermo e Cristoglie"; "The Dance of Death: contributions to the iconography of the dance of death in Beram and Hrastovlje".ISBN978-961-6033-91-6.Reviewed by Barbara Španjol-Pandelo inIkon,1 (2008), pp. 295-298.
  3. ^Fučić, Branko(2006).Iz istarske spomeničke baštine[From the Istrian Monumental Heritage] (in Croatian). Vol. 1. Matica hrvatska. p. 318.ISBN9789531507790.